QSA Stones

I have had 6 QSA Stones on top of my power conditioner (2 each of red blue and clear) for about three months, and have really enjoyed what they bring to my system. This week, I got another set of 6.

One thing I have learned over many years in this hobby is the importance of power supplies, and the impact they have on the sound of individual components and systems. A number of audiophiles with DIY skills upgrade the power supplies on components with bigger and/or better capacitors, and in various other ways. Unfortunately, I lack the skills to do this.

I ended up placing the new stones on top of the power supplies of my CD transport and amp (1 red, blue and clear on each). To me the very positive results sound similar to upgrading the power supplies, without all the hassle of soldering etc. Particularly with my amp, there was an increased sense of ease and musical flow, along with more solidity and authority.

I don’t claim to have any real explanation as to how the QSA stones work, but it seems to have something to do with their interaction with electromagnetic fields, such as those around power transformers. Fortunately, I don’t need an explanation to enjoy the results🙂

If you think this is all bunk, or can’t see how these type of things can have any impact on the sound, that’s fine, but I’ll politely ask you to refrain from making repeated posts to that effect. The QSA Stones are obviously not for you, nor is this thread directed towards you.
LOL think it's time to move on.
Only people in Haiti and Louisiana believe in Voodoo well a few audiophile here do too. 
What many don’t seem to get is that the existence of these “characteristics” is entirely independent of explanation.

Oh, I sort of disagree, if I understand that correctly.  I think there are perhaps quite well-known explanations for people advocating the existence of these characteristics.

Slightly different but on a similar theme, on another current thread there is a discussion about colours and music. This may seem rather mystical to the casual observer, however it is quite well documented and researched and there is even evidence of this trait being inherited.
Perhaps I should have said that their existence is entirely independent of any given person having an explanation, or not. Some really seem to believe that, if THEY don’t have an explanation for something, it can’t be true, it must be false or fraudulent.
What's that word being used that I said was not in the vocabulary of skeptics?
Some really seem to believe that, if THEY don’t have an explanation for something, it can’t be true, it must be false or fraudulent.
That sound like a Scientology chant

LOL think it’s time to move on.
Only people in Haiti and Louisiana believe in Voodoo well a few audiophile here do too.
Got that right jerry

Cheers George
That sounds like projection to me
.  Said the true believer.

Jim Jones and Manson had those too. ..........
Just saying.
Sorry, but this is like listening to a conversation between two people discussing whether the earth is flat like a pancake or flat like a cow pie.    

And I won't make repeated posts that I think this is all bunk. Just one.
There is a place in the world for all kinds of things and this is the place where people discuss hifi stones.
I'm always open to new ideas that have science to back them up. Anyway, what's the difference between these and any old gem stone mounted on a platform?

Remind me, exactly how does it achieve its magic. Does the presence of EMI interact to create magic field that makes everything sound better? Someone said cymbals decay slower. Is that an improvement? If the autosuggestion has helped improve the listener's hearing, then that's terrific.

Perhaps one hundred placed in a circle with burning candles works best.
Maybe the best answer is the simplest one. If you buy these stones expecting good results, then your mind will convince you they work even if they do absolutely nothing. 
then your mind will convince you they work even if they do absolutely nothing.
Because it cost you money, if it were free you'd say this is **** and throw it away.

Cheers George
The placebo affect is eazy peasy…our imagination’s…endless. No pun….
I disagree with everything George usually posts. As well as you Mr_M.
Accepted and appreciated @Tony1954.

I have bought a number of extras for my system.
The ones that have improved the sound, I report as such.
The additions where I have heard no difference I don't tell others they should try them.

I will be upgrading to SR Purple. Happily so.
Looking forward to it.
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Then you too can be like MC with 10 of every bit of snake oil plastered/taped/cable-tied all over your system and see where it gets you.
I plan on doing exactly this because I can (free country) and because it will drive certain people crazy. 
Repeat George, 15 times you've chimed in on a thread about stones. Several more have been deleted.

How many times are you NOT going to contribute?

If you've used the stones chime in, if you have NOT, STOP..

I haven't tried them and most likely won't, that has nothing to do with those that have. I'm glad I can use them and choose what may work better for ME, IF I so choose.. It's a choice,

I LIKE choices..

One that seems to be lacking is NO. Pretty simple one..

If people want to chime in and tell other people how thing "can't" work, then why chime in at all? If you have an explanation WHY, then share it and move on.

The same goes for everyone else that chimes in to explain everyone else's ignorance or usually just calls everyone a liar. Their opinions and 5 dollars will get you a cup of coffee.

It's like talking to Klingons (Grand Nagus Zek, DS9) What's the profit in that? In this case where is the wisdom in "you shouldn't try it"? OR at least pay attention..

Ya snake oilers called me in yet again, 16th time

Can someone with a little technical knowledge let me know what kind of rock (the actual mineral) this item is?  I have tried several different types of rocks this morning on my components and have seen zero results.  If there is a claim that a rock can improve sound, my friend who is a geology nut will help me test the correct ones.  Also, the brick and the charcoal was a total failure.  
Thanks for the Link George. Upon further study I note that the seller of these items take careful care not to claim they actually work. They use the phrase "These seem to ....." twice, and the phrase "these reach the upper mids".....which of course is a meaningless statement. A rock can not "reach" anything.  Legally, if they actually worked, the statement would read "These Do X,Y,Z." not "These Seem to Do X,Y,Z". This keeps them from legal exposure for running a scam. It also keeps them from being shut down by their local regulatory body. It is sad that these types of people do this....imagine some poor guy on fixed income being told,..."just buy more rocks and it will sound amazing."

Please cancel my request for the technical information.....however If someone would be specific as to the mineral needed, I will gladly audition the rock. I just tried a bocce ball and it did not do anything either.
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Seeing you once again have to get personal, by calling me out

You deserve to blow your $200 on a 10cent rebadged fuse, even putting it up your nose would be more constructive to most.

Then you too can be like MC with 10 of every bit of snake oil plastered/taped/cable-tied all over your system and see where it gets you.
You have very little understanding in the meaning and use of the English language.
Saying I disagree with what you say is not personal.
And then you are rude in your response.

And your attempt to call people out? That's okay?
Hypocrite. Arrogant. Rude. 

 That should be affect...btw

Especially in light of the OP’s request…..
If you think this is all bunk, or can’t see how these type of things can have any impact on the sound,  it with some people.that’s fine, but I’ll politely ask you to refrain from making repeated posts to that effect. The QSA Stones are obviously not for you, nor is this thread directed towards you.
It appears politeness Just doesn’t cut it with some people……

I pay out only on the product.
But also can give generously to the individual, when singled out.
(haven’t you learnt that yet)

Thanks for the Link George. Upon further study I note that the seller of these items take careful care not to claim they actually work.
They use the phrase "These seem to ....." twice, and the phrase "these reach the upper mids".....which of course is a meaningless statement. A rock can not "reach" anything.
Legally, if they actually worked, the statement would read "These Do X,Y,Z." not "These Seem to Do X,Y,Z". This keeps them from legal exposure for running a scam.
It also keeps them from being shut down by their local regulatory body.
It is sad that these types of people do this....imagine some poor guy on fixed income being told,..."just buy more rocks and it will sound amazing."

Yes, just another scam this time with $86 rocks aimed at the gullible, thank god Audiogon saw fit to cull most of the $$$$ snake oil fuse threads now.

Hopefully this rock one won’t do too much damage to peoples pockets before it’s removed as well.

Cheers George
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SIX out of the last 13 posts on the Recent page are by one person. He has nothing of value to say in any of those 6 posts. What he does have to say not only runs counter to the purpose of the discussion, it is derogatory and insulting as well. The overarching attitude is one of stubborn unyielding arrogance. Why oh why is this guy even allowed on the site?

You are right t_ramey he should be banned. Maybe if enough of us request he will be? Meantime please report his abusive posts as what they are: abusive of other members and off-topic. If he wants to start a discussion about snake oil and shills he is free to do so. If he keeps wrecking discussions imposing his unwanted opinions and insults on us we are equally free to report him and request that he be banned.

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If people want to chime in and tell other people how thing "can’t" work, then why chime in at all? If you have an explanation WHY, then share it and move on.

The same goes for everyone else that chimes in to explain everyone else’s ignorance or usually just calls everyone a liar. Their opinions and 5 dollars will get you a cup of coffee.

As a matter of general principle, the onus is placed on the person making a claim that in fact the claim has merit and has general application. This is a positive claim.

Others may then show cause as to any reason they may have doubt about the positive claim. This rebuttal may question any number of substantive and material facts that the claimant may make in support of their claim. Should this raise any doubts, the person making the claim is free to clarify, or seek to provide further information.

This approach is somewhat different to any claims that any tweak does *not* work. This is the scenario in the provided quote (roughly - the issues there are perhaps inadvertently conflated if you have read this far) and is an entirely different matter, and as some may know, it is tricky to prove a negative..
it is tricky to prove a negative..

Unless you bring common sense into it.

Cheers George
IF you had a stone that could FIX your screwed up system for 86.50 would you buy it?

Ok if it doesn’t work you can send it back.

The reason WHY they don’t tell you or any one else WHAT or WHY it works is pure and simple THEFT. They are not copyrighted, they are not intellectual property and they have no patent.

WHY on EARTH would I tell you how it works..

Buy it and Try it or send it back..

AS a manufacture of mushrooms I’m under no obligation to tell you or anyone how I grow my mushrooms. JUST if you DON’T die from eating them your lucky...

No Ticky, no laundry.

I’ve posted a lot of speaker repairs on this site just to erase them.. Why give away everything.. No one told me I’m dying just yet.. ;-)

even more so than the fuse scam, which thank god is now under control.
Wow, a sigh of collective relief. Do you have some sales figures George? Has your tireless crusade finally made a dint into the ill gotten gains of those devious charlatans?
So  @millercarbon you are part of the cancel culture.


You are right t_ramey he should be banned. Maybe if enough of us request he will be? Meantime please report his abusive posts as what they are: abusive of other members and off-topic. If he wants to start a discussion about snake oil and shills he is free to do so. If he keeps wrecking discussions imposing his unwanted opinions and insults on us we are equally free to report him and request that he be

Yes, correct.
I am a noob.
It’s only been 45 years of buying stereo equipment..

it is tricky to prove a negative..

Unless you bring common sense into it.

No, that is not sufficient. What this is perhaps suggesting is that certain facts may be taken as truth because they are so well known or authoritatively tested that there can be no doubt.

Even that can be tricky in a variety of circumstances. A trite but well known example - there was no evidence of black swans before about 1800. They were unicorns. Common sense said no way, dude. Yet today they are (relatively) well known.

Check out the Wiki entry on Orgone. Whilst the subject of justified mirth (in hindsight), nevertheless some very substantial claims were based on its existence.

Anyway, the notion of what constitutes common sense is not universal as between different cultures or other metrics of consciousness, so that’s another hurdle not considered in my first paragraph, and quite possibly more important in the circumstances.
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I’m glad I’m gainfully employed.  I get to spend my money as I see fit. Unless of course, spending money on tweaks adversely affects my social credit score.  LOL! ;-) 
@rocray Yes and as am I, but do you take to forums and shill for them at every turn? And basically call everyone an idiot that disagrees (and who have tried this junk). Vibration isolation works but Sticks, Stones, and Crystals nope total jive. (I tried to be a true believer but I don’t like kool-Aid and sent it all back or tossed it out). 
I keep hearing the term "shill".
Doesn’t that imply someone has a vested interested in selling the product in question?

Who’s selling something here?

I don’t care what you buy, where you buy it, and from whom you buy it. I don’t know if QSA tone-stones work, I’ve never tried them.

I have tried several tweaks in my system that absolutely made a difference.

But to never try something because you don’t think it could possibly work, and therefore shout from the mountaintops that whoever DOES try it is an idiot and wasting their money......well, kind of seems your opinion isn’t worth a whole lot to me. What do you care how much money I spend on and what I choose to try/buy? 

I guess it’s whoever argues most (and loudest) in the most passive aggressive way wins?

I have no doubt who the ignorant flat-earthers are in this thread.


Well, I've got you beat by several years. I responded to you because you made it personal and attacked me and another member.

As I said, spend your money as foolishly as you wish...
@coralkong What do you care how much money I spend on and what I choose to try/buy?


I have no doubt who the ignorant flat-earthers are in this thread.

I don't think the primary issue is money - I now consider that to be something of a deflection.  To some the issue is about the ethics of making claims that cannot be substantiated in any objective manner.

This of course is applicable in many areas of our day to day living in a civilized society.

Please elaborate on exactly what it means to be a flat-earther.