Perfect Path Technologies confusion

I’ve 8 STOP IT plugs and 3 Alpha E cards.  An exhaustive search of the forum and PPT website has not revealed to me clear concise usage parameters.  I own The Gate and that had only one closed ended application and it works well.

One STOP IT each in unused receptacle?  Or two in each if the plug is unused?  The cards, one atop each piece centered, over the power supply or under the unit?  Or stack them.  Thank you in advance.

Showing 22 responses by oregonpapa

roberjerman ...

  • +1 jnorris2005! Sanity prevails! PPT mats and cards are no more effective than Pokemon!

Just out of curiosity, which PPT mats did you try? Were they the originals or the new "Plus" mats? Also, where did you place the mats and the Alpha cards only to find that they were ineffective? And just one more question ... Was the 90-day return policy honored when you tried to return them?

Curious minds want to know ...

Thanks ..


  • "Why do people buy products with no instructions about how to use them correctly?"

Why do people continue to knock products they haven't tried for themselves?


jnorris2005 ...

  • "If you think any of this nonsense is real, then more power to you. I prefer to spend my hard earned money on real products, not the figments of some charlatans overactive imagination."

One of the beauties of free-market capitalism (what’s left of it) is that we have a multitude of choices in the products we use. Those of us who are currently using various products from Perfect Path Technologies are very happy with the results. You are obviously hampered by a closed mind when it comes to these products. However, even with a mind slammed shut, you still are a participant in the free market of choice. Therefore, you have the choice of NOT using the products as you wish. In the meantime, keep your childish insults to yourself. You are being ridiculous.

celtic66 ...

All of your questions have been answered in the PPT threads. They’re quite long, so hope you find this helpful ...

On the "Stop-Its" ... For best effect, use one for each open duplex throughout the house. If a receptacle has two open duplex, use two Stop-Its. Four open duplexes, use four Stop-its. It took 25 Stop-Its to do my place. The results were very significant.

On the Alpha E-Cards ... I have them in various locations, all spelled out in the PPT threads.

I have two stacks sitting on each side of my turntable motor. I have them on my PC and the modem in the bedroom system. They have been slid between the duplexes and the wall. Just enough room there for two on each side. I have them on top of the DVD player and the satellite box on the TV. Oh, and I have one between the back of my cell phone and the cell phone case. There’s more, but just use your imagination.

And by the way, the new Omega "Plus" E-mats are super effective. Much more powerful than the original Omega E-Mats. So, you might want to try them next. 

Hope this helps ...



  • "I don’t belong here and I intend to find some other forum where, as roberjerman says "sanity prevails".

When you come into a forum and start calling viable products "scams" and their producers "crooks" without any experience in their uses, or any personal dealings with the manufacturers, and/or demean the other member’s choices, you have no credibility what-so-ever.
And by the way, there has been nothing "open" about your "discussions." Your "discussions" have all been about you and your ridiculous opinions on products you know nothing about.

The only thing you’ve said so far that is correct is that you "don’t belong here."

Don’t let the door hit you in the hind-quarters on your way out the door.

stereo5 ...

  • "I read the dribble from Perfect Path and it sounds like a bunch of BS to me but I haven’t tried them so I can’t comment on their effectiveness or lack of."

If you "can’t comment," then why are you commenting? You’re sounding like a bunch of BS and dribble to me.

You’re not related to that Barnum guy, are you? :-)

stereo5 >>>

"I comment because it’s my opinion and this country is still free."
You are certainly free to express your opinion. Fair analysis’ is always welcome. However, when a member, for no apparent reason other than to hear himself talk, disparages a business person, calls names like "shill" "crook" "scam artist" "snake oil," etc., then I’m going to call them out every time.

You are most likely a decent person, and you certainly have a nice stereo system ... so you can’t be all bad. :-)

Where I see a problem is when a person hasn’t used the products they disparage, and then rant nonsense about how the products can’t possibly work. In doing so, whether intentional or not, it harms the business and the business person involved. THAT is criminal. THAT is what I take issue with.

  • " I also believe you are probably a shill for PP. Do you get a percentage out of every sale made through Audiogon or do you do this out of the goodness of your heart?"
You should see the stacks of paychecks I’ve accumulated. I’m saving up to buy my very own private jet.



  • "Who is Tim Mrock?"

Tim was the developer and genius behind the development of the PPT products in partnership with his wife Krissy. Tim passed away after a short illness a few weeks ago. Krissy is dealing with running the business with a huge hole in her heart. So, I'm asking for a little respect for her by asking the guys to cease with the disparaging remarks concerning the products.

A little serious business is in order here ...

Hateful words are like bullets exiting a gun barrel. Once they leave the barrel, it is impossible to retrieve them.

I would like to ask the members to be respectful toward Tim Mrock’s widow, Krissy. I know that she reads the posts here in the forums. She certainly doesn’t deserve some of the comments being made here.

Grief is very painful. There is no need to add to it.

stereo5 ...

"I honestly had no idea. Had I known that, I would have stayed away from this conversation. My condolences to his wife Krissy."

Thank you. You're a class act and much appreciated. 

 atdavid ...

  • "Are you saying this is an acoustic product and not an electrical product? (Both?)"

Interesting question.  I'd say it could be both. Dampening, while at the same time, affecting the signal. 

We're not on a level playing field, Glupson. Some of us know the meaning of callousness and some do not.

glupson ...

Get a clue, man. No one is saying do not discuss the products.
If you want to discuss the products in a positive light, a neutral light, or even in an inquisitive light, then discuss away. 

What is being said is do not attack the manufacturer with negative, uninformed and ill-informed BS at this point in time. To do so is cruel and completely out of step with being a well balanced, positive human being.

Have a little compassion, will ya? <Sheesh!>


stereo5 ...

Thanks for the heartfelt post. 

As I said previously ... you are a class act. 

twoch ...

So sorry to hear that your Omega + E-mat didn't come with instructions. Someone at the factory must have slipped up with your's. Every one of my original E mats came with instructions, as have all of my Omega "Plus" mats. 

PM me with your address and I'll be more than happy to send you the instructions that came with one of my mats.

  •  "A negative word in the community can have devastating results for them."

A negative word? How about scores of negative words?

Over time, for whatever reason, there have been those who without trying a product, try to dissuade others from buying these products with their over the top, uninformed, or misinformed opinions. These are the miscreants that in the past I have referred to as "destroyers," "looters" and "arsonists." I believe those are apt words to describe these evil-doers. 

fleschler ...

You’ll have to come up soon to hear what The Gate, the Stop-Its, and the new Omega *Plus* Mats are doing. If you were to apply the *Plus* Mats to your Legacy Focus and Signature III speakers, you wouldn’t want to leave home. Not even to replenish your food supply. :-)

More Eva Cassidy:

geoffkait ...

Living in Southern California, I see the nature of these uncivilized apes and their simian spouses every time I get on the local freeway.

Sometimes I find myself wishing that I was a Highway Patrol officer with the ability to make myself and my cruiser invisible ... then reappear just as I'm on their asses, then turn the red lights and siren on. 

In Southern California, livin' the dream. 

  sgordon1 ...

I have both The Gate and the new Omega + mats in the circuit breaker box. Adding the mats was like supercharging The Gate. The mats were set up against the breaker switches, and the door was closed.

The new Omega + mats, in combination with The Gate, lowers the distortion even further than The Gate and the original two Omega mats that were in the breaker box. BUT ... the *Plus* mats have their own characteristics.  They seem to expose the tonality of instruments in a very positive way. It is hard to describe it, but you'll know its there. Just closer to real instruments playing before you. The same can be said for the human voice.  I've experienced that same phenomenon no matter where I place the *Plus* mats. 

My latest experiments with the new mats have been placing them on the speakers in line with the drivers. You've most likely read the results of that in the threads.   Big improvements to be had there.

If I had to number the most effective placements (in my system) for the *Plus* mats, I'd categorize it like this:

1. In the circuit breaker box.
2..On the outside of the speakers in line with the drivers.
3. Under the power conditioner.
4. Under the electronics ... amp, pre-amp, phono stage and then the CD player or DAC.
