QSA Stones

I have had 6 QSA Stones on top of my power conditioner (2 each of red blue and clear) for about three months, and have really enjoyed what they bring to my system. This week, I got another set of 6.

One thing I have learned over many years in this hobby is the importance of power supplies, and the impact they have on the sound of individual components and systems. A number of audiophiles with DIY skills upgrade the power supplies on components with bigger and/or better capacitors, and in various other ways. Unfortunately, I lack the skills to do this.

I ended up placing the new stones on top of the power supplies of my CD transport and amp (1 red, blue and clear on each). To me the very positive results sound similar to upgrading the power supplies, without all the hassle of soldering etc. Particularly with my amp, there was an increased sense of ease and musical flow, along with more solidity and authority.

I don’t claim to have any real explanation as to how the QSA stones work, but it seems to have something to do with their interaction with electromagnetic fields, such as those around power transformers. Fortunately, I don’t need an explanation to enjoy the results🙂

If you think this is all bunk, or can’t see how these type of things can have any impact on the sound, that’s fine, but I’ll politely ask you to refrain from making repeated posts to that effect. The QSA Stones are obviously not for you, nor is this thread directed towards you.

Showing 16 responses by jerryg123

That sounds like projection to me
.  Said the true believer.

Jim Jones and Manson had those too. ..........
Just saying.
This Tweak Geek fella would have been hawking elixir’s back in the Old Wild West.
Who thinks of these cons?

Cannot blame the guy though, A sucker is born…..
@coralkong I see you are a true believer and I will respect that. I also have the right to debunk junk science. Especially when one can not even begin to validate it with science other than voodoo science. Now if you told me this was a stone that was a Ferrite core/choke and it was reducing EMI and transient parasitic signals with a pretty blue or red stone on top and could support your findings with factual data, I would believe it.

BTW you can buy 2, 15mm Ferrite Cores for $25.00 on Amazon.

@daledeee1 the thread is bout stones not $39.00 springs on Amazon. I am a firm believer in Vibration Control and that is well documented and science supports that in audio, electrical and mechanical power transmission. Vibration and it's the parasitic energy/drag effect efficiencies.

I have Springs or Suspension under all my equipment and have brass pucks on top of my equipment to help reduce vibrations.

Hunks of rock with crystals not so much. Kind of like drinking tigers blood or snorting Rino Horn will make a hard man.

So keep it in context you are comparing real engineering and science with VOODOO.

Do you guys wear power crystals around your neck to give you strength?
Reminds me of the Eastern European (no rub on Eastern Europe or the wonderful people) that sold copper bracelets on the streets of Cicero IL down by the Danly Machine Factory claiming they cured arthritis (debunked by the medical field for centuries).

Apples for apples and keep it real.
@millercarbon you are a Copper Bracelet Salesmen s dream.

So I have some Polished Stones my kids bought in Petoskey Mi when they were younger. I placed them on my X200, put on the copper bracelets I bought from the old woman in Cicero and put a tin foil hat on and guess what?
They're coming to take me away ho, ho. 

No really why do I need to disprove this nonsense when you can not back up your position with any data other than your wax filled ears.
Think about it even the FDA (I know touch subject) when getting approval for a drug you have to provide the SCIENTIFIC DATA that the drug will do what it is intended to remedy or cure.

So why do I have to disprove what you have no proof of?

Keep up the silliness.
@clearthink and @ghdprentice

Feeling silly because you bought 5 of these $80.00 Petoskey Stones?

@oldhvymec. Funny thing is I have tried all this stuff, Shitaki Stones, Petoskey Stones, Tuning Sticks, Crystals and none if it did anything, Did not even make my wallet lighter as I sent all the crap back and only bought this stuff from vendors with return privileges.

Here is the other thing I do not see this stuff being sold the real high end audio dealers...

@tsushima1  +1 on that. 
He hasn’t a clue … he’s a Dog Chasing Cars !

@phcollie.There maybe some truth to the statements you made.

My system is not a Raven Blackhawk or Tekton Moabs!
No I own a Audio Hungary Qualiton X200 and QLN Prestige 3 speakers, a Clearaudio Innovation Compact Wood Turntable and, Clearaudio Stradivari MM Ctg and a Lejonklou Phono Section. Bel Canto DAC 2.7 and CDt 3. All my cables are Signal Cables. And it all sounds spectacular!

Whats even better is I tried all these Voodoo stick’s, stones and crystals when I owned a Raven Blackhawk and Klipsch Forte IV. I soon figured out that it will never be the system I really desire voodoo or no voodoo.
You know you can stuff a Porsche motor in a Honda Accord and at the end of the day it is still a Honda.

Chuck can glue all the magic stones and crystals to his system and it will still sound like a Blackhawk hooked up to Tekton Moabs.

That is great for @millecarbon but not for me. I will bet he has more money tied up in voodoo tweaks than he has in his core components.

Of course, shills will state "You have under-developed listening skills" , "Your system is not resolving" , or the old and tested "They require system synergy with components you lack".
LOL think it's time to move on.
Only people in Haiti and Louisiana believe in Voodoo well a few audiophile here do too. 
So  @millercarbon you are part of the cancel culture.


You are right t_ramey he should be banned. Maybe if enough of us request he will be? Meantime please report his abusive posts as what they are: abusive of other members and off-topic. If he wants to start a discussion about snake oil and shills he is free to do so. If he keeps wrecking discussions imposing his unwanted opinions and insults on us we are equally free to report him and request that he be

@rocray Yes and as am I, but do you take to forums and shill for them at every turn? And basically call everyone an idiot that disagrees (and who have tried this junk). Vibration isolation works but Sticks, Stones, and Crystals nope total jive. (I tried to be a true believer but I don’t like kool-Aid and sent it all back or tossed it out). 
I keep hearing the term "shill".
Doesn’t that imply someone has a vested interested in selling the product in question?

Who’s selling something here?

Go read MC posts he is a dealer for for a couple of these Tweak Guys, BDR Cones, Townsend Audio. If it walks like a duck….. guess we can just call them carnival barkers. 

I don’t care what you buy, where you buy it, and from whom you buy it. I don’t know if QSA tone-stones work, I’ve never tried them. 

I have tried several tweaks in my system that absolutely made a difference. 

But to never try something because you don’t think it could possibly work, and therefore shout from the mountaintops that whoever DOES try it is an idiot and wasting their money......well, kind of seems your opinion isn’t worth a whole lot to me. What do you care how much money I spend on and what I choose to try/buy? 

Could care less what you buy either. I have tried all this crap and guess what it did not work. Guess you have have an entry level Raven and Tektons for it to work….

I guess it’s whoever argues most (and loudest) in the most passive aggressive way wins? 

I have no doubt who the ignorant flat-earthers are in this thread.

You have no idea!  I guess MC wins every time then LOL NOT!