Peter Lederman in Second Bout With COVID-19

I saw on Facebook late last night that Mike Fremer told one of his Audio Friends that he heard from Peter Lederman of Soundsmith that he is suffering his second round with COVID.  Peter said he has blood clots on his lungs. That is all the post said.  Here is hoping that Peter pulls through with a full recovery. 

Showing 20 responses by theaudiotweak

Glupson there are results in the Philippines now. Why dont you look? There will be more announced results there this week.
Brazil was earmarked a large amount of doses thru a distribution partner. Tom

Send this to him.Latest is that it reduces the recovery time by 400%.
4 shots over 30 days does the trick so its reported.
So I have been following this stock for over a year now..
It is actually gaining traction hurt by terrible PR..
There was a similar super positive account in Britain and now from the Philippines..Peter's Docs should investigate this..Please.
Announcement coming Wednesday..Will let everyone know the news when and where I see the release.
Hopefully Peter's friends are looking in as well as others who have been laid up with covid. Beneficial to long haulers, perhaps.Tom
From YouTube..
The Results are in. The US FDA Knows Leronlimab Saves Lives!

The same company is also running tests with this same drug for long haulers those who have recurring issues after their initial recovery from covid.

My wife and I both received our 2nd Pfizer vaccine an hour ago. Stay well everyone. Tom
You took out of context the fact the FDA trial was with 2 doses rather than the 4 doses recommended by the manufacturer..
Mis reading the user manual when setting up a phono cartridge could lead to a poor endpoint. Endpoint for now. Tom

A previous trial with the FDA was for 2 doses,  the manufacturer requested a trial with 4 doses. Now there is to be a redo...Makes me wonder why the FDA over ruled the people that designed the drug..Leronlimab.  The power of this molecule is reported to be a potent drug in the fight against HIV and some types of cancer.
Maybe big drug firms are frightened by this molecule and want to mute the company or buy it up so as to continue with their sales of wares which are less effective. I hope not... People are still very ill and many are still dying here and everywhere. The fight is not over yet. Tom
What's a recult? The drug has proven to be very safe thru all its uses and applications precovid. Most common complaint is skin sensitivity at the injection site. The  trial on the former president of the Philippines these last days as reported by his son is said be a life saver and after one shot, 3 more to go. The limited doses for the trial may include only government and political figures for the rest of this week. That sucks if true. If that works then they may bring the drug in for the general public, we hope. Then onto Brazil which is in Dire Straits..and not the band. Tom
The real number was to be 4 doses specified by the drug maker not the 2 the FDA used for the Original Trial. Sure that would skew the final numbers.

More disclosure to come out this week from the use of this drug on critical care patients in the Philippines including a former ex president.  Not paranoid just alert and optimistic. Tom
Just listened to a webcast by 
Dr. Bruce Patterson about covid 19
Long Haulers who may have multiple symptoms and who may need multiple drug therapies, no 2 patients being exactly the same.
He is going to be setting up a website for long haulers testing and therapies with a 100 different doctors involved. Tom


With some effort I will read and listen deeper all the while bitching less and living longer. Tom
Lastest success for the American
drug Leronlimab under test in the fight against Covid in the Philippines..My very best to you Peter... Tom

Watch "Doctor: Safety record of Leronlimab now being used against COVID-19 'astounding' | ANC" on YouTube

Also has been used in the US..people need to ask more questions instead of big drug companies influencing the FDA.
Several American doctors have  come out in favor of this drug for covid use..including Dr. Bruce K Patterson who has over 138 research papers many related to Covid Hiv and Cancer. One doc stated that over 100,000 Covid patients could have been saved with the use of this very safe drug if it was eneacted over a year ago.
This drug disrupts the CCR5 receptor which squelches the cytokine storm. People need to know..Tom
Gluppy as you are so lovingly and often referred to on these forums.  Your everyone's great grand mother in law. She though can probably explain to you in simple terms the conversion properties of a transducer something you so boldly failed to recognize recently on another thread. Peter builds some of the finest mechanical to electrical transducers on Earth. Take good care Peter.   

I am out of here stage left. Tom
I also was trying to be informational and not to be shot at. The world needs both vaccines and therapeutics the one I mentioned may potentially be the turnaround short and long term. That's all. Tom
Charlie Sheen is still alive because of taking Leronlimab these last 6 yrs. What seems to be good for HIV is also good for Covid. Don't mention this to the FDA they get cranky when they need to think outside their's and the big pharma's pay scheme.

That wasn't a song from the mind or lips of Frank Zappa was it?
But he would probably comment on it...Tom