Peter Lederman in Second Bout With COVID-19

I saw on Facebook late last night that Mike Fremer told one of his Audio Friends that he heard from Peter Lederman of Soundsmith that he is suffering his second round with COVID.  Peter said he has blood clots on his lungs. That is all the post said.  Here is hoping that Peter pulls through with a full recovery. 

Showing 12 responses by mahgister

Like in audio discussion (objectivist versus subjectivist) there is 2 warring sides here....

And like in audio most people cannot think outside white or black, yes or no....Or beside their limited knowledge and dogmas,,,,

The situation in the world cannot be understood by one expertise field only.... Even in one field , like medecine there is more sub-fields which are completely out of the expertise of other sub-fields specialist... Add to that all the information to understand economy, politic, and complex geopolitic....

One perspective side here is based mainly in general medecine with his many sub-fields , the other side on politic and economical geopolitic situation, and the 2 side are warring each against the other here...

Actual perceived REALITY is not black nor white but colored by the light of the working brain outside of any field and with contributions from all of them....Pick a color but dont chose black or white please....


A damning intelligent and articulated post that spoke all of what are in my mind....

whipsaw for this...

I am very tired of audio thread divided in 2 warring groups...

The 2 groups being totally conditioned and ideologically spinning half truths....Like pro or con "anything" fill the blank....

Any complex situation cannot be understood from ONE field perspective ever...

Then instead of insults we must think together....Or at least alone with ourself....

Characterising covid like "a bad flu" dont reveal great understanding... And destroy all other rightful affirmations someone could make alas! Sorry...

And it is more a political bias that is not very inspiring for me....

It seems like in audio thread that life problem cannot be understood by ideology....But only from the perspective of many fields of research....

It seems that peircing the veil of misinformation is very difficult if our blinders are unacknowledged...

It seems that the actual situation CANNOT be understood only by medecine , politic, economy, psychology, ideology, all these fields apart and many other one, sorry....

 Self or external censorship is destruction of human soul....

I am very sad....By all this.... And the actual situation of this world....

Take all care of your health..... inform yourself..... think..... without blinders and think with all the facts and these facts are not visible through only one field....It takes many fields perspective to begin to understand the world where we have entered unconsciously decades ago but consciously only after covid...

My best to all and very respectfully the better health possible....

Negating this disease and linking it to political parties is pure stupidity...It is better not to post about  this anymore here....

@mahgister if you read my original post, it was the gross over reaction that I was unhappy with. I never said it wasn’t a real disease.
Also, I do not watch tv nor get my news from it.
Please get your facts straight before you feel the need to try to insult me.
Then i was wrong and i apologize...

The content of my post is valid anyway....But dont concern you...

It was not so much an overeaction tough like you just said, but way more an unprepared and irrational reaction... Some politically circle here speak about this "overreaction".... I have no affinity with these political agendas...

But when acting rationally with emphasis on treatment and not only mass compulsive vaccination, there is no overreaction with a real disease... But a political reaction negating the disease or putting all the eggs in the mass vaccination basket at all cost with a censure about various treatments is always a clumsy and evil reaction... Or a reaction motivated by money and power...The irrational closure of economy WITHOUT any proposed treatment save vaccination is an  irrational reaction...

Then if there is an overeaction it is not about the real disease but about a dictatorial solution: only mass vaccination without any emphasis on the available treatments and censorship about them... this is the ONLY overeaction....Then we dont speak you and i about the same thing with the word "overeaction"... For me right or left american politics, democrats or republicans are completely out of the right path with the reaction to this disease.... Guess why?

Medecine is not there for profit....If this is so, it is very dangerous like the situation in America and now in Europe demonstrate it clearly...

My best to you
Speaking of deaths numbers without having the real numbers (no one have it save few specialists able to interpret them )and negating the virus working is to say the least a political stupid stance...

The real problem is the politisation of a real disease...Politic in america from any side is a clowns theater...Go out from TV and awake yourself...

I am amazed by stupidity....

 i mute myself....

Going back to music....

It is not necessary to be a genius in audio matters to figure out why all people are push to be vaccinated at all cost on all media BUT no treatment research is allowed and proposed not even spoken about in any media by official and you will discover that some treatment at low cost exist, not one but many...

Vaccination of elderly and at risk people, even with a very NEW and non TESTED vaccines, MAY be understandable in an urgency context ....

BUT Vaccination of ALL people even young one with no option of very efficient and low cost treatment is not permitted at all....This is not rational, nor ethical, nor medically understandable....These treatments exist...

In Canada for example it is impossible to buy even veterinarian Ivermectin and impossible to have a doctor courageous enough to treat you with a very secure product and approved efficient product like ivermectin and the mention of this word "ivermectin" with covid appeal to a ban of anyone , even a ban of the inventor of the mRna vaccine itself Robert Malone, in youtube....Research about fluvoxamine also....

Question: what is youtube? who own it ?

Think about it....

Those who say that it is a "fake pandemic" are no more intelligent that those who wanted to vaccinated at all cost all people ....

Treatments exist but many doctors are afraid to promote them , why ? Politisation of all aspect of life even medecine is a sign of the decline of a society....

If you are not able to discover the answer right now about the total absence of treatment research and promotion, you have a cognitive problem ....

Vaccinations ALONE, especially with a new non tested technology, cannot be the ONLY solution... especially when treatments exist....

Vaccination of old and vulnerable people and treatments for the rest of less at risk population was and is the solution...

It is called medecine....

Selling vaccines coming from a non validated technology by testing it on a MASS scale to ALL people indistinctively of age or health status without publicizing any of the actually existing low cost treatment is not medecine it is business....Criminal business....Sorry....

There is a line
where white froth
gives way
to the blackest blue
of the wave

Devoid of light
and hope
that black line is
How true and how beautifully said...

I did not know him at all, but reading all testimonies here i want to join my prayer and best wishes to him and his family....