Responses from normb
I'm curious. What is your "normal" listening volume? around 70-75 dB where I’m sitting with peaks into 80+. | |
Who has kids that are in a band or have been? Hi, I’m Norm, I too was a “Band Dad.” Group therapy, huh? (see what I did there?). My son, a multiinstrumental musician - percussion, drums, bass/guitar, vibes, piano, ukulele now (more portable) put together a band and several sound projects... | |
Qobuz vs Tidal @mswale $5/month? as a disabled veteran myself, on that point alone I’m going with TIDAL for now. Thanks. ********* edit or not. Been all over the site and can’t find a WORD about “veteran” or any discount other than “student.” and the ‘bot /... | |
I often notice that people who have open reel decks and/or tube equipment are nicest Well, I’m rarely a proponent of sweeping generalities, but this one has me thinking of all the times I’ve been smacked down online by some snot-nosed (or low-T even) audiophool, audiofanatic, audiofascist here and there. My usual learned suspicio... | |
Nuisance tripping of AFCI circuit breaker by inrush of current when turning on amplifiers 1- ARC-fault Circuit Breakers (and GFCI) age. 2- AFCI CB’s are often garbage out of the box. 3- replace yours with a NORMAL breaker, NON GF/AF if nowhere near water. we JUST a month ago passed final electrical inspection. the day before, th... | |
Favorite Cover Album My son gave me this album for Christmas 2023. He found a company that made custom LP's, he had them add several of MY favorite songs he remembered and several of his (he's a multiinstrument musician with a good ear for sound - it’s a pretty good, ... | |
MissingCDs and records I get it. Growing up in the 70’s, I had a friend, Rocky R. Ruckman (RIP), singer, guitarist in a local band who had this AMAZING record collection. Even MORE amazing was Rocky’s eidetic memory. Take ANY LP off the wall and he could tell you every... | |
Ladder Schumann DAC Warning there’s a lesson in world economics here too. It’s very likely that, given the scale of the Chinese vs. US economy, yes, the true value of the unit IS $150. Ladder markets it for America on OUR economic scale. I know, I know, it sounds bizarr... | |
Replace tubes yearly? @thecarpathian Thanks. That was Hudson Shepherd, a service dog I had for nearly 6 years having rescued him from a local (DC) shelter a 18 months. It’s been a year since I had to put him down due to canine myelodysplasia - like ALS, Lou Gehrig’s di... | |
Replace tubes yearly? @silverfoxvtx1800 ”Don’t mean to change the subject but looks like some experts with tubes in here, what’s the best NOS 6SN7 for a nice warm tone you have used?” Personally, I’ve been using a pair of Tung-Sol 6F8G tubes (in a 20+ year old Te... | |
The Real Reason Why Music Is Getting Worse!! Ah, yes. The ages-old “Why in MY day…” Applicable to just about everything from music to literature to politics… well, maybe not politics. I think my grandmother had that right when she would look at some politician on TV and say “they’re ALL thi... | |
Tone Arm Lifter A vote for Integrity HiFi’s Tru-lift. ONE caveat: it WILL leak silicone oil over time making the actuator slip off the ledge on the piston. You’ll think you’re good to sit down for a few minutes’ leisurely listening and… SKIP… SKIP…SKIP…SKIP same... | |
Audio racks that can handle heavy components Salamander Archetype. I bought a used stack in MAPLE including two side stands for speakers from a guy for about 40% new pricing. Found another stack I picked up out of state en route to our new home for even less. Sturdy, solid, great woodgrain... | |
What were your top musical discoveries of 2024? Heilung Forndom Wardruna and a host of other “Viking” music. I had no idea the Norse Sagas and Eddas were being worked into modern-day music releases or that there’s a virtual army of online techno-geek linguists commenting on the translatio... | |
2025 Audio System Wish List Time! Just that we get a final electrical inspection and a certificate of occupancy this week for our new home in Tennessee AND that I find time in 2025 to finish my “man cave”/audio room/office and get my HiFi set up again. Also considering a Denafrip... |