Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?
PT Barnum quotes

“The noblest art is that of making others happy.”

“Advertising is to a genuine article what manure is to land, - it largely increases the product.”

“The great ambition should be to excel all others engaged in the same occupation.”

“The greatest humbug of all is the man who believes—or pretends to believe—that everything and everybody are humbugs.”


G. Kait
M. Dynamica
I haven't compared both as I only have a Beeswax in the pre. I choose AM  vs SR Black and here's what  the cable company wrote to me after I choosed : 

"In regards to the Premier Bees Wax Super Fuse, it has richer harmonics when compared to the very popular Synergistic Research Black fuses".

unfortunately I never heard about someone who compared both side by side except maybe the Cable Co ?
I also ordered a Schuko Furutech NCF wall outlet still to be delivered. Big hopes on it and no SR Schuko wall outlet in Europe I think. It will replace a Oyaide SWO 


Hi David,

The fuse in my preamp is evolving and continues to improve. By Sunday night it should be fully broken in. Things are going so well that I might replace only 2 of the 4 red fuses in the power amp. I will not replace the 2 rail fuses at this time. I will install the black AC outlet before moving on to the power amp.

When I do get to the power amp top priority will be grounding the circuit board to the grounding block with a home-made high definition cable. I have reason to believe this will be more effective than grounding the amp"s chassis to the grounding block. I also need to check the bias on the amp,
install the 2 AC fuses, and inspect the AC inlets sockets.

Best wishes


Hi Andy

I will probably install the black outlet at the end of this month. Did you install
an aftermarket cover when you installed your black outlet? Do you have any reason to believe that any of the available covers improve performance?  Or is it mostly for appearance?

Post removed 
"Wolf, I call BS on your story of having tried the SR Blacks--it sounds like a phony confession out of a B-rated film noir. Your tone is evasive, shifty. "I have a friend" is a contrived intro. He owns a well-regarded store, then you label it as a "salon". He had a pile of these fuses hanging around from some show or something. Sure, Wolf, sure. He gave you a half dozen "or so"... "of the things"."

Good detective work.
yours is a very compelling post. You have written what some others are possibly suspicious of but are willing to give people with counter opinions and experiences the benefit of the doubt.

I am willing to take his comments at face value. All I can say is his outcome is vastly different from mine and leave it at that. Look at the number of  respected members of this forum who are very experience and credible listeners Who have reported excellent results with these particular fuses. Form your own conclusions.
Those familiar with the breezy, witty, and often highly humorous writing style Wolf has manifested in a great many other threads here over the years should realize that the wording of his post about his experience with the SR fuses was entirely characteristic. Therefore I for one see nothing in that wording that would suggest any applicability of the cynical parsing it received above.

-- Al

At this point Al, wolf's material is getting a bit stale. He's like the stand-up comedian on stage in a nightclub who can't get a laugh because he keeps telling the same joke over and over.  

The crowd just booed the last comedian known as Mr. Labtec off of the stage who thought he was being funny by pissing all over the audience.

You'd think these guys would learn. 

At least, to  Mr. Wolf's credit, he's a likable person. He's really made me laugh with his previous performances, but ... that was in a different nightclub. :-)

Now, back to the music ...

Robert (Mr. Record) is coming over tonight for a listening session. I've been breaking in the Von Gaylord speaker cables and two of Von Gaylord's IC's. These cables are bringing a whole new sense of musicality to the system. I think Mr. Record is in for a very pleasant shock tonight. 

"Trolls frequently admire the cut of another troll’s jib." ~ old audiophile expression

Breezy and witty? Are you hot dogging me?

As with most cases where extreme views are expressed the truth probably lies somewhere in the middle. 

If if one wants to drop hundreds of dollars on fuses more power to them.  I'll never understand why but like anything in high end audio all that matters is satisfaction in the end for whatever reason real or otherwise. 

Hmm it's possible that since wolf believes op is not being entirely transparent with his motivation that he feels he need not either. 

Only wolf and op know for sure it seems.  

Wi such animosity over such a trivial issue as fuses it's no wonder there is so much hatred and conflict in the world today.  
Btw my system is sounding really good today. Not that it normally does not.

Is is it just me or could that red fuse I stuck in there months ago finally be gelling or whatever it is that fuses do over the course of months?

Could be that after attending the audio show last weekend my senses are more in alignment from the listening  workout my ears got.
Just curious, why do some people either attribute goodness or blame everything on a fuse?  I say this as a person with the SR Black in my ARC Ref 6 and 75se.  When my system sounds great, I just don't think, "must be the fuse!".  It is a subtle effect at best.  Lots of other bigger factors at play...
Ok, maybe it's the mean political season we're in--there's malice aforethought out there in the blog-o-sphere.  I just had to jump all over Wolf, who has never taken anything we have said about SR fuses at face value.  Real story or not---does it matter now?  I like you, Wolf, like your humor, so keep on slinging it.  It's all fun here--and the SRs, how could anyone be unhappy?    

I can’t say that I’ve detected animosity from the advocates of the Black fuses, in fact they’ve been an usually cheerful group (for an open forum environment ). On the other side there’s only been a handful doubters, with true animosity displayed only from labtec. I haven’t perceived animosity from you (just skepticism ) and Wolf just being Wolf. IMO the overall demeanor here has been unquestionably positive and enjoyable. Keep it up gentlemen.

I'm with you on that.    


I suppose I was just making a point.  Perhaps heated discussion is a better description than animosity. 
I'm in too. I love good humor and especially dry wit. Wolf abounds with both. I say ... carry on. 

Mapman ... It couldn't be the red fuse. Was there a change in the humidity? 

Dbarger ...  How do you like the REF-6?  I hear its a real ear opener right from the first note fresh out of the box. 


Papa I suspect it's mostly me with my ears having gone through a major training exercise last weekend at capital Audiofest and me  listening more intently.  

After all I'm just a human being not a microphone.  My listening skills do not hold constant all the time. 
Jaffreeman…your concern with my informal writing style seems to be clouding your ability to absorb information…I, being the mensch I am, accept those who lack humor and am as compassionate toward them as any devout practicing athiest can be…you're welcome.

I assumed describing my experience with the fuses would engender criticism in this forum as it always has, but previously I hadn't used the SR Blacks so although I found SR's claims silly and the users descriptions of the benefits somewhat "over the top," I decided to give myself a shot at these things instead of simply stating my distaste of "magical" audio products in general. Note I didn't pay for the fuses (which were returned, including the blown ones) so I did lack the "let's see what MY 125 bucks sounds like" point of view…this might be important because if you think SR is a relevant force in audio you're more likely than I am to percieve that these things make a difference after the requisite break-in time, which as noted previously here can often be the same as ACTUAL sonic improvement over whatever you remember your system sounded like 140 hours previous to the installation of the SR fuses (allowing for fuse direction changes). So there's that. I might have needed a comma in there…In any case my test was what it was…I forgot to mention I put SR blacks in my subs also which in one case at least did result in a difference noted…that was another fuse blow incident (the difference being "no sound") witch when added to my 50 year or so "lifetime gear fuse incident" total for audio, guitar amp, and pro sound fuse trauma really skews those stats…not many lifetime fuse issues at all…hence the SR FUSES CAN BLOW warning…hope that point is clearer. I'll end this post with a thought…Simply try to remember what things actually are designed for when trying to make things better with fuses…they're fuses…if you feel they can influence the complex active signal chain in audio gear (which they' re inherently not part of) in anything they inhabit because others simply say they can and really really want you to agree (30 day money back return…DO IT NOW), have fun with that…hell, it could be a life style!
Hmm well so far there would seem to be a definite correlation between what people actually pay for the fuse and what they hear.

Isnt it it true that typically expectations going in can influence people’s conclusions?

It’s certainly possible.

The other thing for sure is not everyone is floored by these things Is it possible the fuses they start with are as good or better? It can happen.

These are are realistic possibilities.  Who's to say what will happen case by case though.  

So far it Seems like if you are inclined to put out the dough chances are you'll not be disappointed.  

13,516 posts
07-15-2016 5:06pm
Hmm well so far there would seem to be a definite correlation between what people actually pay for the fuse and what they hear.

Oh, I don’t know about that, flyboy. I can easily hear the difference when flipping direction of cheapo off the shelf fuses. You know, the ones that are about a dollar. When’s the last time you had your hearing checked? ;-)

There has never been a case in audio history that a died in the wool aggressive troll was ever able to hear the tweak he got so upset over. I suspect all this rancor and angst is simply a case of having totally psyched oneself out.
Hi Frank, 
Being the fan of West Coast jazz that you are,  Do you have any of the "Shelly Manne And His Men At The Black hole " recordings?  They are very good. 
Oregonpapa               07.07.16

" are always the gentleman in these discussions...... Its much appreciated by me, and that's for sure"

And by me too.. that's for sure. During the turbulence resulting from posts
relating to Wolf- Garcia he has displayed calm, understanding, restraint, leadership and in fact statesmanship.

I tip my hat to you SIR. I just love this thread.

Shelly Manne can really swing. Never flamboyant. Drives the song forward with a firm sense of rhythm. Most if his CD's are well recorded.

"Complete Live At The Black Hawk". A four CD set recorded over three days, 1959. This is Good stuff.

One of the rewarding projects for me is trying to improve the emotional satisfaction my 92 year old Mother achieves when listening to her audio system. She streams music via computer to an Antelope DAC outputted to an Emotive Limited Edition Type 45 Tube amp which powers Teresonic single driver speakers. She is legally blind, does not read audio reviews, and does not read Audiogon forum posts. What she does do is listen without prejudice. She A-B's a change and makes the decision "better or worse".  What it costs, who makes it, how does it work, or do others use it is never discussed. She has no pride of ownership but does have pride in the quality of sound. She listens to music 4 hours a day.

She greatly enjoyed the improved sound obtained first with a Black fuse in the tube amp. Then she heard a further improvement when the Antelope DAC had it's two fuses replaced (one on the hot side and one on the neutral side). She noticed an immediate improvement in presence and as the week progressed commented on the music being more relaxed and flowed.

She had the same response when the SR Black outlets were installed. She preferred these outlets to Oyaide R1, and Furutech GTXD-R.

Many changes do not stay in the system. The Audioquest Jitterbug is gone. The Black Discus products are gone. The Teresonic Speaker cables are gone, etc.

Today she got the wonderful news that her oldest son's (age 69) most recent bone marrow biopsy was free of cancer. She called me at the hospital with the good news crying tears of joy only a Mother can know when her son's life has been spared. She then celebrated with listening to "her music".

I do hope all have a joyous weekend and do get to listen to some meaningful music. 

David Pritchard
Thanks very much for your kind comments I do appreciate them.
This has been a very enjoyable thread for me and I see no reason for a few alternative opinions to change that. I surely respect their perspective but that's as far as it goes for me. What I hear has exponentially more impact than what someone else has to say.

David, yes "Blackhawk ", , not Black hole ☺. I've only had these   recordings for about 20 years.  That is one sweet system your mother listens to David. 
Post removed 
Post removed 

13,516 posts
07-15-2016 5:06pm
"The other thing for sure is not everyone is floored by these things Is it possible the fuses they start with are as good or better? It can happen.

These are are realistic possibilities. Who’s to say what will happen case by case though?"

Only the tormented uncertain mind of the died-in-the-wool pseudo skeptic could come up with such an implausible steaming pile of compost.

The reasons why some audiophiles have difficulty hearing certain tweaks, especially controversial ones? Don't make me do it!

have a nice day.

geoff kait
machina dramatica
no goats no glory

Oh my gawd!  I just spewed my morning coffee all over my computer screen. You guys are too funny.  "No Spaceman, its the new weed?"  *lol*  That explains a LOT. 

Charles ... Yes, I have Shelly Manne's entire Blackhawk series on Vinyl. These are on the Contemporary label.  

Contemporary recorded a ton of West Coast jazz and most of these recordings are very well done. I'd recommend them to anyone interested in great jazz and sound. The guys at Contemporary really cared about their products. 

A CD to watch for is this one:

I have it on both vinyl and CD. The CD is excellent. Great sound and performance. It will have your head bobbin' and your toe tappin.'

It originally came out on the Crown label. As some record collectors know, Crown was a budget label. About one in ten of Crown's records sounded good. Most sounded terrible. A few sounded great. This is one of the great ones. 

Contemporary is one of my favorite historic/classic  jazz labels along with Riverside, Prestige and Columbia Records. They all  had terrific musicians and consistently good sound quality. 

charles1 dad:

That is a nice list of excellent sounding record labels. It is fascinating that some labels and their teams can produce great sounds are so many others just can't get it.

This weekend experimented wiht  the 300B amp's sound. 

I got a big jump in sound quality by adding three Synergistic Research ECT's (  Electronic Circuit Transducers )  to the amp. One ECT near the rectifier tube, one near the driver tube, and one near the volume control. Other locations that had no effect or a negative effect  were near the output tubes, near the transformers, near the power cord inlet, and on  the sides of the amp.

With the ECT's in the right location, the soundstage greatly improved and the harmonics were much more musical. I have had a similar improvement using ECT's with the Art Audio PX-25 amp.

I think this is  a fun and worthwhile experiment with a product that has a 30 day return policy.

David Pritchard


If you are stil on this thread.
Do you find it in a way more techical sounding, spread out the sounds within the stage clearly and evenly (which i found is the strongest point), doesnt really have shortcomings in any frequency range? Over the other fuse or fuses you used.

I feel that blacks and outlets does well technically overall, does sound organic in a neutral way that is , having less colours to the music.

These colours, not coloured sounding, may addto musial njoyment you are experiencing even if the are other areas which may fall short of the black fuse?
I cut my teeth on Blue Note recordings during my initial exposure to jazz recordings (vinyl and CD).  This label definitely had many of the jazz icons early in their careers. Rudy Van Gelder during the 1950-60s was the recording engineer for Blue Note and Prestige. I must say that during this period the Prestige were  consistently better sounding.  Both labels provided excellent music. 
Sunday night was Guitar night.

First up was "MONK" by The  the Peter Bernstein trio
Peter Bernstein - guitar
Doug Weiss         Bass
Bill Stewart           Drums

This is warm, smooth music with Berstein's guitar having shades of Wes Montgomery and Kenny Burrell  Solid, sober music. (Thanks Charles 1dad )

Mark Ribot          Guitar and trumpet
Gregory Ribot     Baritone SAX
Rodriquez           Drums and Percussion

Do not be fooled by the name of the band. These guys are ready for the Olympics in Rio next month. Explosive as a handful of grenades.You had better be standing when listening. Good quality recording. (Thanks Andynotadam)


Jim Hall       guitar
Paul Desmond     Alto Sax
Chet Baker    Trumpet
Ron Carter   Bass
Roland Hanna  Drums

This production is of Reference quality in every way. i have had this SACD version for a long time. It might not be easily available.

Hi nyame,
I am glad you enjoyed the Peter Bernstein's "Monk".
I will search for the other two recordings you recommend.
nyame ...

I have that "Concierto" recording on LP. Its a beautiful piece of music by Rodrigo.  I think I must have at least 25 renditions of it. One of the most moving renditions is contained within this album:

John Williams' rendition of Concierto de Aranjuez is breath taking. The first time I heard this, it was while I was driving. It was in the early 70's. I was listening to the jazz station when the DJ said that he was going to play something very special. As the music unfolded, I had to pull my car over to the curb to finish listening to it. I had my note pad and pen out to write the title down.  I immediately headed over to the record store and picked up a copy of the record depicted in the above link. It still remains as one of the favorite records in my collection. Not only is it beautiful music, its audiophile quality as well. 

Charles ...

I have some of the original Blue Note recordings.  As the article says though, their "dual mono" recordings are a  little hard to take. Great music though.  Do you have "Sidewinder?"  How about Dexter Gordon's "One Flight Up?"  Those are two of my favorite Blue Notes. 

Last night's listening session was nostalgia night. Most of us know Fred Astaire for his wonderful dancing and fashion style. But ... he was also quite a singer. So, last night, Fred Astaire sang his way across my living room. This CD puts the man in the room. Yes, its mono ... but its good mono, has excellent presence and its great music to boot.

Happy listening ...

Hi Frank,
I have Lee Morgan's "Sidewider" on vinyl and Dexter's "One Flight Up" on CD. A couple from these gents, Morgan, "Tom Cat".
Gordon,  "Doin' Allright ". If you don't already  have them I'm certain that you'll like both. 
after installing a Audio Magic Besswax with great success in the pre, I installed yesterday 2 SR Black fuses in the mono amps (all tubes electronics). Only a few hours but already good things from the start : more purity and cleaness, more "you are there" effect.
I have big hopes on mixing the presumably best fuse's quality on the market at that time.
The pre fuse (Beeswax) replaced a SR Red and the Black in the amps replaced HF Tuning Supreme. 
Burning in is a pain. Do someone knoxs if a kind of a fuse burner does exist ?

I use the burn in track on the XLO Test CD. Let it play on repeat for two days, one week or two weeks, the longer continuous playing the better the results.
joecasey with the personal attacks again.  Do you have a job?  Stalking me can't pay well.

Nice some people find him funny and condone personal attacks from others.

So much for the "respect" thread. Very hypocritical and disgusting! The neighborhood here just went considerably downhill.