The Big Misconception About Electricity

This vid goes quite a ways down the road to explaining why:

1)  Power cords make a not so subtle difference.

2) Cable elevators should not be looked at askance.


Regards, barts


and hexagon-like polygonal structures similar to those observed on Saturn.”


This is the problem with science reporting. They first produced 9 sided then realized the cloud formation was much deeper adjusted their model and it formed into a hexagon AND the other atmospheric phenomenon of Saturn. If I can find a non paywall link to the original paper I will post it.

Oh Cindy....the problem is much much deeper than that. I DO NOT accept computer simulations as a proof of anything. (not that the simulation in this case is  satisfactory even if I did).

I can create a simulation......wait for it... that can can simulate ANYTHING. If I don’t get my desired result, I can keep tweaking my parameters till I do.

This is not what I call SCIENCE. You do... and I understand that.....I don’t.


Laboratory experiments are not good enough for you, but computer simulations are....this is where we part ways my friend.

A natural system is infinitely complex, and to have an accurate working computer model to simulate all the conditions on a place like Saturn, foreseen, seen, and unseen is completely impossible. It cannot be done. (I don’t think even you are claiming that we know everything about the inner workings of the Gas Giant, or are you?).

This is not evidence.....I hope you are now starting to understand my comment about smelling your own farts for too long.




Post removed 

This is rich, we use mathematics of the gravitational model to send spacecraft that takes photographs of a hexagonal storm on Saturn that disproves the gravitational model?

@djones51  No, you are going from point A to Point B, on rockets and computer chips built on the works of Tesla. (He is the father of electricity after all)

If you got there in a craft that used a black hole as a propellent...You would have a point. (or dark matter, or fairy pixie dust)

If you couldn’t imagine life without your TV remote, thank Nikola Tesla for making it possible. Tesla invented, predicted or contributed to development of hundreds of technologies that play big parts in our daily lives -- like the remote control, neon and fluorescent lights, wireless transmission, computers, smartphones, laser beams, x-rays, robotics and, of course, alternating current, the basis of our present-day electrical system.

Uh, those rockets and computers are using mathematics of the gravitational model to get there, we don't just send a spacecraft into space without a guidance system.  Without Newton's laws there's no way other then the point and guess method. 

Because an apple falls from a tree, gasses in a vacuum collapse into a black hole. I know, how could I forget..... I am sure if Newton was here today, and he saw you guys talking about Black Holes etc etc, he would smash his own head into a wall.


As for what you are saying.....I am not discounting Gravity..."Uh"....I am saying Black Holes don’t exist. Two very different things...

And I am not saying computers don’t work to plot courses in space, "Uh", I am saying they do not work to recreate infinitely complex systems at Planetary or Galactic levels.

I am teaching you a free class in Logic 101, so please check your huffing and puffing at the door. I should be charging you money for this.


I think you flunked your own logic class.  Computers plot the course using mathematics of the gravitational model. The working model we have of the universe not some idiotic electric nonsense. GPS works based on the same gravitational model  not  Electric Universe pseudo science.

Yes, because the Mass of the Earth is greater than an Apple, black holes exist whether you want to believe they do or not. The universe doesn't give a crap about what makes sense to one species on one rocky planet. Get over it we humans are not that special or important. 

Tesla was not the first to recognize radio waves nor to do remote control with them.

Tesla did not invent radio.

Tesla is the father of using AC not electricity.

Tesla rejected and even made fun of Einsteins theories which included some early work on Quantum Mechanics not just relativity. My computer chips were designed using the principles of quantum mechanics.

You claim to be a study of science but you pick and choose and choose what you want to believe and don't seem to understand fundamentals.

Bye bye Yuvi.

We've taken care of everything
The words you hear, the songs you sing
The pictures that give pleasure to your eyes
It's one for all, all for one
We work together, common sons
Never need to wonder how or why
We are the priests of the temples of syrinx
Our great computers fill the hollowed halls
We are the priests of the temples of syrinx
All the gifts of life are held within these walls
Look around this world we made
Equality our stock in trade
Come and join the brotherhood of man
What a nice contented world
Let the banners be unfurled
Hold the red star proudly high in hand

Yuvi, not believing in the existence of black holes really isn't that unreasonable.  They are basically unimaginable, even if they are real.  However, does your theory allow for supernovas?  Please don't tell me to look at some video.  Kindly give a straight forward answer to a straight forward question.  Thank You.

Post removed 

The problem, however, is that in even the best computer simulations, the shock wave isn’t powerful enough on its own to break through the dense layers of superheated gas that envelops the core.

In the models, the shock wave stalls as if muffled by a blanket and the supernova explosion never occurs.

In the late 1980s, scientists began experimenting with the idea that ghostly subatomic particles known as neutrinos might provide the extra power boost needed to complete the blast.

Neutrinos have no charge and are nearly massless. They are produced in vast quantities during the final stages of a massive star’s life and stream out of the star’s inner core. It was thought that these escaping particles might carry enough energy out of the core to the star’s outer layers to complete the explosion.

But even when scientists incorporated the outflow of neutrinos into their computer simulations, it still wasn’t enough to produce consistent supernovas.


It’s the celestial equivalent of a horror movie villain—a star that wouldn’t stay dead.

An international team of astronomers including Carnegie’s Nick Konidaris and Benjamin Shappee discovered a star that exploded multiple times over a period of 50 years. The finding, published by Nature, completely confounds existing knowledge of a star’s end of life, and Konidaris’ instrument-construction played a crucial role in analyzing the phenomenon.

In September 2014, the intermediate Palomar Transient Factory team of astronomers detected a new explosion in the sky, iPTF14hls.

The light given off by the event was analyzed in order to understand the speed and chemical composition of the material ejected in the explosion.

This analysis indicated that the explosion was what’s called a type II-P supernova, and everything about the discovery seemed normal. Until, that is, a few months later when the supernova started getting brighter again.

Type II-P supernovae usually remain bright for about 100 days. But iPTF14hls remained bright for more than 600! What’s more, archival data revealed a 1954 explosion in the exact same location.

Star exploded, survived, and exploded again more than 50 years later

An image taken by the Palomar Observatory Sky Survey reveals a possible explosion in the year 1954 at the location of iPTF14hls (left), not seen in a later image taken in 1993 (right). Supernovae are known to explode only once, shine for a few months and then fade, but iPTF14hls experienced at least two explosions, 60 years apart. Credit: Adapted from Arcavi et al. 2017, Nature. POSS/DSS/LCO/S. Wilkinson.

It turned out that somehow this star exploded more than half a century ago, survived, and exploded again in 2014.

"This supernova breaks everything we thought we knew about how they work," said lead author Iair Arcavi of University of California Santa Barbara and Las Cumbres Observatory.

Before I give you a simpler explanation for Supernovas, just know that there are observations coming back from space that defy standard models, and show stars, and supernovas that simply should not exist.

Yes @cindyment I do pick and choose what I believe.....It's called Discernment. 


Discernment is the ability to obtain sharp perceptions or to judge well. In the case of judgement, discernment can be psychological, moral or aesthetic in nature. Discernment has also been defined in the contexts; scientific, normative and formal.


You should try it. 

Tesla was not the first to recognize radio waves nor to do remote control with them.

Tesla did not invent radio.

Tesla is the father of using AC not electricity.

Tesla rejected and even made fun of Einsteins theories which included some early work on Quantum Mechanics not just relativity. My computer chips were designed using the principles of quantum mechanics.

For sure Tesla was not the only scientist to know and being interested by Maxwell and Hertz discoveries in audio waves? This is common place...

British scientists Wilson and Evans do remote control wireless experiments at the same time than Tesla ...It is true but Tesla was the first in US... Like for the x-ray photography simultaneously discovered by him in US and Roentgen in Germany... So what?

Radio was created at different few countries in the world by some, even Russia revendicate the invention of radio...
But in america Tesla invented radio not Marconi, this fact was even legally and officially recognized after his death...

Tesla is the creator of the first alternate current motor, not an advocate of AC....Edison was an advocate against him for DC for pure business reason..Nikola Tesla and George Westinghouse built the first hydro-electric power plant in Niagara Falls and started the electrification of the world. This is a fact....

Edison was a tinkerer and a businessman not Tesla...

With all his creations behind him he developed another idea about electricity than Einstein, so what? Nobody knows what is electricity till this day....Maxwell use the phenomenological observations in electricity and magnetism of Faraday and others and mathematize all that... But describing precisely a phenomenan mathematically is not an ex-planation... Quantum mechanics is precisely described to the n’th decimals and nobody know what quantum Mechanic means either...

Tesla criticized Einstein but nobody know to this day which one is right about the ultimate meaning of electricity....
The big problems in cosmology are PRECISELY linked to our ignorance about these phenomena....And also limited by our ignorance of what is life...

Recently 2 Russsians physicist created their own enterprise, after analysing the Tesla patents and vouch to recreate Wardenclyffe tower vouching that this will work...I am not competent to judge , but if 2 russian physicists look at it seriously perhaps Tesla was not ONLY a "tinkerer"....Anyway anybody calling Tesla a "tinkerer" is badly informed sorry....Edison was....

By the way my point here is not about the validity of Tesla ideas at Wardenclyffe, but my point is if that 2 Russian physicists BELIEVE nowadays that is is an interesting experiment that means something about Tesla... Then succeess or not of their enterprise is not my point..... No "tinkerer" will interest true physicists one hundred years after his death.....You catch the point?

I dont know if the electrical model of the universe made sense it is over OUR heads here, but Tesla was NEVER a "tinkerer"...No tinkerer ever accumulated more patents in electricity than a Steinmetz for example....The three, Tesla, Einstein and the "sorcerer" Steinmetz are together in this rare photo...No tinkerer here...





Take a look at the way Russians takes Tesla seriously...

And Write to them that they must stop to spill money on a "tinkerer"...

They will be happy if you save them....

«The only path to some important truths is humility because truth is sometimes too dangerous  to be put in children's hands or too complex to be put in children's brains .»-Anonymus Smith

It goes even deeper than that, the white coats that tell you about infinite other dimensions, Black holes, Neutron Stars, Dark energy...which is supposedly different than Dark Matter etc etc etc....

They Don’t even know what Gravity is. They have no idea.

All their theories are castles built on a foundation of sand.


They don’t even know what Electricity is.... So the 2 fundamental forces that shape our life, they have no idea what they are.....or even, if both are two manifestations of the same underlying phenomena.


Dare to step outside the orthodoxy, and they label anyone who even raises this simple question.. A total nutcase.

This is what Tesla did at the end of his life, and he was excommunicated from the Church of Science. Einstein to his eternal credit did the same thing, he raised similar questions about his own work, and his followers forced him into an early retirement.

what you are dealing with here is not science, but as Tesla himself put it, a Cult of Metaphysics. It’s all mumbo Jumbo, completely divorced from reality.


Nicola Tesla’s was way ahead of his time and Wireless electricity is not as far fetched as you may think. It’s the filthy Rich that dreaded the thought  of free energy ,thst why wardenclif funding ran out ,if Tesla was a good business man and made Westinghouse pay over a $1 per Horse power he would have ruled the electrical world, instead he ripped up the agreement ,and was grossly taken advantage of.  Edison used him ,and Marconi literally stole several of teslas patents it was in fact Tesla not Marconi that developed the Radio,

and several years after Tesla died they finally awarded Tesla his due.

and literally 1,000s of pages of his life work and trumks  of research and inventions 

were just stolen by the FBI the day Tesla died and never  returned to his family or country even RF remote control was invented by Tesla 100 years ago  and he was able to use the ground as part of conductor  and lit lightbulbs and other things 50 years away , what if ? And in ancient times they had technologies That were lost we are just trying to reinvent,  I will leave this with you the pyramids were never made for the pharaoh s, Ever , and geometric precision by chance hardly ,

and thought for the day,Baalbek in Lebanon 1 block moved over 20 miles 1.5 million lbs , and made of granite no Diamond tipped saws , ,our biggest cranes today on even terrain 350,000 lbs , it’s funny how we dismiss what we don’t understand, or can’t explain .Anti gravity !  Look up coral castle in Fla ,he knew the lost secrets of the pyramids !! We don’t !!

Man has a body a soul and a spirit....

No science  will mature BEFORE  the rediscovery of this fact...

I think that we assist on the world scene to the beginning of this renewal....


Your video is beside the points discussed about Tesla...

Edison was a brillant tinkerer and a businessman, and hurting elephant et creating electrical chair dont made him a devil for sure...

But Tesla is a great scientist not a God or a tinkerer...

It seems you lack argument....

I advise you to go on mocking the "electrical universe" hypothesis, a debatable idea, it will be more easy than rewrite history facts by omission and trying to diminish Tesla....

Is winning an argument in an audio forum so important that you want to go to this extreme?

I prefer the truth and giving respect to everyone , even to those who think the "electrical hypothesis " is interesting....

I am not knowledgeable in electricity like you are by the way...Then why?

Why not respectfully correct those who are wrong, and if they dont understand , because anyway the matter is not solved even in science, why not staying objective without PRESSURING them with mockery ?


So the man who single handedly changed the course of human history, spent his entire life in a laboratory, discovered previously unimaginable things is a "Tinkerer". Lol

@cindyment whatever you paid for your education, I’d ask for a refund 😭😭😭

What did he discover previously unimaginable? ...

He was a great inventory, a good engineers, but deep diving into his actual results, does not indicate a great scientist, especially not ground breaking theoretical work. He shunned this predominantly (sort of like people on this thread, maybe that is where the love comes from?).



Do you think what Leonardo Da Vinco invented was completely unimaginable?

No.... But some inventions like the alternative current motor ask for a great creative mind....

Ramanujan mathematics discovery was unimaginable though and are also today unimaginable, like Grothendieck in mathematics.his signle hand creation of geometric algebra on a new level no one has imagined before him..

For sure some discoveries are unimaginable...

But no man can discover anything if the times are not right, like it is proven by history, most discoveries are made a few months or years apart by different people at defferent place on earth.... This is common place...

Than almost all discoveries emerge when their hour the bar to judge Tesla discoveries must be put higher than for all others inventor in history for the sake of your argument?

What did he discover previously unimaginable? ...

I think you like despising "ignorant" people of "this thread"...

We are all ignorant. on a count or another...

He was a great inventory, a good engineers, but deep diving into his actual results, does not indicate a great scientist, especially not ground breaking theoretical work. He shunned this predominantly (sort of like people on this thread, maybe that is where the love comes from?).

And you are comical here, you have dived in ALL  his lost research  papers after the fire who destructed them all when he was over forty years old? And you dive in his paper never published and saved by the FBI after his death?

And you ask Tesla one of the great inventor in history to create quantum dynamic between his pragmatical experiment or general relativity to prove he is great?

Why not asking to Einstein why he is was unable to create the first power plant in the world , and the plasma ball, and some other practical concrete inventions?

Because he was a theoretical physicist and Tesla a electricity wizard like Steinmetz....

Get a laugh when someone says he "single handedly change the course of history" and my education is flawed, but one of us appears to know a lot more about him ....

I am well aware of what he did, but have done enough research, you know, like real research, to know what he didn't as well. He was a great inventor, and was great at seeing how fundamental science could be applied in useful ways. He was poor at turning those ideas into things the world could use, and he really did not come up with much in the way of fundamental science.


Great page by Edison fanclub...

Go in Italia and look for the page about Marconi and Tesla...

Go in Russia there is a page where Tesla inventions were made by Russian scientist also...

In Canada there is a page also about Canadian inventors who create something just before Tesla...

Do you now the saying : "we borrow ONLY from the rich"....😊

Are these facts or controversies, or debates, made Tesla a tinkerer, a failure ?


There exist also a fan club for Goethe and i am there...Try to debunk Goethe one of the great scientist also...I will defend him way better than Tesla...



By the way there is ONE THING at least " unimaginable", according to your words and requirement, created by Tesla working at his tower: the transmission of electricity without line....Why do you think russian scientist are interested by Tesla?

Anyway nobody have proven him wrong about this "unimaginable" possibility killed in the egg by a banker, Perpont-Morgan, who made money investing with HIS hydroelectricity concept and patents already and said to Tesla that he was a fool , a financial fool, a dreamer ...He never dare to say to him that he was a tinkerer though...Tinkerer never create flows of money out of thin air for sure....



And i will correct you, he was poor in busineess and marketting, not IN YOUR OWN WORDS "poor at turning those ideas into things the world could use"... Niagara falls for example, and his motor ....

And Edison, Leonardo Da Vinci and many others great inventors "did not come up with much in the way of fundamental science " either...

Keep your head in the SAME direction, we speak about inventors here not about Newton or Galileo or Einstein ....

Not about Planck discovering quanta....Etc


The good news, after claiming the opposite in the post before this one, is that you recognize some fact NOW, he was not a tinkerer it has been hard but you spoke the truth at last:

He was a great inventor, and was great at seeing how fundamental science could be applied in useful ways.

@cindyment you are seriously going to use a debunking site as a source? Really?

Did you graduate from Trump University?

This is getting embarrassing 🤔🤔

@kitechaser ,

You may want to go back to chasing kites, or at least spend the 15-30 seconds it would have taken to figure out that is not a debunking site, but often debunking sites are at least researched are probably the vast majority are anti-Trump, not pro-Trump. It is embarrassing, but the embarrassment is all yours.

Edison fan club? Alright..........

Yeah, so... This is worse than I thought. 

Keep your kids away from these Universities, that's all I am going to say on this subject. 

EU makes few predictions. It doesn't have a unified framework, or mathematical laws underpinning it. The underlying physics doesn't go far beyond, "It's electric." Data doesn't support or disprove specific hypotheses. And where are all these electrical arcs in space? And what could their power source possibly be?



@cindyment now you are using vice as a source......

Please, I am done talking to you.

Go bug someone else. Shoo 

@cindyment you have really crappy sources for being a science expert. Reading things you consider credible is very embarrassing, and yes the embarrassment is all mine because you seem completely immune to it.

We finally agree 🤗

Post removed 

No respectable science magazine or mediasource wood contribute even one line of copy towards debunking the electric universe hypothesis since it's such a silly concept. That requires me to use alternate sources. Considering you are posting YouTube videos you are in no position to judge.

Every source that you have posted is junk, starting with the Saturn Hexagonal configuration, and your critiques of Tesla are so incredibly child like, that I am seriously starting to question your qualifications. (and your mental health)

Forget Plasma cosmology, you can’t even answer simple questions about the things you claim to be an expert on, you either respond with pure nonsense, or in most cases you just completely ignore the question.

Like someone else said, get your money’ve been had, your education is not worth the paper your diploma was printed on., what a disappointment.


I need an Valid ID and a Notarized copy of your STEM Degree......or this is the last reply you will get from me.


Yuvi you make me laugh. Most of what I posted for you was scientific press summaries of peer-reviewed papers. There is little point in me giving you links that are going to block you with a paywall since it’s obvious you don’t have a academic login.

I am just a little more realistic about Tesla than most people probably because I have actually done the research where others just go gaga over things they have read that they have never done even a minute of work to cross validate.

Was that a promise that you’re not going to post any more about the electric universe hypothesis? Really, you promise?

I won't insist on a notarized copy of your degree from a recognized University Yuvi, what a silly thing to ask for. I would settle for your high school diploma.

Cindyment, thanks for the Vice article.  It explains a lot.  Smart people looking for answers to complex questions and not being able to truly comprehend how complex the questions really are.  Seemingly they equate watching a hundred hours of YouTube videos with obtaining advanced degrees in physics.  There's an element of laziness on their part.

There's an Einstein quote about how incomprehensible it is that the universe is actually somewhat comprehensible.  It is pretty amazing!

Vice was founded in 1994 when Suroosh Alvi, Gavin McInnes, and Smith used money from a government welfare program to start a magazine in Montreal that was funny, hip, and off-color in a way that hasn’t always aged well — “The Vice Guide to Shagging Muslims” — but offered an outlet for young people who found mainstream culture lame. While Alvi kept a steady hand on the wheel, McInnes gave the magazine its editorial voice. Smith handled sales, and told everyone they were going to get rich. McInnes called him Bullshitter Shane, and the sales strategy included sending a few copies of the magazine to a record store in Miami and a skate shop in Los Angeles and telling advertisers they were distributed across North America. “Shane would talk all the time about how stupid people were for giving them money,” says Jessica Low, who dated Smith and helped with the magazine at the time. In 1998, Smith told a reporter that a wealthy media mogul in Montreal named Richard Szalwinski had invested in Vice. Szalwinski hadn’t, but he was impressed enough by the gambit to take a meeting with Vice, invest, and encourage a move to New York. “The reason those lies were so successful was because even we believed them after a while,” Alvi said later.


Showing clients a good time wasn’t a novel tactic for Vice — “It also helps to eat them out and mail them drugs,” Smith said in 2003 of his ad-sales strategy — or anyone else in the history of sales, but a night out with Smith and other Vice executives became a coveted thrill for many chief marketing officers. “The party for Intel might have been set up, but what they were tapping into wasn’t fake,” says one senior employee from that period. A former employee on the account-management team recalled being paid to take Anheuser-Busch executives out for a night at a preselected series of bars, ending at a club where several Vice executives “happened” to be hanging out. “They were the cool kids,” says Paul Marcum, a former marketing executive at General Electric who worked with Vice. “You had Jonah [Peretti] at BuzzFeed, who oozed nerd charm, and then the Vice guys, who had a more swashbuckler persona.”

The losers kept paying. One day in the fall of 2012, Vice employees were told there would be free pizza and beer at 5 p.m. to eat at their desks. “And then fucking Rupert Murdoch rolls through with Shane,” one editorial employee remembers. Smith turned to his old pitch — “I said to Rupert. ‘I have Gen Y, I have social, I have online video. You have none of that. I have the future, you have the past,’ ” he later explained — and Murdoch pulled out his checkbook, investing $70 million in Vice at a valuation just north of a billion dollars. When an HBO executive congratulated Eddy Moretti, the company’s chief creative officer, on the investment, he told Moretti that it was nice to see the good guys win. Moretti smiled and replied, “I’m not so sure that we’re the good guys.”


The Times story was an investigation by reporter Emily Steel into sexual misconduct at Vice. The founders had publicly boasted about orgies and lascivious behavior in the past, and it wasn’t hard to imagine that much worse could be revealed. Several female Vice employees told me they’d joined the company armed with warnings to avoid particular men, and while the culture had buttoned up over the years, vestiges of it remained, and women reported a range of difficult and uncomfortable situations.

Vice management was nervous about the story and who might be talking to the reporter — a paranoia that wasn’t unfounded. Dozens of employees I spoke to describe Vice as a creative environment that gives them enviable opportunities, but many who have left say they feel some level of resentment, whether from low pay, managerial chaos, or overwork, and a number harbor a deep antipathy toward Vice. While the Times story was being reported, one disgruntled former employee had taken several female colleagues out for seemingly casual drinks during which he’d probe whether they had experienced any inappropriate interactions with Vice executives. One asked if he was recording her. He said, “Yeah, but you aren’t giving me anything good.”



Our resident professor thinks this company that has been accused of plagiarism, embezzlement, sexual harassment, fraud, fake reporting, rampant drug use, and lots and lots of other felonious crimes... is the arbiter of truth.

I can post article after article from ex employees of Vice where they go into detail about how the company is just a total joke.

Birds of a feather stick together, anyone that thinks and Edison fan sites are credible sources of any information are lost causes, and should be ignored.


And the information about Plasma Cosmology is publicly available on YouTube sites, because they can do it for free in a condensed easily viewable format.

Most college lectures are also going online for the very same reason.

Getting information out, when it is against the dominant narrative is almost impossible. It’s not like they can write textbooks and force College students to read them like accepted Gospel.


Here is the Electric explanation on Supernovas, I am not going to take time to explain this any further, the people that are interested can watch for themselves, others can F off.


The Vice article was just referencing other data ..... if you read it, or understood it, or even attempted to, you would know this.

The Edison "fan" site, posted 100% accurate, verifiable data. If you took the few minutes to read it, understood it, or even attempted to, you again would know this.

How are you hand wavers at the Electrical Universe Flat Earth society doing today?

What is really funny, is you make fun of sites that link to other better researched data and/or post readily verifiable data .... and then tell me to go to Youtube ... the harbinger of truth :-) ...  George Carlin School?

History teach us that MOST inventions were simultaneously produced in the same time frame by not one, but often by 2 or few different people in different country...

In a court of law patent must be credited to the first discoverer in time....

I will not enter in debates about who is the first, Tesla or another scientist few amount of time before...But if i want to know i will not consult Edison society either... 😁

When someone own 278 patents and probably others invention non patented, If we exclude plagiarisn, We have in front of us a real scientist and genius...Not a tinkerer...Edison was a tinkerer of genius without formal education... Tesla has a university formation in physics...

Then I will not entrer either in the reason why Tesla status is a "myth" but this does not make of him a con artist...


The reason, or one of the reason why this great scientist, became a myth, with all corrections from reality any myth entail, is his way of life and solitary character who present him alone against the power of corruption by corporate greed...And this is not false even if it is not all the truth...And he was a symbol of the bankers tyranny  for many after his death...After all he invented  with  no financial motivation or for personal gain at all... 

Demoslishing Tesla is impossible, his inventions, even if he cannot be the first for every one of them, are a testimony of his creativity with an enormous output, rectifying any myth is necessary for sure ...BUT and there is a but....

But if someone say it is a "tinkerer" not a great scientist, we have the right to question his motivation...We debunk the debunker agenda who go to far against truth..

Mocking people can be a pleasure for some, but using some truth ( date of invention) to present a genius like a tinkerer is not appealing for me...

I dont doubt the Vice article accuracy about date and the fact that someone else invented the same thing a year before in another country...I doubt the person who qualify Tesla to be a tinkerer...He was a physicist by formation....Contrary to Edison...He spoke many languages .... And he was erudite....