What Integrated Amp do You use

        What integrated amp do you use, i picked up a Parasound Hint6 and totally fell in love. This thing is such a perfect all around performer, i was curious as to what other Integrated Amp people where using and why
I have both the Blackhawk and the Parasound in rotation. They are both excellent. The Parasound actually has a wider soundstage, amazingly lifelike vocals, esp female. The Blackhawk seems to present more detail esp in the upper registers, and degree dependent on the row 3 tubes chosen. Both are surpassed by my Simaudio Moon 340i, which has the best qualities of both—but all three are superb, and I can imagine a more committed rank order by someone with different ears. Although I would be surprised to hear the Parasound chosen over the Simaudio Moon!
re reading this entire thread, i am struck by what a wealth of high performing integrated amps we have in this present day... so wonderful to have such an extensive range of choices, using different technologies, at different price points, with different features integrated

of course, we have lost many brick n mortar stores to let those in the market to buy one to easily hear/audition... but with such a lively used gear market, many of these can be economically auditioned at home if one makes a bit of an effort

in this chaotic world we live in, it is actually wonderful time to be a music lover and hifi enthusiast!
Esoteric F-05.  Purchased it after realizing that a Rega Elicit R I purchased, while an excellent product simply didn't have the muscle to drive my ATC 19 v2'  properly.  While on paper the amplifiers have sort of similar power ratings the Esoteric takes the ATC' from a whisper to utterly explosive levels with a clarity that' just on another level from my Rega.  Very Happy with it.
darTZeel CTH-8550 integrated amplifier

If you can afford a new one buy it, if you find a used one buy it, you will never look back.  With integrated MC phono, you may never consider separates again.  
ML 585.5 here.  Got a screaming deal on a new unit and pulled the trigger. Didn't have a chance to compare to others, figured it was in the top of the range I'd be looking at and would make it work.  Paired it with a pair of Devore Gibbon X's and have been extremely pleased. Speakers were powered by a class A amp previously and really didn't shine.  Oh how a little power changed that tune. System is a bit warm but that is probably my cables which are legacy, known to be warm and due for replacement next.  The other amp I really wanted to try was the Luxman 590, which I still hope to test someday. 
I use a Raven Blackhawk 3.1 as a daily driver.

Speakers are Ascend Acoustics Sierra Towers w/RAAL.

No complaints.
I had considered the Parasound and heard nothing but good things about it.  However, I’ve always been curious about McIntosh and so I went and listened to an MA8900 and was really, really impressed.  Paired with B&W 804 D3’s, it’s a level above what I had expected.  Both digital and vinyl sound great and I can listen for hours without wishing for more.  I know there are McIntosh hater’s out there, but if you listen and don’t read, you’ll understand why they are still around after all this time.  
My post will be for 'used' as I decided to return to separates.  Had my speakers and space been content with the Audio Research GSi75's power output, I would have likely kept that for many years.  It is a fabulous performer with a wonderful DAC and phonostage included.  I wasn't able to get the volume I wanted so as mentioned, back to separates.  

Before I settled on the separates I tried the ML 5805 and 585.5.  It was a very interesting trial.  The 5805 was first and the power really impressed compared to the GSi75.  It had a glitchy DAC and was only a trial so I returned.  I felt the 585.5 would be the ultimate.  I found a demo for a nice price and bought.  It had the same glitchy DAC that caused intermittent dropouts that drove me nuts.  Exact same problem as the 5805 and ML said they never heard of this.  The 585.5 also had a faulty phonostage that was going to require a service visit to change a cap so I returned it.  The increased power did not translate to much more in my system.  I was simply not impressed with these ML amps.  

I may try some of these recommended components in the future when I start changing things up again....I know it will happen! : )
the EL-34 VTL amp is a real sweetheart;-)

@jjss49 nice post, could not agree more….wonderful level of choice out there…
Rogue Cronus Magnum 3.  I'm very happy with it.  It's an upgrade, and the guys in PA were great.
I have been using a Caryin A-50 TP MK II .This tube amp is fantastic. I driving Polk Lism 707 it sound unbelievable. I Love it.
Pimaluna EVO 100 and absolutely love it and could not be happier for the money spent.
 The sound is amazing on the Bluesound node 2i and better yet on the Innuos mini Mk III. 
I compared it with another high end integrated amp before deciding to try it at home. The comparison against the EVO 100 was roughly 3 times the cost, and 4 times the power. The EVO clearly sounded better. My 89db efficent DYI speakers never sounded so good and all I could want. In my small townhome it will shake the place yet detailed and crystal clear.
Manley Stingray II. One of the best sounding amps I’ve had. Better than Cronus Magnum II by a lot in my system. Have fairly efficient speakers, 92 db. Also beats much more expensive solidstate monoblocks that I’ve had - Mark Levinson 436.
On a par with Pass Labs XA-60.5, but with a different sound character.
NAD C368. My first choice was the Parasound New Classic 200, but I was offered a 25% discount on the former and took the bait.
Budget hobbyist here. I would love to own the Hint 6 if I had the dough to spare. 
Marantz PM-14S1. Probably the last amp I will buy. A beautiful sounding well made product.
Mcintosh MA252 does a very sweet job of driving a vintage pair of Meadowlark Kestral 2s.  I streaming from a rebuilt desktop pc with a 1 terabyte ssd that I've copied my entire CD collection (.flac) through fiber to vintage but top of the line Denon dvd player.  Looking now for a good  deal on a DAC with balanced outputs because of the limited inputs of the 252.
I am currently using a Sansui AU-717 that has been fully restored by QRX restore, this unit sounds awesome & I would not trade it for anything else. Well that is until my BA-F1 & CA-F1 combo come back from being restored as well.

Ahhh...A man of refinement and discerning taste!

I run mine with early 70’s production 7581A’s , early 60’s Tung Sol Black Plate 12BH7A and 60’s production Fisher ECC85 Triple Mica

Stonkingly good 60’s Vintage Japanese Amplifier
A Willsenton kt88 with 4 Gold Lion kt88’s, 3 Psvane CV181’s, and 2 Tungsol 6SL7 tubes. $1250 for the amp delivered. 45 watts in ultra linear, and 22 watts in Triode. Sublime!
@millercarbon, you’re so fortunate to have the foresight to acquire a Melody amplifier. I’ve always wanted one, but didn’t have the vision to acquire one when they were affordable. They went from barely $2k to $10k! Good for you!
Oh well, I don't want anywhere near $10k for mine! Haven't listed it yet, too busy. It really is a nice amp. Mine comes with a few improvements, spare tube sets, full Total Contact treatment, much better than your average Melody.
YBA Integre DT
PrimaLuna Prologue One

They are both excellent with my Reference 3A MM de Capos, especially the YBA.
Line Magnetic 805ia.  48W of Pure Class A SET bliss. Produces dream  sonics when paired with easy to drive speakers.
Musical Fidelity m6si. Can't be beat for the price. Very powerful and very good sounding.
Mesa Boogie Tigris.  I’ve had it for twenty years hooked up to coincident conquest speakers. Always liked the way they sound together..  wouldn’t mind a built in phono pre though… currently using Allnic 1201with nice results….
Anthem STR
Maybe not an end all amp, but very respectable! - for my income bracket. Going on 4 years, not a peep out of it.
Very happy with the sound - some days listen for many hours.(can't stop😎)
It drives my ATC SCM 40's (85 db) very well!
Love the ARC!🍸
PS: Anthem has great customer service 
Plinius 8200MkII … having Ralph totally refresh it … probably my end game, though I must admit a big McIntosh could tempt me if $ were no or minor issue. Hard to justify 4+ times the cost for what I think is only modest improvement (though aesthetically 100 x better).

I would add that I’d repurchase the Don Garber Fi-X integrated in a heartbeat  (that I stupidly sold).
Ayre AX-5 with Magnepan.7’s
Primaluna Evo-400 with Tekton Moabs

Very happy with both integrated

Poor  mans list:
1.Rogue Sphinx v.3 - very decent phono stage.
2.Accuphase E-202 - invisible
3.Pioneer SA-9500II-excellent tone controls
4.McIntosh MA-6100-bought with matching tuner for $20 total, but have spent and spent to keep them going right - like dependents.
Good question. thanks
07-30-2021 4:24pm@cardvn1

Ahhh...A man of refinement and discerning taste….

Thanks @Tsushima1 for your appreciation. I am sorry I was wrong in saying that AU-111 has 7591 tubes. Mine has JJ 6L6GC tubes. 

Esoteric F05SE

the Esoteric was a gem
traded it for an ARC LS10SE D240 MK II

i sold the 518 because it was boring after a while
Symphonic Line La Musica. The fact that i still have this amp a year and a half after purchase speaks volumes about its performance. After 35 years of wheeling and dealing this may be it.
Nova Peachtree 300; I traded in a amp 4 yrs ago online to these guys cuz I couldn't afford a decent pre ever and I have been very happy with it using some pre anniversary edition Harbeth 3.01.
Leben CS-600X with Gold Lion KT-77s, paired with Harbeth SLH-5+, the sound is simply sublime.
Like some of the others, I vote for Primaluna. I have a Prologue Premium, and before that, a Prologue One. Since moving into tubes, I just can't be happy with solid state anymore. I've tried, but it just doesn't work for me. Keep those tubes a rolin', rollin', rollin'.