
Responses from emuagogo

Class A bias, speaker sensitivity, watts...?
If your amplifier had VU meters your question would have been easily answered.  
Audio racks that can handle heavy components
I'm very happy with my Monolith rack from Monoprice.com.  Supports all of my McIntosh equipment!  
Favorite scream in rock?
Todd Rundgren on The Death of Rock and Roll.  
Anyone read this NYT story about analog audio bars?
Back in the late 60's to early 70's there were study rooms at San Diego State.  Each room had furniture and a pair of decent speakers and sound proofing.  There was a DJ with a turntable for every room.  You could request albums be played in your ... 
Can you recommend Jazz for some one that doesn't like Jazz?
I enjoy Herbie Hancock!  
Any regrets in selling gear?
I wish I still had all of my Hafler amps including a pair of DH-500's.  I also find myself missing my pair of DefTech BP7000SC's and Polk Audio SDA SRS's.  All sold to move out of California.  
Budget integrated amp?
To me Yamaha makes some of the worst sounding amplifiers I've ever listened to. I like the NAD C316BEE V2.  Class A/B analog integrated at 40 watts/channel that can hold its own against 100 watts/channel units. https://www.crutchfield.com/p_745C... 
Looking for a component for ripping and playing CD's.
Thank you everybody for the suggestions.  It's a lot do digest.  I've been completely out of the loop since I retired 10 years ago and been thinking about trying different ways to listen to music.  
Looking for a component for ripping and playing CD's.
"I use a  Aesis Masterlink ML 9600 to record cd its built in hard drive recorder and transfer to cd burner thats built in. Easy to use"   Then where do you store your digital copies?  
Looking for a component for ripping and playing CD's.
That Oppo is inticing.  Doesn't seem to have any ripping capability.  I want to own the music that I purchase.    
McIntosh 2105 pairing with Klipsch Cronwall’s?
I'm currently running a McIntosh C-32 preamp and MC2205 to a pair of Klipsch Forte IV's in a very large room.  I'm very pleased with the performance of the system.   
Speaker Slip Covers
Place cats in front of speakers.  Tune to FM frequency with no signal, just static.  Turn volume up very fast.  The cats won't like those speakers. I thought about soft covers but was concerned the cats would climb those.  I have Klipsch Forte IV...