Streaming upgrade from Cambridge Audio cxn v2

I have a great sounding system with ayre integrated and sonus faber serrafino speakers. The streamer/dac is by far the cheapest part of the system with the Cambridge Audio cxn v2. I’m wondering if upgrading the streamer/dac would give a step function improvement or if the cxn is already good enough and the improvements will be subtle at best. My dealer is recommending the ayre qx8 but I’ve not yet listened to it. Any thoughts for a streamer/dac that would give me a step function improvement for around $6000 new or used.?


if the dac has a reasonable sized buffer, shouldn’t it make up for the weakness in the streamer?

You’re on the right track - these days most digital inputs are buffered so the digital interface and streamer have less and less of an impact on sound quality. You can see this play out here - link.


I read a review on the CXN V2 and it seems to be well engineered, so I wouldn’t have any qualms about using it as a streamer if it has all the features you want. The DAC section also looks pretty good - you’ll probably be hard-pressed to find another DAC that would be an improvement in terms of fidelity if volume levels are matched and you’re listening blind. Other DACs may sound different and more to your taste though.


The Ayre QX-8 looks pretty nice - I used to own an all Ayre system myself. It also has a streamer section so it could replace your CXN V2 wholesale and would add a headphone amp to your system in case you needed / wanted it.

@deone don’t be surprised. Do be skeptical of recommendations with nothing concrete to back it up other than “I think it sounds good”, especially before dropping big bucks. Do your homework and you will realize top notch digital these days need not cost a fortune and a fortune alone assures nothing except money spent. 

I'm surprised that many of you are suggesting an expensive streamer rather than a cheap streamer and an expensive dac: if the dac has a reasonable sized buffer, shouldn't it make up for the weakness in the streamer?

There’s still the issue of noise, parts quality, etc. There are many reasons why a $3k streamer can sound a lot better than a $1k streamer (same with DACs), and with most things in audio the chain is only a strong as the weakest link. Balance is key, which is why I recommended a streamer and DAC above that were priced in the same ballpark. A streaming setup in particular can quickly expose where you cut costs, so again, balance is key. Just my $0.02 FWIW.

Thanks a lot for the input.  I must say I'm surprised that many of you are suggesting an expensive streamer rather than a cheap streamer and an expensive dac: if the dac has a reasonable sized buffer, shouldn't it make up for the weakness in the streamer?


I’d hop on this Innuos Pulse that is excellent and has a small footprint…

This Musician Aquarius is a great DAC and a great relative value and also small footprint…

Here’s a good review fyi…

I have little doubt this mini combo would be a substantial improvement in every way over your Cambridge, and you could add the Musician Leo or Phoenix DDC later and get a significant performance bump by using the i2S input (see review). I did this with my Musician Pegasus and the improvement was not small. Just something to consider, and best of luck.


Additional info about your current system beyond what you have posted in your virtual systems would be helpful. You can see my systems under my ID.


In general, you have great opportunity for a step up with both the DAC function and the streamer function. I am also a big advocate of separates. The flexibility to upgrade is an important one. As Bliss recommended an Aurender would be a great choice. I would recommend an N200 and a good DAC. Ayre makes great DACs. I have the combination on my headphone system. Maybe a used Ayre DAC and a new N200. 

Today there is nearly unlimited potential in improved sound with better streamers. 

Thank you all so much for the suggestions.

I'll definitely explore separates but the space considerations may make that difficult (but not impossible).  Thanks also for the roon suggestion; I will do at least the trial and see if that helps.

blisshifi: I am not using the digital volume control of the CXN V2; just using it as a streamer/dac since I have an excellent volume control in my Ayre integrated.  Since you are a Cambridge Audio dealer, do you have any insights into sound quality improvements in CXN100 (if one is not using the volume control)?




I’m not a dealer, just an experienced user for many many years.

I would keep the streamer and play with different DACs if desired. Or if you must just upgrade to the new version of that streamer just released. I have been quite pleased with the DAC in my Evo 150 for a couple of years now FWIW. Cambridge makes very nice gear.


I strongly recommend streaming with Roon software regardless of hardware. The DSP finctionality in Roon applied wisely can be a game changer on that no room is perfect and tweaking sound by guessing on expensive gear changes is not a very efficient nor cost effective way to get things tuned in optimally. Room treatments like bass traps alone can help but DSP is needed to complete the job . Also a Roon license will cost less than most any “audiophile streamer” device, most of which are  “Roon Ready”

I am both a Cambridge Audio and Aurender dealer, and I owned both the CXN V2 and a Modwright-modded CXN V2 which features Dan Wright’s signature tube analog output stage using Lundahl transformers and two linear power supplies. For a high value step forward, if you can find the ModWright-modded one on the used market, swing for it. It outperforms many separates over $5K. He doesn’t offer the mod anymore given the lack of availability of parts. 

That said, the streamer in the CXN V2 and its digital volume control were the biggest culprits of degraded sonic performance. I’m not sure if you are aware, but just this month Cambridge released the new CXN100, the successor to the CXN V2. It featured an analog volume control, Cambridge’s latest streaming platform, updates to a newer reference DAC chip that enables less components in the signal path, along many other features. It is a very good step forward for its retail at $1099. 

For ~$6K, I would also be looking at the Aurender A200, or more likely an Aurender A15 as a dealer’s demo model if a dealer happens to have one (I suggest buying from authorized dealers as used units sold by consumers are not covered by warranty). The streamer architecture and sonic performance in an Aurender will vastly surpass that in the CXN units, and Aurender’s DACs are uncolored and true to the source. Overall the improvement you get at investing in this range will result in higher resolution, lower distortion and noise floor, and a larger, more immersive, and more engaging soundstage projection of the performance in your room. 

Should you have any questions on any units mentioned, please feel free to message me. 

Do you have the newest CXN v2 with ESS chip, or the older version?  I am a huge fan of the CA unit but in my main system I run it into an external DAC (Bryston DAC3).  I would start with a DAC upgrade and see how you like the CA just as a transport 

First off, Cambridge makes good sounding products. They have kept up with latest tech and continue to evolve. Wish I can say the same for Ayre. QX8 is now dated. Since its release in 2019, there hasn’t been much advancement or revision. If your dealer is recommending QX8, can you get a no obligation in-home audition?

IME, another one box streamer/DAC would not be a giant leap forward if that’s what you are after. It may sound different or gives you some improvement. If you really want to improve your digital streaming plus DAC performance over CXN, you should look into separates.

Check out Innuous or Aurender (streamer only) options and external DAC…plenty of options to choose from. At the end of the day, only a in-home will help you make the decision which DAC and Streamer worth upgrading to around $6K or more.

UI is an important part of the experience when choosing streamer. Are you a ROON user? Both Innuos and Aurender have proprietary apps that are optimized for higher fidelity unlike ROON.