QSA Stones

I have had 6 QSA Stones on top of my power conditioner (2 each of red blue and clear) for about three months, and have really enjoyed what they bring to my system. This week, I got another set of 6.

One thing I have learned over many years in this hobby is the importance of power supplies, and the impact they have on the sound of individual components and systems. A number of audiophiles with DIY skills upgrade the power supplies on components with bigger and/or better capacitors, and in various other ways. Unfortunately, I lack the skills to do this.

I ended up placing the new stones on top of the power supplies of my CD transport and amp (1 red, blue and clear on each). To me the very positive results sound similar to upgrading the power supplies, without all the hassle of soldering etc. Particularly with my amp, there was an increased sense of ease and musical flow, along with more solidity and authority.

I don’t claim to have any real explanation as to how the QSA stones work, but it seems to have something to do with their interaction with electromagnetic fields, such as those around power transformers. Fortunately, I don’t need an explanation to enjoy the results🙂

If you think this is all bunk, or can’t see how these type of things can have any impact on the sound, that’s fine, but I’ll politely ask you to refrain from making repeated posts to that effect. The QSA Stones are obviously not for you, nor is this thread directed towards you.

Showing 8 responses by oldhvymec

George it's NOT FREE.. The vendors pay a lot of money to SELL their stuff on AG. What part don't you understand.. You've paid nothing and have tried nothing..

What is your contribution other than earning the nickname "Repeat".

You're gonna keep fooling around and get in trouble again, man oh man.

You get a little traction from a few knuckle heads and you have to start showing how many times you can Repeat the same thing..

I'm really wishing there was an ON/OFF button.. I'd pay for it AG I really really would...  :-)

Repeat George and Pope mozartfan, throw in a little GK heck I'll contribute, we'd have a travlin' road show.. We'd make a fortune... :-)
Have MC, fuztone, tubebuffer, and Master M as guest stars.. LOL
Ozzy, hide45, and about a dozen others.. 

HECK lets make some money.. Let's run a Ponzi for a week or two and become billionaires for a while, why not.. Form a new club.. Trillionaires Club... Why mess around...

Let's start a new "Cyber Country"... Let's make it BIG too..

It's not the insults, it's the constant insults. ONE is never enough, it has to be over and over and over... It's like living next door to a neighbor that has a dog outside YOUR window that barks all the time. It's HIS dog...

It's like trying to talk to a Klingon (Grand Nagus Zek DS9)

It cannot be easier to understand. If you've tried them, you have an obligation (according to you) to report that to other folks.

The problem is most folks that are saying something doesn't work, haven't tried what they are talking about (STONES).

If you haven't tried them, then quit cluttering up the thread, I'm an avid reader in spite of the repeated post about how they CAN'T work.

NOT they didn't work for me.. I didn't hear a thing, OR my dog started attacking my leg and hiking HER leg on the amp with the stones. SHE normally squats outside to take a leak... She thinks she is a 130lb MALE Mastiff. She is a 13 lb Jack.

Report what happens, not what you haven't TRIED..

HECK LIE and say you did and the moon turned blue or something..


Pay attention and READ.

Do I think stones can change the way a system can sounds? I know they can...

I use to really mess around with magnets as a kid. BIG magnets, electro magnets. Then neo and rare earth and a few other composites that can hold a field. HO train motors are really cool IF you pay attention to crazy Tesla.. :-)

THEN about 4 years ago (56 years total) I see cable manufactures using magnets to focus cables (for the lack of a better term). Very popular with some pretty good results and it has surely helped THEIR pocket books.. GOOD FOR THEM... Land of the FREE and home of the BRAVE. (My dog).

Different materials that have formed over millions of years and then MAN does some hocus pocus to it in a micro wave.. Are folks that silly to think a ROCK with 10,000 different "THINGS" in it and just one or two altered by some bonehead, can't do weird things?

Genuine NUTS are what roles down hills.  Be at the bottom.. LOL

Geez, I've made a few mistakes that turned out really GOOD..  Imagine that a mistake that turned out well.. 

Kind of like Brittney saying "Ops I did it again" Was that a mistake? :-)

BTW, GK always left me with more questions than answers.

I just need an ON/OFF button for some things.. LOL

Repeat George, 15 times you've chimed in on a thread about stones. Several more have been deleted.

How many times are you NOT going to contribute?

If you've used the stones chime in, if you have NOT, STOP..

I haven't tried them and most likely won't, that has nothing to do with those that have. I'm glad I can use them and choose what may work better for ME, IF I so choose.. It's a choice,

I LIKE choices..

One that seems to be lacking is NO. Pretty simple one..

If people want to chime in and tell other people how thing "can't" work, then why chime in at all? If you have an explanation WHY, then share it and move on.

The same goes for everyone else that chimes in to explain everyone else's ignorance or usually just calls everyone a liar. Their opinions and 5 dollars will get you a cup of coffee.

It's like talking to Klingons (Grand Nagus Zek, DS9) What's the profit in that? In this case where is the wisdom in "you shouldn't try it"? OR at least pay attention..

IF you had a stone that could FIX your screwed up system for 86.50 would you buy it?

Ok if it doesn’t work you can send it back.

The reason WHY they don’t tell you or any one else WHAT or WHY it works is pure and simple THEFT. They are not copyrighted, they are not intellectual property and they have no patent.

WHY on EARTH would I tell you how it works..

Buy it and Try it or send it back..

AS a manufacture of mushrooms I’m under no obligation to tell you or anyone how I grow my mushrooms. JUST if you DON’T die from eating them your lucky...

No Ticky, no laundry.

I’ve posted a lot of speaker repairs on this site just to erase them.. Why give away everything.. No one told me I’m dying just yet.. ;-)

QSA stones, not personal opinions weather or not someone is part of someone's sales staff.

A shill is a "plant", a huckster. HE IS NEITHER. He speaks about the products HE owns and paid for.. No freebies.. No payed or bribed advertisement.. He likes the product..

ASK MC, he is an honest fellow, and a Agon member I personally like..

There is a point where it's as simple as "Jealousy brings unkind words".

Nothing to offer to the thread "LIKE" Repeat George. ZERO..

QSA Stones, have you tried them? I haven't.

Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat.

Up to 20 plus post without a single contribution to the thread.

Admin at what point do you actually step in?

Paying VENDORS are threatening legal action, Agon members are threating to leave the forums and the rhetoric continues.

Do the members need to tally a VOTE?

Or just leave, I’m close with this clown.

I support Agon with MY money..

With what I’ve tried and learned through the years as a mechanic. I don’t need or have to, it’s a choice.

NOT an obsession. (well maybe)

I’ve personally seen some weird STUFF that worked, no idea why, didn’t care why.. It WORKED..

Some things I do care about like my O2 concentrator. :-)

That’s right MY O2 machine will put out enough concentrated O2 to raise the Titanic and the DEAD... I have 12 available for shipping right NOW..

PM if in need of a turbo charged (climate change activated) O2 concentrator. It can blow up a standard car tire in 30 seconds when using the optional (and reasonably priced) solar adaptor kit. 3K for off the grid..
1K for a standard residential charge kit. :-)

BTW I’m paying people to say it works even if it doesn’t. They are shills, I pay them to LIE.. Full disclosure... They will say anything for a buck..

I’ve broken all 8 Commandments, I left out TWO because I didn’t want to cop to um...
