QSA Stones

I have had 6 QSA Stones on top of my power conditioner (2 each of red blue and clear) for about three months, and have really enjoyed what they bring to my system. This week, I got another set of 6.

One thing I have learned over many years in this hobby is the importance of power supplies, and the impact they have on the sound of individual components and systems. A number of audiophiles with DIY skills upgrade the power supplies on components with bigger and/or better capacitors, and in various other ways. Unfortunately, I lack the skills to do this.

I ended up placing the new stones on top of the power supplies of my CD transport and amp (1 red, blue and clear on each). To me the very positive results sound similar to upgrading the power supplies, without all the hassle of soldering etc. Particularly with my amp, there was an increased sense of ease and musical flow, along with more solidity and authority.

I don’t claim to have any real explanation as to how the QSA stones work, but it seems to have something to do with their interaction with electromagnetic fields, such as those around power transformers. Fortunately, I don’t need an explanation to enjoy the results🙂

If you think this is all bunk, or can’t see how these type of things can have any impact on the sound, that’s fine, but I’ll politely ask you to refrain from making repeated posts to that effect. The QSA Stones are obviously not for you, nor is this thread directed towards you.
Dear God .... Such *Desperate for attention*  arrogance ...

The true arrogance lies with those who, seeing no need to try or investigate it for themselves beforehand, make absolute statements that something cannot possibly work. It is inconceivable to them that anything outside the narrow world of their knowledge, understanding and training has any validity or merit.
I'll bite. I think its all horse sh*t. All of it. But do they have a money back guarantee? If so I could be persuaded to try it. I'm kind of a sucker for sub $100 tweaks.
I also have the right to debunk junk science. 

Okay, but there is no junk science, and you debunk nothing. If you want to learn to debunk, drop the snarky insults and innuendo and propose some actual science. But you can't, and I know it, and advise you not even try as it will only give me reason to show just how inept you are at it. tick to what you know, blather, only take it somewhere else. Please. I recommend Audio Science Review. They don't know how to listen either. You will feel right at home. 
“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” Arthur C. Clarke

Science is filled with fraud and published findings that cannot be replicated. So claiming science is infallible or the ultimate truth of the universe is total crap. 

These things are just hand off from Geoff Kait’s Machina Dynamica Pebbles he was selling, at least your money stayed in the US with his snake oil.

Cheers George
I'll bite. I think its all horse sh*t. All of it. But do they have a money back guarantee? If so I could be persuaded to try it. I'm kind of a sucker for sub $100 tweaks.

Agreed.  Anyone selling a reputable product will have a full money back guarantee or even a trial period.  Please let me know the details.  I am unable to find a review posted at a reputable industry website...perhaps someone can post a link? 

These seem earily similar to the guy who used to sell "Brilliant Pebbles" and had pictures of taping them to your ICs. He also had a "Super Intelligent Chip" that you put on top of your cd player and somehow lazer light would leak into the room and activate the magic.  
@millercarbon you are a Copper Bracelet Salesmen s dream.

So I have some Polished Stones my kids bought in Petoskey Mi when they were younger. I placed them on my X200, put on the copper bracelets I bought from the old woman in Cicero and put a tin foil hat on and guess what?
They're coming to take me away ho, ho. 

No really why do I need to disprove this nonsense when you can not back up your position with any data other than your wax filled ears.
Think about it even the FDA (I know touch subject) when getting approval for a drug you have to provide the SCIENTIFIC DATA that the drug will do what it is intended to remedy or cure.

So why do I have to disprove what you have no proof of?

Keep up the silliness.
@clearthink and @ghdprentice

Feeling silly because you bought 5 of these $80.00 Petoskey Stones?


Sorry, but posted my post without seeing yours. Coincidence....not trying to plagiarize.

Interestingly He will not post a phone number for contact .  But does claim 30 days return for any new purchase
It cannot be easier to understand. If you've tried them, you have an obligation (according to you) to report that to other folks.

The problem is most folks that are saying something doesn't work, haven't tried what they are talking about (STONES).

If you haven't tried them, then quit cluttering up the thread, I'm an avid reader in spite of the repeated post about how they CAN'T work.

NOT they didn't work for me.. I didn't hear a thing, OR my dog started attacking my leg and hiking HER leg on the amp with the stones. SHE normally squats outside to take a leak... She thinks she is a 130lb MALE Mastiff. She is a 13 lb Jack.

Report what happens, not what you haven't TRIED..

HECK LIE and say you did and the moon turned blue or something..


Pay attention and READ.

Do I think stones can change the way a system can sounds? I know they can...

I use to really mess around with magnets as a kid. BIG magnets, electro magnets. Then neo and rare earth and a few other composites that can hold a field. HO train motors are really cool IF you pay attention to crazy Tesla.. :-)

THEN about 4 years ago (56 years total) I see cable manufactures using magnets to focus cables (for the lack of a better term). Very popular with some pretty good results and it has surely helped THEIR pocket books.. GOOD FOR THEM... Land of the FREE and home of the BRAVE. (My dog).

Different materials that have formed over millions of years and then MAN does some hocus pocus to it in a micro wave.. Are folks that silly to think a ROCK with 10,000 different "THINGS" in it and just one or two altered by some bonehead, can't do weird things?

Genuine NUTS are what roles down hills.  Be at the bottom.. LOL

Geez, I've made a few mistakes that turned out really GOOD..  Imagine that a mistake that turned out well.. 

Kind of like Brittney saying "Ops I did it again" Was that a mistake? :-)

BTW, GK always left me with more questions than answers.

I just need an ON/OFF button for some things.. LOL

Saving some kidney stones and painting a blue dot on each. Will be selling single stones for $60. Place your order quickly I expect to sell out quickly
Anyone selling a reputable product will have a full money back guarantee or even a trial period. Please let me know the details.

No no no don’t think this way, as if only half are sent back, these shysters, are still making a small fortune.
And the chances of you sending them back and not feeling embarrassed about the purchase, you’ll just throw them away instead, and say never again.

Cheers George
@oldhvymec. Funny thing is I have tried all this stuff, Shitaki Stones, Petoskey Stones, Tuning Sticks, Crystals and none if it did anything, Did not even make my wallet lighter as I sent all the crap back and only bought this stuff from vendors with return privileges.

Here is the other thing I do not see this stuff being sold the real high end audio dealers...

Those of you taking pot shots at geoffkait, here is his partial resume.

Geoff Kait -- Aerospace Engineering (theoretical fluid dynamics and propulsion, statistical thermodynamics, nuclear physics, indeterminate structures). Undergrad thesis: Preliminary design of low-thrust engine for interplanetary travel utilizing momentum transfer mechanisms in highly magnetic metal crystal bombarded by high-energy ions. Work experience: satellite operations; radar data analysis; aerodynamics of high-performance aircraft; reentry vehicle dynamics; radio communications; satellite communications; spread spectrum communications.

Rock on boys, ha ha, I made a funny.  

All these "snake oil" products need to be eradicated, from forums, where they get free exposure and get massive profits, without posting themselves if you notice, they just let their shillers do it for them. That way there’s no liability back to them for any claims on what they do.

Cheers George
George it's NOT FREE.. The vendors pay a lot of money to SELL their stuff on AG. What part don't you understand.. You've paid nothing and have tried nothing..

What is your contribution other than earning the nickname "Repeat".

You're gonna keep fooling around and get in trouble again, man oh man.

You get a little traction from a few knuckle heads and you have to start showing how many times you can Repeat the same thing..

I'm really wishing there was an ON/OFF button.. I'd pay for it AG I really really would...  :-)

Repeat George and Pope mozartfan, throw in a little GK heck I'll contribute, we'd have a travlin' road show.. We'd make a fortune... :-)
Have MC, fuztone, tubebuffer, and Master M as guest stars.. LOL
Ozzy, hide45, and about a dozen others.. 

HECK lets make some money.. Let's run a Ponzi for a week or two and become billionaires for a while, why not.. Form a new club.. Trillionaires Club... Why mess around...

Let's start a new "Cyber Country"... Let's make it BIG too..


"All these "snake oil" products need to be eradicated, from forums, where they get free exposure and get massive profits, without posting themselves if you notice, they just let their shillers do it for them. That way there’s no liability back to them for any claims on what they do.
Cheers George"

Hopefully today’s audio consumer is far better informed than his predecessors were.

These disreputable dealers of hokum can only leave a bad taste in their customers mouths.

Until another Michael Faraday comes along to enlighten us all I think we can safely ignore all of these facile shill attempts.
In the meantime I’ve also got some magic pebbles I’d love you all to try out...trust me they’re good, real good.

This stuff is mystical. It defies logic and science but you don’t need to listen to me, you don’t need no white paper man!

Just let my friend Dennis explain it.

"One through nine, no maybes, no supposes, no fractions.

You can’t travel in space, you can’t go out into space, you know, without, like, you know, uh, with fractions - what are you going to land on - one-quarter, three-eighths?

What are you going to do when you go from here to Venus or something?

That’s dialectic physics."
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I feel sorry for all of you that are unwilling to try something outside of your limited belief systems. 
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" All these "snake oil" products need to be eradicated, from forums, where they get free exposure and get massive profits, without posting themselves if you notice, they just let their shillers do it for them. That way there’s no liability back to them for any claims on what they do.

Cheers George"

Hey George, you’ve never tried any of them, right?
"Eradicated"? Is that your MO?
Lather, rinse, REPEAT.

Your opinion would mean,,,,,,oh, so much more,,,,,,had you actually TRIED the things you rail against. 

But, alas.......
@oldhvymec. Funny thing is I have tried all this stuff, Shitaki Stones, Petoskey Stones, Tuning Sticks, Crystals and none if it did anything, Did not even make my wallet lighter as I sent all the crap back and only bought this stuff from vendors with return privileges.

Here is the other thing I do not see this stuff being sold the real high end audio dealers.
@jerryg123  Fair point. There is some twisted logic in this thread. If someone tells me they have tried hitting themselves on the head with a hammer and it hurts, then I do not have to do the same thing to have an opinion about hitting yourself on the head with a hammer. Likewise the converse if someone tells me it feels great.

If a product has value, it will be sold at reputable dealers, reviewed in the trade magazines and publications, and most importantly, there will be competition from other companies to sell similar products and take advantage of the economic laws of opportunity and market share.

Of course, shills will state "You have under-developed listening skills" ,  "Your system is not resolving" , or the old and tested "They require system synergy with components you lack". 

Don't comment statements apparently are needed by the shills helping someone sell something. One doesn't need to buy expensive rocks to have an opinion about said rocks. 

Really love Miller carbons setup. Great looking room as well.
Interesting to know how he decided on that speaker setup and what the process was to decide on them.
I am more of a single driver or most 2 way.

@phcollie.There maybe some truth to the statements you made.

My system is not a Raven Blackhawk or Tekton Moabs!
No I own a Audio Hungary Qualiton X200 and QLN Prestige 3 speakers, a Clearaudio Innovation Compact Wood Turntable and, Clearaudio Stradivari MM Ctg and a Lejonklou Phono Section. Bel Canto DAC 2.7 and CDt 3. All my cables are Signal Cables. And it all sounds spectacular!

Whats even better is I tried all these Voodoo stick’s, stones and crystals when I owned a Raven Blackhawk and Klipsch Forte IV. I soon figured out that it will never be the system I really desire voodoo or no voodoo.
You know you can stuff a Porsche motor in a Honda Accord and at the end of the day it is still a Honda.

Chuck can glue all the magic stones and crystals to his system and it will still sound like a Blackhawk hooked up to Tekton Moabs.

That is great for @millecarbon but not for me. I will bet he has more money tied up in voodoo tweaks than he has in his core components.

Of course, shills will state "You have under-developed listening skills" , "Your system is not resolving" , or the old and tested "They require system synergy with components you lack".
@tsushima1  +1 on that. 
He hasn’t a clue … he’s a Dog Chasing Cars !

He hasn’t a clue … he’s a Dog Chasing Cars !
+2 on that, and it’s more than just cars he chasing.
Just look at the dubious amount of products attached to that system, must be 10 of every pieces of each ever made. A how does he tell what’s doing, if everything transforms the system as he says it does.
And the lava lamp has me intrigued because it’s so close to interconnects etc , they have a rubbish power supply to light and heat the wax that makes a lot of noise.

Cheers George

And others, why address me directly, I don’t address you to make you do it.

Why not put up a technical argument to counter what I and others say about this stuff instead of going personal route?

Or better still get the designer/owner of this stuff to post the same musical improvements that his stuff can do here as you lot say it can do.
Really love Miller carbons setup. Great looking room as well.
Interesting to know how he decided on that speaker setup and what the process was to decide on them.


The system is in a room built 30 years ago, the culmination of a lifelong dream to have a dedicated listening room. There is so much nonsense around this I won't even go into except to note everything I am talking about is based on actual experience. 

So the room gets built and having drilled into me how important this is first thing when empty the floor is gridded out and I am trying all possible speaker locations. I mean literally gridded out, lines on the floor. Every speaker location I listen to music and also play test tones. Remember 30 years ago we don't just push a button, we have to actually try and learn and understand. By the way when I say all possible I mean all, including listening locations. Speakers go one spot, listen here, then 6" farther back, 6" farther, 6" more- move speakers, move chair, lather rinse repeat. 

 Again, 30 years ago. Thanks to this exhaustive work I have enjoyed really excellent imaging right from Day One. JBL L7, Linaeum Model 10, Vandersteen something or other, Talon Khorus, Moab- if it ain't broke don't fix it. 

Acoustics went through the same process. When my turntable was built Steve Clarke took some pictures and they are a kind of snapshot of what things were like at that point in time. https://theanalogdept.com/c_miller.htm We had some guys over recently, Brandon was impressed with how smooth the response was but there is a peak that creates a bit of ringing and this is a good example of how none of this push a button stuff is necessary. I said yeah listen and clapped my hands. Flutter echo, ringing. Moved, clapped, no flutter echo no ringing. Could use some diffusers. You can figure out where just by clapping and listening. Don't cost nothin'. Works. I even know what I want them to look like.  Just need to actually stop and build the damn things.

since 1977 Chuck and still going strong, winning awards and making people happy….

Lets check back in two decades from now…..
"in spite of the fact no one has a very good explanation of how they work"

You said it Miller.  Except no-one has any explanation WHATEVER.

Except me.  The impression that a passive lumps of **** can have any effect on system sound is caused by psychological and mood changes in the listener and mistaken post purchase sub-conscious need for gratification.

OK. OK.  You believers go on wasting your money, why should I care.

And by the way, Miller, don't badmouth my system.  You have no idea what it is, except I have posted it contains the greatest power packing amps of them all: the Krell Reference KRS200, uprated to 400w.  Don't make em like that any more, the green madmen don't allow it.  That's why in power amps vintage kit rules more and more.  Soon we will all have to have wimpy Class D by law and some will continue pretending it can do a Class A job.

Ho hum.

The stones/pebbles/magic rocks scam has been around a while. Interesting study would be to see what states allow Corp or LLC from these people. Maybe it is in the words of the marketing literature....words like "May" and "Could" instead of a fact? 
Here is a thread from 2007 https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/review-machina-dynamica-brilliant-pebbles-tweak - No idea if this guy is still selling rocks.
Audiophile Rocks were sold by Coconuts Audio....they are shut down.
One guy I read swears by cans of spam & soup.  Have to admit they will be a better price point than a painted rock. Another fellow even swears by Charcoal Briquettes......something to do with Carbon. Puts them under components, on top of speakers and lays bags on cables.  Charcoal.  I can only imagine the mess. While I have an open mind, I do not smoke my breakfast.  Contempt prior to investigation is never a good thing but it requires limits. Never a new debate here so I look forward to the wonderful and exiting news about how these old scam tweaks are breaking new ground and the delightful reasons why Upscale Audio, Sweetwater and Audio Advisor, just to name a few, are not selling them.  I am going to call a couple of the top 10 audio equipment dealers in the country and ask when they plan on stocking these wonderful rocks.  Strangely enough they began selling these things when the internet became popular. I'm having trouble finding magic rocks that predate the 90s.  The only stones I can find are, of course,  Rolling. 

PS.  For 1500 bucks you can buy this piece of wood.  https://www.shakti-innovations.com/product/hallograph/
I doubt many will want to buy because for that kind of coin you can actually improve your system by upgrading a component. 

phcollie ....

Have you tried the Shakti Hallographs in your own listening environment? I have four ... one in each corner of the room. They make for a very easy a/b comparison because they can be easily removed from the room. I’ve demonstrated the effect for friends many times. Once removed, the soundstage collapses and the sound goes to hell. They are expensive, I agree. They are flimsily made (keep a tube of Gorilla Glue handy), but they are absolutely essential for getting room acoustics under control. And by the way, I don’t know of an electrical component that will give the same type of improvement the Shakti Hallographs will. If you know of one, please name it. Thanks.


PS: Please give a short synopsis of what your experience has been when you used the Shakti Hallographs in your own listening environment. I look forward to your input. 


Absolutely Oregon, I do not argue against diffusion. I find the same thing happens when I remove the ficus trees that I use with my Magnepans. However, I did not spend 3000 dollars for a set of 4.
  • "However, I did not spend 3000 dollars for a set of 4."

And neither did I.

And by the way, what were the results when you compared four Shakti Hallographs to your two small ficus trees? Did you prefer the ficus trees over the Hallographs??  Please describe the differences. Thanks.


I feel sorry for all of you that are unwilling to try something outside of your limited belief systems.

Insofar as certain tweaks are concerned, the word "belief" is not in the vocabulary of the skeptic. Any requirement to have the necessary belief system is conceding that no known science may explain certain characteristics.

Which makes statements such as the one quoted rather redundant.

Sometimes certain unusual technology may be caught by this requirement to have faith were it not possible for purveyors of said technology to take full advantage of the patents system for a variety of very good reasons.  Credibility being one reason.

A possible  example I read about recently on these pages was the liquid technology as embodied in teo products.
“…Any requirement to have the necessary belief system is conceding that no known science may explain certain characteristics”

What many don’t seem to get is that the existence of these “characteristics” is entirely independent of explanation. They make the leap, totally unsupported by logic, to “I don't have an explanation, therefore fraud or deceit MUST be involved.”