The Big Misconception About Electricity

This vid goes quite a ways down the road to explaining why:

1)  Power cords make a not so subtle difference.

2) Cable elevators should not be looked at askance.


Regards, barts


Showing 7 responses by onhwy61

Yuviarora, if neutron stars don't exists, then how is the element gold produced?  It not fused in stars like our sun, nor is it seen in supernova explosions.  So where does gold originate?

It's good to question existing orthodoxy, but any new theory has to at a minimum explain everything the theory its trying to replace can explain.

@yuviarora , neutron stars and black holes are truly astounding objects.  They are hard to imagine let alone comprehend, but all evidence points to them being real.  If you have a better explanation for fast radio bursts, pulsars, quasars, gravity waves and the synthesis of elements with greater than 50 protons, then your Nobel Prize is waiting.  To quote the great detective "when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?"

Regarding speculation about the new member vs. the other, I don't see the connection.  They don't present their opinions in the same way.  I could be wrong, but sometimes events are a coincidence.


There actually is a real scientific theory called the Plasma Universe.  Although generally considered wrong, it was put forth by real scientist and was offered as an alternative to gravity based models of the observable universe.  It had explanations for the matter/anti-matter balance, geometric flatness and expansion of the universe.  Further study of the cosmic background radiation showed serious problems with the theory and the discovery of gravity waves, as predicted by general relativity, put the final nail in it so to speak.  A real theory by real scientist, but proven wrong by observable events.

For every genius that history ultimately proves right there are probably 10 million cranks that deserve to be forgotten.  Every year there are various claims that General Relativity is inaccurate.  So far, none have stood critical review.  Still, at some point GR will be supplanted by a more complete explanation of observational data.  Being able to separate the wheat from the chaff is what enables progress.

So much doom and gloom!  Seriously, is everything a conspiracy and you're the only one who is aware?  There's a category in the DSM about that.

Didn't Mick Jagger solve the Kennedy killing/

Yuvi, not believing in the existence of black holes really isn't that unreasonable.  They are basically unimaginable, even if they are real.  However, does your theory allow for supernovas?  Please don't tell me to look at some video.  Kindly give a straight forward answer to a straight forward question.  Thank You.

Cindyment, thanks for the Vice article.  It explains a lot.  Smart people looking for answers to complex questions and not being able to truly comprehend how complex the questions really are.  Seemingly they equate watching a hundred hours of YouTube videos with obtaining advanced degrees in physics.  There's an element of laziness on their part.

There's an Einstein quote about how incomprehensible it is that the universe is actually somewhat comprehensible.  It is pretty amazing!