Vinyl guy seeking recommendation for a top level cd player

I know cds are dead.  Best time to buy a cd player, the way it looks.  I want an all in one box.  I don't stream so a separate DAC is not required.  Most of my cd collection have been ripped to a PC as Flac files and then down loaded to a Sony HAP-Z1ES.  Currently about 3000 Redbook and perhaps 100 SACDs.  The way cds are being dumped I figure on becoming a buyer again so these numbers will go up.  I have looked at Marantz SA10, Esoteric K1 (lightly used), and Luxman D-10X, so far.  It would be good if the sound could approach vinyl.  The Z1 does up to a point.  Listening this morning to the same recordings, the Z1 compares to a high end MM cartridge, but not to a SoundSmith Experion.  Maybe I am asking too much, but in any event a new cd player is being sought.  Thanks in advance for any advice.

Showing 3 responses by ghdprentice

Well, I am sure your theory fits a few people. 

I happen to own a very high end vinyl rig and have 2,000 pristine and audiophile pressing albums that I have collected over a lifetime. My digital / streaming end sounds as good and sometimes better. With the same warmth and musicality. It depends on the components you own and in some cases... your personality if they conform to your theory. 

I agree and completely disagree with Millercarbon. Digital will never approach vinyl for him, I don’t think there is any doubt about that. Look at his system. But for the rest of us simple maniacal audiophiles that is absolutely not true. Over the last couple of years my last upgrades finally put my system where both digital and analog are equally satisfying… CD or streaming… streaming can be a touch better because of all the high Rez content available. My vinyl is slightly more detailed, but by a really small margin. Not something that is immediately apparent (once again for normal avid audiophiles). This is where your values are important. Mine now put musicality over detail, I want and have both… but while I used to strive to have the details as if they were under a bright spotlight. I no long strive for that. I want the music first, with a really strong emotional connection with the details there so if I want to appreciate a single aspect I can. Both my analog end and digital end are immersive and musical. I could tell the difference if blindfolded… but it would take a while. My CD Player / DAC is an Audio Research Ref CD9se with all components ARC reference… there is a lot of synergy there. So, you can do it.

Btw, I have been repeatedly dissatisfied and disappointed by digital for decades… the promise… the failure, rinse, repeat.