Peter Lederman in Second Bout With COVID-19

I saw on Facebook late last night that Mike Fremer told one of his Audio Friends that he heard from Peter Lederman of Soundsmith that he is suffering his second round with COVID.  Peter said he has blood clots on his lungs. That is all the post said.  Here is hoping that Peter pulls through with a full recovery. 
I have already had over 300 cases in my practice so I think this opinion is a little better than anecdotal.
That’s funny. Observations made in a pseudonymous post in an audio group by someone who claims to be a physician is anecdotal at best and, quite likely, pure fiction.

For years, I take 4000 d3, NAC, Vit C, Co-Q10, occsional A, Magnesium Glycinate, B12, and multi Vit.  I am sure it "helps" but did not keep me from having a D-Dimer of 7800 (just saw my records.) I "somewhat" agree that getting the vaccine after having Covid is a risk for some, but HAVING covid a 2nd time unknowingly (as I did) WHILE getting the vaccine (following your comment)  is obviously far worse. I had mutiple PE's and the Saddle PE almost did me in.  I can now breath almost deeply without too much pain. Many other symptoms from Covid are still my daily companions.

On balance, to get rid of Covid (as best as we can) through vaccination makes sense. as this illness is no joke. Are there risks to vaccination? Sure. But in comparison to having no vaccine.....Take a look at India right daily deaths, THEN tell me its a bad idea to have vaccines.

God bless all of you who wished me well. Mala hierba nunca muere  - once said by a janitor who stopped mopping at the foot of my late brothers hospital bed while undergoing marrow destruction in prep for an autologous stem cell transfer due to a rare  Lymphoma...when my brother asked him what he mumbled, he said......"We have this expression in Spanish....."IT"S HARD TO KILL AN UGLY WEED".  My brother said he then wet the bed he was laughing so hard.

So glad to hear you are somewhat "better".
Your company provides a necessary and well regarded service to the world of audio.
Again, Get Well Soon..
(Loved the story about your brother...a  sense of humour is a wonderful thing).
Peter: It's great to hear from you.  Get better.  This world is better with you in it.
So glad to hear you are recovering!  I enjoy the Strain Gauge every day and still am amazed at how it so faithfully and accurately and emotionally presents the music.  I so deeply appreciate your warm hospitality in introducing me to your fantastic designs and how willing you are to impart your knowledge and experience. I hope that we can meet again in person soon.

Did your wonderful poems get published?
Just caught this -- a compelling and scary read. Best wishes indeed to Peter. I don't own a Soundsmith cartridge but I just imagined how it would be if I never could.  A somewhat macabre thought but it's my way of saying that we need people like Peter in this world to keep our analog passion alive. The talent pool is thin, here's to a full and satisfying recovery for the next stage of your journey sir. Peace. 
Thank you for your inquiry about my poetry. I have been spontaneously "receiving" it since I was about 8 or 9. I have a carried a recorder for the past 40 years, and keep one next to my bed as sometimes they wake me up. I have done some recitals by request, as many of them get memorized automatically after being "received". 60+ years worth. It is a gift, as I have consciously done nothing to earn this ability and I don't ."write" them....I just write them down. Small recital for Peekskill Arts - - this is one I did a few years ago.

Yes, some are getting published again through a small poetry group that was brought into my life by a very strange sequence of rapid events 10 years ago - Cleveland house poets - one of the oldest/longest continuously  running poetry groups in the US. A third anthology is being done and some of mine are in there. Some in the group have been pressing me to print a small number of books of my life's poetry. We will see if I get time to do that.

Thanks again for you inquiry and once again - for all the well wishes. This is a very slow recovery.   - Peter
You, sir, are a true artist and rare individual. Thank you for sharing your gifts with us in this, sometimes fickle, community and industry. It is reaffirming and comforting in ways more than one. So pleased that your physical health is on the road to recovery.

Best wishes.
As an MD, I totally agree with your paragraph,  "In my experience as a primary care provider the worst reactions to the vaccines are occurring in people who have already had the disease. I have already had over 300 cases in my practice so I think this opinion is a little better than anecdotal. I suggest that low risk individuals who have had the disease do not get vaccinated. The drive to get as many people vaccinated as possible is highly suspect. Trusting the pharmaceutical industry for advice in this regard is quite frankly, dangerous."

It is also possible that Peter experienced the phenomenon called "antibody dependent enhancement," aka "pathogenic priming," which is a parallel explanation of your 1st sentence.  This occurs when a neutralizing antibody to an incoming virus may instead act as a binding antibody.  The neutralizing antibody is desirable, but the binding antibody actually makes the virus more able to infect cells.  There is a good review of this on on 4/19/21.  There are 196 references on this--many full texts.  It is speculative whether animal trials documenting this for vaccines in the prior SARS covid 1 and MERS will be applicable to the present covid 2 virus and variants.


Yes, "do not put all your eggs in one basket."  The conventional pharmaceutical approach is to design magic bullets that target a particular receptor, which is equivalent to all the eggs in 1 basket.  Vitamin D is the most important nutraceutical, but other dietary and lifestyle habits also contribute to better health outcomes.

I don't want to convert this thread into extended medical discussions when the purpose is to wish Peter well and help in his recovery.  With audio, there is no single magic bullet to audio bliss.  Still, I rate the speaker as most important, closely followed by the cartridge in a compatible arm and turntable, playing a great recording.  The chain of audio components is analogous to an integrative medical approach of nutritional optimization plus drugs when necessary.

"I don't want to convert this thread into extended medical discussions when the purpose is to wish Peter well and help in his recovery."

I cannot agree more.

(that is why I did not comment on your specific approach)
Peter, I hate to disagree with you Lol, but surely these are "your" poems.
I mean, isn't this how all art and inspiration works? Ideas come, the artist has no idea how.
I don't ."write" them....I just write them down.
Even that's poetic, and modest. 
Poems...they appear out of “ nowhere “, normally with tears.....many flavors of tears....

I’m glad you are getting through this. I just got my second moderna shot yesterday and felt like crap all night but starting to feel better as of 11 am EST.
I just look to Israel as they are furthest along in this journey and whatever they do always seems to make sense since they are always fighting for their survival. They bought up large quantities of the Pfizer vaccine months before everyone else - enough for all its citizens, and have completely reopened— they are partying like it’s 2019 as over 90 percent of people over 50 have been vaccinated and I believe about 60 percent of their total population.
Anyway, when will you be “back at it” in the shop?
I am extremely tired, and came to work today for 2 hours to deal with "emergencies" from being closed, and already looking for a large piece of bubble wrap to lie down on. We will see. No idea how much time it will take for clots and Covid residue to resolve.  The pile of work here for me is huge.

Exhaustingly yours - peter

I realize that I may be guilty of taking this thread in a technical, medical science direction, and if that offends anyone, particularly if it offends Peter, I apologize.  Having recognized that I broached these subjects and maybe took us in the wrong direction, I had decided to refrain from further comments of that ilk.  But I must correct some of the ideas planted, for sure with good intentions, by Mijostyn and Viber.
First, Mijo said, "The drive to get as many people vaccinated as possible is highly suspect. Trusting the pharmaceutical industry for advice in this regard is quite frankly, dangerous."  And now Viber quoted Mijo, in agreement. But the statement is false.  And I believe it is potentially damaging to the public health, if such sentiments convince unvaccinated persons to remain so. The pharmaceutical industry for sure is power and money hungry, but the drive to get as many people vaccinated as possible emanates from public health authorities who represent both the government and private research institutions. These are by and large really smart people who are not doing what they do primarily to make millions. Their zeal is justified by the results of the phase 3 trials of the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines.  Those trials showed not only a ~95% efficacy of both vaccines in preventing ANY clinical disease over the first 3 months after dose 2, but also that NONE of the participants developed severe enough disease to merit hospitalization. Nor did any persons vaccinated with either of the RNA vaccines in the course of the two phase 3 trials of those vaccines die of COVID.  In the control group for Moderna (or Pfizer), there were 11 deaths, for comparison.  We don't yet know the long term duration of such complete protection afforded by both of those RNA vaccines, but we also don't know the duration of protection afforded by naturally acquired infection. On that latter subject, however, we do know that there are rare second episodes COVID that were documented before we entered the COVID vaccine era, suggesting that protection afforded by natural infection is not all that durable.  Further, there is some scanty evidence that infection with seasonal coronaviruses that cause the common cold syndrome is also not permanently protective against that group of Coronaviruses.  Second illnesses with those viruses do occur, probably years after the primary exposure.  This is circumstantial evidence that the same may apply to COVID.  Both Mijo and Viber talk about what they perceive based on patients in their respective private practices, that patients who are vaccinated after having recovered from mild disease have the "worst" reactions to vaccine.  Ask yourselves just how severe are these reactions? Are you seeing something worse than the rare severe reactions we know about (which for the RNA vaccines is the very rare immediate hypersensitivity reaction or the common shoulder pain or malaise or fever on days 1-5)?  Are you having these exceptionally severe reactions documented?  Do you have a control group?  Are these post-vaccinal symptoms really worse than the disease itself?  (I very strongly doubt that.)  All the evidence we have in peer-reviewed journals regarding vaccine adverse events and the disease COVID itself suggest that one should get vaccinated (so far preferably with one of the two RNA vaccines, in my opinion), regardless of prior disease history.
Second, Viber brought up the issue of Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE).  The term arises from studies of the epidemiology of dengue fever.  It is probably a real phenomenon for dengue, because there are actually four antigenically distinct viruses that cause dengue fever, and ADE can occur after sequential infections with any two of those four, because the infections elicit a plethora of cross-reactive, non-neutralizing antibodies that bind the second infecting virus but don't neutralize it.  Antibody-bound virus can then enter certain cell types that express certain antibody receptors on their surface.  But classical ADE has never convincingly been shown to occur for any other virus, and the fact of those early monkey studies on COVID really is not convincing.  The experiments were artificial.  For one thing, there is only one serotype of SARS-CoV2.  For another thing, SARS-CoV2 apparently does not replicate well in those cell types that do promote ADE in dengue. I doubt that ADE had anything to do with Peter's unusual illness.  I'll stop there.

I am extremely tired, and came to work today for 2 hours to deal with emergencies" from being closed, and already looking for a large piece of bubble wrap to lie down on. We will see. No idea how much time it will take for clots and Covid residue to resolve. The pile of work here for me is huge.

Mr. Ledermann, 

For heaven sakes, you have just survived "full on hand-to hand combat" with one of the nastiest, devious and deadliest enemies the world knows.  You are not 30 yrs old; and even if you were, your body is still going to need some time to recover from this brutal ordeal. 

Your passion and commitment to your customers and your work is breath-taking, but for God's sake, please give yourself a break.  Be nice to yourself, take care of yourself, take this very small steps at a time or you risk becoming your own worst enemy.  The work and your customers can wait just a bit longer for the 'sage' to fully return; lean on your staff for support.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery - but please - small steps,


PS/I have 3 of your cartridges with one back for rebuild (Carmen) - no rush; another (Paua) later this year, and I just snagged a NOS Boheme and yes as your said - it punches way above its price point.  I want you to be around for a long time LOL - I like your product and above all else I admire and respect you as a human being.

Thanks for the link. I was going by current rules in Israel which. mostly, seem to be on the level that some places in the U.S.A. have been on from many months ago. Israel seems to have had much stricter rules prior to that so it is a relative loosening, but to levels still much stricter than 2019. Just like everyone else, I am waiting to see how their experiment will turn out to be, once they loosen it up to 2019 level.
Mr. Ledermann,

Your few posts might have done more for sobering up on this website than a number of CDC, FDA, and whatever else links over the last year. Thank you for that.

Just remember, slow and steady wins the race. It is much easier to trip when running, Take it easy and slow.
Unheard, Unseen


It’s when silence stalks the frozen wood

when the quiet repose of spring’s fertile hush

consumed by the rhythm of neighborhood  

dreams breathing feel of summer’s blush


it’s when the forest speaks so loud

I can’t help but weep the promise heard

when the wedded sense of all endowed

silence sweeps me through its every word


how present in absence, how the vacuum’s abhorred

how everything remains so fascinating

drags us away from ourselves so bored

to steal us from earth slowly rotating


it’s the wrong sense, lost time quickly ticking

heard too loud till worth’s undone

held too tightly smartly unwitting

itself now blind to the midnight sun


So I pray I not grow deaf and old

That my heart will forever long to feel

That my eyes not deceived by some fool’s gold

That what’s invisible speaks truly what is so real


Filled with life ever abounding

(always reborn)

Unspoken truth

(death’s not a dream)

The heart apart remains forlorn

When it loses hold

(of the hand of the unseen

~ peter ~ and a thank you to all who have sent me healing wishes.
In an age when marketing BS rules supreme, and social media produces enough gas to power hot air balloons for every man, woman and child on the planet, it's totally refreshing to have a thread like this w Peter's poetic licence on replies.
More power to your nocturnal pen and notepad, Peter.
Thanks for your input.  In brief, let me know what you think after reading and those 196 references included in the 4/19/21 analysis.  There are many articles on on related subjects.  ADE was demonstrated in ferrets after 100% deaths upon exposure to the SARS cov1 wild virus after a candidate cov1 vaccine.  Human use of the vaccine was not approved at that time.

To be honest and humble, there is not one physician or scientist who understands enough about this cov2 virus/variants/vaccines.  There is a lot to learn, most importantly after time has passed.  As an aside, I knew the renowned endocrinologist from Tufts, Dr. Andre Guay who was one of my mentors about the benefits of testosterone treatment.  There was a flawed VA study in 2013 reported in JAMA that claimed harm from testo treatment.  This was at odds with many prior studies and nearly 100 years of experience documenting benefits of treatment.  Andre went to the FDA to try to get them to remove the black box warning about testo.  He was so upset about the lack of understanding of the science from so-called "experts" at the FDA.  The truth is that INAPPROPRIATE dosing of testo is harmful in the long run, but widespread use of supposedly safe OTC drugs like ibuprofen has killed many people quickly from GI bleeding.  A few months later, I read an article co-authored by Andre, with a footnote stating that he had died.  When I saw him a few months before that, he seemed healthy and enjoying his family life at the age of 73.  I believe that he was so distraught at the failure of the medical establishment to be open minded, that this contributed to his death.

Many studies are artificial and flawed, which is why long term experience and study by clinicians is most important for any medical intervention.  These vaccines have only been granted emergency authorization, and full approval after much more experience won't be for a while.  Even so, I have seen many drugs withdrawn long after approval when subtle long term effects have been seen that could not have been known when approvals were granted.

To those doctors that have posted here. I have sent some clips to my Rheumatologist. This is a doctor who really CARES, and is a rare find. He has been helping me in researching and testing methods to treat my autoimmune disorder I have had for 30 years. God Bless him.

My posting this is not to continue this aspect of the thread, but to inform you of what someone who knows my medical history and someone who is brilliant medically has to say. I wish EVERYONE God bless - and stay safe. Covid is NOT going away.

Hi Peter-

 I guess I am taking these posts out of context because I am just seeing portions and missed the thread.

 But I do offer a few thoughts...

 First of all, it remains unclear exactly what happened to you. As I understand it, you were exposed to the coronavirus and were infected prior to the second vaccine. Then, unknowingly, did receive the second shot right around the time that symptoms would emerge, leading to a terrible reaction. Was the blood clot and PE a result of COVID19 re-infection or the vaccine? How can one tell?

 Both vaccinations and natural immunity ( following a previous infection, as in your case) help to reduce the risk of repeat infection, but cannot eliminate it .

 One explanation might be that getting the vaccine coincident with the true infection resulted in a massive immune activation that made you sick and contributed to the clots. Another might be that you had an exaggerated vaccine reaction that was responsible, rather than the infection itself (most people who have been reinfected with COVID have experienced a much milder course of illness than the first time). A third might simply be that the vaccine was not effective in your case , nor was natural immunity and you became reinfected and got quite sick and developed the blood clots, due to the infection. Blood clots, as you know have been associated with the J and J vaccine, not the one you received, but HAVE been seen frequently in  bad COVID infections.

 Those blood clots in many cases have been associated with the development of autoantibodies, induced by the virus, which impairs the clotting system.( We should check for those in your case, if not already done)

 And, you and I know, Peter, that your immune system is not exactly "normal". Long before all of this, we have been struggling with understanding what the nature of your autoimmune condition is and how to manage it.

 Perhaps your particular immune system is more susceptible to COVID infection, for some reason. Or maybe it renders you less responsive to vaccination thus leaving you vulnerable, so that either natural or vaccinated immunity is weak in your case. These are questions that we really cannot answer.

 As far as that other doctor's post about ADE ( antibody dependent enhancement) goes--there is so far, no evidence thatI am aware of that this exists in the case of COVD vaccination . It has only been seen in Dengue and remains mostly a theoretical phenomenon. Some virologists/immunologists/infectious disease experts expressed concern that this could happen with COVID vaccines, but so far, despite hundreds of millions of receiving various vaccine products throughout the world this has not been reported.

 And the notion that those with previous COVID infection should not receive the vaccine is, in my opinion , wrong. We know that natural immunity is of short duration and vaccination confers, in general, a better and longer protection.

I believe that it is true that individuals with prior infection histories tend to have  a stronger reaction to the first vaccination ( with COVID "virgins" tend to react-if at all-to the second shot) which is one reason, many experts recommend waiting 3 months after recovering from COVID before getting the vaccine.

( I recently saw a couple who both had severe COVID infections--he was hospitalized for nearly 3 months and almost died and she for a month and also had a pulmonary embolism) They went and got the vaccine about a month after recovering from that fiasco and both get real sick. He told me he felt as though he had COVID again--but it lasted a week and then they recovered fully)

 Some People are just generally against the vaccines and find others who share their opinion and then selectively support their position with "facts" and opinions that agree with their position.

 I feel terrible about what happened to you, but I think it is rare and I still believe that the vaccination programs are in the best interests of the society as a whole




thanks for sharing that

please don’t push yourself to get back to work too soon... as we age we heal slower... need time to let body try to get right

dunno if you have a couch (maybe have a colleague get you pillow, air mattress, blanket and put somewhere in your workplace??) to lie down at work, take 30 min breaks/naps while there

please take care of yourself let yourself get better -- the work can wait

Now, that is level-headed response by Dr. DL. It does not make some things about confirmation clear, though. There is also something called MIS-A. Hopefully, this case has been reported to the vaccine manufacturer, or whoever is keeping eyes on long-term effects. If the people from the hospital published it as a case report, it might help someone down the line.


You have an interesting concept of dying. Out of curiosity, was Dr. Guay taking testosterone supplements?
@retipper glad you are climbing out of the hole. For the love of a good dog and music we will do much. I also hope you can find a way to take time to heal.

autoimmune is a nefarious Bastard. It runs in my wife’s family - Lupus and nonspecific... so my empathy as you fight that

My best to you

Dear Peter, In my opinion, your own rheumatologist did a good job dissecting the issues in your case. Of course, I like what he wrote, by and large, because he agrees with me, (1) even if you’ve had COVID, it is still a good idea to get vaccinated, and (2) ADE is unlikely to play an important role in the genesis of severe COVID, with or without vaccine. When you told us about your recent medical history, I was struck by the fact that, were it not for your telling us you had a positive PCR test for virus in association with your acute illness, I would have doubted that you actually had a second infection, which is to say that it is not necessary to postulate that you had a second infection in order to explain your recent pulmonary emboli. For one thing, what you described are major thromboembolic phenomenon that blocked some of your major vessels. Although that probably can happen in COVID, COVID more typically causes "microthrombi" of the capillary bed that feeds pulmonary alveoli, the air sacs responsible for gas exchange in the lungs. Similarly, small clots can also form in other organs where the ACE2 receptor protein required by the virus for cell entry is expressed (heart, brain, etc), by a similar mechanism. Those are not "embolic"; they don’t come from somewhere else in the body. They are thought to be caused by direct infection of endothelial cells that line the pulmonary capillary wall. Those cells efficiently express ACE2. When they get infected, they release a clotting factor that alone can start the cascade that leads to microthrombi. Having very elevated D-dimers is not proof of COVID per se. Elevation of D-dimers in blood (and fibrin consumption) can occur in several other pathologic states. For another thing, you don’t describe much in the way of other symptoms that characterize COVID, except that you felt lousy for a few days before going to hospital. However, those who took care of you know much more about your case than I ever will, and if they say you had a second illness from COVID, I am in no position to doubt it.
I would take issue with only one point your doctor made: In COVID, absent vaccination, autoantibodies are not implicated in clotting abnormalities. See above for the accepted pathogenesis of "micro" clots in lungs and other organs. Autoantibodies are definitely implicated in the very rare cases of severe and often fatal thrombo-embolic disease in those who received either of the two vaccines that use adenovirus as a vector (AstraZeneca and J&J). The mechanism is very recently described (last week) and seems to be due to the fact that adenoviruses bind to platelets. In rare cases, this results in the generation of antibodies that recognize platelets, and that results in platelet destruction. The resulting very low platelet concentration in blood heralds the clotting problems that ensue. (It’s paradoxial that low platelets leads to clotting, but that is another story.) The incidence is very very low, probably lower than one case per million vaccine doses, but the consequences have been grave for those who contract this problem. When an adverse event is that rare, (and there is no prior basis to suspect it, because there have never been any other adeno-vectored vaccines in widespread use), there is no way to design a clinical trial to detect the problem prior to release of the vaccine. Fortunately, the recent reports also describe effective treatment regimens, if they are implemented promptly.
Thank you for your medical response and perspective. To be clear; I had sniffles and mild cough on a Monday (infected by a co-worker who did NOT get a Covid test for jaw/sinus pain started the prior week) and they infected everyone @ Soundsmith. By Wednesday, symptoms were mostly gone, so I got the 2nd shot Thursday at 2PM. Withing 4 hours was racked with pain, fever and headache. Friday Am was unable to breathe well, (hurt upon any kind of deep breathing) and Saturday/Sunday same. Monday AM got rapid test (positive) and PCR. Tuesday am got PCR positive test result, and called ambulance at noon due to not breathing well and all other symptoms. There you have the beginning of the sage, and transferred after 12 hours to a larger medical center for possible surgery for saddle PE. I think folks should consider getting a PCR test 4 days before 2nd shot - to be "safer".

Peter (still here..... ) For every Covid insight, there are 10 new questions. - I am very moved by the good wishes of those on this forum. As I live alone, this was very deeply frightening at a number of levels both in the hospital and when I came home alone and quarantined to "try" to care for myself. .
Thank you. Too interesting. This should really be published as a case report and more. For really good reason.
I got my bloodwork reports from the second hospital;  many aspects are way out of the "norm". 

I am hoping that the specialists I need to see can explain them to me.

Thank you again - one and all. Peter and Azul (the "wonder" dog")


Mr. Ledermann,

Your poems are just beautiful and I along with others thank you for those, and I along with others also thank-you for your candid discussion of your experience and even in the face of your experience your continued belief in the vaccine(s).  

One item to note is that healthcare providers are required (by law I assume) by the CDC/FDA to  Reporting Adverse Events Following Vaccination  Reporting Adverse Events Following Vaccination | Vaccine Safety | CDC and given the circumstances of your situation I would be surprised (maybe naïve) that the CDC would not be VERY interested in your case (assuming the report was filed).  If the CDC was actively involved in your case, it should bring in quite a bit of horsepower, and (trying to keep this light), who knows you may get the personal attention of Dr. Fauci. 

Take care,

PS/You know this site is not up to date when it thinks Fauci is a spelling error - LOL.
Glad to hear that you are improving Peter. Please don't prioritise cartridges over your recuperating. We want you around for the long haul.

Also thank you for telling us about the delivery of your poetry. By not taking credit, you strengthen the bond with the source of everyone's inspiration.

Stay well Sir. A lot of people hold you dear in their hearts.
local famous  restaurant boss husband and wife both just dead contacted covid after 2nd sinovac vaccine.

@viber6 good to hear I'm doing the right thing for my family. 5000iu a day since March 2020.

 local dr say 2x1000 a day. without proper measurement and test they recomend. kill many people 
I would like to close this post. The below is a poem that came to me years ago while driving. In the end, there is nothing but love that matters. Everything we have is on loan and can be taken back in a heartbeat. There is only one thing that cannot be taken away - and that is one’s good character that one has fought for. That would have to be given away. Thanks to you all again - and much appreciation for this blog.

The Parting

there is no place where leaves can fall

where the Earth will not love to embrace

as no color deep could hope to enthrall

my heart more than the gift of your grace

for the seasons not a time for change

but a change for time to draw a breath

and with its canvas rearrange

light from dark, life from death

as terraced gardens disappear

milkweed pods their children strayed

adrift on songs we’ve yet to hear

the invisible law to be obeyed

and with each part the parting goes

the autumn winds, the summer seeds

adrift beneath the winter snows

with noble dreams and daring deeds

So let time not into pieces go

where one without the other marks

a broken part of the heart we know

complete, and sails where love embarks

peter ledermann

Lastest success for the American
drug Leronlimab under test in the fight against Covid in the Philippines..My very best to you Peter... Tom

Watch "Doctor: Safety record of Leronlimab now being used against COVID-19 'astounding' | ANC" on YouTube

I'm coming out of my cone of silence to say that I somehow made it through that video.  It adds nothing to any evidence that Leronlimab does anything in the severe cytokine storm phase of COVID.  It's a pure anecdote, and as the narrators of the story admit, neither was directly involved in the care of the anecdotal case of Mr Estrada.  So we and they don't know what else was done for the patient that might have effected his favorable outcome, besides also kismet.  I fervently hope that Leronlimab is a good drug in severe COVID, but the proper studies need to be done, or if such a study has been done, it needs to be formally reported in a reputable peer-reviewed journal (not Youtube) before one can draw any conclusion.  Note that one comment on the video states that even the Philippines FDA has not authorized the drug even for emergency use.
Also has been used in the US..people need to ask more questions instead of big drug companies influencing the FDA.
Several American doctors have  come out in favor of this drug for covid use..including Dr. Bruce K Patterson who has over 138 research papers many related to Covid Hiv and Cancer. One doc stated that over 100,000 Covid patients could have been saved with the use of this very safe drug if it was eneacted over a year ago.
This drug disrupts the CCR5 receptor which squelches the cytokine storm. People need to know..Tom

Mr. Ledermann has implied that he would like to put this thread to rest. At least that is how I understood it.

Why not respect his intentions about the thread started for him?

As far as the drug you are advertising goes, please take it to some other venue where minutia of cytokine storm treatment can be discussed ad nauseam with more people who have actually seen one.
Gluppy as you are so lovingly and often referred to on these forums.  Your everyone's great grand mother in law. She though can probably explain to you in simple terms the conversion properties of a transducer something you so boldly failed to recognize recently on another thread. Peter builds some of the finest mechanical to electrical transducers on Earth. Take good care Peter.   

I am out of here stage left. Tom
Audiotweak, Why do you think it is referred to as a "Cytokine Storm"? Because dozens of different Cytokines are involved, is the answer, and CCR5 is only a minor player.  So far, no single cytokine suppressor or method of suppression has done more than a little good for patients in end stage disease. Some of them work well enough to have received an EUA from FDA.  Such an effect has not been formally shown for Leronlimab. For sure, you have no idea what it means to differentiate anecdotal evidence, including "testimony" from doctors you can find on the internet, from scientific evidence that is sound enough to use as a basis for a regulatory decision.  Your persistence in this matter causes me to wonder whether you have a financial interest in the drug.  Peter recovered, thankfully, without the benefit of Leronlimab.  May I use that as evidence it is not needed? By your standards, I could.

Gluppy as you are so lovingly and often referred to on these forums. Your (sic) everyone’s great grand mother in law.
FWIW, I enjoy @glupson’s clarity and sarcasm. I don’t get GGMIL vibes.