Perfect Path Technologies confusion

I’ve 8 STOP IT plugs and 3 Alpha E cards.  An exhaustive search of the forum and PPT website has not revealed to me clear concise usage parameters.  I own The Gate and that had only one closed ended application and it works well.

One STOP IT each in unused receptacle?  Or two in each if the plug is unused?  The cards, one atop each piece centered, over the power supply or under the unit?  Or stack them.  Thank you in advance.

Showing 12 responses by theaudiotweak

I use a Stop It in each unfilled ac location. So if a duplex is totally blank and open then I use 2 Stop Its
The E Cards seem to work well anywhere . A friend has 2 on his Linn Lp12 at irregular and unusual angles he said it made a nice improvement.
At another house I placed 1 E Card over the breaker in his box that feeds his audio wall..very noticeable and immediate increase in air and resolution. I really think the placement of the cards and the mats on a single chassis is not that crucial. The effect of the cards and mats is almost fluid like and in a short time fills the chassis with many musical benefits. I have over time placed more than 1 card or more than 1 mat on all my component parts and there has always been another benefit to soundstage and density.  Tim thought there was a benefit in sound when the mats or cards were stacked. If you have just the 3 then I would put 1 on each component.  This has been my experience. Tom
I answered how to use the Perfect Path products the other day. Many many others have also answered the same questions on 4 or 5 other threads about the Perfect Path products. Hundreds of users and thousands of responses are positive for the use of Perfect Path products.**Brilliant**...Tom

Tim however was not a con man. He did however have a confidence in his own skill at discovery. Every waking moment was him rolling and processing what he found the day before. Nothing fake about Tim or any of the products he has brought to market or that will come to market. Tom
More surface area of treatment.

 The Stop Its in use will also greatly reduce interferring energy that will be introduced thru the unterminated mechanical resonance the contacts within the outlet generate.  Less resonance results in a cleaner signal all other things being equal.Tom
On the level Glupson describe your experience with interrfering energy and by what materials and surface geometry it occurs. And then tell us how you remove or reduce this interference. Tom
If I treat the transformer that intersects my property line as well as my neighbor to the left of me will that meet your criteria?  I have those devices on order for such treatment.

Have you ever ordered anything? 
Do you ever contribute anything?
Have you ever contemplated to offer anything of substance other than the color brown?

Your expertise has been nothing recently or never..I expect nothing more from you than wet air escaping one  of your blow holes.  Everyone should step away. Tom
Glupson is an example of what???? 
Fill in the space below with a run on sentence..............

What you wrote made for a good read. I will follow suit..

So much new technology out there..comes to my phone everyday.
Just incredible device and materials.
Here is a new arrival.

No confusion..attaching  a new double strength Mat+ under my speakers where the crossover is tensioned and tuned inside the cabinet makes for a greater improvement than 2 new Mat+s on top of each speaker. More follow up in the coming days. Tom