Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?
I mentioned the cost of the Black fuses as you've raised that concern  several times, certainly you're not alone with that view. To me it's pretty simple, you tried the Red fuse and it made no difference for you. So its a no go in your opinion, understood. Many posters have had terrific results, but no product will please everyone. Mapman have you tried any vibration /resonance control products?  I use the Star Sound Apprentice platforms and I am very happy with them. I love finding audio products that tweak and improve music reproduction enjoyment in our homes. 


For what it is worth. It was a roller coaster ride for a while until things settled down. My synergistic red fuse in my power amp seemed to take a hundred hours to settle in. In my cd transport it seemed to take about two hundred hours to settle in. And settle in they did, beautifully. I am going to get a black for my dac as soon as I have time to call when they are open.

Sgordon1 5-3-2016
Regarding fuse ROTATION... I have found "DOTS DOWN" to sound the best.... I encourage everyone to experiment with fuse rotation!
And I would encourage that before perceived sonic differences are reported as being attributable to causes that seemingly make no sense whatsoever, that steps be taken to assure that the perceived differences are being attributed to the correct variable. In this case, for example, by rotating the fuses back and forth once or twice between their original positions and the rotated positions, to verify that the perceived differences are repeatable, and that they are not due, for example, to random differences in contact between the fuse and the holder.

-- Al

Charles I use isolation stands and platforms under speakers.   Gear rests on rock solid very heavy table on ground level concrete foundation with thin dense carpet and pad.     My main speakers are in an adjacent room from my gear.   My speakers in my room with my gear can go as loud as possible even with  turntable sitting a few feet forward of them.  It's all rock solid.   The only moving parts are the turntable.   I use music server with wifi connection to streamer. No wires.     Also mu metal foil around phono step up former.    Also good quality Pangea power cords and power conditioning.    Digital and line level gear in separate outlets from power amp.   Very highly tweaked to minimize noise and distortion.  

It it sounds really good hard to beat IMHO or at least I like it a lot and would not trade.   Took a long time and a lot of attention and some money to get there.   Wish you could hear it.  

Almarg posted the following exchange,

Sgordon1 5-3-2016
Regarding fuse ROTATION... I have found "DOTS DOWN" to sound the best.... I encourage everyone to experiment with fuse rotation!

And I would encourage that before perceived sonic differences are reported as being attributable to causes that seemingly make no sense whatsoever, that steps be taken to assure that the perceived differences are being attributed to the correct variable. In this case, for example, by rotating the fuses back and forth once or twice between their original positions and the rotated positions, to verify that the perceived differences are repeatable, and that they are not due, for example, to random differences in contact between the fuse and the holder.
-- Al

Thanks for the high humor that is so often missing in these threads. If I’m misinterpreting the nature of your response, my apologies.


I think sgordon was yanking peoples chains but you never know.  

The champ is here.....
Charles of course expensive Simply means costing more money.  There is no doubt 100 fuses cost more money than most.  

Value is a different thing.   There can be value in expensive items.  But they are still expensive.   

Im glad when anyone finds good value in their purchases.   It's a free country.  If there is a market for something  someone will sell it.  
^^^^ Put another way ... If there is a need, someone will recognize that need and will step in to fill it and make a fortune in the process. The consumer gets what he/she wants and the producer gets what he/she wants in return. Free market capitalism, baby ... free market capitalism. :-)

Last  night's listening session included a performance on CD of Spanish music featuring a trio of two cellos and one piano.  The sixth cut was a piece composed by Isaac Albeniz. Simply fantastic ... and in the room.  

Based upon what these SR Black fuses have done for my system, they are worth every penny. I hope SR sells a million fuses ... they deserve it. 

Well, I am definitely over one hundred hours, changed fuse direction, now I am back to the original direction I started with.  They still sound restricted, less bass, womens voices actually hurt my ears.  Not the organic sound I have heard about yet.  I hate to give up on them but I am surprised at what I am hearing considering all the great feedback 
Hi Tzh21y,
Your results are atypical compared to most others here.  Either you still may need more burn in time or they just aren't meshing with your system. If they don't come around, return them and get your refund.  As with Oregonpapa , the Black fuses are simply wonderful in my system.  I'm glad you have given them an audition. 
Yes, I added the days oregonpapa had them in his system until he was really startingbto enjoy them.  Looks like almost 200 hours actually.
I believe that it is component dependent regarding the length of sufficient burn in time. In my DAC and Line Stage the positive effects were heard fairly early on. On the other hand my amplifiers required much more time to improve with the Black fuses. In all of the components the sound continued to improve up to 150-200 hours. The same very similar situation occurred with my friend's audio system. My belief is that this is truly an individual component by component phenomenon. 
Mapman wrote,

"I think sgordon was yanking peoples chains but you never know."

Gosh, ya think?
Geoffkait: " That’s precisely why I have taken the steps to eliminate fuses from my system, actually to also eliminate and bypass the house AC entirely, as well as eliminate power cords, electrical ground, wall outlets, interconnects, transformers, large capacitors, crossover networks, room interactions, things of that nature."

To which aolmrd1241 responded,

"geoff. How do you eliminate all those things short of having an acoustical band/group playing for your home, at your own whim? Please enlighten us."

Let me turn the question around and ask you, how do you think I eliminate all those things? There is only one system I can think of that makes that possible. 

geoff kait
machina dramatica

tzh21y640 posts05-04-2016 9:56amYes, I added the days oregonpapa had them in his system until he was really startingbto enjoy them.  Looks like almost 200 hours actually.
I've been rolling fuses since HiFi-Tuning Gold and SQ is usually very good after 10 hours.    If it doesn't sound good after ~25 hours, change direction.   Still no good, either don't like the changes or fuse identify a flaw in the system.   

I believe knghifi has pinpointed a philosophical difference above that has lead to much of the discussions, back in forth, about the use of the fuses. 

"Still no good, either don't like the changes or fuse identify a flaw in the system."

This implies that not liking the sound change a fuse imparts, or not hearing a change in the system, is because something is "wrong" with the system. 

On the other hand, others might think that if your system needs a new fuse, any fuse, any price, to make it sound better, then that system is not sounding right to start with.
Once my system is sounding "right"   all I need to do to make it sound better is turn up the volume.
Moopman wrote,

"Unfortunately, I think I know the answer......"

Fortunately, you're the Moopman....


jetter104 posts05-04-2016 11:16amI believe knghifi has pinpointed a philosophical difference above that has lead to much of the discussions, back in forth, about the use of the fuses.

"Still no good, either don't like the changes or fuse identify a flaw in the system."

This implies that not liking the sound change a fuse imparts, or not hearing a change in the system, is because something is "wrong" with the system.  

On the other hand, others might think that if your system needs a new fuse, any fuse, any price, to make it sound better, then that system is not sounding right to start with.

Wrong in all counts!!!  ... and reason stuck in a circular argument.

How does not liking the changes implies something is "wrong" with the system?   If you replace high power SS with low power SET amp to drive Apogee Full Range.  Is it something wrong with the system or don't like the change?

Also why can't a system sound right to start with and one just want to improve it?  
Tzh21y. Your experience sounds like mine, albeit with the Reds in my DAC.  Definitely there was a change in sound, and I did not like it (a bit harder, thinner, and less musical).  I went back and forth with the stock fuses a number of times and am fairly convinced I'd win a blinded test.  I did like the SR Red fuses in my amps, however. Only went back to the stocks once because it was a pretty clear preference.  

I bought mine used, so now I just have an extra pair sitting around, but it sounds like you should send yours back.

- Chris
Mapman wrote,

"I'm calling you out again on name calling, Jipkait....

Mapman, please try to purchase a sense of humor. Besides what name do you think I called you?  And you respond with a childish name calling.  That's not very nice. Perhaps it would be a good idea for another time out.


Better get that selective memory loss checked out.

Even so, you can read right?   No need for me to repeat it.

In any case you're forgiven.   Just don't do it again.
geoff, come on, actually Jipkait is very humorous.  And if Map did "purchase a sense of humor", would it come with a 30 day money back guarantee?

"Let me turn the question around and ask you, how do you think I eliminate all those things? There is only one system I can think of that makes that possible."

geoff,enlighten me please... Is it a pure dc system? If so,please elaborate.

Despite the likely hypocrisy of my post, I’d just like to remind everyone, please do not feed the trolls. As you all are aware, some post primarily to derogate others and responding to them only amplifies the situation.

Thanks to the 99% for a good, informative thread with quality input from both sides of the fuse debate.

- Chris
^^^ Personally, I believe that very few harsh words were posted in t his thread.  Here's what I think ... Because we use a keyboard to "talk," and because we can't see each other through the computer monitor, we cannot see facial expressions or hand gestures. In other words, we cannot always decipher the true intent of the person we are responding to.  So much of what I read in this thread I see a humor being the intent. Some folks, myself included, tend to have a dry, sarcastic sense of humor ... and at times, especially if you can't see a smile on the other side of the screen, we take the comments as a put-down or even verbal abuse. That's why I try to included one of these  :-)  when I'm joking.   Personally, guys like "mapman" and "wolf-garcia" crack me up with some of their posts. 

Happy listening .. .and happy fuses, guys.  :-)

Im also looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the new ac outlets.. I use the gtx d rhodium, with the matching plates, and covers. I’ve also used silver wattgates, and the teslaplex’ which reside in my power conditioner. The gtx d r are the ones to beat. Wonder what you’ll find after 400 hours with these new offerings.
Post removed 
Bass is back, sounding nicer, sound presentation is not as loose so to speak.  They just need to relax a bit more but getting better.  I cannot believe how long this is taking.
" Personally, guys like "mapman" and "wolf-garcia" crack me up with some of their posts. "

Whew.  Thank G-d.  I guess I won't return that sense of humor I thought I might have over payed for......
" Personally, guys like "mapman" and "wolf-garcia" crack me up with some of their posts. "

I agree and would add georgelofi as well.  But others, like barking dogs, add nothing to the conversation but an overwhelming sense of their self-importance and self-involvement.  Like unwanted visitors, I think it best to ignore them and maybe they will go away.
I can't believe what is happening,  this is incredible!  Glad I did not give up on these.  Getter much better.  Now bass is more powerful than with stock fuse, less glare and brightness.  Omg.
^^^^  tzh21y ...

Yeah, there you go.  And here's something else you may have noticed: Things sound a little rolled off or less bright than before ... except its really not "rolled off," or "less bright," its just more relaxed, akin to live music in the flesh. And ... you are getting more inner detail too.  Do you find this to be true? 

mapman ...

I have to admit, I used up almost the entire 30 day trial period on your skewed sense of humor (wolf-garcia's too) before I realized that we are simpatico.  Must be the way our brains are fused ... err, I mean wired.  

"I can't believe what is happening, this is incredible! Glad I did not give up on these. Getter much better. Now bass is more powerful than with stock fuse, less glare and brightness. Omg."


PS which way is the fuse pointed, if I can be so bold?


I had to change directions on the fuse.  Still getting better.  I can listen at lower levels and feel I am hearing more music.  I like it
Congratulations and I'm very glad you remained patient. I know what these fuses bring to a good system.  You're in store for further improvement with thease  fuses as they settle in. 

" I know what these fuses bring to a good system."

Charles in all seriousness how many good systems have you heard with these?

How do you know all good systems will respond similarly?

If they do not does that mean the system is not good?

Tzh21y wrote,

"I had to change directions on the fuse. Still getting better. I can listen at lower levels and feel I am hearing more music. I like it"

Very glad to hear that but, what direction is the writing on the fuse going?

^^^ Excuse me for interjecting mapman ... but it certainly doesn't mean that a system isn't "good," it just means that its not as good as it could have been had it been responsive to the fuse upgrades. For those who own systems that ARE responsive to the fuses, those systems become fantastic. Quite amazing, really. 

To date, I've heard two systems that have been responsive to the fuse upgrades ... mine and Bob's. In both systems, there is that improvement in the tonal colors of individual instruments and vocals. A more realistic. organic presentation very representative of what one hears with live music. Not perfect of course, but much closer than before. 
Not sure I know what you mean about the direction.  

Anyways,  this is really incredible, a little scary.  Transformational to say the least.  The effortless flow of the music through redbook CDs is astounding.  I can't imagine how these would affect the rest of my system.  By far the best value on audio I have ever had in my system.  

Oregoapapa, what you said is right on the mark exactly.  Bass goes much deeper than before in a good way.
645 posts
05-05-2016 5:45pm
Not sure I know what you mean about the direction.

Never mind. It's OK.

Op my main point is one can predict how a fuse might sound in another system better or worse based on what they've heard or others say but they cannot know. There is a difference.   The prediction could turn out to be right or not for many reasons.   But you don't know.   No one does for sure.  

Just saying. .  Applies to all things audio not specifically just fuses, even things that are much better understood how it works like matching impedance
In my experience,  three different systems  (mine and two friends) all with quite similar improvements. Couple that with the high % of good results reported on this thread,  very sucessful tweak for the vast majority. So it seems fair to say for most users a positive result, for a few users that wasn't the case. Tzh21y is the latest success story. ☺☺

I too am looking forward to the sonic changes I hear comparing the Furutech GTX-R, SR Teslaplex, and the arived but not installed SR Black A/C wall outlet. The new outlet is a modified TR brand with I believe graphene on the HOT wire screws and UEF coating on other parts of the outlet body. This would be in addition to what is done to the SR Teslaplex outlet.

To All:

Please remember your Mother This Sunday.

David Pritchard