The new Synergistic Research BLUE fuses ....

New SR BLUE fuse thread ...

I’ve replaced all 5 of the SR BLACK fuses in my system with the new SR BLUE fuses. Cold, out of the box, the BLUE fuses stomped the fully broken-in SR BLACKS in a big way. As good as the SR BLACK fuses were/are, especially in comparison with the SR RED fuses, SR has found another break-through in fuses.

1. Musicality ... The system is totally seamless at this point. Its as if there is no system in the room, only a wall to wall, front to back and floor to ceiling music presentation with true to life tonality from the various instruments.

2. Extension ... I’ve seemed to gain about an octave in low bass response. This has the effect of putting more meat on the bones of the instruments. Highs are very extended, breathing new life into my magic percussion recordings. Vibes, chimes, bells, and triangles positioned in the rear of the orchestra all have improved. I’ve experienced no roll-off of the highs what so ever with the new BLUE fuses. Just a more relaxed natural presentation.

3. Dynamics ... This is a huge improvement over the BLACK fuses. Piano and vibes fans ... this is fantastic.

I have a Japanese audiophile CD of Flamenco music ... the foot stomps on the stage, the hand clapping and the castanets are present like never before. Want to hear natural sounding castanets? Get the BLUE fuses.

4. Mid range ... Ha! Put on your favorite Ben Webster album ... and a pair of adult diapers. Play Chris Connor singing "All About Ronnie," its to die for.

Quick .... someone here HAS to buy this double album. Its a bargain at this price. Audiophile sound, excellent performance by the one and only Chris Connor. Yes, its mono ... but so what? Its so good you won’t miss the stereo effects. If you’re the lucky person who scores this album, please post your results here.

Overall impressions:

Where the RED fuses took about 20 hours to sound their best, and the BLACK fuses took upwards of 200 hours of total break-in, the BLUE fuses sounded really good right out of the box ... and that’s without doing anything about proper directional positioning. Not that the BLUE fuses don’t need breaking in, they do. The improvement continues through week three. Its a gradual break-in thing where each listening session is better than the last.

Everything I described above continues to break new ground in my system as the fuses continue breaking in. Quite honestly, I find it difficult to tear myself away from the system in order to get things done. Its truly been transformed into a magical music machine. With the expenditure of $150.00 and a 30 day return policy there’s really nothing to lose. In my system, its like upgrading to a better pre amp, amp, CD player or phono stage. Highly recommended.

Kudos to Ted Denney and the entire staff at SR. Amazing stuff, guys. :-)


PS: If you try the SR BLUE fuses, please post your results here. Seems the naysayers, the Debbie Downers and Negative Nellie’s have hijacked the original RED fuse thread. A pox on their houses and their Pioneer receivers.


No, I did not read George’s post. They are all pretty much the same, aren’t they? He was baiting you. And you took the bait. Perhaps one shouldn’t take trolls’ comments too seriously.
Post removed 
Frank, don’t be such a drama queen. This is not supposed to be a game of whack a mole. Trying to defend/promote controversial tweaks is a lot like trying to extract oneself out of quicksand.
^^^ Nonsense, George. Total Contact is NOT a "contact cleaner."

"Just get a $10 spray can of well researched can of contact cleaner instead, for basically the same results."

Okay George ... state your case. What EXACTLY were your results when you pasted your entire system with Total Contact? Spell it out George. Unless you can tell us what YOUR results were, you owe Tim Mrock an apology, assuming of course that you are man enough to come forward with an apology.

George ... you owe Tim Mrock an apology. Are you man enough to step up to the plate??
No, $300 for a little bit of contact cleaner and some cheap gloves, may as well try to get me to pay $100 for a 50c fuse.

Just get a $10 spray can of well researched can of contact cleaner instead, for basically the same results. And it will last much longer. Made by a major company that's been around for decades Electrolube.

Cheers George
Geoffkait sez:

" Whoa! Hey! What! What’s up with all the name calling and graphic violent imagery?"

For God’s sake Geoff, did you read George’s post?

Tim Mrock, the developer of Constant Contact, has dedicated his life and monetary resources into developing a great product, and George blatantly tells people, without knowing anything about the product, NOT TO BUY IT.

What can anyone glean from George’s statement other than some type of criminal mentality at work here? At the very least, George is revealing a character flaw, most likely an infantile ego that needs to be massaged by the destruction of others. I suspect that these bullying tactics are carried by George throughout his everyday life. It must be a real pleasure being married to the guy.

George ... you owe Tim Mrock an apology. Are you man enough to step up to the plate??


Here’s an honest testimonial from A’gon member Steve Fleschler who is benefiting from the Total Contact:

"I’ve reached the 4 week point in application of TC to only my interconnects (it’ll be another 3 weeks for the rest of the system). All of a sudden there is an abundance of micro-details in the music, voices are more legible and the entire sound became more dynamic. My 5 way dynamic speakers remind me of when I had electrostatics in terms of quiet detailed musical sounds (my wife hated the Monolith IIIs 20 years ago when we first met because of the limited sound stage, dynamics, beaming highs and limited bass at the time).

With the addition of more details and air, there is a greater dynamic range which can be disconcerting. I set the volume for the loudest peak sound now rather than the quieter sounds because I got rudely blasted on two recordings by fortissimos. I also hear a lot more chatter by musicians in jazz recordings. The significantly increased intelligibility of singers has me concentrating and enjoying the lyrics more.

This is my third post on the benefits of TC. It keeps getting more interesting and musically better.

I have a suggestion. Buy it, use only enough to treat your main audio system (which should be under 10% of a syringe). If you don’t like it, clean your contacts off and resell the remaining 90% on Audiogon or Ebay for half price. You’ll only be out about $150, or have a friend try it, or try it on your video equipment. The only way to know how good it is in your audio system is to try it based on this forum’s positive experiences. Don’t post negative comments unless you’ve tried it."

And I will guarantee that the full benefits have not been reached yet by Steve. While there is a nice jump in clarity at the four week period, its nothing compared with what happens at eight weeks.

Once again, for the open and fair minded among us, here’s the link to the product:

Happy listening, guys ...

My motto is whatever techs say do the opposite. You’ll be much better off in the end.

Good on ya Geoff, real good advice, listen to your leader David Miscavige instead.

Cheers George
“So Georgehifi, how about stating your intent in making such a stupid statement? Are you just another shill for a competitor? Jealous that its not YOUR product? Envy much, George? Are you an arsonist like a few others on the site, hell bent on destroying a small businessman’s business? Here’s a knife George ... go ahead, stab Tim Mrock in the back with it. Slice deep cuts in his wrists and take your perverted glee in watching him bleed out.”

Whoa! Hey! What! What’s up with all the name calling and graphic violent imagery? This can’t be good for anybody. I hate to be the prognosticator of doom but it appears this thread is headed for Palookaville faster than you can say Pee-wee Herman.

georgehifi sez:

" More audio snake oil, forget paying $300!!!! for what is basically contact cleaner .."

^^^ That gets the award for the most uninformed, ignorant and stupid comment about the Total Contact to date. Georgehifi hasn’t seen the product in person, touched the product, smelled the product, used the product, nor has he ever heard what the product can to to enhance the SQ of a stereo system.

So Georgehifi, how about stating your intent in making such a stupid statement? Are you just another shill for a competitor? Jealous that its not YOUR product? Envy much, George? Are you an arsonist like a few others on the site, hell bent on destroying a small businessman’s business? Here’s a knife George ... go ahead, stab Tim Mrock in the back with it. Slice deep cuts in his wrists and take your perverted glee in watching him bleed out.

State your intent George .... I dare you ...


PS: For the reasonable minds on the site: For the price of two SR Blue fuses, you can buy a new product that will make a MAJOR improvement in your audio and video systems. Once again, here’s the link to get started:
My motto is whatever techs say do the opposite. You’ll be much better off in the end. There is nothing terribly wrong with living in the 80s but you miss out on a lot that way.
More audio snake oil, forget paying $300!!!! for what is basically contact cleaner, get the real thing that all techs use and has been developed by experts in the field. A whole can around $10 and it will last for years.

Cheers George
^^^  maplegrovemusic ...

 Let me rephrase a bit:

Tim Mrock, the developer of Total Contact, has put his product up for sale on Audiogon. Here's the link:


This press statement makes it sound like Audiogon endorses and is involved in the release of the the contact product . Is this true ?
when i had the Audio Horizon fuses in my Analog based system,i thought this would be my last fuse. Then came the S R Black and after trying those i thought 
they will be my last fuse. 
Then came the Blue ,i tried them for over a month .and they did Sound better than the black in many respects ,but somehow  i just was not happy. Why?
They do not Boogie. I sent them back and am waiting for a refund.
Its nice to see that so many are enjoying the SR fuses.

For those interested, the Total Contact will be available through Audiogon starting tomorrow morning according to the developer Tim Mrock. Like the Blue fuses, the TC is a real game changer, only even more so. 

My first Blue fuse arrived today.
A 1A(T) for my active speaker EQ that sits between my Dac and active speakers. This EQ has a universal power supply, so while I waited on the 1A Blue fuse, I used a 500mA Black fuse from my old Dac which works perfectly as I’m on a 230v supply.

So, although not an exact comparison due to different fuse ratings, I have roughly been able to compare Black and Blue fuses.

Everything mentioned by the Op is true. The Blues are a definite step up from the Black fuses.
Imaging is better.
Reverb tails go on forever.
Bass is much more textured and faster.
Clarity and detail are much improved, as is timing, making leading edges of notes better focused and even bringing out extra details and notes that weren’t present before.

Ill be changing the Hifi Tuning supremes in my speakers amps next, then I’ll replace the Blacks in my Dac and power regenerator with Blues.

Post removed 

Greetings from the UK. My first post on here after a long time lurking, but the subject of fuses drew me in!

I'm the owner of quite a few blue and black SRs, with the blues in my more frequently used components.

My own opinion is that blues add more of "something" than the blacks. Personally I wouldn't call the effect of either night and day different, but there definitely seems to be deeper bass and more depth overall. Since I've owned them I've wanted to listen to more music because of the perceived improvements, and that's ultimately the sign of a worthwhile tweak to my mind and ear.

One question comes to mind though. Why do the fuses have a little "window" to see the graphene? Is that just to convince consumers that they're getting something tangibly different? Does it serve any useful purpose?


Hi Oregonpapa,

thank you for letting us be part of your experience. 

Where can i buy "total contact" which you where talking about?
You have a contact?

kind regards

Yes,blacks fuses are best for my systém
I hope we can try "total contact" against refund
I tried sr blue in my ARC 5se and after 2 weeks the sound is more detailed but it is a still a bit peaky  at certain higher frequencies. 
Does anyone have similar results?
+1 csmgolf. Good to see that others are wise to his know-it-all/know-nothing nonsense.

shadorne has spent the whole year pissing on others’ equipment and ridiculing everything he has never heard. Let’s all hope the new year brings some humility and enlightenment his way. One Julian Hirsch was more than enough.

Post removed 
Yes, that was my point,  a very poor premise. Components audibly changed by different fuses implies poor quality components.  Illogical conclusion. Wire,caps, resistors,tubes , fuses etc. All are capable of affecting the sound quality of an audio component. This rationally does not suggest or imply poor design/implementation. 
I would propose that a majority of the non vocal members of A'gon agree with shadorne.
I would propose that you assume far too much. And no, I do not have any upgraded fuses in my system. However, he claims many things as absolutes that are contrary to my experiences in this hobby. 
"The Silent Majority"
This thread is fun- not nearly as much fun as listening to my system which is now sporting a few tweak fuses, but fun nevertheless.  
Hard to know what non-vocal people think about anything, and how is that even relevant?

And have those non vocal members tried aftermarket fuses in their obviously"superior" equipment?

Don't get me wrong I used to be one of the largest disbelievers in tweaks and cables....until I ponied up and actually tried them.

Of course maybe it is just a fact that my BAT, Primare and Exogal are "pieces of crap"
I would propose that a majority of the non vocal members of A'gon agree with shadorne.
It isn't clear on what you base that speculation. Certainly - among those actually participating in this forum - the opposite is true. Most seem to agree that fuses can make a difference.
I would propose that a majority of the non vocal members of A'gon agree with shadorne. 
Your premise is misleading at best, wrong at worse. One can have an excellently designed car and mess it up with low octane gas. Is the car supposed to work some kind of magic to get around the fact that cheap gas is undermine performance?
Think of fuses, power cords, dedicated AC lines and the rest as good old high octane gas, if you can. That excellent piece of gear doesn't work in a vacuum. 

All the best,


No insult intended. Let me rephrase.

Does anyone disagree with the statement that excellent audio equipment is supposed to maximize the audio signal quality and minimize everything else from affecting that signal?

Unless you disagree that excellent audio equipment should perform as above, then we can say that audio equipment that is audibly affected by mere fuses is NOT excellent, actually far far from it.
Can someone please tell me on which pages of The Ultimate Audiophile’s Compleat Encyclopaedic Byble is the subject of "pieces of crap" explored in depth?
"Frankly a device that audibly changes with different fuses is a piece of crap."

Wow shardorne, you must have had a rough Christmas!  Or, if you really believe that statement, where's the evidence to support it?
You have stated repeatedly that listeners who hear differences/improvement with upgrade fuses is due to their audio components having poorly designed or built power supplies.  You say your system components wouldn't benefit from these fuses due to the high quality of the power supplies they have.

Over the long course of the 2 SR  fuse threads many fuse users have reported definite sound quality improvement.  Among this group there's a plethora of very high quality and highly regarded brands cited.  A brief list includes Audio Research, VAC,Pass, Krell,Coincident, McInTosh  etc. There are many others as well.

I find it unlikely that your current Dennon,Pioneer or Benchmark although fine components have "superior" power supplies to those listed above. Just my 2 cents. I don't find your idea of inferior power supplies /component design explaining susceptibility to upgrade fuse changes plausible. 

Your assertion that a large number of members here own "pieces of crap" is both arrogant and deeply disrespectful

Of course some listeners experience audible differences with fuses. This is a fact. It is most unfortunate that these listeners have equipment with such poor performance. As everyone knows, excellent equipment is supposed to maximize the audio signal quality and minimize everything else from affecting that signal. Frankly a device that audibly changes with different fuses is a piece of crap. It isn’t hard to design a good power supply but some designers prefer to invest in what sells: a fancy face plate, cool looking industrial design, cable jacket or advertising.
"alitk said...Back to iFi, I just ordered a pair of AC iPurifier plugin modules. It will be interesting to see how they interact with my Nordost QRT system."

Any more info/thoughts on the iFi AC iPurifier?
randy-11 "  with respect, if you can hear a difference in fuses, you have not conducted a valid listening test  "

Well there are many nay sayers who do not hear differences in the components comprising our Music Reproduction Systems this is usually attributable to confirmation bias they think there is no difference so they can not hear the difference this is not unusual at all. Another probable cause of such broad based inability to hear the difference is  the employment of low resolution components in there  Music Reproduction Systems which obscure or negate the improvements wrought by such upgrades. While this is understandable I frankly admit that the part of this inability that does slightly puzzle me to a mild extent is the fervor with which these nay sayers repeatedly assert there inisistence on so called "valid" listening tests that are themselves often either profoundly flawed in design or are otherwise corrupted through improper implementation which is a common result of unqualified personnel conducting such tests. There is more than a bit of irony that those who proclaim snake oil the loudest and most often are actually originated from those most unable to distinguish snake oil from genuine innovation but their interest in science does not extend to actually being qualified or able to practice it!