Speaker Recommendation up to 70k

I have purchased SOTA swiss front end which I can't disclose. They are solid state. 
Got room treated , cables sorted , power supply regulated, a comfy couch and books to read for years. 

Now I need a pair of beautiful and lively speakers to get me up and dancing when the track calls for it. A SOTA speaker that is worthy of keeping for years. Room size is 25 sqm/ 269 sqft. 

Final contenders: 
- Zellaton 
- Stenhiem 
- Tidal- Marten- Wilson 
- Borresen

I don't need (you need to listen and decide) suggestions, I can't travel and we got no dealers with demos. So I'll have to rely on users honest opinions about each brand above and are they worthy of the cost. 

No electrostatics and no horns please. Appreciate if you know how to get the most benefit at the upper botique level of speakers. Some might look fabulous and sound meh. 

Let's discuss. 
So many recommendations with absolutely no context of the components the op currently has? Why the secrecy? Feels disingenuous and makes no sense why you wouldn’t share if you’re truly serious and want to buy based solely on the recommendations of people you’ve never met (which is crazy in itself).
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Highendbroker has used Vivid Giyas. Worth a shot given the parameters and CH demos. Cheers,

The Raidho TD3.8 $100K
Vivid Audio Giya G1 Series 2
Magico M3
Tidal Contriva's
My personal opinion with your electronics is if you can swing them get the big Raidho's. To my ears they are the most musical. I have listened to everything above, but not all in my system. 
Nola speakers by Accent Technology, designed by Carl Marchisotto, the man who helped with the Dahlquist DQ 10
Before shelling out $70k perhaps you might want to watch this Audioholics presentation first... and then buy some headphones.

I'm joking, but there might be something of consideration here.

If you're short of time you might want to skip ahead to the 20 minute point.

Interesting stuff, especially in light of your comments about electrostatics.

Check out the comments too.

How to Achieve Realism in Music Reproduction with Edgar Choueiri.

Thank you all , yes Dubai Audio is the more dominant dealer however they are biased to their brand list, like Wilson , Dan, Gryphon , Nagra and other small brands. 
I am not interested to any except Wilson Sasha/Alexia 2 if I am left with no international option. 
Not sure where in the Middle East you are but Dubai Audio tends to have good stuff available for audition and certainly has a number of clients that are willing to demo equipment that the store does not currently have on hand. 

Might be worth reaching out to them (seems to be the best equipped dealer in the UAE from all the dealer interactions I have had there) and seeing what they are able to get you access to. If nothing else Ali and the team know this level of equipment very well and are a good point of reference. They sold me on the Devialet integrated amps and so should be able to guide you well based on what you have been listening to so far.
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You choose a wrong place to ask your question. Most here are trying to squeeze the best out of relatively small things. Most opinions here would not be based on real experience and hard to rely on or would be just trolling useless insinuations. My suggestion is to go after people who left any actual reviews on $70K range speakers and talk to them.
According to audio shows I noticed Ch is usually paired with Magicos , Vivid , Stenhiem , Zellaton and others. 

As everyone says , best sound is when heard in a home system with better acoustically treated rooms. Which is why I could read online. 

It is interesting indeed to be extremely busy. Everyone is free nowadays?
I'll take you at your word that travel is out of the question.

If you bought this SOTA Swiss front end new, then what does the dealer recommend?  What are his other customers using?

If you bought it used what speakers were employed in that system?

It seems to me that anyone purchasing SOTA anything would pair it with other SOTA gear.

This is perhaps the most interesting thing I have seen/heard... A guy who wants to spend almost $100,000 dollars on speakers hides his identity and doesn't just spend $2,000 to audition in places like NY, LA, etc. where he is guaranteed the best anonymity. I have a feeling he might be in the Pandora papers for siphoning funds from his country... lol
All box speakers distort the reproduced sound.

If you have good electronics, audition Magneplaners IN YOUR ROOM with a dealer who knows how to set them up.

You may not like them, but there are no speakers that provide less change to the sound at the speaker end.

Cheers, and happy listening.
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I know it’s a tough question, speakers are very subjective like cars and food.

if it was easy then there wouldn’t be a lot of brands and paid magazines raving about their state of the art science in audio reproduction. 
I may have a PhD (joke)in reading test reports and reviews and can tell a good one from a paid advertisement. 
Already posted In whatsbestforum. Thank you again. 
@emerald . Just a suggestion, if you haven’t already done so you might consider post yoingur question on What’sBestForum, there are a number of CH threads on it so you may be able to get direct feedback from members with experience with your CH pre/amps
Just ordered Rockport Avior ii yesterday. The next level up Cygnus is in your price range. Good luck ! 

I Wish, it would solve many things and i wouldn't have to write lengthy texts on the internet. 

Can we exclude traveling please? i'd like to hear owner's opinions of their speakers and compared to the brands i listed. if you can't, you may enjoy reading with me, there are some brilliant recommendations in here. 

Especially Zellaton, they are rare to find, let alone rare to compare with others. 
10 pairs of Moabs?       Not.

You could travel back to civilisation for a few days and audition the contenders?  70 large is a lot to lay down on the opinion of people like me.

There was a dealer in Cyprus who advertised on A'gon that sold great gear and is very close to your location. I would not be surprised if he allowed some home demos given the close proximity to you. Just search on A'gon or google.
Appreciate the advise, unfortunately I am in middle east, where we just look at deserts and enjoy riding camels and horses. There is one dealer over here and he only demonstrates Sonus Faber and Wilson sub 10k range. He is not interested to bring top ranges for demonstration and it is by purchase only (non returnable) too. It is as good as a blind purchase with local dealers since they dont offer returns or trials. Same goes for cables and everything else. 

This is the worst era of audio business in our region during Covid. They got greedy because of some wealthy blind buyers who made this practice profitable for them. For me i hate to say it but i got no option but to follow a blind buy, but heck, i am not going to settle with sonus or wilson but decide after i read most of the opinions here. 

I hope you understand my position. 
Sadly, you are going about this entire process in the wrong way. From the responses, you are most likely more confused than when you started.
You seem to have considerable funds to spend on this venture.  I think that if it was me in your situation, I would find one or perhaps two high end dealers in a metropolitan city like New York. Everything on your "short list" should definitely be available for audition in New York. Or perhaps you'd prefer LA. 
Get on a plane and go spend whatever time necessary to get a really good demonstration of your choices. And while you are doing so you might come across something else that sparks your interest as well.
Good Luck Just don't buy blind. And in case you haven't discovered this yourself, audio shows are possibly the worst venue to really make a final judgement about a product.
Thank you everyone, it was night time in my region and i am amazed at how some people would rant at my wordings instead of the subject. Privacy is a gem these days. 

For those who asked about my old systems, here they are:
- Focal Scala Utopia paired with a Devialet 250 integrated amp powered by Isotek conditioner on full audioquest cabling. 
- My headphone setup was Streamer: Aurender N10, DAC/headamp: Chord Dave, Headphone: Audeze LCD-4 powered by Audioquest Tornado cables.

As modest setups as you saw above, you will understand what i am upgrading to (or maybe not?). 

The system was pre-purchased and i left speaker selection to be the last choice, i cant change what was bought or return it so there is that. 

I was not planning to share the brand of the front end because of regional dealers and some of my audiophile group are lurking here and i planned to surprise them when the room is setup. You guys jump to conclusions, maybe relax and enjoy your time reading or find your way out? 

I will provide answers since it seems necessary to find a proper match: 
- Front end is:
Streamer: Taiko SGM Extreme,
DAC/Pre: CH Precision C1 paired with X1 power supply and T1 master clock (GPS option),
Power amp: CH Precision M1.1 (Stereo),
Cables: Argento Flow (XLR, Power cords and speaker cables) + Audioquest Diamond(Ethernet, Usb and BNC 75ohm),
Power Regenerator: PS Audio PowerPlant P20. 

I listen to Classical, Jazz, Funk and a bit of millennial albums if they were well mastered. So i would go for a lively sound, accurate, fast and dynamic. Which is why i am shelling out this amount to be a complete (or 99% of it) speaker. I know there is no complete speaker, but the higher range has less cons per se. 

I got a Kef R11 as one of you mentioned as a temporary speaker. It is shy in bass surprisingly for the number of drivers. Nevertheless, you get what you pay for, and it sounds okay. 

I hope this answered what i remembered by reading all of the comments.
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For half your cost I'd advise looking into Arion Audio Apollo speakers, a 2 way almost full range Air Motion Transformer system line source. The Top end goes down to 125 Hz crossing over electronically to 2 to 4 subs, each with 2 10 inch drivers. The woofers are 90 dB but the tops are 106 dB so you should use big amps for the woofers but only quality is important for the rest of the range.
Maybe you should consider buying a $65K pair and spend 5K to visit dealers / manufacturers to listen to the selected speakers on your list?
I'm very happy with my Focal Aria 906s, $2,000 the pair list price (I bought used). So you would love the Focal Scala Utopia EVO 3, which lists at $26,000 each.
@aewarren normally I’d agree but if you look at the OP’s other posts he seems sincere and has been here for years and has owned other systems.
I could see potential reasons why someone might not want to disclose their electronics purchase at this moment (territory/dealer restrictions, etc)

Regarding Vandersteens I heard the Model 7’s when they first came out and was really impressed, but it’s a different kind of sound the balsa (I think?) drivers impart and couldn’t imagine someone buying them without hearing them.  Same with the beryllium mids/tweeters my TAD’s use.  I’ve bought under $5k speakers without hearing them, but close to a six figure pair weighting hundreds of pounds? Not me.
"...I have purchased SOTA swiss front end which I can't disclose..."

I have the perfect solution for your problem but sorry I can't disclose it. Perhaps disclose was not the word you were looking for?
Go with the Vandersteens Kentos  at $37k or the new 7xtrm at $84k
Great sounding speakers that get it all right  with 11 band EQ for the Bass and time alined drivers
I have Quatros 

Enjoy the Music 
i own swiss electronics; darTZeel preamp and mono blocks. i consider them SOTA. minimal parts count in the signal path, no global feedback, battery powered preamp, built like a swiss tank. i've owned darTZeel since 2004, with many other amps tried in my system over the years, but never found a reason to change.

if i was the one making such a decision, i would ask myself "do i want a hifi speaker that is a bit highlighted?" "exciting", "a specifically ’big’ sound?" or do i want something that makes me forget i’m listening to reproduced music and gets out of the way. with a more coherent and flowing sound?

honestly i don’t intimately know each model discussed here, but i think another choice would be Kharma (i owned back a couple of decades). a road less traveled. my personal choice would be Evolution Acoustics; i own MM7’s and love them. both brands have models in your price range. neither is the speaker of the week/month/year. they are keepers. if you happen to like their musical viewpoint, they keep delivering the goods. the darTZeel's demand that the speaker gets out of the way.
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My 2 cents is that buying a sota speaker is such a personal decision, and the shopping/auditioning process is fun and really part of the journey, and an opportunity to learn and train your ear.

My advice would be to get a used speaker, perhaps locally you can use while you explore your many options, and then sell that (much less expensive speaker) when you get your (permanent?) speaker. Even a loss of a few thousand would make it easier to sell, and you could consider it a rental fee.
Once you have your temporary speaker to enjoy, I would consider traveling to some audio shows and get a sense of the sound you’re looking for, as there are so many design choices and philosophies of speaker design.

I would never want the nagging feeling of listening to my “final choice” and thinking, “what if?” I had tried XXX speaker.
To echo one of the comments above, consider listening to TAD’s. They have the ability to make even ordinary recordings sound like audiophile ones, as they reveal so much inner detail. Years ago I went to a Magico demo and was blown away on the demo material. Once they put on my requested cuts (Bill Evans, Rickie Lee Jones), the kind of recordings many of us listen to, the demo fell totally flat, with the dealer stopping one track before it was over, as it was such a poor demo. An hour later back home those same tracks sounded almost like audiophile recordings on my TAD’s.
Best of luck on your journey, and please let us know how it all works out.

"I have purchased SOTA swiss front end which I can't disclose"    

Congratulations. That is the silliest statement I have ever read on this site.
MBL 111 D a classic Omni directional speaker.
YG Acoustic  
Marten Audio 
Wilson audio
Magico audio
they all have something very good to offer.
Good value in the stratosphere…love it !

I shall mention that to the better half…

Just imagine… 
Bob - My second choice are actually the MBL, but they require a timeshare on a small hydroelectric dam and the right room..

The highend broker is excellent advice…..
I am very familiar with a pair of TAD Reference One running on Vitus Audio solid state amplification and to me they are by far the best speaker that I have heard. I have been fortunate enough to have listened to speakers that are well into the six figure range and the only other thing that comes close to the TADs is the Vandersteen Sevens (heard on tube, could be an even closer match up on solid state).

I think either represents good value in that upper stratosphere but the TAD is my winner between the two.