Update From Ron New Day Record Covid 19 Battle

Ron and his whole family have been battling Covid for a month. This is a update he posted on YouTube. Good to hear things are improving and wishing him and family the best.


Watch "Where have I been? Covid-19" on YouTube


Showing 19 responses by ghasley

People make decisions. We assume those people weigh the risks of their decisions or their non-decisions. Sometimes calamity happens or is prevented. Hard to measure all the costs, both fiscal and physical, in advance. If someone took all precautions and calamity still befalls them, I can have empathy.

If people choose to take their chances and calamity befalls them, I have little empathy. We insure against clamity whether through the purchase of insurance or the existence of sufficient savings to weather the financial impacts of the storm. If you smoke and you contract a lung related disease, you made your choice. If you are obese and don’t take care of your body and Jerry Springer has to cut you out of your home with a chainsaw and extract you with a forklift, you made your choice.


If you examine objective Covid data and choose not to get vaccinated, you made your choice. If you choose to get vaccinated, you made your choice. If you weren’t prepared financially for the consequences of your decisions, you made your choice. A post Covid gofundme campaign won’t trigger generosity from those who weighed their options in advance. Kinda like building your home on a river bank, floods happen.

Whay are the Rockefellers getting slammed? I appreciate our national parks.

RFK Jr is opposed to all vaccinations and he also protests the innocence of his cousin in the murder of Martha Moxley. Glad that is cleared up. WTF?

Im not sure Maghister claims he read those articles, I believe he may have cut and pasted RFK Jr's bibliography. 

LOL. The RT Masthead "All the news that's fit to fabricate."

RT has been described as a major propaganda outlet for the Russian government and its foreign policy.[2] Academics, fact-checkers, and news reporters (including some current and former RT reporters) have identified RT as a purveyor of disinformation.


Teo...is it your assertion that a company engaged in pharmaceuticals should only appoint plumbers or audio cable manufacturers to their board? We wouldnt want anyone on a corporate board to have any knowledge of the industry would we? That would be the equivalent of putting someone who has filed bankruptcy multiple times in charge of your financial future...oh wait...

@isochronism I still dont understand from whom the wealth is supposedly transferred and to whom?


@teo_audio I wasnt trying to make you mad, I was trying to ask a general question about who should serve on the board of a pharma company? All the implications that Fauci or Gottlieb or whomever is corrupt, I would just like to know who you might appoint who could add value through their board service.

Why is everyone so angry? Im amused by it actually. Take the shot, dont take the shot...no sweat. 



Yuvi, you are fortunate to have excellent health and you are to be commended that you take appropriate measures to maximize your chances for that to continue. So you dont use hand sanitizer. cool....i dont unless its a rare circumstance. You eat well and exercise. Terrific, i too subscribe to staying active...long hikes, various outdoor activities. 

i guess that may be where we respectfully take different roads. Just because we have been healthy in the past is no guarantee we will going forward. Reasonable checkup intervals, taking the advice of your doctor and NOT correlating good fortune regarding our health with immunity from future issues. Its the equivalent of not wearing a seat belt because we havent suffered any injuries while driving.


personally, Im cool with adults making decisions. Medical professionals are tired though both physically as well as tired of the chatter from the left field bleachers. I would be too. If people dont believe in the efficacy of of the health care system, they can opt out. They just shounldnt be hypocrites. Dont want a shot, dont. Dont like medical science, commit to never jam up the system if not taking their advice results in a bad outcome.

Q has no problem with taking the shot. He DOES have a problem with the nasty side effects experienced by his significant other. It appears that she deflates!

Yuvi, I wasn't accusing you in regards to that site, I was merely saying where fear porn actually resides.

Yuvi, fear porn is found on buttchute.com (darned autocorrect). Congrats by the way on regaining your health through the years. Autoimmune disorders can be a nightmare to diagnose and its unfortunate more research isnt dedicated to conquering them.


Im still waiting for teo to chime in with a proper board candidate for a pharma company. Im thinking Dr. Phil....jokes aside, Sonjay Gupta?

Anti-semitism expressed through actual physical attacks "caught" on video are freely uploaded and hosted by buttchute. Is that ok to you? Is that the free exchange of ideas that needs protecting?

@isochronism Tenpenny is a joke. An ex ER osteopathic doc from nowhere Ohio?


Why the constant mining of the fringes to find ANYONE who might reinforce an untenable position?

If the hysteria were true, the Amish would be extinct, yes?

Only if their community was being served by an angry boomer who is a traveling hand tool salesman.

Yuvi, your outrage cant be discounted, in no way is that my purpose here. Valid if its valid to you. Everyone gets alarmed or outraged by different things, some perceived, some real.


I used to get alarmed at the national debt ticker in Manhattan. A really smart man and I were visiting about it one day and he chuckled. He said the first billion or two was real money, then the dollars get discounted and we began discussing inflation. He was old timer then and shared his belief that inflation was necessary...yadayada I know but his point was context. Data and statistics in context.


You have every right to be angry at whomever you see fit. Getting a proper diagnosis for your condition must have been frustrating. It was frustrating with my father 20 years ago and you go through years of eliminating possibilities (it ended up being myelofibrosis). It was frustrating last fall with my Mom in assisted living, testing Covid positive and no vaccine. She was gone in two weeks. And I still manage to find humor in the fact that there is a large part of the population has manufactured some over the top outrage to fuel the foul moods they were already in. Life is a gift and joy can be found every day if you seek it out.


I will get right to the point though. When I see others on this thread pointing to buttchute I get ticked off. They allow videos uploaded by perpetrators of attacks against others. It is being legitimized as "credible" by people on this site who are blinded by their present frustrations and rage, at what I cant imagine. There IS alot of fear in this world, much of it frothed by people on buttchute or rt or whomever. Attacks against Jews are on the rise world wide and the rancid buttchute site accepts uploads from the people who perpetrated them....how else would they have a perfect video? This hits pretty close to home. Others here compare their plight of being asked to wear a mask or to consider a vaccine with the Holocaust. This also hits pretty close to home and anyone who lost family then or now feel the same way as I do.


You are angry and its your right to feel however you feel. Medicine isnt an exact science but there are alot of wonderful dedicated and talented people engaged in pushing the very heavy scientific rock up the hill. I'm grateful for them.


Thanks @yuviarora , we spoke on the phone a couple of times but there was a firewall of sorts. Alot of people were isolated...I understand why so many are so angry but aive not built that way. She had a good life, just a wee bit shorter than it might have been.