Returning damaged item to seller....

I bought a Project Ground It which unfortunately was damaged during shipping. The seller refused refund even after sending multiple pictures of damaged item to him. Only after I initiated PayPal action did he decide to refund me. Through out this process he did not want the item back. Now he has decided he wants it back. I am willing to return it but he refuses to pay for return shipping costs. Am I correct in thinking he should pay return shipping fee? Thanks!


My gawd man, give it a freaking rest.

He’s out the shipping costs, the value of the item

AND your still making this all about YOU!

I will just outright say it. Your being a selfish self centered pr**k who is out nothing but the time that you thou lady has spent in protest for no other reason than to virtue signal your own better than self. You lost nothing yet your telling us all how great you are , and surprisingly you bring a clear conscious...a clear conscious has no memory, much less a need to prop and posture .

Curious choices in shipping and a silly deduction that what he sent represents how well packed by price. Costs are primarily derived from the dimensions not just its weight. AND...CANADA POST is far cheaper use shipping out than any suggestion your bias used to post them coming the other direction.

Know this, like it or not...every post you add makes you that much less attractive to any sale moving forward. One sided personal attacks when nothing is lost except your self respect, for what gain measure or lesson is it worth. Remember you said you didn’t want to teach him a lesson...then said to hold him accountable. Contradictions and the leaky faucet of information with no one arguing their conscious feedback...thats what its for..not forums...

Shipping has inherent risks regardless of what you think. The after sale in the event something happens when one party is left whole while the other is saddled with all the loss...and the previous posts their issues and virtues...don’t be a  Karen...




The shipping price was after the sell price. If the seller works for a company where he gets a discount I have no idea. The seller does believe he did a good job with the packaging stating he used foam, which there was none. I would post pictures but do not know how on the forum.

Does the price he charged mean he ate a large portion of the upfront shipping cost out to you, where he listed the shipping price as $40 thinking that’s all it would cost but was surprised at the FedEx for an additional $38.50 or damn near another $100 if he shipped USPS out of his pocket?  Or does he work for a company where he gets a discount on shipping?

The price you paid may not be indicative of shoddy packing.  The seller genuinely might have thought he did a good job.


I was looking for input having never, after 100's of purchases had an issue with damaged goods. I am thankful for all the input on both sides.

I can see now why the seller wants me to foot the return shipping costs. Below estimates are just for the base (weight/dimensions) with no packaging.

FedEx:  $78.50 international ground 

UPS:  $73.14 standard 

USPS:  133.19 priority mail international

His shipping costs that I paid and was reimbursed was $40, this should indicate how well it was not packaged.

I am still willing to pay 1/2 shipping costs.

I agree with has2be,

Send back the item at your expense and let it be. You have stuck his face in the mud long enough.


So he should be out more costs to justify your stance. But your the only one out here so your 1/2 offer justify’s that cause your the good guy.

Interesting, now we find it was were away then you saw it was damaged.

Wasn’t it evident on the package it was damaged.

People always see these things in the bias that effects them. My thinking, the need to amass others to be sidled along that bias either way publicly , completely erodes its veracity.

What is the point other than ones own vanity.

The decision is made, the facts are one sided from a biased faucet and its an after the fact incident that is not a general alarm to an on going scam to require a forum to solve or fix anything. Its kind of like housewives gossip .... it never does anything of use. Irony...most that side with you, yourself included would be suspect or pissed at the after the delivery damage and I was away so couldn’t report thing if roles were reversed . Thats reality..often a contention brought up...

It has cost you nada, yet your the one publicly complaining displaying it wrapped in virtuous mud . Feel lucky many aren’t and bare the costs and they don’t gaggle publicly even when they would be certainly more justified. Solves nothing as the reason its posted is never as stated or to help anyone or anything. As far as clear conscience goes,....then why is it still an issue to bring up?


Thank-you for your response. I do have a clear conscience and nor do I believe I am trying to teach the seller a lesson. Throughout all this the seller did not want the item back. The seller also refused refund as I failed to notify of damage when received due to being away from home. When I returned homed saw the damage the seller was immediately notified with pictures of the damage. The seller than accused me a causing the damage. Only after I filed a claim did he initiate the refund again telling me he did not want it back. I offered to return home, 350 miles or 563.2 kilometers one way, to return the item but the seller said it would be a waste of time and money. Weeks after I made this offer the seller decides he wants it back which I am more than happy to do if he pays for 1/2 the shipping. I think my offer to pay 1/2 shipping is fair and will do so if the seller contacts me agreeing to pay 1/2 shipping.

So you spent nothing, have been payed back in full and you have the shippers property and he is out of pocket for both shipping fee and the item.

So just what high ground are you on again? What is the lesson you want to teach him.

Whatever you think it is or whatever your reasoning now... it doesn' t really fly alongside the virtuous mud being applied here. I'm betting the cost to send it would be negligible to pay it in full. 

Your withholding his property   unpaid for by you for the sake of a few bucks (his half ?) and some idiotic moral dilemma... its literally a few bucks out of your pocket..compared to his loss...regardless of how anything is packed the delivery "experts" will always find a way to damage things.

My conscience would be clear when he had his property back . 

but I'd never post this type of stuff on a forum about a private sale. Personal escalation in mass  never works, feedback after private discussion is usually sufficient and less likely to have one of two ignored afterward.

That's just how I see it...





thyname - I still want to do right by the seller but want him to take some responsibility for his poor packaging for shipping.

bugredmachine - that was what I intend to do.
srinisr - did not know that about PayPal, thanks!

Still no reply from seller on my offer to pay 1/2 for shipping.

PayPal has a free return shipping program if you're not satisfied with your item and paid with PayPal. Details are at the link below.

Basically you pay for the return shipping and then you file a claim with PayPal. I have used it many times and it does work great.

I would place the item back in the original damaged packaging and double box the whole thing in a larger, well-padded box. Plenty of photos and no opportunity for him to say it was not damaged on the way there (which hopefully PP knows by now).

Thank-you all for your responses.

Seller has yet to reply to 1/2 shipping offer. I will keep it in my garage until such time as he responds or my children throw it away after I am no longer here!

Here is MY selling policy:

Example #1

You buy item from me and pay shipping. Your happy, then I am happy. Great. 

Example #2

 You buy item and item is damaged when it arrives. I refund your money AND pay return shipping.

Example #3

 You buy item but don't LIKE it. I provide full refund, but YOU pay return shipping.

Just keep in the back room, it may take awhile. You owe the seller nothing, much less ANY return shipping cost. I’ve been buying and selling online for over 21 years. As a seller, I had to learn the hard way, don’t feel sorry for the guy. Guess I missed the part of your post that said you got the cost refunded. You are much more than generous, no one has ever offered to pay half of the return shipping!

He should pay for shipping imo; however, be aware he’s more than likely out all the money, plus the money it’ll cost to get it shipped back and end up with a broken item unless he had the shipper pack and box because insurance won’t pay for damage.  

So maybe cut him some slack.

PayPal did reimburse my cost for item and shipping.

Seller still has not replied to my offer to pay 1/2 return shipping.

I will hang on to item in case he decides he will also pay 1/2 return shipping.

Post removed 

Insurance is the business that works ideally if no claims paid at all. When it's time to pay claim the immediate denial is the usual outcome if you have no attorney or attorney fees are not reasonable with loss.


If seller had insurance I do not know other than Canada Post denied his claim.

The base is 18 lbs., not 9.

Seller has not responded to my offer to split the return shipping costs.

Shipping claim is not on the recipient to start!

The shippers property and he has the contract with delivery service so he must start claim.

No matter who paid the cost of shipping and insurance.  

If it is insured it is on you, the recipient, to start a claim. Shipping a 9lb item isn’t that expensive. What happened to it? Is it DOA? Was it shipped in the original packaging?



ebm , rdk777, secretguy 

I just offered to pay 1/2 the return shipping. This way we are both out for shipping and the seller gets his damaged item back.

I am guessing no insurance but do not know.

Did Paypal refund your shipping too?  If so, you should pay for shipping back to seller.  If not, the seller should pay as you would have to pay for shipping twice.




fuzztone, thyname, tubebuffer, ghdprentice, woodsage

Thank-you for your responses.

I failed to include that I had paid full asking price and shipping. I just think that since I paid for shipping the seller should pay for return shipping. At one point I did offer to return home and ship it back but the seller agreed that it would be a waste of time and money to return it.

In my opinion the item is basically beyond repair.

I curl 70’s and this guy don’t  take 9lb package return?you buy 2 hand or this from manufacture? You tell guy I have on eye on him operation.

If he can’t ship an item like that without incurring shipping damage he probably shouldn’t be trading. If he pays shipping both ways I’ll bet he will take more care in packing his next item for shipment. It only weighs 9 lbs. for Pete’s sake!

Having to initiate action with PayPal to me already puts him in the category of vendors I would not do business with. I sure would not feel like doing him any favors. But… it may be a matter of how much perseverance you have.

I did notice the Project Ground specifically says it does not cover shipping. I guess it depends on the cost of the goods as to how to look at this.

This guy sound like trouble maker. How he pack it was original or he use cardboard from six pack container and nip? You need someone talk to him you tell him pull it together make good on it.

You are getting full refund. He is already out for shipping to you. Paying for shipping to him would be a nice gesture from you. A little kindness, even just a little, goes a long way. That’s what I would do.