Silly prices for Nordost cables

$38000 for a 2m pair?
$17000 for a 1.5m power cord?
$20000 interconnect for 0.6 meters and only(!) $2000 for an additional 0.5 meter?

I know the debate is tired but this is beyond ridiculous.
You will be surprise how many audiophile can afford expensive cables...For me if you can afford it, go for it...after all we have to enjoy the fruit of our labor...I know someone bought 28k siltech speaker cables yrs ago, his system is 500k...this guy is worth $200 million.
A man came into an audio salon I used to know. He bought tens of thousands of dollars of gear and speakers from this place. While I was in that store looking at the much more modest stuff I could afford, that salon owner looked at me and said, "Now that guy knows what he wants in stereo equipment!!!" Needless to say I never went back to that store. Moral of story. Fat wallets don't necessarily make golden ears.
... maybe he did know exactly what he wanted, was lucky enough to have loads of money, and had a great system that he loved...
Uh...okay, whatever you command. Yeah right. Its not their wealth, it’s their gullibility.

You sound like a bitter, angry teen.
so the guy worth 200 million is just a factual number. His soul could be worth less than a dollar.

We are not valued by our Money or Assets, This is a factual number they wish you to believe.  Nothing follows us to the grave.
What you say is very true dragon vibe .
However, in our culture its , you should be, not you are .
Here and now its you are judged by your wealth .
Actually, I'm a bitter, angry, middle-aged old fart;).....

that link to the stereophile page with Patrick82 commenting is the same guy who was found to be over the deep end on headfi.  He used to cover his listening area with aluminum foil to prevent radio interference.

Be careful who you get your information from.
All this hate towards rich people.

i suppose being rich is a bad thing.  Like all who aren't rich know better... I'm sure that's the case.  That's why they're rich and we aren't.

And no, I'm not rich.
I am the OP. This is mothing to do with hating rich people, or even assuming rich people have no discrimination. I am pointing out that there are companies making short pieces of cable - often no more than rehashed OEM wire and covering it with fancy jackets- and charging insane prices for them. And the fact they get buyers is beyond me. True voodoo economics!

Rehashed OEM wire? You mean like refried beans or corned beef hash? Fancy jackets? White sport coat and pink carnation? All this cable talk is making me hungry! 🍔 🍟

Some points for snark Mr. Geoff. One reason people buy these cables is because the dealer advises them that they need them. I knew a dealer who would roll around in a pile of cables moaning. He said it made them sound better. The people I feel sorry for however, if I may lower the financial bar, are low and middle tier buyers who buy cables that make up 25% of the system price.
I keep reading about these poor people tricked into buying very expensive cable for their very modest systems...haven't met one yet...

noromance OP
Some points for snark Mr. Geoff. One reason people buy these cables is because the dealer advises them that they need them. I knew a dealer who would roll around in a pile of cables moaning. He said it made them sound better. The people I feel sorry for however, if I may lower the financial bar, are low and middle tier buyers who buy cables that make up 25% of the system price.

Fake news. Be happy, don’t feel sorry! Don’t follow leaders, watch the parking meters.

🐑 🐑 🚶

rule #1 you do not talk about fight club.
rule #2 you do not talk about fight club
What OEM wire is in the Odin OP?

Im curious to know.

And what's with all this negativity towards rich people (not necessarily you OP)?

Why assume that just because you're rich, you have no shot at audio nirvana or that you have no idea what you're buying?  I don't understand all this negative views on those with more money than us.  Are we just trying to pat ourselves on the back?

Because these rich guys are really no different than you or I... Thiugh I bet the difference is that they don't have time to be perusing audiogon because their time is spent earning money on top of money.  To peruse audiogon and the forums would cost them more than just buying the best gear available... So why not?  
I would like to know all the super expensive cables that use OEM so that I can try the OEM version...
Right on Joey. :)

However, a thread titled such as this is intentionally and squarely aimed to elicit such responses.

Enough of this silliness. Buy them, don’t buy them, who cares. Just shuddup about it already.

I am pointing out that there are companies making short pieces of cable - often no more than rehashed OEM wire and covering it with fancy jackets

Which companies...?
I think it's fair to say that there IS a market for such uber expensive cables, whether I agree or not isn't the issue. If we use the previously mentioned Lambo references, I will share my own experience. I had the good fortune of being able to have a guided tour of the Bologna maufacuring facilty this past June. One section of the plant was dedicated to the Lamborghini Centenario, and only 20 hard tops, and 20 soft tops were to be built. The base price, before options was a stunning 1.7 million Euros. The lady guiding us through the plant informed us that all 40 units were pre-sold!! So, the point is, if you can build such extravagantly high priced products, there are people out there that have the means to buy, and will do so. Would we begrudge anyone who has the ability to by a Centenario? I think not, so why would we do so in audio gear. If you can afford it, go for it! It aint my hard earned your spending, so what do I care.
I think many audio manufacturers make cost-no-object products. I think for them, they like to see what they can make with no restrictions. BUT they would be the first to tell you the products they make that are more modest in price are what keeps them in business. If Wilson only made their WAMM loudspeaker(650k), I wonder how long they would stay in business? Just my opinion....
Post removed 
If the manufacturers convince us that someone is actually buying this stuff then they can convince the average consumer that $500 to $1000 for speaker cables is inexpensive. I have to say that their marketing is working. I have spent more on my system in the last couple years than i ever believed would happen.  I haven't bought in on most of the tweaks though.

If the manufacturers convince us that someone is actually buying this stuff then they can convince the average consumer that $500 to $1000 for speaker cables is inexpensive. I have to say that their marketing is working. I have spent more on my system in the last couple years than i ever believed would happen.  I haven't bought in on most of the tweaks though.
Simple solution, trust YOUR ear! 

If from marketing, blame but yourself.   Company is not forcing you to buy anything.
and if the dealer says you need Odin 2 with your NAD integrated and you buy it,  not Nordost's fault...
This thread is an entertaining read. The title of the thread clearly, is going to get the predictable responses. I'm  listening right now,  to my system WITH this  maligned brand and it sounds gooood.

As long as you've tried it, and it doesn't fit with your sonic goals, how about just move to the next brand without the negative comments? There are several "giant killer"brands for cheap. Plenty of threads with users claiming their  $200  speaker cable sounds just as good or better than Nordost cable.

Let the rich buy the super high end of cable lines so that R&D is funded and the mfg can use same technology with the entry/ low mid level products. 
Trickle down products. You'd like to think (and hope) every manufacturer would do that...
@joecasey  Maybe 'marketing' was the wrong word. The prices that are put on the 'cost no object' items makes the $1000 cable seem totally reasonable after hearing about it's budget status. I have no problem with anybody charging whatever they can get. 
If Nordost is making money on these cables I wouldn't call them ridiculous.... I would call them smart.

It's the ones buying these cables that you should question if you even should.

We also shouldnt be mad at Kanye West that he is making crap.
We should be mad at the public that it sells :)
Strange value system .
In our society  marketers create the demand period .
The very terms we use in audio first came out of a marketers mouth .
Ditto for most other commodities as well .
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@barto. Indeed. The public are responsible for falling for marketing lies both in cables and in politics.

barto49 posts08-31-2017 8:27amIf Nordost is making money on these cables I wouldn't call them ridiculous.... I would call them smart.

If popes are making money on those foolish 'believers' from the walls of their churches to the point of building mansions and purchasing super cars, i would also call them smart, but...

the actual cure to this and other typical nonsense and legalized rip-offs is education that somehow in catastrophic lack of truth.

There also plenty of automotive shops that will gladly replace your Honda Accord or similar class vehicle pair of breaks for $800 and foolish would believe it's necessary and right to replace at the same time rotors and calipers to get '5 year hassle free replacement plan'.

One way or the other, I know they're all trying to 'stick it' and they know where.

Anyways, to debunk I always use just basic math. Basic and elementary math is sufficient enough to realize size of effort and value of raw materials to build Gibson SG vs. Nordost Odin or whatever. No need to know physics or electronics. 

From 'believer's' stand point, I'd simply say that pro-audio hook-up wires had been used to record tunes you're listening and are perfectly great for home-audio applications as 'reference' wires so reviews, legends and marketing descriptions can be easily ignored and dropped into the trash bin.

Perhaps these NordOst wires are designed for folks that don't know or didn't learn how to compare throughout all time spent at useless schools. 
If you reduced the Hubble telescope to it’s raw costs in elements (trace percentage analysis), it’s probably not over $100k in value, most likely no more than $20k. Probably even less.

The given $1.2M Lamborghini is worse..probably not worth more than $3-5kus in elemental trace analysis.

Arranging the atoms makes all the difference.

Those Nordost meanies!

Lets get ’em!

No wait! ...Arrrggh!...

(Assumes fetal position)

(receives red blanket treatment)
Class envy is such a waste of time.  Comparing cable manufacturers to religion is pretty rich, since the deniers tend to be on crusades as they try to stamp out any belief in cable performance in thread after thread.  

Can't we all just get along?  Can't we live and let live?  If some companies are catering to the wealthy, why does that surprise anyone?  I'm pretty sure that not one single person here has actually tried these $35,000 Nordost cables.  

I think most people here do agree that cables give different results in sound, the post was about the pricing of some topmodel cables mentioned, not about if cables do or don’t give a difference.

Anyone is obliged to spend his money as he wants, nobody can judge the worth of someone elses money, but I am sure that maybe like 9 out of 10 people that buy the Nordost Odin are either rich people that just want to buy what they are told is the best or what is the most expensive the store has, or audio lovers who did not take the time to actually compare sick amounts of cables in all classes to really judge if they could have been as happy with a portion of the money spent elsewhere.
This is especially true for a brand like Nordost, most buyers either stepped up from lower models after falling in love and sticking to the brand or are prepared to pay the price asked for the feeling of " safety" a brand offers because it is so widespread sold all over the world and they feel assured they bought something right.

The term cost-no-object is always used so lightly imo, none of these cables are cost-no-object.
A company like this is not looking for what is possible without cost restrictions, that is not how the business world works.
They are looking for something to sell at a price that is tactically thought out to be right one for their new topmodel at this point in time in the market and will look for a way to produce this as cheap as possible in a quality that is acceptable for them.
And they wont send you a leaflet if they found out a way to halve their production cost half a year later too
Curious why you're sure 90% of Odin 2 is bought by people who do not comparatively audition them ? 
Some people think if it cost mega bucks it must be great thats not always the case.Oh well keep on truckin!!
I'm just becoming aware of the magnetic cables and add-ons for existing cables. I tend to be to be a non-believer in paying exorbitant amounts for any kind of cable. Just my opinion. Let's say the new cables by Mr Schultz actually work. Why not just add several ferite beads, properly aligned, to your existing interconnect?  What's the difference?  
I have used ferrite beads. They close the sound up. Now I put small magnets on my connectors.. it opens the sound.

There's a difference between a ferrite that affects induced magnetic fields and the affects of a permanent magnetic field on the signal... I haven't compared my little magnets to the expensive magnetic adapters, but small neodymium magnets are cheap enough to be worth experimenting with. I even found small magnets that link together to go around motors and such. I used 3 of them around my power cords to good effect.
Something like this, but the correct size..

I thought I'd point out that ordinarily we audiophiles tend to believe magnetism per se is bad (rpt bad) for the sound. That's why we eschew steel screws in speaker drivers and steel bolts for holding down large transformers and magnetic chassis cases, to name several examples. Not to mention the magnetic fields that are produced by the current traveling through transformers, power cords and even wires. So what's up with using magnets on interconnects, cables and power cords? And using magnets on chassis cases? I'm not saying it doesn't work, by the way, I'm just pointing out the rather obvious discrepancy.