The Big Misconception About Electricity

This vid goes quite a ways down the road to explaining why:

1)  Power cords make a not so subtle difference.

2) Cable elevators should not be looked at askance.


Regards, barts


Showing 50 responses by mahgister

I hope that the 4 last science articles i presented, nevermind the Tesla matter, are so interesting that i will be forgive to inhabit the thread to defend the reputation of a great man.... 


I reacted to an educated ignorant, but sorry i dont react to parrot....


But my post is a reaction...

I conclude that i am an idiot writing this post but i am not there alone it seems...


«If hate is way more powerful than intelligence, love also is»-Anonymus Smith

For those who will misread me, i never wanted to prove that Tesla was right...

I am not a scientist and Tesla is a human being and he could be wrong...

My point was to prove that he cannot be a tinkerer, like some educated ignorant trolling here claimed it was, without any basis save copy/paste date about some patents... thats all...

I will go back in my hole now...

All that remind me of the book of genesis, your Tesla read too much fables and myths .. - Anonymus skeptic....

Are you saying that he was only a tinkerer?

Do we know perfectly what electricity is?


But we know for sure what sound is, is not it?


Question: is this phenomena of "transverse sound wave" would have surprized Tesla?


Guess why?

"Light is a soundwave in the ether" Tesla


"Can you imagine sound travels in the same way as light does? A research team at City University of Hong Kong (CityU) discovered a new type of sound wave: the airborne sound wave vibrates transversely and carries both spin and orbital angular momentum like light does. The findings shattered scientists’ previous beliefs about the sound wave, opening an avenue to the development of novel applications in acoustic communications, acoustic sensing, and imaging."

Published in Nature :


A last word: being a cult figure in underground culture dont make him a crackpot nor a tinkerer...

Even if his tower could not has worked like he dreamed about, and it is probable that this tower would not have worked like he dreamed about,

he never was a tinkerer by any meaning of this word..

With his mathematical and physics university formation, his eidetic memory, he was OVER Edison by a large margin... And with 100 hundred more patents in electricy than the genius Steinmetz who owned 200, spoking 8 languages , no one ever called him a tinkerer...Certainly not Einstein, even if Tesla was probably wrong against Einstein about electricity...This is historical fact....

He was human with his limit BUT never a tinkerer,

save for some pretentious people ready to denigrate to make a point....

This photo where we could see Einstein with Tesla and Steinmetz, in a common meeting, at the times the three greatest genius in electricity in the world is testimony of that...


The Carlson book is a very serious work .... The title say all.....



By the way i read this book among others:

W. Bernard Carlson, Tesla: Inventor of the Electrical Age, Princeton University Press, , 520 p.

it is one of the authoritative book on Tesla...

Wrote to him that the title is a crookery and a lie... the title of this book made it Just snake oil like Tweaks are....

But a clue about the editor of this book it is Princeton university and they are demanding editor... THEN ...

Stay in audio thread and go against Ted Denney....


It seems it is YOU who was badly informed...

If you want i will send to you a copy of the book NO CHARGE....

Tesla is a physicist, a great inventor, one of the great one, and not a tinkerer...

All these posts of you are around a way to falsify facts and history...Using details and dates and complete idiotic argumentation like : he was not alone...

The Tesla unit honor a genius not a tinkerer...


Is Tesla a tinkerer or a genius?


DETAILS AND DATES about inventions cannot diminish the intelligence of a man who own 278 patents because he was few months after someone in some case...

You wanted to prove that he was only a tinkerer not a genius....this is FALSE.... Nevermind any date...

You quit because you CANNOT contradict the large truth with minor details anymore...

Insulting dead people is easy... But only closed mind do that to serve an agenda in an audio thread...

Tesla was NEVER a tinkerer.... Remember it....

Instead of recognizing your wrong qualification you persist with details and date that could never reverse reality about Tesla genius...


i never read the wikipedia entry.... they correct me ... I was wrong it is not 278 patents...

Tesla est l'auteur d’environ 300 brevets dont beaucoup sont attribués à tort à Thomas Edison2 traitant de nouvelles méthodes pour aborder la conversion de l’énergie.

Yes the first large one at scale and the more spectacular....And Lamme was working with Tesla patents and not OVER TESLA...Westinghouse who know BETTER than you admired Tesla and Lamme was under Westinghouse...

Do you know why no book mentionned him?

He NEVER published any acadamic papers only patents...

He never have any academic careeer, he work alone, and Why do we call a unit of the magnetic field strenght a TESLA? To honor a tinkerer ?

Because there is a cult behind this fact ?

Is Tesla a tinkerer?

Answer please before ...Spell the truth...

Dont hide before a date or argument like he was not alone or the first, or he made nothing remarkable...

Answer the truth...

Was he a tinkerer or not?

Bye bye is not an argument but a chidish gesture sorry...

By the way Wrote to this man that he is in a cult..Tesla was only a tinkerer...

"The evolution of electric power from the discovery of Faraday in 1831 to the initial great installation of the Tesla polyphase system in 1896 is undoubtedly the most tremendous event in all engineering history"

-Dr. Charles F. Scott, Professor Emeritus of Electrical Engineering at Yale University and former President of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers

you are pathetic...

I just indicated in my precedent post that no inventor is ALONE in this complex field.. THIS IS A COMMONPLACE FACT.....

You will try anything to eliminate Tesla and Even your post reveal your stupid tactic...


All history book credited Tesla For Niagara falls... An history of all the details and engineers linked to it could NEVER change that...For sure there are other engineer in the world...But no engineer own 278 patents save the like of Steinmetz Tesla and very few other...Not one is a tinkerer...... Then why saying that he is a "tinkerer" ? He was a physicist....

This is my point...

I know perfectly well that you know way more about practical electricity than me, then why being stupid to gain a match in a discussion with stupid arguments? There is a Tesla cult yes, an edison cult yes... So what....Tesla is not a tinkerer admit you were WRONG saying it....

All people can read your post do you have no shame?

based on the work of Nikola Tesla and Benjamin G. Lamme, while the I. P. Morris Company of Philadelphia built the turbines based on the design of the Swiss company Faesch and Piccard.[


Lamme created an efficient induction motor from Nikola Tesla’s patents and went on to design the giant Niagara Falls generators


For sure Kennedy is wrong if he say vaccines are ALL bad...

But it is not what he say...

Inform yourself before reading piece of promotional garbage against him in the ACTUAL CIRCONSTANCE.....

More easy than read a book for sure...

He is wrong’: Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s family calls him out for anti-vaccine conspiracy theories


Tesla invented the first alternative current WORKING SYSTEM , at Niagara Falls....Not only a motor...

Alternative current is a " principle" not a motor not an hydroelectric plant...

then your rectification is childlike...

And your sentence is ridiculous...

Any invention in a complex field in all history is always built on previous work...

You cannot use this fact LIKE AN ARGUMENT against Tesla creativity...

Your "critical analysis skills" are used for your own ego are very limited if i judge your constant distortion of facts for your benefit not for truth...

You will never admit being wrong, which is a sign not of a scientist but of a very limited spirit, nevermind your knowledge which i know is real in DSP...

it is the reason i dislike your attitude...You even tried and put pressure on me about an inocuous post i wrote and i dislike people putting pressure on me...

Go battle Ted Denney it is a war which lives up to your COMPETENCE...

You are unable to feel shame...

Robert Kennedy junior lived through 2 perhaps 3 unsolved assassinations in his familiy history...Justice is a sensible spot in the man...Do you think he decided to become a crook for money? he was already rich before his attorney careeer...

Would you imagine the kind of work he do for children and victims , do you think that he do it for money?


He became an attorney for VICTIMS of corporate company like Pfizer...

have you read anything about the BILLIONS of dollars for crookeries and falsification PFizer was CONDEMNED to pay only in the last years?

Then your insult about a man you dont know is a reflection about your own limited abilities to discern? Too much TV news?

Have you even read his book about Fauci?

I think you are to simple mind to be even call a "nut case" yourself....

You always derail what does not fit in your small, very small world...


Do you think the physicist and defensor of children Vandana Shiva, against vaccinations by Gates in India and a friend of Robert Kennedy is also a nut case?

I am sure you dont even know his name...

You ability to undertstand is criticizing ANYTHING out of your limited perspective if i remember your posts history....


Insults abound in your post history ALWAYS about somthing you decide it is nut.... Simple for simple mind...

The number of people who can and will inform themselves by reading books is relatively low...

I will help them to investigate Dr Fauci whith this video of 2 minutes by a real scientist, Nobel prize winner, creator the PCR analysis device which was never a testing device save when we need one who can be falsified at will...

The creator of this tool one of the most important one in molecular biology is this dude who denounce the fraud when someone use it like a testing device for a virus month before his death:

Kary Mullis...

After Nobel prize and being totally free of the like of Fauci listen what he say about him:

.If you want a book, the Robert Kennedy book is astonishingly referenced....Try to debunk the Kenedy book...


And from the mouth of his creator what is PCR for test?

How do we debunk the guy who knows the limit of his technology ?

No conversation is possible without good will and good faith...

Children gesture are no arguments...

Stay in DSP....

Go debunk Ted Denney, you are here for that, and i dont doubt that you will be able to do it....

After all it is your mission in life....


And thanks for the audio book recommendation i have ordered it...After all it is your field....A one thousand pages well illustrated book....

Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, who once worked as a senior program manager for the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) and has been considered one of the most talented vaccine creators in the world,

Food for thought from Dr. van den Bossche site and a steak to stir apart for "wanna to be" debunker:


Where is the debunker with great "critical reading analysis" when we need him?

Or the political clowns? But we dont need them....

For sure no childish "gif" will help to debunk this guy....

I am tired, good night...

You win the quizz...


Is this search was asking for great " critical reading analysis skills" ?

For sure if someone dont know for example that Tesla was not a "tinkerer" and search to prove that he was one, perhaps this person will need great critical  reading analysis skills to discover all that about a more complex subject matter indeed....


I hope i will sleep tonight...The flu take me awake for 4 days...No fever tough..


Now connect the 2 dots...

Corporations would never had listen advice from someone whom by honesty and scientific ethic would have DENOUNCED the insane MASS forced vaccinations AGAINST All past science...Van den Bossche is censored EVERY Where, and i just gave to you an exemple of who are the debunkers...



Why do you think now that the amount of deaths in US is over the top world wide?

Do you need help to make a "critical analysis reading" ?

a Clue: remdesivir.... another clue: interdiction of any cheap efficient treatment SAVE remdesivir...

Someone need help?

By the way Even if Van Den Bossche was NUT case , many other world reknown specialists say the same thing...

Then in a field which is not our,"critical reading" is useless BEFORE we CORRELATE many scientist opinions scientist not PAID by corporations and FREE to speak...

Any critical reading of a text is impossible WITHOUT the historical context EVEN in science ....




Geert van Den Bossche worked for Gates and his field is evolutive epidemiology

The work about covid of Van Den Bossche is PRECISELY epidemiology dynamics and all his warning are based on this science field...

Someone understand? it is simple to understand and connect dots for those who had "critical analysis" skill......

I post it juste AFTER i posted this article in Quanta magazine where they say this:

But the most crucial need right now is for vaccine scientists to recognize the relevance of evolutionary biology to their field. Last month, when more than 1,000 vaccine scientists gathered in Washington, D.C., at the World Vaccine Congress, the issue of vaccine-induced evolution was not the focus of any scientific sessions. Part of the problem, Read says, is that researchers are afraid: They’re nervous to talk about and call attention to potential evolutionary effects because they fear that doing so might fuel more fear and distrust of vaccines by the public — even though the goal is, of course, to ensure long-term vaccine success. Still, he and Kennedy feel researchers are starting to recognize the need to include evolution in the conversation. “I think the scientific community is becoming increasingly aware that vaccine resistance is a real risk,” Kennedy said.

This is what we can read on "debunker" site about Geert van den Bossche...

This would be comical if it was not a tragedy...

Debunker accuse him to lie to promote his own vaccine...

This is all they can use to debunk him...

Who do you trust? a paid debunker whose agenda is transparent or a scientist advising the world?

Sometimes people must awake...

We’ll accord the honors of the closing paragraph to David Gorski, who echoes our sentiments on Vanden Bossche.

You know what? I think that grifters recognize fellow grifters, and Frei recognized that Dr. Vanden Bossche is stoking fear of existing COVID-19 vaccines to produce a sales rationale for his own NK-based vaccine, just as Andrew Wakefield stoked fear of the MMR in order to support his own measles vaccine. Grifters of a feather, and all that, and, of course, grifters gonna grift. Always.

Who is David Gorsky :a doctor who is surgical oncologist for women, and a professional debunker who hate integrative medecine...

This is comical....They debunk a top GAVI scientist with a surgical doctor linked to a skeptic club....



and on the same debunker site you can also read this piece of shit but before you must know that Edward Nirenberg is an "aspiring physician" YES...

Stupidity has no limit...a student is paid to debunk a chief reseracher and creator of vaccination at GAVI... Do YOU BEGIN TO UNDERSTAND? the proof is here that Edward Nirenberg is a STUDENT:


Even a children could see through them ....


Addressing Geert Vanden Bossche’s Claims

A detailed deconstruction offered by Edward Nirenberg. Orac describes this article fittingly as Nirenberg’s demolition of Vanden Bossche’s nonsense about “innate immunity,”. Definitely for the more technically minded, the arguments posed by Nirenberg conclusively bury Vanden Bossche.

Thanks but it is a flu....

i alreary suffered from  covid i think one year ago at this time of the year...

Flu and covid are very different in most cases...



I am tired because for 7 fays i suffered from the worst flu i ever had...

I have not sleep much in the last 4 days...

But i feel a bit better...

My best to you...

I ’m tired

@mahgister you are right about everything you said, thank you for the kind words. Take care of yourself, this is going to be a rough winter...Vitamin C, D, anti oxidants, Sea minerals, Organic Electrolytes (fulvic powder) take care of your immune system, and stay away from these spike protein factories.

He vas the top vaccines Creator and supervisor of GAVI , yes Bill Gates " philantropy very lucrative business...

He is no more implicated with any corporations directly......

Try to debunk it....It is one of my guide through this Massive INSANE forced vaccinations non scientific politics...

I am sure some idiot will take his first studies like a veterinarian to be the only way to gain a ridiculous point in a discussion here...

But he studies virology and epidemiology, became one of the world TOP expert in vaccinations... You know why i dont verified anything about his credentials ?


Because Gates does not put someone at the head of his GAVI which would not be top in the world of vaccinations...And he cannot be put in the bag with anti vaxx nuts ...




I cannot embed the video sorry.... A man to listen to...

Yes Montagnier is senile and this Kulldorff never consult you... 😊

Do you think it is the only article he wrote?

Do you think you know more than him?

The reason i posted this article is to enlightened you about the total insanity of forced mandate massive vaccination...And the suppression of cheap treatment for those not a you know how and why remdesivir was used in all America for the ONLY treatment?

With your super analytical power of reading you certainly know...


For sure the things had changed , guess why?

Geert van den Bossche and all the doctors i posted about in the big list you reject by the back of the hand, picking 2 names and observing that they were not epidemiologist, for the sake of a petty argument ,all these doctors, read them like i did, after that you may go and insult me...(By the way there is many epidemiologists in the list)


By the way in a field out of your competence, or mine, you CANNOT do FIRST a CRITICAL ANALYSIS of an article or 2, you CORRELATE all the teachings of scientist with no conflict of interest WORLDWIDE...After that you may be able to read critically...


I begun this pandemy 2 years ago by studying one of the better virologist on earth Dr. Didier Raoult...And after that others...Doctors who treated patients , real doctors...

You know how are evaluated scientist OBJECTIVELY i presume? If you know ,this has nothing to do with your innate superpower of critical analysis... 



Because of the insane politization in the US and the corporate weights , we created a catastroph...





Simplistic mind has decided to understand this article to be pertaining to one of the 2 camps:

Vaxx or anti vaxx


Science dont play with children game...


My point is the actual indiscriminate politics of forced mandate vaccination reserved to the rich countries is doubly stupid...


This is WHAT TO DO:

A) Wise vaxx policy worldwide (NOT ONLY FOR THE RICH north american )of ALL person at risk ONLY, on a voluntary and informed basis .. Guess why? For a clue read the article...use your brain,forget politic ...

B) Early low cost treatment for the others, WORLDWIDE, They EXIST...Guess why they are suppressed?

Good day....

I am tired ....


The most important part of this ARTICLE is this:

«But the most crucial need right now is for vaccine scientists to recognize the relevance of evolutionary biology to their field. Last month, when more than 1,000 vaccine scientists gathered in Washington, D.C., at the World Vaccine Congress, the issue of vaccine-induced evolution was not the focus of any scientific sessions. Part of the problem, Read says, is that researchers are afraid: »

They are afraid because this politic of mASS forced vaxxx made no sense with the suppression of treatment to help people who are not at great risk, like the young...

This magazine dont do politic.... Read between the line, they cannot go too far against the political authorities...


Geert Van Den Bossch explained that for YEARS and give insight about that matter way more than just this article...But those who spoke clearly are censored...


I am not against vaccination i am against massive indiscriminate vaccination rserved to rich countries ...

My best to all i go to sleep...


Thanks hilde45 for giving me hope jn humanity...

All the reflexion in this article is already there for a long time, but the fact that Quanta magazine DARE to publish it is a sign of change...


My deepest respect....


It is useless to insist and to clutter the thread...You will only create negative reactions...From people or from the moderators...

And why posting long post about the electrical universe also... For what?

Rational discussion exclude systematic cluttering, childish gif and insults...

You cannot eliminate blinders with an irrational behavior...

Sorry but i must say my mind to you my friend...I appreciate the fact that you act always rationally without insults , but cluttering is useless...

Keep your passion research for truth alive inside you, and dont enter in a war of cluttering all times, your search is a sacred temple ....


I understand that this article is important serious and mandatory to read by all...

But the adress was already in my post...

You could not convince anyone, people must did their own job...

I understand why you are passionate about the "electrical universe" hypothesis...

But it is an hypothesis so interesting it is... And trying to impose it is a sign pf weakness...

I admire your desire for truth....

I wish you the best....


This is a serious article from the serious quanta magazine not " the athantic"..

It is just an example...Of what i speak about concerning the insane politic of FORCED mandate vaxx of all people even children by Fauci...

i will not accept that an idiot call me anti vaxx or anti mask... Is it clear?


This is WHAT TO DO:

A) Wise vaxx policy worldwide (NOT ONLY FOR THE RICH north american )of ALL person at risk ONLY, on a voluntary and informed basis .. Guess why? For a clue read the article...use your brain,forget politic ...

B) Early low cost treatment for the others, WORLDWIDE, They EXIST...Guess why they are suppressed?



i am tired really...

Impossible to talk with child "gif" poster and insults...

i dont speak with gif and insults...


And people who cited the atlantic with an article payed to destroy an indivudual, a real scientist to gain a point and pick two name of doctors in a list who are not epidemiologist to gain "a point" in a discussion...Ridiculous...Have you forgot why i post this list? it is because of your affirmation that i am a nut case and an antivaxx...None of these scientist are nut case or anti vaxx... PERIOD...

And your argument about Mullis is wrong... He know what he talked about i read his book...And you know nothing about PCR .. He created it and win the Nobel for it....I will keep Mullis explanation ...

And it is impossible to discuss with people who dont recognise the actual censorship anyway...

And terminate most of their post by insults because they KNOW...

I am tired....

I am tired also of people anti-Trump 2 years ago who are fanatic like Trump supporters...They resemble each other too much...

I am tired...






No that cannot be true.. Epidemiology is not politic...Circulating rumors is not a good idea....

@yuviarora what? Is that true, all omicron cases are fully vaccinated?


I am not anti-mask....

I am not anti vaxx...

But there is a meaningful way to use vaccination...

And there is meaningful way to treat patients...

And Fauci fail on this 2 counts for reason easy to understand WHEN you know about him and his careeer... Read....

That is my point....

please dont make this crisis politic...

This has nothing to do with politic...


It is corporations running all the health system.... For profit...

Associating people who think with mass of  anti mask and Trump supporter is totally stupid...

Biden is like Trump a puppet...

Guess why ?


Do you know why the number of deaths is the greatest in the US?

I know...

If you want to know inform yourself about the protocol used and FORCED to be used in all US hospital by Fauci...

a clue : remdesivir....Dont try to read that in any official media ....Guess why?

a clue: censorship

well the variants are sure having their way with the anti vax herd immunity crowd…

dead is dead…lots of dead people….

I am not a robot but i still like Herman Cain, dead or alive

Your Peter Stoilov cannot be objective. the survival of his laboratory and his job depend for his money COMPLETELY of Fauci and Gates money...

If he said anything negative he lost all...

Montagnier, nevermind his age, in this crisis is at the front of this crisis, from the beginning, he is in close contact DAILY with all the scientists in this field... Guess why?

He is the FIRST who spell the truth about the fact now almost proved,  that the virus was artificially modified, and we know now  with Fauci money and benediction...It lack only the necessary official inquiry...It seems that you know nothing about this crisis...

Do you read news?

Have you read about the remdesivir protocol?

Do you think that this fact will be presented in American TV?

You make me laugh...

You despise people because they are so called " ignorant" or because they are so called  "failure" like Tesla....Look in a mirror....

Luc Montagnier is 89, and quite possibly no longer player with a full deck, and certainly is not applying good science.

Are you an adult?

 do you think that factcheker KNOW MORE  than ALL the scientist i just cited ?

Your analysis here is childish...

you are not with Ted Denney here in a discussion about  cables....


 Do i need to educate you?

For exemple you claim that there is no evidence that the vaccination create variant...It is not the vaccination which create variants, for reason linked to evolutive mutating virus it is the POLITIC OF MASSIVE VACCINATION that create the variants...

Read Geert van Den Bosch 

p.s. due try to get your facts straight:


Luc Montagnier, claimed that vaccinations were creating variants even though there is 1) Not a shred of evidence this is true, 2) There is no evidence of vaccines leading to more variants than infection itself in any vaccine and 3) The vast majority of variants, especially those of concern, are coming from places with low vaccination rates.  It appears the only validity is that vaccines that cause a sense of invulnerability and hence increase transfer versus isolation.

Fo you know why it is impossible to discuss with you?

You dont give a dam about truth...

Mullis denounced BEFORE dying the way his PCR desing was already used like a virus test , which it cannot be...

Do you think this pandemy was a mystery for all in before december 2019.?

Instruct yourself....It is not audio where you know a lot it is a complete other field where your expertise in audio means nothing compared to the men in my list....It is not Ted Denney here that you will debunk ....

Perhaps he know better than you...

By the way i just read his autobiography...

You know NOTHING about KARY MULLIS ....


I know you through your posts, and i know at the first minute that you have knowledge in DSP....

But i doubt greatly about your ability to analyse and read what is out of your field...

you prove yourself not very enlightened trying to reduce Tesla to be a tinkerer and now Fauci a scientist....

Are all these doctors and scientists nutcase?

Well most of them come across as nutcase clowns,  and the quality of analysis they apply generally indicates they are nutcase clowns. Not exclusively, but the vast majority.

They all think that the mandate forced vaccinations is pure crime and pure scientific errors motivated by corporate interests?

Dr. Harvey Risch, Yale University Professor of Epidemiology, Editor,
Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Board of Editors, American
Journal of Epidemiology (2014–2020), biostatistician
Dr. Robert Malone, original inventor mRNA and DNA vaccination
technologies, NIH Accelerating COVID-19 Therapeutic Interventions
and Vaccines (ACTIV) Clinical Working Group (2020), Editor-in-Chief,
Journal of Immune Based Therapies and Vaccines (2007–2012), Salk
Institute (1986–1989)
Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, Senior Ebola Program Manager, Global
Alliance for Vaccines & Immunization (2015), Head of Vaccine
Development for Germany’s Center for Infection Research (2017),
vaccine developer at GSK (1995–2006), Novartis (2006), virologist
Dr. Michael Yeadon, Chief Scientist and vice-president of Pfizer’s allergy
and respiratory research division (1995–2011), respiratory
Dr. Luc Montagnier, Virologist, 2008 Nobel Prize in Physiology/Medicine
Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, Chair of the Parliamentary Assembly, Council of
Europe Heath Committee (1998–2010), member of German Parliament
(1994–2009), pulmonologist
Dr. Peter McCullough, clinical cardiologist, vice chief of internal
medicine at Baylor University Medical Center (2014–2021)
Peter Doshi, University of Maryland School of Pharmacy associate
professor pharmaceutical health services, and Associate Editor at The
British Medical Journal
Dr. Paul E. Marik, Founder, Front-Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance,
Professor of Medicine, Chief of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine,
Eastern Virginia Medical School
Dr. Pierre Kory, President and Chief Medical Officer of the Front-Line
Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance, Former Associate Professor, Chief of
Critical Care Service, Medical Director of Trauma and Life Support
Center at the University of Wisconsin (2015–2020)
Dr. Byram Bridle, University of Guelph associate professor of Viral
Dr. Tess Lawrie, World Health Organization consultant, physician
Dr. Didier Raoult, Director, Infectious and Tropical Emergent Diseases
Research Unit (France), physician and microbiologist
Dr. Peter Breggin, National Institute of Mental Health (1966–1968),
Harvard Medical School (1963–1964), doctor of psychiatry, author of
more than 40 books
Dr. Meryl Nass, physician, vaccine-induced illnesses, toxicology, expert
delegate to the US Director of National Intelligence bio-threat study
program (2008)
Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, Medical Director Monsey Family Medical Center,
Dr. Charles Hoffe, physician
Dr. James Todaro, physician
Dr. Scott Jensen, University of Minnesota Medical School Clinical
Associate Professor, Minnesota State Senator (2016–2020), physician
Dr. Ryan Cole, pathologist
Dr. Jacob Puliyel, Director Department of Pediatrics and Neonatology, St.
Stephen’s Hospital (India), past member of India’s National Technical
Advisory Group on Immunization
Dr. Christiane Northrup, University of Vermont College of Medicine
Assistant Clinical Professor of Obstetrics & Gynecology (1982–2001),
physician, three-time New York Times bestselling author
Dr. Richard Urso, MD Anderson Cancer Center assistant professor (1993–
2005), Chief of Orbital Oncology, scientist
Dr. Joseph Ladapo, Surgeon General of Florida, professor University of
Florida College of Medicine, associate professor at UCLA’s David
Geffen School of Medicine, assistant professor of Population Health and
Medicine at NYU School of Medicine
Dr. Martin Kulldorff, Harvard University professor of medicine,
biostatistician, epidemiologist, expert in vaccine safety evaluations and
monitoring infectious disease outbreaks
Dr. Michael Levitt, Stanford University biophysicist and professor of
structural biology, 2013 Nobel Prize in Chemistry
Dr. Satoshi Ōmura, biochemist, 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology/Medicine
Dr. Paul E. Alexander, US Department of Health & Human Services
Senior Covid Pandemic Advisor (2020), WHO Pan American Health
Organization (2020)
Dr. Clare Craig, UK National Health Service (2000–2015), pathologist,
Oxford University and Cambridge University trained
Dr. Lee Merritt, US Navy physician and surgeon (1980–1989), past
president Association of American Physicians and Surgeons
Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Microbiologist, head of the Institute of Medical
Microbiology and Hygiene at University of Mainz (1991–2012)
Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, Stanford University Medical School professor,
physician, epidemiologist, health economist, and public health policy
expert focusing on infectious diseases
Dr. David Katz, Yale University, founder of Yale’s Prevention Research
Center, physician
John P.A. Ioannidis, Stanford University Professor of Medicine,
Epidemiology and Population Health, physician-scientist
Dr. Sunetra Gupta, Oxford University epidemiologist, immunology
expert, vaccine development, infectious disease mathematical modeling
Dr. Catherine L. Lawson, Rutgers University research professor, Institute
for Quantitative Biomedicine
Dr. Salmaan Keshavjee, Harvard Medical School professor of Global
Health and Social Medicine
Dr. Laura Lazzeroni, Stanford University professor of biomedical data
science, professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences
Dr. Cody Meissner, Tufts University professor of pediatrics, expert on
vaccine development, efficacy, and safety
Dr. Lisa White, Oxford University professor of epidemiology and
Dr. Ariel Munitz, Tel Aviv University professor of clinical microbiology
and immunology
Dr. Motti Gerlic, Tel Aviv University, clinical microbiology and
Dr. Angus Dalgleish, University of London professor of infectious disease,
Dr. Helen Colhoun, University of Edinburg professor of medical
informatics and epidemiology, public health physician
Dr. Simon Thornley, University of Auckland epidemiologist and
Dr. Stephanie Seneff, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Senior
research scientist

Is Kary Mullis an anti-vax?

Is Luc Montagnier an anti-vax? And a failure like Tesla?

Two Nobel winner are antivaxx then?


In science the use of the "proper" word in a "proper" context is essential...

Calling these 2 NOBEL anti-vaxx, because Mullis the creator of the PCR, just before dying denounced vigorously the way fraudster Fauci in corporation use PCR Tool, which cannot be a testing device for a virus presence for multiple reason, is an abuse of the word "anti-vaxx"...

Luc Montagnier is not against vaxx at all, he denounce at his own peril, the actual WORLD-WIDE forced mandate vaccination like pure foolly...He is not alone...

But if Tesla was a tinkerer and a failure, Fauci a success, why not calling antivaxxAnyone who demounce an insane policy conducted by corporations NOT by scientists or by scientist sales of their corporations ...

I am sure you are very competent in DSP, and some aspect of audio for sure but for the rest i am no more sure at all...

None of the researcher i read about this crisis are anti-vaxx...

Only one is anti-vaxx by profession because he was the vaccinations victims defender for a long time against corporation and i admire him greatly.... Robert Kennedy junior...

His book about Fauci is a must read...

I guess you have no idea about Fauci history and links...Fauci is like his friend Robert Gallo a fraudster ....You know Robert Gallo?

That is not to say there are 0 side effects to the vaccines, but most of the anti-vax stuff is right out of a comedy show.

We will never know if The Tesla tower enterprise would have been able to bare fruits or not, because the cicumstances of his times deprived him of the money to end his endeavour, being it right or wrong...

In these same years. in 1913,Pierpont Morgan and other bankers alike him funded the PRIVATE central bank that own America and the world through their institution...This will go global after the first world war and called, the bank of international settlements or BIS...This is history not conspiration theory.... Save for most people who are ignorant of history....

Nowadays when so much people are crushed under tyrannic circonstances , when so many own so much and all the rest own nothing, we go into a wall...

The only problem we face is not too much people on Earth, but few people controlling everything...

If you call this "fact" in Tesla life only an excuse, it is you who dream sleepwalking with your own personal knowledge and success and judging others "ignorant" and calling a great man a tinkerer first, now a failure...

The true success is not money, nor being right in science or other fields or not being right , the true success is being truly human and stay human ...


«Eternity dont give a dam about Nobel prize»-Anonymus Smith


There you go, making excuses for Tesla, see, I told you he would fit right in today.

Tesla life and person never was a failure...

But he was a "pawn" , being without money, and he was discarded when no more useful by some for which the humanity progress is nothing compared to money...

It is not surprizing that Tesla became a myth... We live the same situation all of us with big pharma right now....

If he had keep his patents and be like Edison a business man , he would have been the richest man in the world...

Accusing Tesla to be a failure now,  after accusing him to be  a tinkerer is pure "bad faith" and ignorance of his life....

Sorry to say so.....


History teach us that MOST inventions were simultaneously produced in the same time frame by not one, but often by 2 or few different people in different country...

In a court of law patent must be credited to the first discoverer in time....

I will not enter in debates about who is the first, Tesla or another scientist few amount of time before...But if i want to know i will not consult Edison society either... 😁

When someone own 278 patents and probably others invention non patented, If we exclude plagiarisn, We have in front of us a real scientist and genius...Not a tinkerer...Edison was a tinkerer of genius without formal education... Tesla has a university formation in physics...

Then I will not entrer either in the reason why Tesla status is a "myth" but this does not make of him a con artist...


The reason, or one of the reason why this great scientist, became a myth, with all corrections from reality any myth entail, is his way of life and solitary character who present him alone against the power of corruption by corporate greed...And this is not false even if it is not all the truth...And he was a symbol of the bankers tyranny  for many after his death...After all he invented  with  no financial motivation or for personal gain at all... 

Demoslishing Tesla is impossible, his inventions, even if he cannot be the first for every one of them, are a testimony of his creativity with an enormous output, rectifying any myth is necessary for sure ...BUT and there is a but....

But if someone say it is a "tinkerer" not a great scientist, we have the right to question his motivation...We debunk the debunker agenda who go to far against truth..

Mocking people can be a pleasure for some, but using some truth ( date of invention) to present a genius like a tinkerer is not appealing for me...

I dont doubt the Vice article accuracy about date and the fact that someone else invented the same thing a year before in another country...I doubt the person who qualify Tesla to be a tinkerer...He was a physicist by formation....Contrary to Edison...He spoke many languages .... And he was erudite....


Great page by Edison fanclub...

Go in Italia and look for the page about Marconi and Tesla...

Go in Russia there is a page where Tesla inventions were made by Russian scientist also...

In Canada there is a page also about Canadian inventors who create something just before Tesla...

Do you now the saying : "we borrow ONLY from the rich"....😊

Are these facts or controversies, or debates, made Tesla a tinkerer, a failure ?


There exist also a fan club for Goethe and i am there...Try to debunk Goethe one of the great scientist also...I will defend him way better than Tesla...



By the way there is ONE THING at least " unimaginable", according to your words and requirement, created by Tesla working at his tower: the transmission of electricity without line....Why do you think russian scientist are interested by Tesla?

Anyway nobody have proven him wrong about this "unimaginable" possibility killed in the egg by a banker, Perpont-Morgan, who made money investing with HIS hydroelectricity concept and patents already and said to Tesla that he was a fool , a financial fool, a dreamer ...He never dare to say to him that he was a tinkerer though...Tinkerer never create flows of money out of thin air for sure....



And i will correct you, he was poor in busineess and marketting, not IN YOUR OWN WORDS "poor at turning those ideas into things the world could use"... Niagara falls for example, and his motor ....

And Edison, Leonardo Da Vinci and many others great inventors "did not come up with much in the way of fundamental science " either...

Keep your head in the SAME direction, we speak about inventors here not about Newton or Galileo or Einstein ....

Not about Planck discovering quanta....Etc


The good news, after claiming the opposite in the post before this one, is that you recognize some fact NOW, he was not a tinkerer it has been hard but you spoke the truth at last:

He was a great inventor, and was great at seeing how fundamental science could be applied in useful ways.

Do you think what Leonardo Da Vinco invented was completely unimaginable?

No.... But some inventions like the alternative current motor ask for a great creative mind....

Ramanujan mathematics discovery was unimaginable though and are also today unimaginable, like Grothendieck in mathematics.his signle hand creation of geometric algebra on a new level no one has imagined before him..

For sure some discoveries are unimaginable...

But no man can discover anything if the times are not right, like it is proven by history, most discoveries are made a few months or years apart by different people at defferent place on earth.... This is common place...

Than almost all discoveries emerge when their hour the bar to judge Tesla discoveries must be put higher than for all others inventor in history for the sake of your argument?

What did he discover previously unimaginable? ...

I think you like despising "ignorant" people of "this thread"...

We are all ignorant. on a count or another...

He was a great inventory, a good engineers, but deep diving into his actual results, does not indicate a great scientist, especially not ground breaking theoretical work. He shunned this predominantly (sort of like people on this thread, maybe that is where the love comes from?).

And you are comical here, you have dived in ALL  his lost research  papers after the fire who destructed them all when he was over forty years old? And you dive in his paper never published and saved by the FBI after his death?

And you ask Tesla one of the great inventor in history to create quantum dynamic between his pragmatical experiment or general relativity to prove he is great?

Why not asking to Einstein why he is was unable to create the first power plant in the world , and the plasma ball, and some other practical concrete inventions?

Because he was a theoretical physicist and Tesla a electricity wizard like Steinmetz....


Your video is beside the points discussed about Tesla...

Edison was a brillant tinkerer and a businessman, and hurting elephant et creating electrical chair dont made him a devil for sure...

But Tesla is a great scientist not a God or a tinkerer...

It seems you lack argument....

I advise you to go on mocking the "electrical universe" hypothesis, a debatable idea, it will be more easy than rewrite history facts by omission and trying to diminish Tesla....

Is winning an argument in an audio forum so important that you want to go to this extreme?

I prefer the truth and giving respect to everyone , even to those who think the "electrical hypothesis " is interesting....

I am not knowledgeable in electricity like you are by the way...Then why?

Why not respectfully correct those who are wrong, and if they dont understand , because anyway the matter is not solved even in science, why not staying objective without PRESSURING them with mockery ?


Man has a body a soul and a spirit....

No science  will mature BEFORE  the rediscovery of this fact...

I think that we assist on the world scene to the beginning of this renewal....


«The only path to some important truths is humility because truth is sometimes too dangerous  to be put in children's hands or too complex to be put in children's brains .»-Anonymus Smith