Vinyl guy seeking recommendation for a top level cd player

I know cds are dead.  Best time to buy a cd player, the way it looks.  I want an all in one box.  I don't stream so a separate DAC is not required.  Most of my cd collection have been ripped to a PC as Flac files and then down loaded to a Sony HAP-Z1ES.  Currently about 3000 Redbook and perhaps 100 SACDs.  The way cds are being dumped I figure on becoming a buyer again so these numbers will go up.  I have looked at Marantz SA10, Esoteric K1 (lightly used), and Luxman D-10X, so far.  It would be good if the sound could approach vinyl.  The Z1 does up to a point.  Listening this morning to the same recordings, the Z1 compares to a high end MM cartridge, but not to a SoundSmith Experion.  Maybe I am asking too much, but in any event a new cd player is being sought.  Thanks in advance for any advice.
I have owned almost all of the  Sony ES players a Marantz SA7S1, an Esoteric K01 and now a Marantz SA10. The Esoteric was an outstanding player, but the SA10 is even better with a more extended and detailed high end and a better depth of field for a third of the cost. It gives my SME 20/2 table a run for the money. It benefits highly from a good power cord. I use a Harmonic Technology Reference cord. Good luck!
K01 is 10 years old. Thats like 4 generations ago. Sounds NOTHING like a current NON Dac Chip Esoteric. SA-10 was a Slight Upgrade from the Pearl K-1 which can be had for a little over 1K now.  I had em all.
The advice you get on this site can be invaluable when making a purchase like you just did. Congrats on your choice of the Luxman D-10X Looking forward to hearing how it sounds in your system.

Hey Bill - I only have experience with the Maratnz SA-10 - and that was only a demo at my local shop - so I'm not an expert. But I found it to have a warmer, sort of softer sound to it over other CD/ DACs I listened to. It's not quite as edgy when the mix is poor or the singer is off. But it has a very comfortable, relaxed sound to it. It's super easy to enjoy. 

Since you're the one who ultimately has to live with it though, I'd suggest seeing if your local dealer will allow you to evaluate a few players for a week or so at a time. My local guy here has allowed me to do that and it's been fantastic because I can hear what it sounds like in my system, in my room. No review, or blog, post, etc, can match that experience imo. 

You might also want to consider the Marantz SACD 30n - it's less than half the price, and that has had fantastic reviews. (Some who compare it to the 10) And, I am familiar with What HiFi - they do a lot of technical items, and they review audio components from very inexpensive to 10k or so. So, I'd "trust" a more audio only publication like Stereophile a little more, but I have found What HiFi to be pretty spot on with their reviews too. 

I hope that this helps you out and wish you the best finding what component you like most! 
I am just in the middle of the same effort.  I came across a brand that I had not heard before … Ayon (from Austria).  I am home demoing the CD35 and CD10.  Tube output, PCM to Digital conversion, upsampling, slow roll of filter.  I am very impressed.  They are not uber detailed (a plus for me as too much gets in the way) but detailed enough for my taste, very musical and involving, great bass.  Have a listen if you can find them.
Thanks again to one and all.  I will report back once I take possession of the D10X and get some time with it.  In the end I think it came down to a choice between the Ken Ishiwata (Marantz) voicing, which tends toward lush mids and highs and more forward, versus the Luxman more analytical and more distant perpective.  The Esoteric that was on offer was older, used, and I was afraid of it for that reason.  Other suggested brands in this discussion were not available to me.  I do have the right of return if necessary, but that is unlikely.

I will report back once I take possession of the D10X and get some time with it.
Really looking forward to hearing your impressions.
I have just done what you were talking about... I had an arcam sacd player but on cd it always sounded far worse than vinyl.

I just bought a pro Ject rs2 cd box which is just a transport. This feeds a chord qutest dac and the result is amazing.... Easily as good as as vinyl like in enjoyability as my rega RP8 / apheta MC setup.

As I have a luxman amp I was tempted by a luxman player as well but cost was a bit more and I had the DAC already. If you can demo one I would recommend... I was lucky enough to have a home demo for 2 weeks although I knew on the first 2 songs this was perfect.... 5 further 4 hour sessions just cemented that thought... Made tidal masters and ripped flacs from my Nas sound thin in comparison (using same DAC)

It doesn't make sense but I like it.... 
I'm waiting for Luxman to release their D-07X SACD player.  The Esoteric models also have my interest but we shall see.
I completely agree with ghdprentice. Just look at his post:
Btw, I have been repeatedly dissatisfied and disappointed by digital for decades… the promise… the failure, rinse, repeat.
He forgets to lather. But aside from that, well said.
This is from someone who thinks a modified Oppo is the best digital can do.


“…. (1) Those worried about the viability of the CD format and getting your player serviced in the future, fear not. Inside the owner’s manual, there is a signature from the technician that assembled your ISIS, another tech that QC’d the electrical and mechanical systems and the tech that tested and archived not one, but two spare laser units. I think it’s safe to say that the ISIS will last longer than most of its owners and I appreciate this attention to detail, with CD transport mechanisms getting scarcer all the time…”

”…. (2) An outstanding DAC that happens to play CD’s, or the other way around?

As the market for high performance CD players is probably nearing its end, Rega gives you the option to use the ISIS as a USB DAC as well. Personally, I’d love to see an SPDIF input on this player, but considering the recent success of the Ayre USB DAC, I’m guessing this is not a deal breaker for the current crop of audiophiles that are more computer based.

While you might be clinging on to your shiny discs for now, the ISIS gives you the options to go both ways and that’s what makes the ISIS such a great value. The DAC performance of the ISIS was also outstanding when streaming files from my Mac Book Pro via the USB input, which is switchable from the front panel or the remote. The only serious drawback to the ISIS is it’s inability to read 24bit/96khz files and this may be the Achilles heel for someone wanting to make this player part of a more computer based system. With 24/96 files becoming the new standard, this will limit your music choices going forward. Personally, I see the ISIS in the same light that I do my Naim 555, a statement CD player for someone with a large collection of physical media...”

Fully appreciate the one box approach and is a good solution for the number of CDs you own. If I remember correctly your Sony has Burr Brown DACs in them which were very popular and good sounding DAC.

I concur with other to look toward an Esoteric of some flavor and would add to listen to one with an AKM AK4497 DAC chips in it. While there are other factors such as analog output stage design and transport that will have an impact on sound, my Linn streamer with their Katalyst DAC  is based on the same chipset and it is simply the best DAC/Analog output stage I have heard or owned. 

Also - this could be your exit market investment in CD playback. Worth a purchase if you will get the use out of it.

"...You misinterpreted my post. A Laser can go out AT ANY TIME..."

I did, I noticed it after I posted and re-read your post. Yes lasers can die abruptly and/or time out.  
Congrats on you purchase of the Luxman. It was on my short list but I wound up with an Ayon. Both are great players.