Silly prices for Nordost cables

$38000 for a 2m pair?
$17000 for a 1.5m power cord?
$20000 interconnect for 0.6 meters and only(!) $2000 for an additional 0.5 meter?

I know the debate is tired but this is beyond ridiculous.


if cheap stuff ain't for ya, than nordost odin is in yer ballpark bro!

Long time nordost user still have a good amount of it in my systems but its pricing is crazy high today and honestly is not worth even a fraction of that cost. I mostly use supra products they are of equal to better quality than nordost and greatly affordable by anyone. Today with manufacturers selling less items at more cost every year how long before it hits the wall? I think it already has.
Everybody knows that the dice are loaded
Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed
Everybody knows the war is over
Everybody knows the good guys lost
Everybody knows the fight was fixed
The poor stay poor, the rich get rich
That's how it goes
Everybody knows
Not that I would spend that much, however, a fast car, unless you have race track time - is merely a means of transport. If you listen to music 1-2 hours an evening, then, in terms of enjoyment the system is far better value for money BTW I am a petrolhead
Post removed 
When a loudspeaker cable and a fresh water supply for an African village cost the same you know we live in a beautiful world and everything is as it's supposed to be
...and they would not reterminate (in shorter runs) that same Odin that they charge so much, aldo they state that they will do so, on their website...have the e mail to prove that....
If you can't afford Nordost cables then just buy something else.  Then you won't need to post a thread like this one.
@yping ,
 I can't afford Nordost, but can afford Steinway grand or Gibson custom shop models. Isn't that weird?
@parrotbee , I've seen petrolheads stalled in the rain with their muscle cars while I was passin' them at 70mph on my recently purchased Pathfinder smoking and humiliating these roaring, unmanageable, slown down to prevent hydroplanning on its wide low-profile performance tires!
Same thingie happened in North Carolina during snow storm: Hey petrolheads! you may stay and wait, but I'm goin' home ciao bambino!

I can't afford Nordost, but can afford Steinway grand or Gibson custom shop models. Isn't that weird?
What's weird is using Steinway grand or Gibson custom shop models in your audio system.   Do you connect Steinway grand between amp and pre or pre and DAC?   What's your prefer direction?
@yping Don’t you get it? It’s not about affording stuff, it’s about being ripped off.
@yping Don’t you get it? It’s not about affording stuff, it’s about being ripped off.
Not rip off if NOT purchased from threats, coercion, intimidation ... Don't you get it???

Sounds like a whinge session to me.  If you can't afford them then just buy something else.  They do not have a monopoly on market or are you saying they do?  
I want people starting out to spend the money on the speakers and room treatment.  With the price of the Nordost speaker cable you can a professional to tune your room!
Actually it is a ripoff no matter how you slice it. If you don't realize that your not the sharpest tool in the shed.  

I want people starting out to spend the money on the speakers and room treatment. With the price of the Nordost speaker cable you can a professional to tune your room!
So you think people with Nordost Odin II speaker cables use Bose?   Have you ever considered Nordost is ICING on a cake to a fine tuned system with similar quality speakers, amps, room ...?
Actually it is a ripoff no matter how you slice it. If you don't realize that your not the sharpest tool in the shed.

Sorry ...
Really, sorry for me?   I'm sharp enough to afford a full loom with pocket change.
I'm sharp enough to afford a full loom with pocket change.

...seems pretty dull to me
Fine musical instruments are available at every level of cost once you get beyond the cheapest ones, and they all sound different…at least pianos and guitars. Some Steinways suck, most don't, Gibson generally makes horrible sounding acoustic guitars, but they look cool so they sell…over decades of mixing live shows where primarily acoustic guitar players are featured, a Gibson is rare, although there are some great ones out there. I've known plenty of wealthy people ("wealthy" is, of course, a relative term) and they generally are too busy to really enjoy anything beyond an expensive restaurant, let alone an audio system…you think a dude running a hedge fund has time to compare cables? My fave recent comment about "rich people" was from Jay Leno at the Pebble Beach Concourse…he said, "show me a Ferrari collector who is still with his first wife." I like great sounding relatively cost effective gear, but then I have time to listen to it.
Do people buy them?   That's the bottom line.     For Nordost.

Do people who buy them like them?   That's the bottom line there.   Much like fancy jewelry.   I tend to think the wires that come in impressive fancy boxes sound the best.
TAS used them with the $695,000 Wilson’s and Rowland used them at RMAF so someone must like them...

If you can hear the diff, and like it enough to pay for it, the whatever gizmo is worth what you paid for it. No more or less. To you. Period.

The main issue I have now, is I can’t see well enough to make a clean get away from amajor heist, and I’m getting too old to risk selling a kidney. Or I’d have much more expensive gear.

And, I’d tell everybody!! Provided I had enough weapons, security, and insurance.

I heard a while back, “it is better to have the whole world think you a fool, than for you to prove it by opening your mouth and telling your friends how much you paid for your cables.”

This is of course if your cable inventory exceeds $25K. At less than $5 or $10K, I’d risk it.

Let’s face it, even discussing costs on hardware, and even speakers can easily make folks mouths open quickly and eyes roll. Many of which often reply, “what are you trying to do, get enough volume they can hear you in the next county?””

… which is as well, just as stunning IMO. No? try explaining you aren’t seeking volume but quality of sound. Their eyes still roll and the conversation dies with someone saying, My, look at the time! Or Is that Elvis?

My favorite response is when people see a tube amp and ask, “so, you are into antiques, huh?”

I’ve learned my lessons talking prices of anything to anyone… not as afflicted. Mostly.

Perhaps the worst response comes from other audio nervosa eletists which after hearing what your rig consitsts of reply “and that xyz cable is all you put on that yada yada thingy”?” or worse, intimate obvious disdain.

Sometimes ya can’t win for losing.

Were I super rich In fact, it would be Odin’s for all!!


Pls reread my post JoeCasey!  If you don't buy nordost you can get decent speakers like Wilson, Harbeth, Spendor etc. If you buy wires in those price ranges all you can afford is Bose. 
Also JoeCasey if we could do a demo where in a top flight system where we cover up all the wires and if you can guess the Odins 10 out of 10. Then you are on to something