Power Cord for Pass Int 60-Under 1K used

I'm just about done with my recent audio transformation. My last statement is going to be an after market power cable for my Pass Labs Int-60. My budget is under 1K used....and that"s pushing it.

Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated, especially if your a Pass Labs owner.

If your not a fan of after market cords....save me the speech. I already spent about 35K....I'm not using a stock power cord.

Any and all ideas will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
I just can’t seem to get away from the older PS Audio xStream Statement SC PCs, use them when my Pass Labs XA30.5 amp is in play as well as on a pair of VTL MB125s and my newly acquired Quicksilver M120 amps.
I think Nelson Pass would tell you to save your money.  He's a pretty good engineer.
BLE Design on eBay. 10 gauge OFC copper with good plugs for around $60 will work very well and save you $$ for more media. It sounds very good.


I’d venture the stock cord is fine. Buy music instead. Seems a waste unless you are aiming for “forum hero™️“
Nelson Pass is a fan of Frank Dickens (Silent Source) cords/cables.
Look for a Silent Source High Current version, either Signature, or The Music Reference (TMR).
I am using two SS TMR cords on my Pass Labs XA-100.5 amps with good success.
Silent Source cords are not abundant on the used market, but if patient, you will find them. Good luck.
Nelson either says save your money or buy Frank Dickens......

I use the Belden mains with good connectors and it really works on my 30.8. You need to get into 4 figures to truly beat it.

here’s what the OP stated:

krelldog If your not a fan of after market cords....save me the speech. I already spent about 35K....I’m not using a stock power cord.
Yet the group’s proselytizers can’t restrain themselves from their fundamentalist fervor:
I think Nelson Pass would tell you to save your money. He’s a pretty good engineer.
I’d venture the stock cord is fine. Buy music instead. Seems a waste unless you are aiming for “forum hero™️“

I second Noromance suggestion of BLE Designs el cheapo power cords, I bought at least 3 of them and they are astounding value for money, less than $50 each if I remember right.
I still have them and use them but I also make my own now.
Post removed 
I noticed that as well... my thought was those respondents were illiterate.
Though perhaps you are correct, the naysayers are compulsive reactors, unable to control themselves, but not illiterate.
I don't think they are illiterate. Instead, they are somewhat like fundamentalist religious proselytizers except here, they see themselves as the actual Savior.  Or perhaps they are just trolls. There's no way to know for sure.

Do not use a stock cord. So much cable material and connectors available, one can build an excellent cable. I have built many, using different types of wires, and connectors, as I can get the flavor that I want. You want to spend up to 1 K, go ahead, it is your money. This will be all from me on the subject. Enjoy !
It never fails does it? The fundamentalists never mention what equipment or room they have do they? I have never used them in my systems but have read good things about Shunyata power cords. I use Transparent myself. 
I don't think they are illiterate. Instead, they are somewhat like fundamentalist religious proselytizers except here, they see themselves as the actual Savior.

Not to mention very sensitive. I suppose my post upset one of our "Saviors", as the moderators had my post deleted.
Your post may be next @cleeds , then I'm sure this one will follow.

No wonder so many members have left this forum for What's Best Forum.
I appreciate all the suggestions. I really do respect all opinions relating to this crazy hobby. I started 30  years ago with an Akai integrated amp and a Pair of Bose 901 series VI. My first real high end purchase was a Phillips CD 880 probably in 1988 give or take a year or two. I actually still have that CD player...one of the most stunning Cd players I've ever seen.

With that said....I don't hate on guys with 500.000 systems...nor do I look down on new audiophiles with small budgets. This hobby is all about overkill. Leave no stone unturned. There is great sound to be had at every price point. Recently I bought a PS Audio P-10. Paul McGowan the owner/CEO/Audio legend is unequivocal in his opinion that upgraded power cords make a difference. He recommends that you upgrade the cord for all of his products, and its not like he's just trying to sell you one of his cords. I recently watched (and I highly recommend it) Michael Fremer on Youtube showing off his audio gear and record collection. In this video Fremer is very blunt about the benefits of after market power cords.

Folks... were all chasing the same thing. In my situation I'm retired and I decided to put together an audio system I can enjoy and leave alone. I've accomplished that and I'm just putting the final touches on a lot of truly great gear.

Happy listening my audio brothers.
JMcGrogan2....don't you quit too. I always look forward to your expertise and wisdom.
The Kubala-sosna's are very good power cords. For less the DH labs Red Wave or reference line from signal cable.
@tom_hankins +1 on the Kubala-Sosna's if they can fit into the budget.

Personally, I'd also listen to what @jmcgrogan2 recommends, as I trust his experience and judgment
Previously used Tekline Reference on 250.5. Excellent cord. Almost impossible to find now. Very popular in an old thread on Pass amps 
 These are the power cords that I use, very well made. MAZE AUDIO Ref4 Krell Cryo Power Cords
Audio Power Cables
@alucard19, I am intrigued by the Maze Audio power cords. Read through their web site. I have spent more building cables than what these cost. I will try one soon. Thanks for the recommendation. 
I've owned and auditioned multiple $$$$ after market pc's.The most accomplished in my system,and not your flavor of the month,are Joseph Chows Audio Horizons pc and the Silver Ghost by Mark Tunis.
I've had very good results from the Clarus Crimson high current power amp cords. 
@krelldog , @trelja , thank you for the very kind remarks, I am humbled.

Joe, have you left the Philly area for the Great White North yet?
Safe travels.
@krelldog  -  

I have an excellent 2 meter Tara Labs AC Reference cable you are welcome to for waaaay less than $ 1k  !  ( I actually have 3 ! )  and deserves being reunited with Pass equipment .  ($100 ).  PM for pix and info if interested. 

I am a fan of Audio Magic cords, regardless of what the anti-cable ankle biters spout. *rolleyes*
Post removed 
Most of my power cords are Zu Audio. They are about $150, depending on the length & they sound great. No 50% dealer mark up, because they sell direct. 

You could try transparent premium cords for abiut $600 new. I use them with my devialets and all my other equipment.


Thank you, John.

Still here for another week.  Not so cold where I'm going.  Believe it or not, but Vancouver has a lot of palm trees.  Not native, of course, but they survive well enough
There are a gazillion after-market power cords, made by large corporations and lonely individuals, from under $100 to many thousands of $$.  No one has tried them all in all possible systems.  So you try a few which seem to have a good rep. or about which people have reported good results with similar equipment.  These days I'm liking the look of Cullen cords Crossover II PC's.  But hey, that's just an internet opinion.
Krelldog - or do I address you a-- PassDog now? :)

i have an Int-60 and use a Shunyata Venom HC and it is better than the stock PC. I burned in the amp and then listened with the stock cord / then the Shunyata - easy to hear and all positive (Shunyata better).

I used the Shunyata because I already owned it, so can not comment on performance or comparisons to others. Point is that it makes a noticeable improvement (in my admittedly limited experience). I also like it better plugged into my Shunyata Hydra vs straight into the wall.

I hope you enjoy the amp - I have had mine about two years and really love it.

A relatively low-cost pc that brings an extraordinary organic (but 100% neutral) quality to Solid State amplifiers is made by Luna Cables. They were all over the recent Montréal Audio Show. For almost a year now I have used their $1200 entry-level orange PC on my solid state amps and/or integrateds in a cable loom where the next cheapest cable is $7k (please don’t judge). My gear was mainly Luxman (from 590x, to mononlocked m-600s, to m-900u) with a few other brands brought in for auditions. Anyways, this pc is remarkable in this use. I found most other PCs changed the balance or essential sound profile of the amplifiers. The company Luna has a kinda “organic, all-natural” philosophy and I find it really comes across in this PC. Helps the amp just be better at what it does best in an organic / liquid way. Good luck with the search.
You trust designers to choose the correct parts and correct designs, but question their choices of power cords. That is an example of absolute lubacy.
You guys should put model and $$ price you paid.

A lot if guys use the new Audio advisor  Pangea power cord which is a awg7 gauge  using Cardas best 6-9 Copper and uses Gold over solid Copper connections  very very good and for under $300 with a 30 days money back
Worth trying  the Sig mk-2 version.
What @audioman58 said....^^^^^^^^^^
The Pangea AC9SE MKii meets all the qualities of an excellent power cord except price.

It has the proper shielding, huge 7 AWG, the proper cable twist, it’s OFC, using Cardas grade cooper.
Instead of bragging on how much money you wasted on a Power cord get a quality made cable for $300 and save the rest of your money.

These are excellent cables!
This is an EASY answer: Silent Source. Frank Dickens, the owner of SS works closely with Pass Labs on all things power/ power supply related. His cables are what they use to voice their equipment. Yes, I own them (SS cables and cords) and I love them, but that’s not the point of my post. Use what Pass uses. You should be able to find one used but even new they are reasonable. 
Would someone please enlighten me here. How does a three ft section  of metal help in providing better sound quality? Electricity runs hundreds of feet through your house via copper wire after running miles and miles through other wire, how does adding three feet, of gold, silver, or whatever to the end of that run make a difference? Not being a smart ass, just don't quite understand. 
Would someone please enlighten me here.

Sorry, you have to put in your own work here.

How does a three ft section  of metal help in providing better sound quality?

I can't answer that, as all of my power cords are 1.5 meters or longer. ;^)
Would someone please enlighten me here. How does a three ft section  of metal help in providing better sound quality?

The shielding of the power cord reduces Radio Frequency interference (RFI) and Electromagnetic 
Interference (EMI). In doing so, it reduces the noise in the audio. 

Some cables can and do change the sound of the audio quality by impedance mismatch and lack of proper inductance characteristics. And several other electronic variables. 
I'm using the  Shunyata - Zitron Alpha HC Power Cable with my Pass X250.8; used price should be well below the $1K mark.

Before going to the Zitron Alpha cables I was using Triode Wire Labs and thought they were excellent for the price.