
Responses from sonicdead

Speakers with high efficiency (90db) will help however a combination of amp/preamp with low impedance can produce louder sound at lower volume. I can have low volume which sounds loud with my combo of ARC VS115 amp and ARC LS17 preamp with Revel F... 
For those familiar with Sonus Faber
I love my Olympica Nova V speakers. Sounded just as good as Serafino speakers a friend has. Very clean and natural, with amazing soundstage and dynamics. Using McCormack DNA 225, Levison 5805 (as preamp, DAC, and phono stage), Aurender N200, VPI H... 
Best vibration isolation for speakers on carpet?
I had a pair of Revel F32 speakers using the spike feet combo that comes with the speakers. I bought 3rd party outriggers to replace the spike feet. Positive major difference for speaker stability. Bass clarity and detail improved as well though i... 
everything sounded great until the upgrade
I had MF M6i (before built-in phono stage si model) and Revel F32 speakers sounded great with it. Also, if using the built-in DAC, I suggest buying a stand alone DAC. Built-in DAC is weak link and Ayre QB-9 sounded amazing with my MF M6i. IMO, Mus... 
Class D amps that are superior to all or most?
Recently purchased ARC DS225 Class D amplifier as a secondary (summer amp and live in Texas) to my ARRC VS115 tube amp. Have not been a fan of Class D, however, the ARC DS225 sounds amazing. Not much heat coming off and has balance inputs. Seems A... 
Revel speakers - dealer scuttlebutt
As Displayname posted, expanding portfolio with different brands increases sales without the fear of the main company dominating the market in perception. Food companies have been buying out the natural/organic brands to change image and increase ... 
Which integrated amp for better musicality - Parasound Hint vs Primaluna vs ???
For SS look into Musical Fidelity M6si. Dual mono build 200wpc with phono section, Home theater ByPass and built in DAC (starting point - recommend stand alone DAC). Also has one set of Balanced input.  Musical and can drive almost any speakers ev... 
Which integrated amp?
Like some others, I recommend the Musical Fidelity M6si. I have the M6i (no built-in phono) and its great at low volume and higher volume thru my Revel F32s. Dual mono design with balanced inputs and Home Theater by-pass. At your budget, you can b... 
Silly prices for Nordost cables
Let the rich buy the super high end of cable lines so that R&D is funded and the mfg can use same technology with the entry/ low mid level products.  
Cable elevators
I found ceramic electric isolators at a garage sale (4 for $5). Look exactly like the cable elevators:  
Looking for a Speaker Recommnedation
with your preference of music and wanting to play loud, definitely look into the Revel F208. I have similar taste in music and listening volume. I have Revel F32s with MF6i, Ayre QB9 DAC DSD and VPI MK III table with updates. For me best speakers ... 
You were right about adding a sub.
REL T series subs are great at a very reasonable cost. I have REL T7 for both 2 ch and HT. Helps my Revel F32s with MF6i as power source.  
Recommend a Cable/Interconnect Set
High quality with moderate price, some used Transparent Cables would be good with starting either with Music Wave Plus MM2 or Super MM2 series. Audioquest Colorado IC and Gibraltar Speaker Cables would be good neutral cables as well.  
Why should i be a fan of Revel speakers?
Have listened to both Revel F32 and Sonus Luito. F32 are more revealing compared to Luitos with solid state however it depends on quality. F32 tends to be clean with good low end and sound stage. Luitos are more musical but a bad recording will be... 
Organizing your music collection
I am a mac user. I use either Max or XLD to convert flac to aiff (mac wav). Max is good when all songs are individual flac files. XLD is better then only 1 flac file with cue file. I use Tag to enter metadata for flac files that are not done or co...