The Big Misconception About Electricity

This vid goes quite a ways down the road to explaining why:

1)  Power cords make a not so subtle difference.

2) Cable elevators should not be looked at askance.


Regards, barts



You appear to have a Tesla fetish. He obviously did early work in X-rays, but anything he did pre-1986 was "claimed" and after the published work of Röntgen. We really don't know what he did, other than his post Röntgen claims as nothing was published. He tended to be a publicity hound. Obviously, he did make some great early photos with x-rays.

Still, he has many great inventions, but in terms of advancements of science, but a footnote, with nothing to almost nothing in terms of scientific advances credited to him. In fact, Tesla in many ways was "anti-science". Look at the disdain he had for Einstein and his theories, all well beyond Tesla and almost all proven to be true.

Tesla spent much of the end of his life convinced of his brilliance in the pursuit of "wireless power". Being a "tinkerer" as opposed to a hard core scientist, he never spent the time to understand the science up to that point and the science that was available to him (see his disdain for Einstein). Instead of spending a few weeks or months learning the science that would have showed his pursuits were a total folly, he spent years and all his remaining money on a fool's errand and died broke and broken, the victim of his own ego and commensurate declining mental health.

Tesla went too far, he got to a point where he was so far down the road that others could not understand what he was getting at any more.

Your take on his last cycle and ending of his life is not at all what he went through and what it was about.

after all, even science/physics is big enough to have it’s own ’dunning-krueger curve’, where the bulk of physics and science is in the middle of the trough ...and those people are insistent on running the show. and they hold the peak of physics discovery back, just like happens in these audio threads. As above, so below.

Point is, all contemporary science that is known now, will pass like a painful kidney stone. Or worse. count on it. bet on it. The only true constant is the change.

Better catch up, the world is leaving you behind.

One can go to physorg and read and read and read and it will never stop, it just keeps on coming and it is moving so fast that the best of us are struggling to keep up. the best of us are falling behind on keeping up with the latest science. it is changing too fast for humans to absorb. The rate of change is going quite non linear.

Right now...there is pretty well literally no time to write textbooks before a change comes along that re-writes them, again. No joke. One has to scan the literature daily, these days.

"Tesla was a tinkerer" When Einstein was asked what it was like being the smartest  man in the world, he replied, "I don't know, you'll have to ask Teslla". There is a reason we were never taught about Tesla.. Once you understand that, you'll begin to understand much more. 

the victim of his own ego and commensurate declining mental health.


It is of no value to argue with you...

You already demonstrated your ignorance...

Spoken against geniuses is not my fetish for sure, especially when i know NOTHING about them...

This is the case ...

My fetish is philosophy, mathematics, and science in general..Now acoustic and music...

The sentence from your last post i extracted reveal all the scope of your own ego adding other lies to your own precedent falsehood, saying it is not a scientist but a tinkerer...Now you just said it is a narcissist and a dementia sufferer...Incredible! I just give you one fact and an explanation about your misjudgement and you replied with BABBLING non sense and MORE disparagement to save face..

I dont want to go on with you....By the way i cited Friston Goethe, Archimedes Spinoza in my last 3 posts.... Then the obsession is perhaps not about me and Tesla, defending a very great human being but about you, obsessed with your ego more than with fact, going with your last lie to save face about the first lie (tinkerer and non scientist)

Good luck! Enjoy yourself....

P.S. this great man die broke BECAUSE anybody who know about him know that money represent NOTHING for him...You are repulsive in your attack which reflect total ignorance of his works and life....


Fyi, mr debunker:

Just one point among thousands....Toyota corporation has patents, patents that have been applied for, been evaluated and passed scientific muster...and have been granted..on atomic transmutation. For a good 5 years now.

There is absolutely 0 requirement for a patent to pass any scientific muster or viability is only a condition in that the patent must be "useful" but the patent office is woefully ill equipped to determine that for all but the most basic stuff. No one cares i anyone patents something impossible as no one is going to fight to nullify said patent.

FYI, you know that transmutation is essentially Nuclear Fusion? It is not a new concept, but this would be a very novel implementation if it actually works all the time. Fusion does not have to release excess energy, that only happens if there are excess particles converted to energy.


Tesla went too far, he got to a point where he was so far down the road that others could not understand what he was getting at any more.

When Einstein was asked what it was like being the smartest man in the world, he replied, "I don’t know, you’ll have to ask Teslla".


Einstein was humble, but also sarcastic with a good sense of humor. This was in response to Tesla calling his theories "crap". Who got the last laugh?

@teo_audio , there is no evidence that Tesla was ahead of his contemporaries, not in the theoretical sciences at least. He as very weak in this area and seemed to give it no respect at all. Again, who had the last laugh?


You appear to have a Tesla fetish. He obviously did early work in X-rays, but anything he did pre-1986 was "claimed" and after the published work of Röntgen.

Pretty sure he did everything pre 1986.

You know, since he died in 1943.

I can’t help but notice all your responses sound as if you read a post, do a quick 5 minute crash course on Wikipedia, then rebut that post like you’re the grand authority. It's as if you desperately want everyone to think you are the Great Oracle of all things audio and science. Sorry to tell you; You're too late. We already have one of those...

The remark of Einstein about Tesla is an urban legend by the way....

The 2 are geniuses, but very different...

An inventor is not a theoretical physicist...

You cannot compare the 2...

But if you compared Steinmetz, one of the greatest engineer and physicist with 200 hundred inventions, with the 278 of Tesla in the electrical field...


We can say that he is NOT a tinkerer BUT a true scientist on the level of Steinmetz at least...

By the way, owning a photographic IMAGINATIVE memory  Tesla never draw a blueprint before working on all his machine designs, save for his workers needs...


Ne vous embetez pas, Mon Ami.

Votre temps est perdu sur celui-ci.



Je deteste qu’on dise du mal d' homme si désintéressé et bon comme Tesla

... Mais tu as raison ....

Je te souhaite le meilleur cher ami....


Now, the speculation might be..that..if you can take that, and run it through the various dominoes of logic, you might find yourself standing in front of another supposed impossibility: dimensional translation of scaled objects. As... logic says - that is where it is headed.

And if one actually read the full Teo patent for liquid metal conductors.... it's right in there, in the text.... for being a experimental medium/methodology for such work.

By the way, owning a photographic IMAGINATIVE memory  Tesla never draw a blueprint before working on all his machine designs, save for his workers needs...

I expect this was another downfall of Tesla. So called photographic memories have been shown repeatedly to be flawed.

Pretty sure he did everything pre 1986.

You know, since he died in 1943.

I can’t help but notice all your responses sound as if you read a post, do a quick 5 minute crash course on Wikipedia, then rebut that post like you’re the grand authority. It's as if you desperately want everyone to think you are the Great Oracle of all things audio and science. Sorry to tell you; You're too late. We already have one of those...

Pretty sure I translated the 8 and the 9.

I actually debated on Tesla in University, I got stuck with the "negative" side which I thought was a detriment, but ended up being much easier. I also read on almost everything, have several degrees, most useful, and actually put my education and knowledge into practice. However, even if I did a 5 minute crash course, it seems to be more than enough to keep up here ... so what does that say?

@teo_audio ,

And if one actually read the full Teo patent for liquid metal conductors.... it's right in there, in the text.... for being a experimental medium/methodology for such work.

You may want to go back and read what a time crystal is, not "metaphorically"  but actually is in practice what you wrote comes across as a metaphorical intepretation, not the reality .... and sure your patent is about that. Did you invent the internet too?


Post removed 

I expect this was another downfall of Tesla. So called photographic memories have been shown repeatedly to be flawed.

Your attack without foundation against a great human being are reflecting only your repulsive ego sorry...Bragging about yourself will not help you sorry...

eidetic memory exist..

Take a look, this case was studied by Oliver Sacks....

This young man look at a city from the air and paint it exactly...

He did it MANY times with many cities...He did that for a living...

And educate yourself about Leonardo Da Vinci able to draw fluids movements like nobody before him, and try Goethe who create his morphology with an eidetic memory of his own capturing the movement of plant growth ...

Perhaps you know John Von Neumann... Also an eidetic memory..

Do you want other case?



Post removed 

Because it’s true?

Listen, you asked me question and I answered it.

If you are not mature enough to handle that answer, it isn't my fault...

Because he replied to your immodest bragging about yourself just after your disparagement and ignorance about Tesla....And about eidetic memory facts....


For a supposed adult, you have the maturity of a 3yr old. How else do you justify this comment you made?

Mathematics does not trump Reality. Reality does not bend to equations, equations that require magical objects like black holes, neutron stars, dark matter to explain what is being observed out in space.

Our equations don’t add up, ohhhhhh it’s not that our mathematical, unverified understanding of the fundamental forces of the universe is incomplete, no no no there must be this 99.9% of the universe that is completely invisible. Can’t be detected, can’t be interacted with, can’t be verified......but it MUST exist or our equations don’t balance out. And Gravitational equations are sacrosanct... can’t be challenged.

Anyone that dares to point out this fundamental a nutcase.


A star is spinning out in space at the speed of a dentist drill, at least we think it is spinning, but no object that size can stay intact as explained by the theory of star formation. Hmmmmmm okay, instead of actually addressing the problem and modifying mathematical models to align with observation........we come up with an object sooooo dense, that it still stays intact spinning at those speeds. An object made of Neutrons, neutrons so densely packed together, that have never been observed in experiments, or anywhere else in nature, a phenomenon that violates all known laws of Nuclear physics. Attach it to a few new equations and off we go....


String theory and it’s 10 extra dimensions.....I don’t even need to go there.

This is what happens when you have Mathematicians sitting in their basements, dictating that reality conform to their theoretical models.

All inconvenient observations are filtered out, wild fairy tale objects are debated endlessly......Just another version of "How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?"

Hey, but what do I know...all this has been debunked on a video on need to pay attention. Move along, nothing to see here.

Like i said there is a revolution in neuroscience and biology right now...

It is a revolution like physics has known one with quantum mechanics...

We cannot understand cosmology WITHOUT understanding what life is first...

One of the pionneer is Karl Friston another genius like Tesla...

By the way the problem is not the use of mathematics " per se" but the way and the imaginative context where we use it...





Mathematics is a language, a language of patterns. You can conjure up any pattern, real or imagined, and prove it mathematically.

Mathematics must always be tied back down to reality, it cannot be a substitute for observation. @mahgister

I just say the same thing in my last post...

Then we are in the same boat....

What i called an "imaginative context" for mathematization is a "reality" perceived by humans and ONLY described by maths on some aspects....

Friston is a perfect example....He use old mathematics in a totally new way....


But we can describe some qualities with mathematic, like in acoustic for example, but the qualitative experience cannot be exhausted by measures or numbers...


I doubt we would agree on where the revolutions are in neuroscience but I agree, revolutions, but not just in neuroscience, but in all areas of "human" science. We even have an Aids vaccine on the horizon, and I expect we are going to see cancer vaccines in the not too distant future.

I will leave @yuviarora out of the conversation. There is just not enough background to work with there. Accusing others of only believing what you are told why parroting the fringes of pseudo-science is not the recipe for intelligent discussion.

I grew up being a Tesla fan. The more I knew, the less impressed I was. There were far less inventors and far more simple and undiscovered in Tesla's era than today, not to mention far lower cost to patent. Things are much different today.

I doubt we would agree on where the revolutions are in neuroscience but I agree, revolutions, but not just in neuroscience, but in all areas of "human" science. We even have an Aids vaccine on the horizon, and I expect we are going to see cancer vaccines in the not too distant future.


By the way i was speaking about a revolution in biology not about new technologies..vaxx technology are easy today ask Gates...Do you take sharks are geniuses?

Friston ideas are a revolution, not new tech in medecine only or mainly...

And you said you have been a Tesla fan... I smile because you denigrate him completely with falsities...

He was only a tinkerer you said ....With more inventions than the great Steinmetz himself...Is Steinmetz a tinkerer?

He vas not a scientist you said.. False...

He has a big ego .... False for anybody knowing his life...

He died broke ... Which is true but it is no way the testimony of a failure but the sign on the contrary of his true dimension in life.... He never bother himself with the economical aspect of his inventions and even throw a contract of millions dollars just to help a friend...( Westinghouse)

He was gifted among other talents with eidetic memory.... I proved by fact that eidetic memory exist contrary to your dismissal... Why not apologizing for your negation of evident facts? you are silent?

You even say he was senile in old age which is false....



I grew up being a Tesla fan. The more I knew, the less impressed I was. There were far less inventors and far more simple and undiscovered in Tesla’s era than today, not to mention far lower cost to patent. Things are much different today.


Your last argument is meaningless... You just said that it was easy to be "Tesla" in his time and today it is more difficult to be a "Tesla"? Is it the reason why you are not a genius?

With your childish line of reasoning Archimedes had a more easy way for sure living in a older past......I guess you dont know anythhing about his method...

It takes 2 millenia to understand Archimedes, do you think is genius is exhausted by " tinkering" in his bath?

You think really that you are superior it seems ?



Try to read a genius and explain it to me tomorrow,his name is Karl Friston, i will wait...Do you need more than a day? it take me few hours and i am not a genius...I supposed you will easily did it in few hours...

Try Karl Friston...I will be here to read your briefing about him... His work is the beginning of a revolution in life science similar only to quantum mechanic in physics... Explain to me why i said so if i am right and why i am wrong if it is the case...I will wait ... After all you are a genius... 😁😊



I know too much geniuses in all fields myself to brag about me like you did here...

i am not a scientist at all by the way contrary to you... And not a genius at all.... But i KNOW how to read ...Books and people...


I hate when someone attack very great souls...Tesla is a great soul not only a genius....



«Any encounter with a genius make us humble... Save if we are not able to understand him at all....»-Anonymus Smith


@cindyment when you start off a reply by accusing others of being nutcases, there can’t be much of a conversation from there on out.

Like I said, I am not interested in talking to you, so please ignore my replies, I am conversing with other less intelligent souls, who have a dumb open mind, a mind that is still receptive to new ideas.

Guys …. Guys …. You are wasting your time and energy engaging with this persona , I suspect this is merely another example of a certain members sock puppetry.

Same egotistical methodology, same use of three paragraphs , same abrasive manner ( altho turned up a notch due to the anonymity)  claims of expertise in the field of XRay and other medical sciences e.g. Neuroscience etc .etc .

One might consider that since his suspension and release, orchestrated by another barely believable persona, and being aware that he will be under scrutiny from the Admin and Moderation team,  the requirement for anther account as an outlet for his ‘True’  personality must be compelling.

*** Simply Ignore ***

Post removed 

@yuviarora ,


Any person who publicly writes this is in the latter 20th century or 21st century is a nutcase. Keep in mind it is you that is advancing the people who wrote this.


The evidence suggests that only a few thousand years ago planets moved close to the earth, producing electrical phenomena of intense beauty and terror.
We contend that humans once saw planets suspended as huge spheres in the heavens. Immersed in the charged particles of a dense plasma, celestial bodies "spoke" electrically and plasma discharge produced heaven-spanning formations above the terrestrial witnesses.

The electric universe notion is as whacked as a flat earth. You’d have to reject almost everything we’ve discovered and tested for centuries, even Newton’s gravitational laws. Even discussing this is nuts.

I believe it was Sagan who said , it's good to have an open mind but not so open your brains fall out. 

@teo_audio ,


The study characterizes the fluctuations in the shock waves of vehicles traveling at speeds of Mach 2 to 10 and is modeled in one dimension.

Please explain what in audio travels at supersonic speeds, and hence the relevance to your link and audio?

Much of the study in the field of hypersonics focuses on understanding the disturbances in the flow of gases near the surface of the vehicle—the boundary layer—rather than what's happening in the shock, which typically occurs in the front of the vehicle.

Again, how relevant?  This is the common foible, error, tactic? so common in audio discussions whether DACs, digital, cables, etc. Bring up something remotely related, then do no work to show relevancy and no work to put a figure on it that how relevancy, then claim "that is why I hear .....".  You claim to be a "man of science" in your posts, but posting links and making dubious claims of relevance is most definitely not science.

Cindyment. member since Nov 30, 2021

One day. 65 posts since then.

the stench is high with this one.

Repeat offender, trying again.

when will this forum enact IP source checking, i wonder. Although, that tack, to help prevent repeat offenders from attacking the given forum or comments section, tends to be a bit less useful, since the advent of VPNs. However, it could be useful to block the use of VPNs on this forum. But I do not know of the specifics of such implementation. Costs, complexities, and so on, with regard to conflicts or compatibility with the forum’s software, as it exists.


all we know is tha right now, the forum is definitely and continually under attack from nutbars who come in and are obviously repeat offenders who are here under new name name after new name after new name... again and again and again, and they show no sign of stopping their attacks of the forum.

New member flood control is probably possible. Ie, limit to a few posts a day for at least a week. where, if they go to flooding the forum after a week then the pattern would be clear to the moderation and ownership. That would be preferable to this current 'new members continual flooding of the forum from day one' -problem.

@teo_audio  I agree. Blocking resurrected members who are using multiple VPNs is not simple since the VPNs use various methods to bypass blocking.

Far simpler is requesting a major credit card with matching billing and shipping addresses and processing a one time minimal charge...each time a "new" user signs up. 

Audiogon is a commercial site focused on listings for sale, so the above is fully justified.

@teo_audio ,

Most forums have a mantra, "Attack the post, not the poster".

That subject of your post shows lack of conviction for what you posted.

I am still waiting for you to communicate the relevancy of your post. Will that be coming? Some may consider it disrespectful to post obfuscations.

That subject of your post shows lack of conviction for what you posted.

Not really.

I might engage you if you had what it takes to show your name and your face. Additionally, to show all other posts done under all other false names used on this forum, by you.

Only then. When integrity has arrived in your camp.

@teo_audio ,

Knowing my name and seeing my face will in no way change what I wrote, but it may encourage you and others to dox me. I wasn't born yesterday. This is just another attempt to discredit me and to avoid addressing what I have written.  I could not care who you are or what your face looks like. I am judging you purely on the basis of what you are posting. I will ask you once again to stick to the topic if you are able.

I think this is a very good rule...

I think the same...

But if someone is wrong about a point of argument i appreciate that he recognize it when it is the case...If not, no discussion is possible...

Tolerance without gregarious scapegoating is the key to civilization...

And for sure less dogmatic or less abrasive comment could help too...

Politeness is the key to discovery said Confucius, but Lao Tse add that humility help a lot....


( i invented these citations myself then i apologize for my excesses and abuse in bad litterature)

Knowing my name and seeing my face will in no way change what I wrote, but it may encourage you and others to dox me. I wasn’t born yesterday. This is just another attempt to discredit me and to avoid addressing what I have written. I could not care who you are or what your face looks like. I am judging you purely on the basis of what you are posting. I will ask you once again to stick to the topic if you are able.

It my experience @mahgister, politeness is the key to very slow discovery and often ends in quiet anger and resentment. Out in the open "argument" and "conflict" if kept to the topic at hand, and not made overtly personal reaches a better, more nuanced, faster, and more acceptable to all conclusion. The home of Confucius is known for their "outward" politeness, but that is often hiding the middle finger, which leads to worse long term outcomes. Meanwhile, day to day interactions in Confucius' home, are anything but polite when the curtain is pulled back. One could argue the forced "politeness" of woke culture is retarding real progress, as we are no longer even allowed to disagree on certain topics. Confucius thought was initially frowned upon by the Communist party as it was seen as a threat to their "moral" power. Now it is used as tool for control. Be careful what you wish for.

I do my best to stick to only arguing the topic and hand, I am open to "new" concepts if actually thought threw, but when we start talking about celestial bodies formerly being practically in the Earth's atmosphere in the last thousands of years, you are not going to get a "respectful" reply. If I stray from the topic at hand too far, I will try not to take too much offence if you pull me back in.

I believe our thoughts on Tesla will never agree. You see a saint, I see a smart inventor who was convinced of his own superiority and did not give credit where credit was due and claimed to be "first" for everything he touched. Neither Tesla nor Marconi really invented radio. Edison, gave a lecture on what was to be radio waves in 1871 and patented a ship to shore comms in 1890(1?). Jagadesh Bose range a remote bell in 1894 using radio waves. Heinrich Hertz demonstrated spark gap communication in 1887. Marconi's main advancements perhaps were antenna ideas which he honed in early 1895 and is credit, I would say accurately of that year putting together the first complete wireless transmission system.  Tesla was obviously great at applying technology and realized his Tesla coil made a best at the time transmitter. He claims that Marconi was using 17 of his patents, but please indicate where he gave credit to all those who did work prior which enabled what he did.

I will accept your point about Tesla being not alone in his field for sure...But he was ALWAYS isolated and worked alone... By many aspect he resemble more to a "saint on a mission " than to a scientist, yes...That make his life stuff for legend...And legendary he was...

Anyway he never was a "tinkerer", never was driven by money, and like others was a true scientist...That was my point....His ego was directed toward a mission not toward himself, that separate himself completely from the like of Edison....His scientific output in America and in the world make this mission a reality not only the dream of a narcissist tinkerer...The many spritual aspects of his personality unknown to most, make him more fascinating and out of the norm... His eidetic memory are just one....

He was not alone in his field of research but he was certainly one of the greatest, the like of Steinmetz and unlike tinkerer uneducated Edison: Pure scientist and not business man first and not business man at all....


For politeness you are right...My character mimic yours i like discussions without hypocrisy....

But being in face of one another is not the same than being in a forum....We dont have any clues here emotional or physical, then misconceptions are easy, then politeness and a bit of humility help at first contact ...No ?

And like you i dont want for myself the life in a Confucean extended family for the same reason...



I find Electric Universe’s claims far more believable than Magical black holes, dark matter, etc etc etc....

I have watched over a 1000 hours of accompanying videos and evidence, claims made by credible scientists, working at mainstream institutions. Their theories have successfully predicted all sorts of phenomena in space (decades/centuries in advance), observations that have left main stream scientists completely befuddled.

All the information is available online, cited, catalogued, straight from the horse’s mouth. It is there for people that are interested enough to go and investigate for themselves.

Every revolutionary idea in human history has been labelled "Nutcase" by all the mediocre minds, mediocre minds that themselves have always maintained that their generation had reached the end of Human discovery, nothing new is possible.

"It was very easy to be a scientist in the past" they constantly scream...

All the while denigrating and harassing people that are doing all the trailblazing.

The evidence suggests that only a few thousand years ago planets moved close to the earth, producing electrical phenomena of intense beauty and terror.
We contend that humans once saw planets suspended as huge spheres in the heavens. Immersed in the charged particles of a dense plasma, celestial bodies "spoke" electrically and plasma discharge produced heaven-spanning formations above the terrestrial witnesses.


@yuviarora , I will keep posting this as this was in the direct link you provided. I have been aware of the electric universe concept for many years, and with very very odd exception, I cannot find any reputable scientists that promote this idea, and their "explanations" are not more observable or accurate than any others and most of their so called models do not even work on a solar system level, let alone explain so many phenomena which we observe more and more. Keep in mind that things like the LHC prove more and more that many of the things before thought purely theoretical, are actually true. Ditto for the gravity wave detector, which detected something your electric universe model would not allow, and I don't think neutrinos would fit in either.

I find it interesting that you accuse me of being indoctrinated, who has many thousands of hours of education in physics, as well and many more thousands in applied physics, which gives me a solid foundation to build on w.r.t. other aspects of physics, but you, who have watched Youtube videos, but appears to lack a strong theoretical background is not "indoctrinated". Care to share why you believe that is so?



We dont know what electricity is...

We can play with it and wrote equations born from Faraday phenomenological observation ...Because we can use it, we think we know what it is...

Perhaps electricity as we know it, is all that we experience when the RELATION or the "force" that unite all things is not correctly perceived through it and with it? I think this was a Tesla view and he call it "ether" ... ( Dont remind me that Einstein theory put ether theory in the dustbin because i know it and anyway there is not one "ether" idea )

One thing is certain, the view that galaxies are spinning Newtonian-Einsteinian masses will be superseeded by the view of their fine structure organization and interrelations like an organ in an encompassing body, and not like an unstructured electron in an atom......

For sure i dont pretend to any science with my post....😊

I am a poet reading science not a scientist....


«History of science is science» -Goethe

Everything has already been discovered bro, It was easier to be Tesla than it is to be you...

Thunderbolts project....all videos are available on their YouTube channel.

All accompanying evidence is catalogued and cited....if you are this motivated to debunk their life’s work, at least have the decency to listen to what they have to say first.


BUUUUT, you will never do that, because you already know everything, and you especially know that they are completely wrong.

The constant repeating of the claim that you think is soooooo preposterous, that it does not even merit a simple cursory investigation, speaks more about you, than it does about them.


So peace out, I couldn’t care less about your education, or whatever other credentials you would like to throw in my face.



ADD: And this constant haranguing for me to do your thinking for you, would you like me to distill a 1000 hours of information into 3 paragraphs? Succinctly and legibly enough to sate your intellectual curiosity?

I posted a video that I find extremely interesting, it has over 2 million views, if you want to watch it...great. If not...get out of the way and let others enjoy it.


Mr. Armchair expert.




I will add that what we call science, when it is not confused with technological hubris, exist on one collective level of consciousness..

There is other levels of consciousness where what we call science today is children play...

The universe is not ONLY outside....I am not ONLY inside my body either....But if i do correct science these 2 hypothesis are necessary for the time being...But there is already a revolution in biology indicating the beginning of a change (Friston for example)...I truly think the next revolution is already here, but most dont see it hypnotised by the successful endeavor of the physical paradigm and his power....


Some very great scientists think otherwise:

Ramanujan, Grothendieck, Goethe, Swedenborg, Tesla Etc

It is very difficult looking at their works to call them deluded or stupid....

But anyway even if there is perhaps no physics of Ether now, we live in Einstein world, not Tesla world, but there exist a mathematics of Ether so to speak... Inter-universal geometry of Shinichi Mochizuki....But it is a "bit" difficult to understand than no one will dare to contradict me here...


I think we would have some interesting arguments over a beer @mahgister though I expect you are more a wine drinker, with perhaps a penchant for brandy. Have a good rest of your day.

I will drink piss cow if frienship ask for it... 😊


Enjoy your end of day too....

I will listen the thunderbolt video of my other friend here and after that listening music....

I just discovered Liszt Christus and i am in awe by this very irregular showman artist in his days who is able to rival Bach oratorios...



Repeat offender, trying again.

That was my determination the first day he/she started posting.