One Cord To Rule Them All

I'm seeking advice for a power cord to go from the wall outlet to my PSA P10 power regenerator. It needs to be 1.5M / 5 ft. and have the ability to pass 600 watts for many hours per day. My current PC is a Pangea AC-9, and my budget is about $200 to $300. The candidates I have so far are: Pangea AC-9 SE Mk ll, Audio Envy Ocean 3, or a PS Audio AC10 (used for about $300). Any thoughts? ... Thanks
Yes, for interconnects and speaker cables, but I believe solid core wire is not recommended for power cables due to the higher potential for breakage due to repeated bending.  There have been a couple of folks who have discussed that, in their opinion, Romex would actually sound pretty good as a power cord but is not recommended because of the safety issue.  I have never tried it.
 In my modest system , I upgraded from the Pangea to a Shunyata Venom HC on my Richard Gray and had a noticeable improvement. This comparison was after I installed a 20 amp Hubble outlet . Hopefully you’ve upgraded your outlets . Cheers , Mike. 
Shunyata  Venom HC or Essential Sound Products MusicCord Pro are really well made and inexpensive. 
I use a Markus Tunis Black Shadow power cord with my PS 5 and it works well.  I thought it was an improvement over the stock cord in my listening environment.
The title was meant as this one cord will carry all the AC for all the other cords in my system. It will go from the wall to my re-generator.
"Thanks to all, except that guy who kept "schooling" me about the watts. :-)"


just passing along actual hard fact. I’d like to think everyone here wants to acquire knowledge and maybe pass some.This thread caught my attention since I believe in both the PP and some cable tweakery.

The disappointing thing is no one else came in for the assist to back up the basic electronics 101 facts. That’s more concerning.

Once again, wattage is the product of current and voltage at a load, that’s it. It doesn’t "flow" anywhere. Voltage doesn’t flow either.
I know you said "power cord" but I’d rather just give you a lot of great info about cables and how to get the best possible sound. Read my entire message to learn...

Firstly, buy a "hospital-grade" power cable cord. Better than standard, cheap, or "reference" power cables. Why? they must be certified to reach a particular standard of operationality.

But why do cables sound slightly different? Inductance, capacitance, and impedance are specs that manufacturers can tinker with. And when they do, the sound invariably changes. (more bass/treble/midrange) they can tweak that. So your "reference cables" are now coloured sounding and useless.

A cable shouldn’t add anything to the sound. Short runs of cable always better if you can.

All you need are interconnects with PCOCC copper - was invented in Japan. The crystal grain structure is actually smoother and more linear than standard copper. Look this up...I’m sure you’re curious now.

PCOCC cables are ideal for connecting components together. But besides that, Furutech speaker wire and the cable that came with your headphones are fine.

No need to spend thousands, or tens of thousands. One really funny event - One of my buddies bought a cable with an "advanced filter" to improve the neutrality of the audio. We opened it up and a combination of foam and superglue were holding it all together.

Once we striped the wire, we found the cheapest and thinnest copper we’d ever seen...and tons of shielding surrounding it to make it appear to be a hefty and "high quality" cable.

But alas, I cannot teach anyone anything. I can only make them think. The worst thing that could happen is when people always go back to what they were doing previously, and failing; then blaming me for trying to help them.

+2 to lalit. Those who say you just need X gauge and your all good have never tried other power cords to listen how they effect SQ. I can tell you that the Mega 3 is better than any other PC I've tried. I certainly would not send it back and like I said before, will be buying more. Take the plunge and you'll hear just how good AE power cords are. You have 45 days to send back if you don't like them.
+ 1 on Cullen Cable. The only downside is their product rarely shows up on the used market and there is probably a 3+ week wait if you order something directly from them. I have no experience with Pangea products; but, a friend of mine who works in the audio business was impressed with them based on their price points (most will tell you the same about Cullen Cable).

Based on your budget and browsing the current Audiogon listings, there appear to be intriguing options from: Silnote, Audience, Morrow Audio, Audio Art, Nordost, Synergistic Labs & Acoustic Zen.

Good luck in your search!
Oh.... that’s so cute. You two should get a room. And some “Romex” wire
Thanks cakyol.

You are surely right!  Save that I've got a lot of sense  :-)

You've probably read my posts elsewhere about the juice coming from the power station via the sub-station and your house wiring.  Unless it contains active filtering circuitry, the last 5 foot of wire cannot change the juice that has travelled 100 miles on someone else's wires.

That PROVES I am right on this.  It's just simple logic.


You seem to have some sense.  Do not try and argue with the $1000/power cable crowd.  You will never win.

I just use 20 cents/ft  Romex wire and it works perfect :-)

There you go! I forget to mention the 45 days trial. I have invested over $5K in AE cords and yet to return a single cord.
Lalitk: You are exactly right. I should find out for myself. I think the Mega 3 is the one to try. Plus there is a 45 day trial. Since this is my only hobby, I can, and should, try it out.  Thanks to all, except that guy who kept "schooling" me about the watts. :-)
Well, it looks like there are 2 camps here. One says keep what I have because before the P10 "wire is wire" and the other half thinks it all matters.
And a third camp that also believes "it all matters" but need not be more than what is optimal for the job.   A 7 to 9 gauge power cable is likely larger than the romex in your wall and should deliver the current just fine.  Good connectors and shielding would be a plus.
“ I was tempted to get the Audio Envy Mega 3, but this ongoing discussion has me undecided.”

You came here to ask for opinions and you got exactly that! If you don’t think your audio system worth experimenting with a $300 power cord on a $5K component then my friend you are in the wrong hobby :-)

What is the worst buy that cord and don’t hear any improvements over existing cord. Well, you sell that cord and absorb some loss but you will stop wondering and move on to focus on something else in your system. That piece of mind, knowing you have tried and trusted your own ears is priceless.

BTW, I am using AE Mega 3’s in my system, excellent cord for the money.
Well Koestner, perhaps you borrow 5 foot of fancy cable and buy 5 foot of cooker wire.  Do a listening test.

Please come back and tell us all about it.
Well, it looks like there are 2 camps here. One says keep what I have because before the P10 "wire is wire" and the other half thinks it all matters. Just for the record, it is a dedicated line with a SR Black power outlet. I was tempted to get the Audio Envy Mega 3, but this ongoing discussion has me undecided. I guess like all "hi-fi" there will be forever disagreements.
You want to get power from the wall to the regenerator over a distance of 5 feet?  And you want to push 600 watts (5A at nominal voltage).  How would you spend more than a couple of dollars doing that?  Standard household power cable does that all day long.  Nothing is going to change between the wall and the regenerator.  It is the PSA 10's job and raison d'être to eliminate line noise, waveform fluctuation and feed perfect sine wave power to your equipment.  Spending hundreds of dollars for a "cable" to bring it power makes no sense whatsoever.
What's puzzling is the OP has a Power Plant P10-the top model along with a more than adequate aftermarket cable. 

Looks to me a case of reading too many audio forums/articles.
He already has a well-made 9 awg power cable.
For $89, he could purchase a better made 7 awg power cable.
If he wants to spend a bit more, here is another 7 awg cable that should sound good powering his regenerator.
If he wants to spend more, a dedicated power line would be a good thing IME.
Try signal cable.. They have a 10ga power cord starting t 89$ that is well made and up to the task..
Power wire is power wire guys.  End.

Miller, you're forgetting Class A.
My Krell KRS200s pull down more than a kW per side full-time.
Ready to provide instantaneous fully powered action.
I noticed a positive difference going from the stock power cable to a Cullen Cable Gold Series when I was using a Yamaha integrated.  I kept it in my current setup (NAD M33), never even tried the stock PC that came with it.
This is a comprehensive review of ’Best in Class - 27 best Audiophile Power Cables - Shootout' - poststed by Jay Luong:

Please understand that these particular PC’s are way overpriced of what the OP’s price range is. Nonetheless it was an eye opening read for me and most manufacturers tend to use the same technologies albeit scaled down to the less expensive models.

The Synergistic Research Atmosphere UEF Level 3 surprisingly, fared quite well against all the others 27 well known and not so well known top level brands.

In the OP’s price rage the Synergistic Research has introduced the ’Foundation’ series power cords ranging in prices range from $299 to $699 at the standard 5ft lengths.

All manner of used Synergistic Research PC’s also come up for sale as owners of these PC’s tend to upgrade. And there’s nothing wrong with buying used.
You already have the Pangea AC-9, so why not compare it to the stock cord that came with your P10 to hear if those who say cords don’t make a difference are correct. Do the test for yourself and maybe save your money.
Totally agree that if you don’t have dedicated circuits and proper receptacles you should start there. Best thing I ever did to my system and looking back I probably wasted a lot of time evaluating and upgrading equipment prior to.
You are asking for 5 amps continuous from the mains.  That is really nothing...

Any cheap 14/12 AWG Romex wire will do it with flying colors.

Do not fall for the typical ridiculous power cord claims which charge equally ridiculous prices.

What Mitch said. Worry about the outlet power to the regenerator. A big gauge cord is more than enough. My furman is plugged into a dedicated 20 amp circuit with an audioquest nrg outlet. I’ve got a regular pc. I test it with an rf tester. It’s dead quiet. 
As mentioned above a used a Kimber PK10 Gold is a very good cable. Used to use them on my amp going directly to the wall and my PSA P5. Later went to WyWires Silver Juice II HC (High Current) on my P5 and it was an improvement with lower noise floor. WyWires Platinum HC on amps. The Kimber is really good, a little softer presentation if you want to mellow your system a little. Pretty sure the Kimber is not shielded so keep clear of other cables. Very flexible cable too. Later version have black Techflex jacket and look nicer than the earlier green jacket.
I have two PowerPlants. One is a P20 and I have that fed by a AQ Tornado HC cable I got at a discount running from a Shunyata wall outlet fed by a 20 amp line direct from the breaker box. I also have a P12 which is fed by a Shunyata Venom V2 HC cord to a PS8 which is then connected via a Shunyata Delta NR to the wall another Shunyata outlet as above. The reason I don’t have an even more robust cable on the P12 is because the receptacles on the P12 are close together and I the plug would partially block an adjacent receptacle. I could also use a Shunyata Delta EF cable there. 
I would talk to Cap over at Audio Envy, ask him to make you a Mega Power Cord. It can deliver 20 amps of continuous power. I think they're about $300. The performance upgrade of using this in my PS Audio Power Plant was a bigger improvement than the initial Power Plant; I couldn't tell you why.
A used kimber pk10 gold would be a very good choice or about the amount of money that you want to spend.
As above, the Nordost Blue Heaven,  is a good PC at its price-point.

Happy Listening!
I experimented a little with power cords for PS Audio Premier regenerator.
In descending order: older Purist Audio Dominus Ferox - best. Unfortunately I need it for the power amp. Then Purist Audio Aquila, Wywires Silver Digital, Custom Power Cord Company Top Gun, PS Audio don’t remember the model, something old and inexpensive, and finally $15 14 gauge shielded cord bought on ebay. So I have Purist Aquila on the Premier. The Wywires gave a little clearer sound but soundstage collapsed by comparison. Aquila is 12 gauge cord designed for digital equipment but it works quite well there.
Yes, power cord on PS Audio regenerators matters a lot. It is not only about passing the current, shielding is very important too. The cleaner the current entering the regenerator the less work for the regenerator, I guess, and the better the outcome. Some people put various conditioners in front of regenerators with good results, but I am not there yet. Some even plug one regenerator into another.
$300 will buy something that should be OK but I would spend more. You would have to try a few cords.

I have an Audio Envy M3 power cord on my amp and it is so much better than the $1,000 pc it replaced. I will buy more AE wire later after a few other changes. Very good value for money.
The newer Pangea  AC9 sig,mk2  uses Cardas #1 grade -0 Crystal Copper and is a beefy awg7, for preamp,dac the sig,mk2 awg14
"Watts are Voltage x Current and about 600 watts are passing through the power cord while my system is running."

Huh? The only thing passing thru the power cable is current. Wattage or voltage  do not "flow." That's something pounded in your head in electronics 101. 

+1 on VH Audio but I also agree there seems little point putting a better power cable on a regenrator. What comes in is not what goes out regardless of the cable used.
What does it matter? That is the 64 thousand dollar question.

Let me ask you this, what does it matter which diode is used? The diode comes before the power supply filter caps. All the power used comes from the caps. So what does it matter what diodes are used?

It matters, a lot! But why? Because nothing ever is perfect. Obviously. So no matter how good a conditioner, regenerator, or power supply, until and unless it is perfect then it will always matter what is done upstream.

I have used things all the way out at my utility meter, and heard just as much improvement as when used in the panel, where the improvement is just as much as when used directly under a component. There are a few places that matter more, but a girl has to keep some mystery about her or the guys lose interest.
Jetter, I felt the same way, but PS Audio even says a better power cable will sound better?? So my quest for a better cable has started. I also just discovered that Audio Envy has a Mega 3 Power Cable that uses more conductor material for higher current applications. A 5 foot cord is $306, so still within my budget (if I can ignore the $6). Has anyone got an opinion on this Mega cord?
Paul says it WILL improve his PowerPlants on both ends. Look at the PS Audio Forums and you will probably want a Belden BAV 10 guage.
Help out someone who has never owned a power regenerator.  After reading what tablejockey wrote, it makes me wonder that as long as the power cord can deliver enough electricity to the regenerator, what does it matter what power cord you use?  I only ask because as PSAudio states, the unit "regenerates new, pure, safe, and unrestricted AC power".  So as long as the unit isn't being starved, then, within reason, what does it matter what happens before the electricity reaches the unit prior to being regenerated?

I highly recommend VH Audio Flavor4 cord for $335 / delivered. I doubt you can do any better than this cord in your price range.
MC and TJ:
600 watts I think is about correct as the P10 says the system is drawing 420 watts at idle (my 2 mono amps idle at 150 watts each). Now the P10 runs at about 66% efficiency so 420/.66 = 636 watts. If it goes from the wall into the P10, then yes it is passing the watts through the cable. Watts are Voltage x Current and about 600 watts are passing through the power cord while my system is running.

I was thinking of going to a solid core cable instead of stranded, but keeping within my budget... any chance?