Streaming upgrade from Cambridge Audio cxn v2

I have a great sounding system with ayre integrated and sonus faber serrafino speakers. The streamer/dac is by far the cheapest part of the system with the Cambridge Audio cxn v2. I’m wondering if upgrading the streamer/dac would give a step function improvement or if the cxn is already good enough and the improvements will be subtle at best. My dealer is recommending the ayre qx8 but I’ve not yet listened to it. Any thoughts for a streamer/dac that would give me a step function improvement for around $6000 new or used.?


Showing 2 responses by mapman

@deone don’t be surprised. Do be skeptical of recommendations with nothing concrete to back it up other than “I think it sounds good”, especially before dropping big bucks. Do your homework and you will realize top notch digital these days need not cost a fortune and a fortune alone assures nothing except money spent. 

I’m not a dealer, just an experienced user for many many years.

I would keep the streamer and play with different DACs if desired. Or if you must just upgrade to the new version of that streamer just released. I have been quite pleased with the DAC in my Evo 150 for a couple of years now FWIW. Cambridge makes very nice gear.


I strongly recommend streaming with Roon software regardless of hardware. The DSP finctionality in Roon applied wisely can be a game changer on that no room is perfect and tweaking sound by guessing on expensive gear changes is not a very efficient nor cost effective way to get things tuned in optimally. Room treatments like bass traps alone can help but DSP is needed to complete the job . Also a Roon license will cost less than most any “audiophile streamer” device, most of which are  “Roon Ready”