The Big Misconception About Electricity

This vid goes quite a ways down the road to explaining why:

1)  Power cords make a not so subtle difference.

2) Cable elevators should not be looked at askance.


Regards, barts


Lockdown after lockdown, each harsher than the last, people will beg for this AI system. Contact tracing and Vaccine passports are just the tip of the iceberg,.

I think it’s time to build a house out in the woods, with a dedicated room for a modded Magnepan 20.7 speaker setup :)


You are right about that for a reason very simple...

In medical science and in epidemiology , vaccinations must be implemented with voluntary consent but more than that for all AT RISK people ONLY on EARTH...

Not massively in rich country only like the US...

There is also the emerging truth about these new almost useless by the way they are used  and anyway risky vaxx...

Massive vaxx like Gates want  is totally insane, any epideniologist know it ... Many could not spoke they are tied at risk of loosing the livelihood...And censored when they spoke...Gates -Fauci together control 60 % i think of the medical research field on earth...

A coronavirus mutate greatly and we push the virus to mutate at the greatest speed possible...A nobel prize in medecine say it not me, doctor Luc Montagnier ... But even me could understand that and i am not a doctor....Why not Doctor Fauci?


i never in all my life assist to a collective madness created destruction...

I could not imagine that...

Lets not go there, or this thread will get shut down also.

we are all on that roller coaster ride now, no getting off for anyone at this point. Buckle in till the end of 2024. 

I agree sorry...

But this crisis affect us all personally even my family...

So much evil pass over my head....

i will go to sleep...

thanks for the reminder....

Lets not go there, or this thread will get shut down also.

we are all on that roller coaster ride now, no getting off for anyone at this point. Buckle in till the end of 2024. 

Does not pulling the plug render electricity effectively powerless? At least in one’s specific situation?

DARPA has quite a many ways to tie you down to the grid.


I won’t say anything after this :)

More than a century after his death, Tesla’s wireless power discovery is a rarely credited to him. Thomas Edison is more commonly associated with the invention of electricity; however, his experiments were failures. In fact, Tesla’s alternating AC currents proved to be the more reliable method of conducting electricity.

Tesla's wireless powerContrary to the theory metal to metal contact was required to conduct electricity, Tesla was successful in transmitting currents through plastic over short distances using magnetic induction. The Tesla Laboratory at Wardenclyffe was his final experiment site, featuring a 185-foot tower with metal bars extending below ground. Today, the image that comes to mind features electrical bolts extending from the top of the tower, where the coils exchange electrical currents.

Tesla’s Wireless Power Experiments

In the late 19th century, Tesla’s work on the tower explored electrical transmission using radio frequency resonance to create electrical energy through two coils to generate high voltage, high frequency currents. His experiments used near-field inductive and capacitive couplings. Near-field inductive is a short-range wireless physical layer that transmits a low power, non-propagating magnetic field between devices. Capacitive couplings transmit power between two networks by displacing currents produced by the electrical fields.

Tesla performed demonstrations in front of crowds showing how incandescent bulbs could be lit wireless when in proximity of the coil. As his research progressed, he tested long distance transmission using LC circuits.

Tesla furthered his studies to develop a long-distance transmission method at a high-altitude location in Colorado Springs. His theory was that low-pressure air present at 30,000 feet would allow electrical transmission to travel much longer distances. He speculated he could use the entire planet to conduct electricity by sending alternating current pulses into the ground. Our history books to date do not reflect he had any success in proving this theory.

He did, however, accurately predict the success of the internet and cellular phones both operating by long distance, wireless transmissions. He believed wireless transmission could solve a myriad of global issues by providing a means of instant communication, “a great step will be made toward the unification and harmonious existence of the various races inhabiting the globe.”

Today’s Applications for Tesla’s Wireless Technology

Tesla’s coil still shows up in some of our television and radio designs but does not have many practical applications. However, his resonant inductive coupling method is applied to our short-range wireless systems.

On the cusp of providing free energy to all, Tesla’s research was squelched by high power individuals who did not want energy to become a free commodity. Tesla was denied funding by bankers and his theory about worldwide transmission has been denounced; however, his research was of such significance that it was confiscated by the FBI upon his death.

Tesla’s wireless power research still holds potential for future innovations as our technology evolves to accommodate new AI technology.

@femoore12 Dragnet mass surveillance is collecting data for AI systems that have been operational for decades, yes.... but now it is being prepared for integration directly into the grid. 

Latency.....5G is needed for effective real time computation. 

Infrastructure was just not there to have decentralized AI before. 

It will be unveiled at some point in this pandemic.....for your safety of course. 



Post removed 

You are wrong here my friend...

ALL are bots...

I know you know already that for sure... I am retired and i had the bad habit to rant... 😊

Most people would not even listen to the truth because it is too horrible to fathom..

They will call us conspirationists, a word created by CIA to cover the inquiries in Kennedy assassination, and Robert Kennedy assassination UNRESOLVED to this day..

Now ask yourself why A man like Robert Kennedy junior is on a justice mission against big pharma?

With a brain working and if you listen this CIA crash course you will understand..

It is way simpler than electricity to understand anyway which is a completely UNEXPLAINED phenomenon anyway... Save if you apply Maxwell equations without understanding them for a living....Habits are a powerful way to convince ourself that we understand something...

Knowledge is not science and science is not technology....

Technology without science is greed and power, science without knowledge is programmed ignorance...


Knowledge and true understanding NEVER occur without a complete transformation of a personality for the good most of the times or for the worst sometimes... NEVER...

If we read any genius life in ANY field this is clear and simple to see...

For example if you think you understand the prime number distribution without being in an ectasy, sorrry you dont understand it AT ALL.... The same thing is TRUE for any phenomenon , natural, spiritual, or mathematical...

Understanding Gauss or Christ implicate to enter in ectasy and in a vision deeper than your own ordinary usual mind habit....Or transformation of the spirit...If not you have not understood anything... Memorizing laws is not understanding them...Understanding something is not ONLY solving a problem, like soving a puzzle...Problem solving are only a training exercise ...

Understanding is not a belief it is a VISION more luminous than the sun...

Read when Tesla discovered, when studying at the university the idea of his alternative current motor, walking and reading Goethe Faust by memory to his friend... This is only an example...


A lot of mainstream news outlets are bots, and the bots are very good.

@mahgister watch this one when you get a chance. would be interesting to see what you think.

Add: There is no political solution to a spiritual problem. Hang in there, and just enjoy the ride, we get to have front row seats to the ending of an age. Human Consciousness will rise regardless of whatever else happens are not alone.


´´ How ´´ is Science

’´ Why ´´ Is Philosophy

I hope , one day , these two will interpenetrate  flawlessly .

This thread  is turning  new age blather and pseudo science gobbledy gook . When you're worm food your consiousness goes poof. Learn to live with it and get over the idea humans are special we're insignificant organisms on an insigficant planet in one of billions of galaxies. 

You couldn’t make it up , The two posts barely five mins apart … just enough time to switch logins via VPN , take another swig of Shine and post again LoL

How about we each share our biggest personal misconception rather than assuming we know what the other  person’s is? You know what happens when you assume, right?  That other person might be smarter than us. 

You couldn’t make it up , The two posts barely five mins apart … just enough time to switch logins via VPN , take another swig of Shine and post again LoL

It’s true. Your account is the only real one here. All the rest are mine. 

@djones51 ,


This is what happens when people don't think things through. Oh, that looks like an arc discharge anomaly. Well ya, but that does not mean it is. So many obvious flaws w.r.t craters being caused by "electrical discharge"

- Discharge would be lower power (compared to impact)

- Being low power, it would require a long sustain

- Requiring a long sustain, that would require the planets to not be moving or rotating.

- Being low power, things would "melt" not "explode", so where is the lake of literal glass

- You would need complimentary features on other celestial bodies

I feel silly even writing this. It's like trying to justify that Harry Potter is real.

So much doom and gloom!  Seriously, is everything a conspiracy and you're the only one who is aware?  There's a category in the DSM about that.

Didn't Mick Jagger solve the Kennedy killing/

AI is not conspiracy theory. That scares the heck out of a lot of smart people.

For the rest ..... just good humor.

A.I. is a source of power which is way more than we could imagine....

In a society with a real democracy it will be possible to use it in the servive of all..

It is impossible in our society...

Democracy is a fairy tale...

There is no conspiracy theory...

It is a word used by journalist...

The truth is plain to see but too horrible to imagine...

It is more simple for people to dismiss reality than accept it...

It is a basic scientific psychological fact...It is a survival strategy also, someone not prepared cannot accept completely new facts or other realities in science like in ordinary life...No one throw all his belief because of the facts....I include myself here it take me all my life to understand some reality...

I am not religious...

But only mystics and truly great brain in science can fathom reality....

It is the first time after my retirement i speak with "old adults" on this forum for the last years...

I live usually for 45 years with people way under 30 years,....

They are open mind...Even when they dont seem so most of the times...

I miss the young...They are in a search for truth....Those i had seen for decades...

I dont recognize myself with grown peoples... Over thirty most people will never change their life perspectives and beliefs or open themselves to NEW FIELDS of study...

I think my retirement induced a kind of depression...

If i discover something new i dont have the possibility to communicate anymore ...

Music is a therapy...



That Joe Biden is President in the US, Justin Trudeau in Canada, and Boris Johnson in the UK, it is pretty plain that there are issues with democracy.

That is not meant to be a left/right statement, just that these individuals are obviously so far from the best our societies have to offer, that obviously even at the most fundamental level, choosing our representatives, that the system is deeply flawed.



i agree completely with you...

But remind yourself that Trudeau does not decide anything deep long term even if he would be able to do...No leaders save dictators have the illusion to govern...And even most dictators dont govern truly...They pilot to survive like Xi with the CCP...The forces who govern the world are not in the news ...Sorry....

Do you know how Macron get elected?

Do you know the name of an unelected OFFICIAL institution where for example, if a murder is comitted , no police could ever inquire nor accuse the murderer?

Do you know the name of one of the most powerful leader unelected of the world for whom Trudeau, Trump, or Biden or Bill Gates are ridiculous ignorant pawn in a game?

Dont look in ANY journals or news for the name even....

The name is not there save in very FEW rare moment... ...

Have you ever listen to a documentary about one of the most powerful institution

in the world whose name 99% of people ignore?

After a search few years ago even in youtube there was none about this institution...His story is passionnate to read about in how many books do you think?

They have an official front page on the net though...

Best secret are never hidden from view completely it is a rule in detective story, something is never best hidden than in plain sight...

Only in the last decade these animals are there for us to see more vividly...

This health crisis is a benediction in fact, and truly, so negative it is, because people will awake to the forces hidden completely in the past... Their power is so great and just to be increased with A.I. tomorrow, they consider themselves the ONLY future for humanity....

A man like Klaus Schwab who represent these forces, who is himself a pawn and a parrit,  a man like this OFFICIALLY on a podium for all to see, with a book of his own, pRESCRIBING the future, this was impossible completely 20 years ago...

These dark forces emerge to the light NOW so sure of their power...they even officially described the future...


But before Klaus Schwab who is only a spokeperson, atruly genius man said the EXACT SAME THING 300 hundred years aho and created modern economy and modern society....

Only Bernard Mandeville, the greatest economist of all times DESCRIBED that EXACTLY, scientifically , 3 hundred years ago....EXACTLY yes... Who Hayek called "our master of us all"? Einstein? Freud? Marx? Aristotle? no Bernard Mandeville and most people even in the economic field dont even sometimes know his name...I know i had decade with economic students also with me...


Ask an economy professor who is Mandeville and ask him if he is the greatest economist of all times... The answer will probably be no....

Anyway the true events in the world are SPIRITUAL events....Many religious people in spite of their superstitions, and limitations at least guess that in their own way and words...





That Joe Biden is President in the US, Justin Trudeau in Canada, and Boris Johnson in the UK, it is pretty plain that there are issues with democracy.


That Joe Biden is President in the US, Justin Trudeau in Canada, and Boris Johnson in the UK, it is pretty plain that there are issues with democracy.

That is not meant to be a left/right statement, just that these individuals are obviously so far from the best our societies have to offer, that obviously even at the most fundamental level, choosing our representatives, that the system is deeply flawed.


t is not meant to be a left/right statement, just that these individuals are obviously so far from the best our societies have to offer, that obviously even at the most fundamental level, choosing our representatives, that the system is deeply flawed.


According to my close and trusted sources in the Deep State, so is some Class D technology.

A.I. is a source of power which is way more than we could imagine....

I wish someone would make a video explaining why it is that so many gullible dummies have enough money to afford high-end audio equipment. Trust funds I suppose.

Simple....Rich gullible dummies dont read about elementary acoustic and think the sound they listen to comes directly from the speakers they bought  and the amplifier and the dac...

Scientologists included...

Anyway money is the only thing people prefer to intelligence....Studying is not a life entrerprise for scientologist and most people...

I wish someone would make a video explaining why it is that so many gullible dummies have enough money to afford high-end audio equipment. Trust funds I suppose.


Come on Cindy.....You didn’t watch the please keep the Harry Potter commentary to a minimum.

Go do something productive, water your plants, take a bath.


People that do not understand why AI is an incarnation of the perfect totalitarian state, also have very little knowledge of China’s Social Credit system.

These two system’s are actually one and the same, and are being implemented in the west. It’s not gloom and doom, it is commentary from people that are actually paying attention to what is already happening.

I watched the video @yuviarora , hence why I made the comments. Unfortunately, most people are pretty narrow in their thinking, the proverbial when your only tool is a hammer everything is a nail. Their only tool is electricity, and they use it like a hammer.  Problem is they are trying to hammer a nail into a piece of glass. Someone with a broader perspective would say, "you know the glass is going to break, right?". There is a lot more to creating a crater than it noting it looks like some very small scale similar phenomena. Everything does not simply scale to the larger phenomena.

The video claims that "book science" will never explain hexagonal craters (or something to that wording). However, that is wrong. Not only can it explain it, but simulations can replicate the result. I don't think having a theory that assumes other people are stupid is a good path to take ....



Unfortunately, most people are pretty narrow in their thinking, the proverbial when your only tool is a hammer everything is a nail. 


Now use the same logic to understand my critiques of the Gravitational model. 🙏 

@yuviarora , you are misinterpreting how I stated narrow. The people you link to w.r.t. the electric model are using a very very very narrow investigation to justify that it could be correct to illustrate the phenoma. That is why it falls flat on its face whenever actual scientists start to debunk. It is like shooting frogs in a barrel.

On the other hand, the gravity model, except at the universe level where we don't know how much matter there is, works exceptionally well to explain observed phenomena, and has been testing repeatedly and shown to be accurate.


I know Cindy, plasma doesn’t scale, but Gasses in a vacuum turn into Black Holes 🙏

I completely understand where you are coming from.





Plasma scaling

The parameters of plasmas, including their spatial and temporal extent, vary by many orders of magnitude. Nevertheless, there are significant similarities in the behaviors of apparently disparate plasmas. It is not only of theoretical interest to understand the scaling of plasma behavior, it also allows the results of laboratory experiments to be applied to larger natural or artificial plasmas of interest. The situation is similar to testing aircraft or studying natural turbulent flow in wind tunnels.

Similarity transformations (also called similarity laws) help us work out how plasma properties changes in order to retain the same characteristics. A necessary first step is to express the laws governing the system in a nondimensional form. The choice of nondimensional parameters is never unique, and it is usually only possible to achieve by choosing to ignore certain aspects of the system.

One dimensionless parameter characterizing a plasma is the ratio of ion to electron mass. Since this number is large, at least 1836, it is commonly taken to be infinite in theoretical analyses, that is, either the electrons are assumed to be massless or the ions are assumed to be infinitely massive. In numerical studies the opposite problem often appears. The computation time would be intractably large if a realistic mass ratio were used, so an artificially small but still rather large value, for example 100, is substituted. To analyze some phenomena, such as lower hybrid oscillations, it is essential to use the proper value.

A commonly used similarity transformation



Hannes Alfvén suggested that, by scaling laboratory results by a factor of 109, he could extrapolate magnetospheric conditions. Another scaling jump of 109 was required to extrapolate to galactic conditions, and a third jump of 109 was required to extrapolate to the Hubble distance [2]

One commonly used similarity transformation was derived for gas discharges by James Dillon Cobine (1941)[3], Alfred Hans von Engel and Max Steenbeck (1934)[4], and further applied by Hannes Alfvén and Carl-Gunne Fälthammar to plasmas.[5] They can be summarised as follows:



Similarity Transformations Applied to Gaseous Discharges and some Plasmas

Property Scale Factor
length, time, inductance, capacitance x1 x
particle energy, velocity, potential, current, resistance x0=1 Unchanged
electric and magnetic fields, conductivity, neutral gas density, ionization fraction x-1 1/x
current density, electron and ion densities x-2 1/x2



This scaling applies best to plasmas with a relatively low degree of ionization. In such plasmas, the ionization energy of the neutral atoms is an important parameter and establishes an absolute energy scale, which explains many of the scalings in the table:

  • Since the masses of electrons and ions cannot be varied, the velocities of the particles are also fixed, as is the speed of sound.
  • If velocities are constant, then time scales must be directly proportional to distance scales.
  • In order that charged particles falling through an electric potential gain the same energy, the potentials must be invariant, implying that the electric field scales inversely with the distance.
  • Assuming that the magnitude of the E-cross-B drift is important and should be invariant, the magnetic field must scale like the electric field, namely inversely with the size. This is also the scaling required by Faraday’s law of induction and Ampère’s law.
  • Assuming that the speed of the Alfvén wave is important and must remain invariant, the ion density (and with it the electron density) must scale with B2, that is, inversely with the square of the size. Considering that the temperature is fixed, this also ensures that the ratio of thermal to magnetic energy, known as beta, remains constant. Furthermore, in regions where quasineutrality is violated, this scaling is required by Gauss’s law.
  • Ampère’s law also requires that current density scales inversely with the square of the size, and therefore that current itself is invariant.
  • The electrical conductivity is current density divided by electric field and thus scales inversely with the length.
  • In a partially ionized plasma, the electrical conductivity is proportional to the electron density and inversely proportional to the neutral gas density, implying that the neutral density must scale inversely with the length, and ionization fraction scales inversely with the length.


While these similarity transformations capture some basic properties of plasmas, not all plasma phenomena scale in this way. Consider, for example, the degree of ionization, which is dimensionless and thus would ideally remain unchanged when the system is scaled. The number of charged particles per unit volume is proportional to the current density, which scales as x -2, whereas the number of neutral particles per unit volume scales as x -1 in this transformation, so the degree of ionization does not remain unchanged but scales as x -1.

Astrophysical application

As an example, take an auroral sheet with a thickness of 1 km. A laboratory simulation might have a thickness of 10 cm, a factor of 104 smaller. To satisfy the condition of this similarity transformation, the gaseous density would have to be increased by a factor of 104 from 104 m-3 to 108 m-3 (1010 cm-3 to 1014 cm-3), and the magnetic field would have to be increased by the same factor from 50 microteslas to 500 milliteslas (0.5 gauss to 5 kilogauss). These values are large but within the range of technology. If the experiment captures the essential features of the aurora, the processes will be 104 times faster so that a pulse that takes 100 s in nature would take only 10 ms in the laboratory.



Similarity transformations applied to some astrophysical plasmas
Actual plasma properties compared to a laboratory plasma if the scale length is reduced to 10 cm.

Region Characteristic dimension (cm) Density (particles/cm3) Magnetic field (gauss) Characteristic time
Actual Scaled Scale Factor Actual Scaled Actual Scaled Actual Scaled
Ionosphere 106 – 107 10 10-5 – 10-6 1010 1015 – 1016 0.5 5×104 – 5×105 Period of Giant pulsation
100 s 0.1 – 1 ms
Exosphere 109 10 10-8 105 – 10 1013 – 109 0.5 – 5×10-4 5×107 – 5×104 One Day
10s 1 ms
Interplanetary space 1013 10 10-12 1 – 10 1012 – 1013 10-4 108 One Solar Rotation
2×10s 2 μs
Interstellar space 3×1022 10 3×10-22 1 3×1021 10-6 – 10-5 3×1015 – 3×1016 Period of galactic rotation
1×1016 s 3 μs
Intergalactic space >3×1027 10 <3×10-27 10-4? >3×1022 10-7? >3×1019 Age of the Universe
4×1017s 1×10-9s
Solar chromosphere 108 10 10-7 1011 – 1014 1018 – 1021 103 – 1 1010 – 107 Life of Solar Flare
10s 100 μs
Life of Solar Prominence
10s 10 ms
Solar corona 1010 – 1011 10 10-9 – 10-10 108 – 106 1017 – 1016 102 – 10-1 1011 – 109 Life of Coronal Arc
10s 10-1 to 1 µs
Solar Cycle
22 years 70 to 700 ms

Particle density of the Earth’s atmosphere at sea level is 1019 per cm3
Small bar magnet = 100 milliteslas. Big electromagnet = 2 teslas
109 cm = 10,000 km



The table shows the properties of some actual space plasma (see the columns labelled Actual). It also shows how other plasma properties would need to be changed, if (a) the characteristic length of a plasma were reduced to just 10 cm, and (b) the characteristics of the plasma were to remain unchanged.

The first thing to notice is that many cosmic phenomena cannot be reproduced in the laboratory because the necessary magnetic field strength is beyond the technological limits. Of the phenomena listed, only the ionosphere and the exosphere can be scaled to laboratory size. Another problem is the ionization fraction. When the size is varied over many orders of magnitude, the assumption of a partially ionized plasma may be violated in the simulation. A final observation is that the plasma densities needed in the laboratory are sizeable, up to 1016 cm-3 for the ionosphere, compared to the atmospheric density of about 1019 particles per cm3. In other words, the laboratory analogy of a low density space plasma is not a “vacuum chamber”, but laboratory plasma with a pressure, when the higher temperature is taken into consideration, which can approach atmospheric pressure.




  1.  After Peratt, A. L., “Advances in Numerical Modeling of Astrophysical and Space Plasmas” (1996) Astrophysics and Space Science, v. 242, Issue 1/2, p. 93-163. FULL TEXT PEER REVIEWED
  2.  Hannes Alfvén, “On hierarchical cosmology” FULL TEXT (1983) Astrophysics and Space Science (ISSN 0004-640X), vol. 89, no. 2, Jan. 1983, p. 313-324. PEER REVIEWED
  3.  Cobine, J. D ., 1941: Gaseous Conductors, McGraw-Hill . New York. ACADEMIC BOOK
  4.  von Engel, A., and Steenbeck, M., 1934: ElektrischeGasentladungen, Springer-Verlag, Berlin. See also von Engel, 1955: Ionized Gases, Clarendon Press, Oxford.
  5.  H. Alfvén and C.-G. Falthammar, Cosmic electrodynamics (2nd Edition, Clarendon press, Oxford, 1963) See 4.2.2. Similarity Transformations. ACADEMIC BOOK


  • Peratt, A. L., “Advances in Numerical Modeling of Astrophysical and Space Plasmas” (1996) Astrophysics and Space Science, v. 242, Issue 1/2, p. 93-163. FULL TEXT PEER REVIEWED
  • Peratt, Anthony L., “Advances in Numerical Modeling of Astrophysical and Space Plasmas“, Astrophysics and Space Science, v. 256, Issue 1/2, p. 51-75 (1997) Paper FULL TEXT PDF PEER REVIEWED

@cindyment ...all plasma experiments in a laboratory setting have shown Linear Scaling that is directly proportional to energy input.

I must have missed it, but can you direct me to any experiments on Earth that have turned Gasses in a vacuum into mini Black Holes (I’ll even settle for microscopic, or subatomic) Must be a very easy thing to do, considering the almost unlimited amounts of money afforded to Standard Gravitational model scientists.


Quick question....Do you ever hold your own side to your own standard of evidence?

Myself i cannot judge the validity of these ideas to the cosmos for sure...

Then i let you argue...

I only know that we dont know what electricty is...

Is electricity could explain something in cosmology .... Probably...

Is electrical model valid for cosmology? i dont know....But i guess being not a scientist that there is something in it... I cannot go further save for this...

Recent discoveries ( Gobeke tepli) EXPLODE completely our understanding of the past...

One thing is almost certain, ancient mythologies reflect our ancestors experiences in symbolic coding more truthfully than British anthropology from Frazer for example suggested to us at the times...

«Hamlet’s Mill: An Essay Investigating the Origins of Human Knowledge and Its Transmission Through Myth (first published by Gambit, Boston, 1969) by Giorgio de Santillana (a professor of the history of science at MIT) and Hertha von Dechend (a scientist at Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität) is a nonfiction work of history and comparative mythology»

This is only an exemple.... This book is very erudite and cannot be read lightly at all... It is already an old book , criticized at the times but not by all authorities...

Gobeke tepli discovery and his revelations go in the direction of this book thesis...

Than rejecting myths in the fantasy basket is ridiculous and non scientific at all....

There is actually a COMPLETE REVOLUTION about our understanding of our own history....

One of the main discovery is about the fact that our ancestors were very pragmatic not only dreamers of fantasy painting walls...

Science illuminate by new hypothesis the " ancient mysteries" around the mediterranean sea teachings for example and for the first time we begin to understand what is behind the monotheistic religions...

Interesting times on all fields...



«Did we just not discover a Mc Intosh amplifier in a pyramid?»-Groucho Marx 🤓

« Almost  better than that, we uncover the Antykythera mechanism brother»-Harpo Marx


This British Centric worldview is collapsing in all directions...

Banking, economics, biology, health, astronomy, physics, philosophy, history, and pretty much every fundamental question to do with life on this planet.


@mahgister These are very interesting times, it is a time of amazement, not fear.

There is a revolution happening within Human Consciousness, in their desperation to impede it's progress, the ruling ideologies have only accelerated the process.

Grab a chair, bring out some popcorn, and just enjoy the show :)

For me the deepest revolution that encompass all the others discoveries is the

dismissing of materialism , it is now becoming more and more a sterilizing hypothesis in all field, in neurology for example (Karl Friston)...



If we resume all the history of philosophy for the last 2 millenia in the Occidental world in few words these will be :

In the ancient past, in the Eleusis mysteries or in Egypt Temples (universities) man was recognized EXPERIMENTALLY to be constituted by 3 level of realities: body/soul/spirit...

Then come Christianity and the council fathers just after the Roman empire adopted christianity with Constantine, and then it was a decree of the council fathers that man has a soul and a body, but no spirit of his own, ( In the latine Church, it was slightly different for orthodoxy which stay more true to his Greek roots) If he want to enter in contact with God he must rely on the AUTHORITY of the church... He cannot by his own if not he is heretical then dead...Guess why this was so decreted? To maintain the empire and the Church power over the soul....

After that in the 2 last centuries after the industrial revolution, especially culminating with the transhumanist cult nowadays, man was affirmed to own only a body....

Do you catch the problem?

This is the deep trend under all philosophical debates for 2 millenia .... I cannot prove it here and enter into the details...Too long...

What do we see on the world wide theater now?

A return to the true consciousness of tripartite constitution of man; body/soul/spirit...

Very enlightening times indeed !

Do you think an A.I. will even have a body?

A.I. have no body.... An assembly of part mechanically moving is not a body... Even if it could mimic a is in no way mechanical nor a computable engine like think Stephen Wolfram so wise he is...

Guess what, some want to interface and immerse themselves with A.I. and some want to sell this...Guess who want to sell this ?

How could we be more blind?

Electricity is a natural phenomena linked also to the evolution living organism, on thre level of reality, material, and also with plant on another level or scale connected with quantum phenomena which i will call "etheric" because i dont have other words...For the last level alsi electricity manifest by his polarity something very deep...

Tesla simply know that.... It is my hypothesis...

Being a truly spiritual man like his mother was, by the way she was also an inventive woman, he never surrender his freedom to the monstruous cartel of corporations willing to use his genius at will... They pull the plug of his research money when they see that it was impossible to restrain him...And the greatest inventor since many centuries died poor and ridiculed but working till his death without ever any possibility to experiment anymore...Einstein is a genius in theoretical physic, Tesla was not that, but he was the greatest inventor since very long time....We only know today thanks to the nobel prize attributed to Einstein for the photoelectrcal effect that electricity mysteries is deeper thant man was thinking in Maxwell time...Deeply immersed in quantum mechanics...

This monstruous cartel of bankers dominated the world right now...They catch the Us with the creation of the federal central bank, which is a totally private bank...

And now the sleepwalkers crowds war between themselves like in the Jonathan Swift novel, and insult themselves, demoncrat against republican...

Guess who profit of all that?

A clue : it is not the catholic empire no more....

Read some books to know who.... 😁😊



Those who dont know that especially today are simply sleepwalkers... Sorry....

But Master M you left out the Reformation of the ROMAN Catholic church, Martin Luther and the original church followers that had nothing to do with Roman Catholicism. The Baptist and Pentecostal churches were there 1000 years before the Roman Catholics were ever heard of.. Remember St Patrick was Roman just like his parents.. St Patrick father as a wealthy ROMAN governors in the Welch/Scottish region.. The early churches survived in Greece and Ethiopia not Rome, Aberrant at best, Roman Catholicism, it is accepted by it's own followers but by the Christian community as a whole, aberrant at best, Master M.

Even the day is wrong.. Saturday it has never EVER been on a Sunday. EVER..


I'll be BACK!!

Good remark from my astute mechanic friend!


But remember the association by Weber of the capitalism progress LINKED to the protestantism mentality in his wotld famous book : "the Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism"...

Why this is so titled?

Because in the protentism also, the only thing that was changing in the conception of man was not the way he was perceived to be by catholic church: body/soul only...But the thing that changede is that individual man is "free" to enrich itself because it is God will IF HE SUCCEED...Why do you think come some much books in america about "how do i succeed in my career and with money ?

In the protestantism the tyranny of the Pope was replaced by the tyranny of the BOOK...Like in Islam...

Calvin even thought that man was never free really but predestined... Like an automaton created by God...

Then in BOTH Catholicism or protestantism, man lost his TRUE freedom when he loose the truth of what he is : body/soul/ spirit...But with Luther Man is free to do business without the church consent...

BUT and here my friend observation was crucial, like in the byzantine orthodox church in some protestant mystical movements the claim of a direct contact with God outside of the power of the book was possible.. but they were persecuted all over... Some come to America...But the general protestantism was also under the spell of the tyranny of BOOK truth over freedom...Protestantism is not a homogenous movement...But save for the mystical aspect of some protestant movement, general protestantism never differ of the catholic about man duality: body and soul, no spirit... Save for the mystical fringe for sure in all religions...

This is the reason why i did not mention protestantism, because general protestantism movement in general did not contradict the tyranny of authorities over man freedom...Protestantism only contested the Pope not the religious dogma about the bi- partite reductive constitution of man...Only mystics of all religions did so...

Mystics in all traditions by the way NEVER accpted the reduction of man to be only body and soul, be protestant or catholic or sufi... Why the sufi were so persecuted under coranic tyranny of the book, especially the sufis mystics ? because all mystics know by experience that man is body/soul/ and spirit and that any man can enter in direct contact with God...... They are persecuted by official religions or suspected of heresy all the times because of that freedom they illustrate and proclaim ...

This is the reason why i love so much mystic of all religions and so much less any religions...

There is no idiotic mystic generally and no idiotic mathematicians generally.... these was my favorite matters of interest because of this fact....Philosophers are less enlightened especially if they are nor mystic nor mathematician... 😁

my deepest respect to my friend here....

And also @cindyment , maybe you can explain this??

Just a little picture of a storm on the surface of Saturn.. Pay particular attention to the hexagonal shape.


Cindy...before you say Fluid Dynamics, know this..

1) This structure extends 100’s of miles up into the Atmosphere on the Gas Giant.

2) The Concentric Hexagonal structures around the main central structure have been measured as having different Rotational speeds, and temperatures.

3) The Hexagonal North pole, and the corresponding South pole, have significantly Higher temperatures than the surrounding areas.


Please have at it. 


I can show you simple lab experiments done on Earth that account for all of this, no esoteric mathematics required. 


ADD: I couldn’t read the hexagonal impact paper, might be a paywall issue... anyhow this shape is very commonly associated with all sorts of electrical discharges.

Oh look, a full simulation (not just a guess) and it accurately simulates other atmospheric phenomena ....

http://"Scientists could have finally demystified what's behind the hexagon on Saturn | SYFY WIRE"

"Scientists could have finally demystified what’s behind the hexagon on Saturn | SYFY WIRE"

While the simulation produced a nine-sided shape instead of the hexagon the scientists were expecting, this still suggests that Yadav and Bloxham are onto something.

“The hexagon is likely very deep,” they said. “Our model simultaneously and self-consistently produces alternating zonal jets, the polar cyclone, and hexagon-like polygonal structures similar to those observed on Saturn.”

Even if some bizarre life form could just barely survive on Saturn, it is unlikely anything would want to."


1) The formation goes very high up into the atmosphere.

2) This "Explanation" doesn’t even mention the concentric hexagonal zones

3) No mention of temperature variations

4) Shapes created in simulation are not Hexagonal.

5) It is a computer simulation....I can simulate a dragon fighting an orc...doesn’t mean anything.


Pay you accept as evidence, when it is in defense of theories you already accept as being true.

Anything is good enough......."computer simulations"..... vaguely recreating 1 one of the enough. Grabage in garbage out.

Do you see my point yet?