
I’m really happy with my system. However when a technician, who is also a salesman, came to my house for a stereo repair he complimented my set but said it would sound a lot better if I switched out my Benchmark AHB2 amp (which I think is great) for a Pass 30 wpc class AB amp. He offered to let me hear that amp in my system so that I could decide for myself (at a fee of $300.) The only problem is he doesn’t  have the 30 watt amp in stock but would have to demo the Pass sound with 60 watt monoblocks. He assured  me that with my very efficient GoldenEar Triton 1 speakers the 30 watt amp will almost have the the same quality.

Do you think I can honestly judge how the smaller amp will actually sound? Or should I cancel the demonstration (and save$300?)


It cost me 300 bucks the last time i wanted to upgrade ( i am a bit foolish) from my vintage sansui alpha to one of  the best pre-amplifier  or tube  headphone amplifier possible...

Alas! i decided to return it after 15 minutes...😊


If you own something good pass the Pass especially if you could loose money ...

@rvpiano the dealer thinks you're a total idiot.  You can either prove him wrong or confirm his opinion.  You don't have a quandary!  A quandary implies a difficult decision and this is not.


No offense, but what does the cost of your speaker wires have to do with my situation?

I am really conflicted now. Evidently weak-minded. When I read the negative posts I was all set to ditch the audition. Now that I read positive remarks, I’m not so sure.
I guess I’ll never know until I listen to the Pass sound, even if it isn’t the same exact amp.  If I decide to buy it the $300 will be deducted from the cost.

I think it likely the Pass amp would make a profound impact on your system in a very positive way. It would increase the midrange and musicality by a tremendous amount. Definitely worth the test.

Also, in general the sound character will be almost the same between the recommended amp and the demo amp… although the one recommended might be a tad less slam with a very slightly attenuated soundstage (likely to be very small difference).

Is it worth $300? I suspect it will be. I would guess that if you buy it he should refund the $300. Do you want to be sleping a 90 lb amp around. What does your system cost $30K+? The tax on my speaker wires was nearly $300.



The absolute only way to know and be 100% sure is to hook the amps up to your system and hear it for yourself.  There's no other way.  Now, how bad do you want it?  And how much $$$ are you willing to risk in the process?  No one can answer those questions for you.  Happy listening.    

My 0.0002 cents, an audition that costs more than most people's (not members here) amp/speaker/etc. budget is wild. 

Most dealers will let you borrow an amp for free


As per pass vs benchmark the pass amplifiers are much better sounding the benchmark sound is very analytical

I would not do business with any dealer who made me such an "offer". Period. 

Wow!   With all the negative commentsI’m probably going to “pass” on the demonstration.

Pass is, IMHO, a very personal choice, and I would never consider it without listening first.  Would I pay for an audition?  No.  Go listen in the store first at least.

There are amps I can recommend unconditionally for all listeners with all systems, and Pass is not one of them.  Requires a special listener with the right speakers.

You'd be nuts to spend $300 on an audition! You don't need a new amp. The AHB2 is excellent and competitive with amps that cost way more!

It is very possible you will like the change, but for $300 and not even getting to hear the actual amp you would buy, hard ‘no’. You could probably just order the amp yourself from a dealer that offers returns.

I think the Benchmark AHB2 amp is lovely. I agree completely with Mahler123. I would just stick with the Benchmark for all the reasons cited. 

You are happy with what you have.  His buisness is to get you to buy new equipment.  You weren’t looking to buy a new amp.  If you spend $300 for an audition, your emotions will effect your perceptions-you will want to hear an improvement to justify the expenditure.

  Then not being able to actually audition the component itself is the icing on the cake.  Monoblocks at twice the power of the stereo amp he wants to sell you.  From what I’ve read of the Tritons they do better with more power.  The difference between 30 and 60 watts is more meaningful than say, the difference between 150 and 180 watts.

  It sounds like he smells blood in the water.  Audiophiles are notoriously gullible, and in view of your 83 years of age he probably figures you are an easier target