Perfect Path Technologies confusion

I’ve 8 STOP IT plugs and 3 Alpha E cards.  An exhaustive search of the forum and PPT website has not revealed to me clear concise usage parameters.  I own The Gate and that had only one closed ended application and it works well.

One STOP IT each in unused receptacle?  Or two in each if the plug is unused?  The cards, one atop each piece centered, over the power supply or under the unit?  Or stack them.  Thank you in advance.
"PPT mats and cards are no more effective than Pokemon!"
Not so fast. Pokemon are fun and you know why you get them.
stereo5 >>>

"I comment because it’s my opinion and this country is still free."
You are certainly free to express your opinion. Fair analysis’ is always welcome. However, when a member, for no apparent reason other than to hear himself talk, disparages a business person, calls names like "shill" "crook" "scam artist" "snake oil," etc., then I’m going to call them out every time.

You are most likely a decent person, and you certainly have a nice stereo system ... so you can’t be all bad. :-)

Where I see a problem is when a person hasn’t used the products they disparage, and then rant nonsense about how the products can’t possibly work. In doing so, whether intentional or not, it harms the business and the business person involved. THAT is criminal. THAT is what I take issue with.

  • " I also believe you are probably a shill for PP. Do you get a percentage out of every sale made through Audiogon or do you do this out of the goodness of your heart?"
You should see the stacks of paychecks I’ve accumulated. I’m saving up to buy my very own private jet.


People year what they want to hear and believe what they want to believe."

There is some truth to this statement and in fact you're own expressions contained within this forum do reflect the claim that you are hearing just what you want!

People year what they want to hear and believe what they want to believe.  I don’t buy into any of this.  I got sucked into Bybee products once and will never again let the hype influence my decisions.  My systems sound wonderful as is and I am truly satisfied.  I would rather listen to new music to broaden my horizons. 
stereo5"I believe Oregon Papa has a direct relationship with the manufacturer so he is totally biased."

It is probably safe to state without significant qualification or limitation that everyone hear is biased to some extent or degree but at least oreganpapa has actual, first-hand, real world experience and because of that his observations, findings and opinions carry a greater weight than those from less experienced, knowledgeable, and capable users especially those who form they're belief systems exclusively from "theory" and "feelings."
What sort of QC measures do you have in place?  Do you have an electron scanning microscope in the garage to check the nanoparticles?
I comment because it’s my opinion and this country is still free. I also believe you are probably a shill for PP. Do you get a percentage out of every sale made through Audiogon or do you do this out of the goodness of your heart?

Unless Barnum was Armenian, I would have to give you a big fat no on that.
stereo5 ...

  • "I read the dribble from Perfect Path and it sounds like a bunch of BS to me but I haven’t tried them so I can’t comment on their effectiveness or lack of."

If you "can’t comment," then why are you commenting? You’re sounding like a bunch of BS and dribble to me.

You’re not related to that Barnum guy, are you? :-)

I believe Oregon Papa has a direct relationship with the manufacturer so he is totally biased. I read the dribble from Perfect Path and it sounds like a bunch of BS to me but I haven’t tried them so I can’t comment on their effectiveness or lack of. If this company knows so much about nano technology and quantum mechanics I am sure Space X or NASA would love to hear from them. Why would they waste this “great” technology on we Audio fools when they could make far more money in the space industry?

For myself, I would rather take the money and spend it on new music than waste it on something I have absolutely no belief in. I will say one thing, PT Barnum would be proud of PP dribble.
@jnorris 2005

For full disclosure, I have been using some PPT products for several months, and have added additional items along the way. My experiences have been for the most part very positive along with some give and take in tuning my CD player along the way.

I have been using for almost 3 years a line stage that is -.5 db of gain along with the same amplifier, CD player, and speakers. Disc spinning is my only source.

Prior to the PPT products with approximately 5% of my discs my set up did not offer me enough gain to satisfy the listening level I wanted to reach. 

I have not auditioned all the lower output discs that I own, however the ones I have revisited now reach a satisfying level for me not previously achieved. I know nothing about nano technology, but this experiment tells me something is going on here.

jnorris200587 posts12-08-2019 8:06pm
’I don’t have to hear something to know I’m being led down the "PerfectPath" when the claims of the manufacturer are so outlandish and lack any grounding in common sense or science’.

Ok, Ok, Ok, slow down. Good for you, no problem amigo, happy listening. I think all here are glad you like doing things that way. Makes you happy right? You don’t really have to tell me though and probably most here. Because as you see if you have really checked things out with an open mind it has been stated before ad nauseam. I like the PPT products I have used. I highly recommend them. It makes me happy. That's ok right?


  • "I don’t belong here and I intend to find some other forum where, as roberjerman says "sanity prevails".

When you come into a forum and start calling viable products "scams" and their producers "crooks" without any experience in their uses, or any personal dealings with the manufacturers, and/or demean the other member’s choices, you have no credibility what-so-ever.
And by the way, there has been nothing "open" about your "discussions." Your "discussions" have all been about you and your ridiculous opinions on products you know nothing about.

The only thing you’ve said so far that is correct is that you "don’t belong here."

Don’t let the door hit you in the hind-quarters on your way out the door.

thecarpathian  I came for open discussions about honest products and maybe to pick up some hints on prospective purchases and tweaks.  What I'm seeing is people with more dollars than sense shilling ridiculously expensive products espousing magic, voodoo and alchemy.
If I walked into a craft fair and one of the vendors told me that the wrought-iron ducks they build in their basement contain nanotechnology that removes negative energy and allows the freer movement of electrons, I would walk away very quickly.  My guess is that many of you would not.  I don't belong here and I intend to find some other forum where, as roberjerman says "sanity prevails".

  • "Why do people buy products with no instructions about how to use them correctly?"

Why do people continue to knock products they haven't tried for themselves?


roberjerman ...

  • +1 jnorris2005! Sanity prevails! PPT mats and cards are no more effective than Pokemon!

Just out of curiosity, which PPT mats did you try? Were they the originals or the new "Plus" mats? Also, where did you place the mats and the Alpha cards only to find that they were ineffective? And just one more question ... Was the 90-day return policy honored when you tried to return them?

Curious minds want to know ...

Thanks ..

celtic66 ...

All of your questions have been answered in the PPT threads. They’re quite long, so hope you find this helpful ...

On the "Stop-Its" ... For best effect, use one for each open duplex throughout the house. If a receptacle has two open duplex, use two Stop-Its. Four open duplexes, use four Stop-its. It took 25 Stop-Its to do my place. The results were very significant.

On the Alpha E-Cards ... I have them in various locations, all spelled out in the PPT threads.

I have two stacks sitting on each side of my turntable motor. I have them on my PC and the modem in the bedroom system. They have been slid between the duplexes and the wall. Just enough room there for two on each side. I have them on top of the DVD player and the satellite box on the TV. Oh, and I have one between the back of my cell phone and the cell phone case. There’s more, but just use your imagination.

And by the way, the new Omega "Plus" E-mats are super effective. Much more powerful than the original Omega E-Mats. So, you might want to try them next. 

Hope this helps ...

jnorris2005 ...

  • "If you think any of this nonsense is real, then more power to you. I prefer to spend my hard earned money on real products, not the figments of some charlatans overactive imagination."

One of the beauties of free-market capitalism (what’s left of it) is that we have a multitude of choices in the products we use. Those of us who are currently using various products from Perfect Path Technologies are very happy with the results. You are obviously hampered by a closed mind when it comes to these products. However, even with a mind slammed shut, you still are a participant in the free market of choice. Therefore, you have the choice of NOT using the products as you wish. In the meantime, keep your childish insults to yourself. You are being ridiculous.

Yet again, you’re working with no data at all.
0% experience.
100% ignorance.
Why are you here? Seriously, why are you here?
You know nothing of these products or the folks who run the company.
I do, and they are good, honest people.
Going to dispute that also?
The OP was asking specific questions about a product he has. This thread is not a debate on the efficacy of said product. You are blatantly off topic. And blatantly ignorant.
Actually, I'm working with real-world data, the theories are in your head.  Do you really think that PerfectPath or SR have the facility to work with nanoparticles?  Do you really think that they're able to bend quantum physics right there within their own little laboratories.  Do you really think that sticking a little card on the cover of your power panel will allow the flow of current from your incoming AC to become more responsive? The dearth of any other information on their website other than promising "better performance" is telling - and it tells me that these creeps are too lazy to even bother coming up with their own pseudoscience.

If you think any of this nonsense is real, then more power to you.  I prefer to spend my hard earned money on real products, not the figments of some charlatans overactive imagination.

jnorris2005 "these crooks are depending on their ability to hypnotize you into thinking they have something magical"

You have no real world data, only theory in your head yet you are certain. I work in (conventional) medicine yet am also aware of various alternative practices, some with hundreds of years experience, yet most conventional physicians will tell you they can’t possibly do much. There are people like you in every field on knowledge.

After reading the first part of your first sentence, there was no point in reading any further. Says it all, doesn’t it. You are here for the sole purpose of denigrating a product which you admittedly have zero experience with, yet have 100% ignorance of. To bash a company you know nothing about. You must be so proud....oh, I see you do this on other threads as well.
That should make you doubly proud....
thecarpathian  Oh, and by the way, most companies offer money back guarantees knowing full well that only a handful of people will take them up on it.  They also know that any negative reviews will be discredited and denigrated by people like you.
thecarpathian  You are right, I am coming from a position of ignorance when it comes to these product, and I am coming from that position because I am NOT ignorant.  If you hear a dramatic improvement in your system then great.  As a matter of fact, I have some "Audiophile Air" to sell you.  This stuff, which comes in a convenient aerosol can, will lift a veil off your speakers and allow you to hear deep into the soundstage as never before, bringing clarity and dynamics far exceeding previous limitations.  Bass will tighten and voices will come alive with that "In-the-room" presence.
After I've sold you 10 cans at $500 a piece, I have a friend that has a bridge he'd like to sell you. 
Hi celtic 66, placement by users has been covered extensively in the PPT threads. You could have gone to any of those threads and simply asked. The guys would be happy to help you out.
jnorris 2005,
You are speaking from a position of complete ignorance. You sure are opinionated for someone who has zero experience with PPT products and probably SR products as well.
I, on the other hand do have first hand knowledge and experience with PPT products. They work as advertised and I am a very satisfied customer.
Until you have in fact tried any of these products, your words are meaningless.
I reiterate, an unprecedented 90 day return policy. You have nothing to lose but your ignorance...
I also find it insulting you opine that thousands of happy customers are so ’weak minded’ as to be simply fooling ourselves. Gosh, must be great to be as smart and closed minded as you....
berner99  I don't have to hear something to know I'm being led down the "PerfectPath" when the claims of the manufacturer are so outlandish and lack any grounding in common sense or science.  If you want to buy this stuff to try it out, be my guest, but just like with the nanotechnology and "quantum" science that shysters like Ted Denny and Synergistic Research foist upon us, these crooks are depending on their ability to hypnotize you into thinking they have something magical and you WILL hear an improvement, you WILL hear an improvement, you WILL...
An unprecedented 90 day return policy.
Yeah, heck of a scam they're running there......

jnorris2005 When a tiny company advertises the use of nanotechnology for an audio system usage, claiming that you just put it under any audio component or stick it inside your power input panel to achieve all manner and sort of magical audible improvements, loud bells should be ringing in your head."


When people who have never heard something (I’m coming into this discussion late--correct me if you’ve tried these and didn’t find any benefit) say it must be a fraud, my reaction, is that it might be, but you have no way of knowing.

Since a number of people claim benefits, I’ve ordered one mat and I’ll see if I can tell any difference or not (this board is dangerous). Not sure I’ll be buying tons of them considering the expense, but I’m curious. If it works, that doesn’t mean the theory of the company selling it is necessarily why/how it works--if I works, I don’t care why.

Seeing people upset because something can’t work is interesting. Perhaps it is threatening to them because if it works then their idea of what can or can’t work and how the world works is flawed.

I use a Stop It in each unfilled ac location. So if a duplex is totally blank and open then I use 2 Stop Its
The E Cards seem to work well anywhere . A friend has 2 on his Linn Lp12 at irregular and unusual angles he said it made a nice improvement.
At another house I placed 1 E Card over the breaker in his box that feeds his audio wall..very noticeable and immediate increase in air and resolution. I really think the placement of the cards and the mats on a single chassis is not that crucial. The effect of the cards and mats is almost fluid like and in a short time fills the chassis with many musical benefits. I have over time placed more than 1 card or more than 1 mat on all my component parts and there has always been another benefit to soundstage and density.  Tim thought there was a benefit in sound when the mats or cards were stacked. If you have just the 3 then I would put 1 on each component.  This has been my experience. Tom
+1 jnorris2005! Sanity prevails! PPT mats and cards are no more effective than Pokemon! 
When a tiny company advertises the use of nanotechnology for an audio system usage, claiming that you just put it under any audio component or stick it inside your power input panel to achieve all manner and sort of magical audible improvements, loud bells should be ringing in your head.  When they further offer no other explanation of how it works or how it should be used, it should be apparent that they know it doesn't and it doesn't matter.  Admit to yourself that you have been scammed and do everything in your power to get your money back.
“You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks.”
 Winston S. Churchill

Obviously, none presently would be useful in an orthopedic procedure newly developed inclusive of hardware unfamiliar surgically to those present.  That has been oft enough my world.

I'll wait for a more constructive posting.
Why do people buy products with no instructions about how to use them ...
Perhaps a better question is: Why do companies sell products with no instructions about how to use them?
Concise usage parameters are listener and system dependent.
Where is your sense of adventure, your pioneering spirit?
In the absence of "how NOT to use something, " you are on your own!
Why is that a bad thing?
Why do people buy products with no instructions about how to use them correctly?