Update on Paul Laudati of Clear Day Cable

I was recently informed that Paul passed away last week.  He was 60 years old.  I set up Paul's/Clear Day Cables Facebook page for Paul.  I knew how much it meant to him to provide the very best possible product to his loyal customers.  While I'm not an audio geek, Paul often shared with me the nuances of his products and how the metals affected sound.

If you are a believer, remember Paul in your prayers.  I don't have any other details,  I believe there will be a memorial service in his native New Jersey in about 3-4 weeks.

Thought to post an update here because I knew how much this site meant to Paul.  If anyone is inclined perhaps you could leave a few words on his CDC Facebook page.  I'm sure it would mean a lot to his family, especially at this trying time.

Clear Day Cables


Neal Murray 
So sad to hear about Pauls passing.  I spoke with Paul on the phone for hours on a few different occasions.  Quite possibly the nicest, most warm hearted gentleman that I have spoke to in the entire audio community.  Paul will truly be missed.  My condolences to his family and all of his many friends.  Anyone who had the chance to talk with Paul will definitely miss him.   
The first time I talked to Paul a few years back was about the audio products he made. I contacted him based on all of the testimonials of what a great and honest gentleman  and businessman he was. He was certainly that and so much more as we all know. After 10 or 15 minutes he had answered all of my questions about the cables I would eventually order from him. The additional two hours or so that we talked was fascinating. Each of us talking about the paths in our lives that got us to where we were. That was typical of the many conversations we had by telephone and email. Such an honorable man will certainly be missed by all who were blessed to know him.
Listening through his silver wires has invoked a tear from time-to-time, as being moved by music is something we strive for. However, it's quite rare to be so uplifted from a short encounter with another. He really set a wonderful example to strive for.

May God bless Paul. If anyone deserves His blessing it's him.
Spoke to Paul just once on the phone and exchanged a few emails but you know how much of an impression he made when you see the posts on this thread and the consistent comments regarding his integrity and kindness. This hit me harder than I thought it would. You could tell that he was a kind soul and that the past year or so really impacted him too. I hope you are in a better place now, Paul. Rest now. 
I knew Paul was not well, and searched for an update and found this posting.  I am sad to hear of his passing, and concur with all of the positive comments.  RIP Paul.
As many have already posted I echo the same! My condolences to his family!

Paul rest in peace and thank you so much for your kindness that has left a lasting impression I'll never forget.

Heartbreaking. I heard he was unwell but never imagined it was this serious. We spoke on a number of occasions and I actually sent a pair of cables back which didn’t work out. I do run a pair of Clear Day singles with my Spendors which sound great. Godspeed "brother."
An honest and authentic and patient soul. Took much time from his days to talk with me about cables and sound and never, ever, tried to up-sell me on anything. I've used his Shotguns for years and love them dearly. He always struck me as simply a kind man who believed in his work.
I've happy to have interacted with him in the short time that I did.
I can only add similar sentiments to those already expressed. I called him based on the wonderful feedback that I read about him and Clear Day cables. I ended up buying a set of double shotgun speaker cables which in the end weren't synergistic with my system, but Paul was very gracious and accommodating and gladly took them back. We enjoyed several conversations about a variety of subjects, myself also having spent the majority of my life in New Jersey before moving to Arizona.

I'm just thinking now...Isn't this a wonderful way to be spoken of and remembered after your passing? No one person has a negative thing to say about this man. That is the ripples of good karma.
RIP a legend
please do share with family how much this community valued him and what he accomplished 
grace and peace
Never met Paul in person but spoke on the phone once or twice and corresponded through many emails. Unbelievable he would send cables to people without asking for a credit card, but just on trust that if you liked them then mail a check later. I’ve purchased many cables from Paul and always enjoyed our email exchanges. No doubt this man loved life and understood the time here is short and bigger and better things to come. Prayers to his friends and family as he will truly be missed. Thanks Paul.
I talked to Paul a few times, an absolute joy to speak with and just B.S. about any subject that came up. My impression of him was an honest, caring man with a good nature and a great product he believed in. He did leave an impression on me and will be missed. Heaven has great cables now! R.I.P. brother...
Neal Murray,My sincerest condolences to Paul's family. I never met him in person, but I am feeling so so sad. Kindly share this page with his family. I do not have a Facebook account.
Thank You.
I am so sad to hear this news. All my ICs, speaker cables and jumpers are from Clear Day. Just last week I called him up after a late Saturday listening session. I thought about him because of the the pleasure his cables bring to my listening experience. I left a VM. About 6 months back I gave him a similar call and while I was leaving VM, he picked up the phone hearing my name and we spoke for about 10 minutes. He advised me to enjoy life and love near and dear ones. He knew he had a short time to live, but seemed alright then.
He was a GREAT GUY and will be missed very much. Rest in peace Paul.
Paul was the best. Kind and full of integrity. An absolute gem in this industry.  
I'm sorry to hear this. I've boughten cables from his as well as passed the time with him on the phone. Always willing to share in life as well as his craft and never an unpleasant thing to say about anyone or anything. 

All it took was a few minutes of talk about cables and then it was time to sit back and enjoy the conversation. He really loved what he did and was an asset to the audiophile community. 

My thoughts are with him and his family, friends, and acquaintances.

All the best,
I owned several cables from Paul ,all very good quality,
and Paul was a very good person , R.I.P my friend.
RIP Paul and thank you for your contributions to the audio world and world in general.
So sorry to hear the news. Condolences to his family. I have a pair of his double shotgun cables as well as a set of jumpers I use on my Proac's.One of the best buys in audio in my opinion. We need more people like Paul in this hobby. He was a genuine pleasure to deal with.  Rest in Peace.

This is very sad news.  I also have a pair of his double shotgun and will use them for a long time.  I spoke to Paul on the phone several times.  Paul was a gracious, friendly, and honest man.  Seems an uncommon breed these days.  : (
Bad things happen to good people; Paul was a very good one. I’ll be using his Double Shotgun speaker cables until the day I too die. Thanks Paul!
Was not familiar with Paul or Clear Day Cables, however my prayers and best wishes go out to his family and friends.

Sixty is too young. From the photo you posted, it looks like he enjoyed the outdoors and kept up (at least to some extent) with physical activity.