The Big Misconception About Electricity

This vid goes quite a ways down the road to explaining why:

1)  Power cords make a not so subtle difference.

2) Cable elevators should not be looked at askance.


Regards, barts


@cindyment You have a habit to attacking people’s character instead of their arguments. Bad habit you have there. 


Galileo (was imprisoned for proving that the Earth is not the center of the Universe)… You would have probably nailed his front door shut with all the other tormentors. 

@cindyment You have a habit to attacking people’s characters instead of their arguments.

Bad habit you have.


Actually I attacked the "distinction" placed upon them, whether using the description "Physicist" or "Preeminent" when there is no objective reason I could find (or that actual physicists and preeminent mathematicians believe). It appears those titles are purely self given. As the distinction is the crux of the argument, calling it into question is not "attacking character".


The mathematics of Standard Cosmology itself is extremely illogical and contradictory.. I posted Stephen Crother’s critiques of the standard mathematical model and he cuts right to the heart of the issue.

I don’t perceive you to be a mathematician or physicist @yuviarora , so I can only assume you are repeating someone else’s words without giving reference. Most advanced math looks like gobbly good to 99.9% of the people on the planet.


It’s not the 16th century anymore @yuviarora . And now, to my previous post, we have the beauty of math and massive amounts of data. If Crother’s "theories" were so great, then he would be able to present a unified theory that would not only predict the things that happened in the universe, but would predict them with greater accuracy than the current models. There is no need for a PhD, or university post to do this. The science media is desperate for anything interesting to post. This is exactly what Crothers has not done, and exactly what the the Physicists who he wrote the nastygram to said to him. He actually said exactly that, that Crothers had not shown in any fashion that he had created a model that more accurately predicted current observations. This was factual and Crothers had a hissy fit. The "normal" reaction would be to go back and refine your model, apply it to current astrophysics problems, and show, with proof, that your model is better, by both having more accuracy, and applicability to more cases. Again Crothers did not and has not done that. That is what separates those people initially thought crazy from the one that continue to be thought crazy. They prove they are not.




yuviarora dont reduce the important transformation in your life to the validity of the electrical model...

Almost no one embark in intense search toward truth...I admire you because you seems going on in this journey for truth...

Go on with this search but dont place all your eggs in the basket of one physical theory...

Anyway even if the theory is wrong there is also some "truth" in it, like there are truth in the Ptolemaus model, but not a physical truth because of Copernic advances...Then i dont laugh at the electrical model being right or wrong...

I dont want you to lost your motivation for truth... But truth cannot be decided by physical theories only...

Do not try to convince others, how many lack sleep because they suffer by the lack of truth?

Almost no one... You are not like those then keep this questions in your heart and dont equate your ferocious love for truth with only one physical theory which cannot be ALL the truth by itself anyway...

In my experience perception of living  truth is not linked to objective science only....But to knowledge and knowledge cannot be intuited by only one physical theory even a right one...Not even by all others scientific theories put together...


My deepest respect...


I am not debating his character, he might be a pedophile or a wife beater, or whatever else.... you can have your kicks sifting through his garbage if that is what makes you happy. @cindyment 


Insults will not help search for truth....At least all of us here we discuss without insults... This is very good....

Myself i trust only mystics and mathematicians...Because their creative imagination nourrish the soul...

And for me imagination is not the source of falsehoods, i speak about the yoga of imagination which is key to perception... ( Goethe) Not about fantasy.....

It lacks too much to physics science now, it lack the recognition of the true meaning behind  biology and consciouness relation....

Our knowledge is so limited that our civilization is on the verge of a tyranny the world has ever seen....


@mahgister I have dedicated my life to the study of all disciplines, in every direction. Spiritual, physical, societal, Astronomical, things of all sorts.

The Electrical Cosmology is just one part of this journey, and the questions they have raised as far as I am concerned, are valid, legitimate, and rooted in hard science.

Do they have all the answers? Absolutely not, but at least they are asking the right questions. Standard Astronomy however is hopelessly lost in numbers and theories, constructs of their own imaginations, mired in contradiction and illogic.

The Dogma is too entrenched, it’s like these people have been smelling their own farts for too long, and they have gotten used to the stench. (Basically I am describing the entire history of "Settled Science", save the few brave souls that buck the pressure to conform).

ADD: And it’s good to see others like yourself, that have an open mind and are at least receptive to new information.

I enjoy your insight and unique point of view very much. 



«I prefer being wrong in a larger universe than being right in a speck of dust»-Groucho Marx 🤓


«Why not trying to be right between the two brother?»-Harpo Marx


«Because by Occam razor there exist only one universe and we are right always in our particular speck of dust »-Groucho Marx 🤓

The Dogma is too entrenched, it’s like these people have been smelling their own farts for too long, and they have gotten used to the stench. (Basically I am describing the entire history of "Settled Science", save the few brave souls that buck the pressure to conform).


This is often the mantra of the less "informed" when they don't get their way. Oh don't get me wrong, the academic community in general could use a good enema, but overall, they are still by far the most receptive people to new ideas. Just remember, they are also the ones most able to debunk too.

@mahgister The funny thing is...I know Standard Cosmology inside and out, I studied every aspect of it, for years and years and years, all sorts of disciplines. My critiques of it do not come from a lack of understanding or unfamiliarity with it’s claims, but just the opposite.

Anyways, enough arguing for a day. Time to listen to some Music 🙏

Hope you enjoy yours. 


Post removed 

«We are never only right or wrong, we are in a journey where our own errors testify , willing it or not, to the one eternal truth anyway»-Anonymus Smith 


«Inside/outside distinction is the key to reality and also a wall separating us from it, the inversion of the sphere is one key to the answer»-Anonymus topologist

are you speaking to me?


Oh My…. You truly are a singularly disturbed individual … Your little games proving ultimately Toxic to this online community … 

Only children use always the same tactic ridiculous gesture...

You have not change after your first "tin foil hat" petty insult...

Try to develop your imagination with an adult behavior ...

Grow up....


Post removed 

Your 2 last posts mirror exactly what you are...

You cannot be ashamed though...

Some never recognize themselves in a mirror...

Harassing people, is stupid behavior at least....


FFS … I was not …. But perhaps 🙄

Post removed 

There is no hope for you contrary to twoleftears...

Ok i am stupid to discuss with idiot...

I apologize even to the idiot...

Good night...

Post removed 

Maybe , quantum computers , will provide answers in a the future.

Will the human brain , be able to figure out , the whole picture ? 

Quantum computers are only UNGROUNDED tools...Non living tool....

Human brain is a GROUNDED and interconnected organ/body to all living life for billions of years...

We have the answers but we must wait for the right time to understand...Or the right experience...

For example quantum computers exist today but could not have been created one millenia ago...

And no answer comes free to the unprepared at the wrong time...

The solar system has an history, it is a book....Some could read it....

For example science know now that the sun is very important in the climate cycle on earth...

If we dont remember the last chapter of this relation we cannot predict or understand the next one...

Right answer come only when the right question is asked generally at the right time not before...



I like Penrose a lot....Great humility with deep understanding....

thanks for the link....



our software runs on 4 Quantum boxes ;-) i will let the team know to be careful with grounding.. should i yell at them in all caps ! .?

Post removed 

«Man’s attention is his only treasury, Christ and Buddha taught the art of attention, but our phone now ask for more»-Anonymus Smith



I dont think A.I. will ask for our attention to stay firm...the opposite probably....

Anyway those who will sell quantum computers one day will be the same who ask for our attention...And they are not Christ or Buddha....

Technology give power not answer...

At the best technology give the means to reach an answer if we are ready to be very attentive on our own already....

The two greatest geniuses i know in A.I. in our days are Karl Friston which is more in neurology than in A.I. and the swiss mathematician Schmidhuber who wrote about "Goedel machines"... I am nore interested by Friston Approach...

But Schmidhuber really is a genius and considered the father or one of the father of A. I.

His description is astounding but for me perfectly described how an A.I. could become "intelligent" only by transforming itself and his world in an autonomous " Bubble" so to speak... This guy is very smart but his idea give us a "taste" about how the A.I. will surpass human ONLY by becoming a self-trapped intelligence....He dont say this, it is me who said that, trying to understand his "Goedel machine" which are able to modify their own programmation by themselves...



By the way when he was 20 years old Von Neumann assist to the original "exposé" of Goedel... When he go out of the room someone ask him : "Are you always interested by mathematical logic? " Von Neumann said ,"not anymore"... His friend ask him why, he answer: " there is no more interesting thing to do"....I like this story who say a lot about these 2 geniuses...Von Neumann was the only one to understand Goedel in less than the hour it take to Goedel for communicating the greatest discovery in logic ever made and probably forever.......Remind you that this original proof, with his unusual coding aspect and proposition construct was very difficult to understand ...

Goedel lived decades at Princeton and his only friend there was Einstein, they walk some miles together every morning to their office... One day a journalist ask Einstein what is greatest work at Princeton was, the world waiting for his unified field theory.... Einstein reply was : his greatest and only pleasure was walking each day speaking with Goedel between each day of work...

One morning, after an unhappy encounter with a car driver who was distracted by the famous Einstein hair, Goedel say that happily he cannot be the cause of an accident...

Goedel one of the greatest living mind was living Unknown to most...Contrary to the very popular Einstein whose head become a symbol worldwide....

The best story was at the moment of his entrance in the United states and the duty imposed on him to read the American constitution...he read it attentively and discover a logical fault with it, it takes times and patience for Einstein his "godfather" for the judge of immigration to convince Goedel to not speak his mind about this logical fault....A fault which let a hole making the possiblity for a "coup d’état" so to speak...

Ok i apologize i love stories too much....

my best to all



"Could this be magic....?"  I can say that sometimes my heart is all aglow....sometimes.  Other times my brain feels as if it's being blown apart.

«It is only love not intelligence who teach men how not to be or stay self-trapped»-Anonymus Smith

I am not sure if Schmidhuber will consider my observation relevant to the subject... 😊😁😊

Anyway it is mine....

The gist of my argument about Schmidhuber idea is that intelligence is always self-trapped, like a chess player trapped in chess game forever, especially the greatest intelligence, this trap in a way love could not subject itself to it....

One thing is sure i could not believe that A.I was possible at all before reading Schmidhuber... 😁😊 I know now that it is on his way....The sleepwalking transhumanists know that already because of their faith and before me....i will give them this point over me.... 😊


And the GROUNDING together of all living beings is about cooperation more than about survival of the lack something in Darwin... Which is already in Goethe and in Friston ...The way the part is inscribed in the whole and better the way the implicated part is the whole itself explicated ...To borrow David Bohm notions...

The most important concept for me in the "spirit of this time" is the concept of polarity and the morphogenesis linked to it... I assisted to a conference of René Thom, the father of "catastrophes theory" when i was only 24 years old and i was probably the only non mathematician in the hall...He was a great man and a Goethe and D’arcy Thompson admirer, the scottish genius in morphology studies...


AI is at the same time, fascinating and scary.

I think AI will be the greatest challenge humanity ever faces.

In my heart you are always right my friend...But not on this one.... No tool by itself will save humans from themselves...


Perhaps AI is the only thing that can save humanity...

They will be coupled to A.I. non quantum machine and these machine will give us one answer...

Quantum algorithms can return more than one answer……. 

It is not necessary to wait...

This crisis worldwide already reflected the prison where our mind are enslaved without even our knowing...But people are awakening...

AI will be perfect surveillance state.

And inescapable prison.

Overlords will be the Oligarchs, AI is just the tool to keep us plebs in check. 

Nobody want to ban A.I.

We discuss the problems linked to it...

You see no problem?

I, for one welcome our AI overlords. 


Only with their phone in public space humans lost already their attention to others and to nature...

Compassion and understanding need attention focus...

We must educate human in attention...

If not we are lost....


Forget the phone, imagine now a real A.I. behind it tomorrow,

We are already ouselves the product goggle and facebook and others corporations sell...

We will be tomorrow only pieces to be eat alive by these corporations...

This crisis illustrate this perfectly....

Anyway if someone want to understand the economical world we are in, read the three hundred old Bernard Mandeville...Totally freaking genius....But not one who could contribute to humanity survival now....

Mandeville is so deep and intelligent Orwell is an optimist schoolboy compared to him....

Mandeville is one of the greatest secret of the philosophical history...So intelligent it seems he was understood only by few...But those few created our economical world...From Adam Smith to Hayek....


Some genius are so deep than almost no one understand them...Goethe, Grothendieck, Ramanujan Archimedes for example...Mandeville is so intelligent the poor Freud would have great difficulty to teach him something new...And the poor Marx would have been corrected like a bad pupil...


@mahgister agreed, we are about to experience the perfect Technocratic surveillance state. Maintained by an AI that is omnipotent.

Matrix part 5?

@mahgister agreed, we are about to experience the perfect Technocratic surveillance state. Maintained by an AI that is omnipotent.

Matrix part 5?


I wish this was totally a joke, with humans and democracy, there is always the potential for change, for revolution. When politicians, out of greed and laziness turn more and more decision making to AI, then where comes the revolution?

Lockdown after lockdown, each harsher than the last, people will beg for this AI system. Contact tracing and Vaccine passports are just the tip of the iceberg,.

I think it’s time to build a house out in the woods, with a dedicated room for a modded Magnepan 20.7 speaker setup :)

You are right on the money...

I hope to see the direction change more clearly but i am 70 years old...



I wish this was totally a joke, with humans and democracy, there is always the potential for change, for revolution. When politicians, out of greed and laziness turn more and more decision making to AI, then where comes the revolution?