Speaker Slip Covers

Does anyone know where I can shop for slip covers (that's the best description I can think of calling them) for speakers?  I rescued 2 kittens about a year ago, and since then I have rearranged the stereo systems in 3 of my listening rooms.  So far (fingers crossed), they have shown no interest in my speaker grills.  However, as a retired Insurance Executive, I like to minimize my risks.  I recently bought a pair of KLH Model 5's, and I'm looking for a cover that would slip over the speakers when not being used -- think of a pillow case except designed for speakers.


I have searched online using several search parameters, but I've only found one site that lists covers for KLH Model 5's (you can get them in linen, cotton, or other fabrics).  I'm also wanting covers for a set of Polk Audio Model 10's and a set of Klipsch Forte II's.  I would appreciate any help on where others may have bought slip covers or what others have used to cover the speakers and protect them from pets, dust, etc.  Thanks in advance.




I would like to thank each and every one of you who have responded -- you have given me some GREAT ideas and companies to look at.


@wharfy -- Yes, Dobby and Kossa have given my wife and I MANY hours of entertainment since we found them abandoned last July by the side of a rural country road.  They were barely 3 weeks old the Vet guessed.  They are now spoiled, Rotten Little Monsters (or RLM's as my wife says)...but we wouldn't have it any other way!


@immatthewj -- Great point about the speaker wires!  They have just about grown out of the "chewing phase", but, man, there was a stretch where they were gnawing EVERY damn thing.  Metal chairs, wicker baskets, important Tax Documents, my ankles...😂.  Fortunately, the only wires exposed were just a few feet of the speaker wires and I have them protected -- all of my systems are in custom built cabinets that my late Father built for me out of solid walnut, cherry, and chestnut.  One of his many hobbies was custom woodworking and furniture making, and he was a Master Cabinet Maker...my late Mother could show him a picture of a Jackson Press, Corner Cupboard, or Lazy Susan Dining Room Table featured in "Southern Living Magazine", and he could build an exact copy without plans in a matter of weeks.  Didn't use any nails -- it was all Dove Tail Joints and wood glue.  Blew my mind.  My main system is housed in a 46" H x 33" W x 22" D piece of solid cherry furniture that looks like a mini Wardrobe Armoire.  The two front doors open to reveal adjustable wooden shelves, and the top is a beveled-edge lid that lifts open using two spring-loaded hinges to reveal a hidden turntable shelf.  When my wife and I bought our first house in 1988, he asked us what we would like him to build for us as a "House Warming Present".  I gave him a description of what I wanted, and he totally exceeded anything we could imagine.  It's as beautiful today as it was the day he delivered it.  I can't even guess what it would cost to have it custom built today...over 500 board feet of solid cherry wood, solid brass hinges, industrial springs for the lid, plus the hours and hours of pure labor costs to cut and glue all the joints and do the ornate carving on the bottom, sides, and top!

I had slip cover custom made by ARB Covers in the UK for my tower speakers. They turned out great. I went with the wine color and quilted fabric. Highly recommended.


Place cats in front of speakers.  Tune to FM frequency with no signal, just static.  Turn volume up very fast.  The cats won't like those speakers.

I thought about soft covers but was concerned the cats would climb those.  I have Klipsch Forte IV's and use the boxes they came in to cover them when I'm not around.

I have prosound customers who use custom-made speaker cabinet covers from Studio Slips, Tuki, and LeCover. 

I have a pair of TAD Monitor speakers and I went on to Etsy and found a woman out of Bulgaria who makes very high end custom covers for stereo equipment and speakers. You provide her with the dimensions you need or with the make and model of gear and they arrive in a few weeks. I paid under $200 for speaker covers and two sub woofer covers. 

The site is called, ampcovers

Good job on the kitten rescue!

Also, watch out for the speaker wire.  We rescued a kitten back in '01, and I caught her chewing on the Kimber wire.  I bought some spiral wrap at an auto parts store to protect my speaker wires from her teething period.

If a cat scratches at a speaker cover, chances are they’ll go right through it to the grills. You will need something underneath that cover like foam board to protect those speakers. Kids, dogs and cats are always an issue. Good luck 

I found some garment bags on Amazon that were quite effective at protecting some Vandersteen 3a speakers and some Kef 105 speakers.  Not very expensive, water resistant, and have zippers. 


Do you live anywhere near a military base?  Off base, there is always a seamstress near by to change a patch or fix a tear.

Back in the day, my mom would take old cotton sheets and make what ever I needed.  

All the best.

We have a cat that can’t be trusted, too.  I went to Home Depot and bought plastic sheet intended for use as translucent lens for four foot fluorescent fixtures.  When I’m not listening, I wrap the plastic over the front of my Vandersteen Treo’s, secured by bungee cords.  Protects the grill cloth when I’m not looking and the cat’s interested in scratching something.  Not exactly the sort of thing a designer would choose, but it’s good protection.  I decided against bag-type covers because they are naturally attractive to curious cats.

Go to Walmart and pickup fabric laundry bags with pull string. You can pull them right over the speakers and tie them. I use them over my Avalon Asendants.

Have bought 3 digital deck covers so far for turntables and a REVOX B77 RtR and couldn’t be happier.

I like the padded fabric but they have other choice.

Give ‘em a call.

Digital Deck Covers - Fabric

Hello allenf1963!  Look for King Sized pillow cases on sale. Glue heavy cardboard or metal plates to the inside front of them so you'll see any damage before it gets through to thr grilles.  Happ alistening!

In the late 60s my JBL Dorian S12s needed protection from our cat. That was the days of clear vinyl sofa protectors. Ask your grandmother. 😊

I went to a local slipcover maker and had them make 2 flat bottom bags whose inside dimensions were just bigger than the speakers. Fit over the speakers upside down just fine. Protection from the cat but you could still see the speakers.

These guys are the best I've ever found.  All covers are custom made and will absolutely not scratch your gear and are very rugged.  I've got them for my Dali Epicon 8 speakers and my Luxman amplifier.


Try these, DIGITALDECKCOVERS, They have a lot of things already measured out for some popular speakers and will work with your measurements as well. Purchased two sets for two different pairs of Wilson Audio Sophia's and they were about 35% of what Wilson Audio charges, they also have different material depending on your needs and preferences. BTW, I use them religiously and my speakers still look new after 20 years. Enjoy the music

@allenf1963 -I hear you about your cats. Congrats for rescuing them. I bet they are a hoot playing together. I bought these for my speakers. 
