The Big Misconception About Electricity

This vid goes quite a ways down the road to explaining why:

1)  Power cords make a not so subtle difference.

2) Cable elevators should not be looked at askance.


Regards, barts


As for electricity, why pay for something you can't see?

By the way, has anyone seen that robot that's cruising Audiogon if so report him immediately!

Just received the POWER QUEST 2.....Audioquest Power conditioner from Audio Advisor @ $200............................WOOOOW plugged my Belles Int. ..Ares II DAC and CEC CD Transport into it to basically protect from surges...BUT.....My soundstage and the Holographic change it made was unbelieveable. I was looking for new speakers....Now I don't need them. Best upgrade I've made in years.

Don’t let these children distract you, the information you have presented is fascinating 🙏🙏 @mahgister

The only thing this guy has convinced me of is to never vote again, and I am very thankful for that.



I hope that the 4 last science articles i presented, nevermind the Tesla matter, are so interesting that i will be forgive to inhabit the thread to defend the reputation of a great man.... 


I reacted to an educated ignorant, but sorry i dont react to parrot....


But my post is a reaction...

I conclude that i am an idiot writing this post but i am not there alone it seems...


«If hate is way more powerful than intelligence, love also is»-Anonymus Smith

For those who will misread me, i never wanted to prove that Tesla was right...

I am not a scientist and Tesla is a human being and he could be wrong...

My point was to prove that he cannot be a tinkerer, like some educated ignorant trolling here claimed it was, without any basis save copy/paste date about some patents... thats all...

I will go back in my hole now...

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All that remind me of the book of genesis, your Tesla read too much fables and myths .. - Anonymus skeptic....

Are you saying that he was only a tinkerer?

Do we know perfectly what electricity is?


But we know for sure what sound is, is not it?


Question: is this phenomena of "transverse sound wave" would have surprized Tesla?


Guess why?

"Light is a soundwave in the ether" Tesla


"Can you imagine sound travels in the same way as light does? A research team at City University of Hong Kong (CityU) discovered a new type of sound wave: the airborne sound wave vibrates transversely and carries both spin and orbital angular momentum like light does. The findings shattered scientists’ previous beliefs about the sound wave, opening an avenue to the development of novel applications in acoustic communications, acoustic sensing, and imaging."

Published in Nature :


mahgister the Tesla Coil video was amazing, to have engineers now confirming some of Tesla’s ideas about wardencliff, it was just great to watch.


Tesla was the first to base his work about experimental electricity investigation to scalar waves and ether...The Tesla coil is one of his crowning achiement....

Are scalar waves exist? I am not a scientis but i am able to read....This for sure prove nothing save that Tesla is a "tinkerer" only for uneducated or ignorant people or troll in audio thread...We must never insult people, especially dead one....

...Look at what say about Tesla this scientist in the first of these 2 papers...


A generalisation of classical electrodynamics for the prediction of scalar field effects

Authors: Koen J. van Vlaenderen


i cannot embed this article but click on it :

Then he discuss the precise ether notion of Tesla about field and particules but with modern concepts:


After watching some of the Plasma Universe videos, I have to say that the evidence they present is rather convincing.

@mahgister the Tesla Coil video was amazing, to have engineers now confirming some of Tesla’s ideas about wardencliff, it was just great to watch.

I would bet money that the rest of it is also proven by the other engineers at some point 🙏🙏🏆



I'm still trying to figure out what you said. I understand "Animal House" very well,

You know I was talking about a line from John Belushi in the comedy film "Animal House" right? Not Orwell's "Animal Farm"?  There's not much to understand in that film other than enjoying the parody and absurdity.  Animal Farm is a different critter entirely.

Belushi line was followed by "Germany?", "Forget it, he's on a roll" by characters listening - in other words, the substance, or accuracy of the statement should be ignored, as long as it initiates action or reaction.

Perhaps I was too subtle (for non-Animal House fans), but what I meant was that posting of inanity after inanity with typical knee jerk responses in between, as fast a people could google a response, quickly devolved into nothing but blind competition and then bickering about incivility while being as uncivil as possible. So the question "Uhmm...did the Russians, like, bomb Pearl Harbor a second time, or what?" was analogous to "Did something even more absurd and ridiculous happen than I've seen posted here, in the pages I skimmed through, to prompt this level of vitriol and one upmanship?"

I had thought that "Sheesh, 11 pages (so far) of people **screaming** about incivility?" made that clear, and provided the necessary context.

And while your rectum may indeed be humorous, I don't feel qualified to comment either way 😏

I'm still trying to figure out what you said. I understand "Animal House" very well, I can read a drivers report and decipher the code of the jiggly handwriting drivers use as the tractor shakes and they just keep on writing. As if the NSA could decipher their handwriting/jiggle code of, "brok og lit on sl cab, fx by mn tx."

Which means:

There is a broken running light outside, on top of the sleeper birth, (orange). Could you fix it before I leave in the morning. Thanks

Except it is all jiggly and squiggly. Humor? I rectum


You might want to rethink that one. Second time? First time?

Uh, seriously? You took that as literal? You need to turn up your humor and parody detectors son. I did purloin it from Belushi's "...It's not over! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?!" line in Animal House, which seemed wholly appropriate for use in this thread.

But your response is emblematic of this thread - people reading in anger are oblivious to nuance. Not a good way to understand what people are *meaning*.

I have been intentionally reticent as I started this thread not as a "war game" but
because I thought some here would enjoy the tiny bit it adds to our hobby.

I also considered closing it as I understand that is my right as the OP.  But, as you see I did not in the hope that some middle ground would be reached.  Foolish me...learned my lesson.

So in the future I will not be originating any threads that are information only.
Occasionally I will ask a specific question and from time to time post in threads of interest to me or where I have a valid answer/opinion.



did the Russians, like, bomb Pearl Harbor a second time, or what?


You might want to rethink that one. Second time? First time?

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<<Clicks and crackly static>>...Houston, Huston, WTF? Over. Repeat... Huston, WTF? Over...

Sheesh, 11 pages (so far) of people **screaming** about incivility? Uhmm...did the Russians, like, bomb Pearl Harbor a second time, or what?

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If cindyment has never came back to insult intelligence of people again here i will have not go on with these arguments and examples to defend Tesla...

But he added to his absence of real arguments his depise of others people here...

And i dont like people who despise other human being...

I contradict myself here by despising these kind of humans.... I am not perfect....

He seems muted , then the thread will return back to the OP....

I apologize to all for my new rant but.....I have an excuse at least....

I am surprized that cindyment did not answer my last post additions...

For sure i proved nothing i am not a physicist, but i placed Tesla electrical devices output patents in the perspective and context of Tesla ether theory...Tinkerer has NO THEORY...A scientist dont invent MANY INTERRELATED devices by chance, he must have a theory to inspire him...For Tesla it was his ether theory...

And ether theory is dismissed in books by people who never read Einstein who regretted by his own many WRITTEN admission his dismissal by a restricted lecture of special relativity and restricted interpretation of Michelson Morley experiment which anyway NEVER give an exact ZERO to measure ether wind... Einstein admittted that ether theory is necessary even AFTER GENERAL relativity...

What ether was for scientists before Einstein and what Tesla ether is, are 2 things for sure.... But any intelligent person must pounder about this:


No scientist save Tesla has ever done so...That does not means that Tesla is right but why Tesla coil which Tesla ether theory exemplify, why these Tesla coil REVEAL UNEXPECTED phenomena ABOUT LIGHTNING unexplanable save partially by 2 Russian physicists whose theory border near Tesla ether ?


Where is the "great scientist" cindyment
of audio thread to debunk all that? After all i am more a poet and not a scientist myself....

No more clown to repeat Tesla is a tinkerer, and invent practically only a motor? is he tired to be childish?

Clown are precious they make us smile and we have only one here who despise all audiophiles to be ignorant like Tesla was....


If someone dare to read the cyndiment arguments AGAISNT Tesla they were copy/paste of Edison society to established some dates ...nobody ever claimed that TESLA invented all and everything....But saying that he invent a motor and a few tinkering devices is a LIE or total ignorance easy to reveal....

I forgot to say that Einstein himself revised his idea about the unnecessary ether in his 2 relativity theory by saying the opposite in 1920 because of new discoveries of Bohr atom...


«The important fact that, according to Bohr’s theory, the frequency of emitted radiation is not determined by electrically
charged masses undergoing periodic processes of the same frequency can only strengthen our doubt of the independent reality of the
wave field.
But even if these possibilities mature into real theories, we are not going to be able to dispense with the ether in theoretical physics,
that is, with the continuum furnished with physical properties; because the general theory of relativity, whose fundamental aspects
physicists will probably always retain, excludes any unmediated action-at-a-distance. However, every theory of contact action presupposes continuous fields, hence also the existence of an "ether.» Einstein 1920 article " On ether"...


Then good luck to debunk that claim of Einstein cindyment by using Einstein apparent dismissal of Tesla ether by VULGARIZATORS AND ENGINEERS who think relativity theory displace Tesla ether........Relativity theory was unable to negate Tesla ether ....

Tesla ether was NEVER dismissed, just let there to dry unattended under the sun so to speak.....

Tesla ether was an idea abandonned by scientist who did not want to tested Tesla devices and work with them anymore at all...


Einstein say the samething differently in a book in 1922:

«Recapitulating, we may say that according to the general theory of relativity space is endowed with physical qualities; in this sense, therefore, there exists an ether. According to the general theory of relativity space without ether is unthinkable; for in such space there not only would be no propagation of light, but also no possibility of existence for standards of space and time (measuring-rods and clocks), nor therefore any space-time intervals in the physical sense. But this ether may not be thought of as endowed with the quality characteristic of ponderable media, as consisting of parts which may be tracked through time. The idea of motion may not be applied to it.»


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By the way in a complex field like electricity debunking Tesla with arguments like he was not alone, others created transformer lines and worked in AC is completely meaningless for 2 reasons...

First in a complex field for sure there exist hundreds of discoveries and researchers , Tesla cannot be alone...Saying that Tesla dont invented x ray for example because Rontgen invented them also at the same time dont means that Tesla was a tinkerer or a fraud by any means save for idiot...

Second the impact of Tesla is well recognized ALREADY in the SERIOUS book of CARLSON BY PRINCETON UNIVERSITY PRESS... the title is not Tesla the Tinkerer but "Tesla the inventor of the electrical age "...

Then cindyment write to Carslson and explain to princeton university press why their title is a fraud...They will listen to a great scientist like you....

BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY the legacy of Tesla is not behind ANYWAY but PROBABLY forward, ether theory was coming back...And Tesla was the only one to constructed all an electrical theory of ether manifested in patents like Tesla coil and other patents linked to his way to transmitted electricity...Nothing of Tesla idea was EVER proved to be wrong, they were ABANDONNED and dismissed with the Einstein success....

Dismissing ideas from one scientist WITHOUT RESEARCH about them because the dominating new pradigm of Einstein empty spacetime theory dismiss ether is not PROOF...

Our actual cosmology is EPICYCLES theory now BORN from Einstein idea dismissing ether, no one understand anymore...Certainly not you....

Then it is not the electrical model who is right so much, many pointed to his inconsistencies...Perhaps it is a wrong model...

But ether theory is not so easily dismissed than the electrical model of the universe ...

Tesla worked the ether model theory of Maxwell or of Lorentz and all other physicists before einstein not by writing papers in journal but by a complete set of devices patented around this conception of electricity, everyone rejected after Einstein first successs...

But success with predictions about mercury orbit for example dont PROVE that the hypothesis behind the theory were right in the absolute sense ....

And it is easy to reject hypothesis like ether, not so easy to reject devices which WORKED ...Nobody was ever able or willing to continue Tesla research after Wardenclyffe tower financial disaster and the emerging star of Einstein NO ETHER theory......

The future look grim for Einstein empty space-time geometry, and cosmology now....Few decades after Einstein death, the quantum void was no more empty but a RESERVE of energy like it was for the old ether theory not an EMPTY volume of space at all...The futire of Tesla look bright anew... We had plenty of times to understand the limitation of Einstein conceptions in the last steriles 40 years of  epicycles cosmology...

Many books were wrote about this... Only ignorant dont know....



Sockpuppets. It's what some users do when they get banned from the group - they simply return under new usernames. Remember attdavid, davidcan, daviddid, audio2design, and on and on and on.

I can assure you that my account is no sock puppet account. Your friend “Cindy” copied my post in an attempt to belittle it. It’s what bullies do. Don’t be surprised if “Cindy” does it again. 

The video i posted by the american engineer who linked Tesla tower and lightning studies by 2 Russians scientists gave a clue about Tesla coil and his relation with his work about Ether, and the reason why he opposes Einstein...These 2 russians scientists theory about lightning pointed to the ether theory of Tesla by the way...

And also with this ether theory this video gave a clue about the way Tesla wanted to use his tower to send electricity...

This american very interesting engineer says he was very doubtful about the possiblity for Tesla to accomplish what he said he wanted to do ONLY because the actual physic science reject ether after Einstein...but anyway he was very interested by the possiblity given by the Tesla coil to master lightning studies with reason for sure...

But times are changing now, and even if yuviora was perhaps naive about the value of the electrical model he was certainly right about the limits of our Einsteinian cosmology which now mimic Prolemaus epycycles... Only educated and formated simple mind dont see that...All physicists know it, some have wrote books about it...

The first equation of Maxwell make possible the existence of transverse or scalar waves, which were dismissed after mathematical simplification and reduction of the first 20 equations to a few one after some time by Heaviside and others...

But Tesla concretely experimented with ether and only ether could explain his own observations about lightning and his Tesla coil ....Tesla knowing perfecxtly well the original equations used them to create his devices...

The probability Einstein was wrong about ether grows more probable with the last 50 years of complete desintegration of any possibility to reunite Quantum mechanic, particle physics and electro-magnetism with gravity .... Our actual cosmology made no sense for no one...Strings theory is the supreme search of an epycicle new set with no link to any possible experiment ...Tesla would have smiled ...his electricity theory was illustrated by his patents and research...By the way he was very gifted in mathematics with his eidetic memory....

The only simple explanation looking in the past is for me that Tesla conception of electricity perhaps were the right cue in the right direction...

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@teo_audio , Fyi, mr debunker:

Just one point among thousands....Toyota corporation has patents, patents that have been applied for, been evaluated and passed scientific muster...and have been granted..on atomic transmutation. For a good 5 years now.


Mr. Science Twister ... get yourself a half decent patent lawyer and you can patent anything. I had a lot of patents, 1/2 of them are total crap, and were done purely for legal purposes, the so called patent wall w.r.t. competitors. Patent offices do not validate patents for scientific muster at any depth. They are totally incapable of doing that. You have a pretty distorted view of the patent process.

Now, you do realize that atomic transmutation is not science fiction right? It happens normally through both fission and fusion, and in particle accelerators. Did you have a point by bringing that up? Cold Fusion has still never been reliably repeated unfortunately. Lots of claims, and hopefully it will happen one day, but to this day it has not.

No, that does not pertain to "audio" per-se, it pertains to supersonic and hypersonic shock waves, a condition totally unrelated to the audio we deal with.

I am glad you are reading, but just reading the heading, does not provide deep insight, and not having the background, will not allow you to properly interpret what you read. Again, I am not sure what point you are trying to make, at least w.r.t. audio, but I will cut and paste the salient point from the scientific paper (which may be shown incorrect at a later date). Do you understand what this is saying? I will paraphrase. When observing a system at scale, this effect is lost. It is potentially important at the quantum levels, but at the level we typically interact with the universe, which includes audio, and pretty much everything about it, you can ignore it.


We showed that the coherence between the two temporal directions is effectively lost when the entropy production in the process is measured: the observation of a large increase (decrease) of dissipative work effectively projects the system in the forward (time-reversal) temporal direction. It is conceivable to imagine that such a projection could also result from the interaction of the system with the environment, which decoheres the system in a well-defined thermodynamic time’s arrow. Furthermore, when considering the total-entropy production in our process, one could consider adding the contribution arising from the irreversibility of the measurement itself. In Supplementary Note 3, we clarify that the entropy production linked to such a measurement, however, does not contribute to the definition of the orientation of the time’s axis associated to the quantum superposition of forward and time-reversal processes.


Throwing out random unrelated scientific articles may impress some people, but it does nothing to prove anything claimed.


Take note: “I was impressed with him so much that I continued to read up on him over the years.”

Engage brain before mouth or in this case keyboard.  Work on your reading comprehension skills.

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yes, 341 posts since joining on nov 30th.

IIRC, over 200 posts in the first 72-96 hours.

A near record for insidious  a.wipe attacks.

If you did a book report, that means you read one book, and decided everything in it was 100% correct. That is not research at that point. Now, our entire global electrical power system is NOT due to Tesla.

AC power usage predates Tesla.

Polyphase AC predates Tesla

Transformers predate Tesla (the use of metal cores, not air, was a Westinghouse pre-Tesla thing)

AC synchronous motor using capacitor phase-shift for single phase, and polyphase motor is Tesla, and really ushered in the 2nd phase of the industrial revolution. There were other ideas on the board that would have come to fruition, but he came up with the first practical implementation. Ditto on the generators. Most of the ideas already existed, he was the first with practical implementations. Our global electrical power system is most definitely not due to Tesla, he did speed up implementation.

I did a book report on Nikola Tesla in Jr. High some 50 years ago.  I was impressed with him so much that I continued to read up on him over the years.  It gave me great insight into showmen like Edison and the avarice of George Westinghouse. Our entire global electrical power supply system is due to Tesla.  Hardly the work of a tinkerer.  

Same post from two different members. How does that happen?

Sockpuppets. It's what some users do when they get banned from the group - they simply return under new usernames. Remember attdavid, davidcan, daviddid, audio2design, and on and on and on.

Feel pity for the people that use every post to insult, bully, and lecture everyone. They have bigger issues affecting their life.

Feel pity for the people that use every post to insult, bully, and lecture everyone. They have bigger issues affecting their life. 

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djones51, yes power cords and cable elevators to make a difference and if you can't hear it you better get your ears cleaned out buddy

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Feel pity for the people that use every post to insult, bully, and lecture everyone. They have bigger issues affecting their life. 

Feel pity for the people that use every post to insult, bully, and lecture everyone. They have bigger issues affecting their life.