So search O Audio.
@alexbpm + 1 - I also guess that this speaker company doesn't care too much about their English-speaking potential customers, as we don't have that letter on our keyboards and can't even look up the company's website. Sure, I could find some combination of keys to make that letter, but do they really expect potential customers to do that? If they can't be bothered to call their company by a name I can look up, I can't be bothered to look into their speakers. |
@willywonka Sort-of.... Steve Guttenberg doesn't do any review for gear he doesn't like. If he gets in a product that he doesn't care for, he just sends it back to the manufacturer and never mentions it on his channel. If he gets in gear he does like, then he'll make a review video. So all the review videos he has made do not encompass all of the gear he has reviewed over the years. Only the stuff he likes. |
@alexbpm Guttenberg has also previously said he will NEVER give something a bad review. You really need to read between the lines on his reviews to figure out what he means. It's all about the $$$ with these reviewers because they know if they bite the hand that feeds them, they are done. This is especially true with magazine reviews since they usually review advertisers' equipment the most often. |
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Guttenberg is more of a marketer than an actual reviewer, but yes he did. On paper I'm very intrigued by these speakers and I look forward to hearing them at Axpona. But if a company isn't savvy enough to name their company or their brand something that can be easily googled or researched on forum discussions with accurate search results, I'm not convinced that they're clever enough to design a truly amazing speaker at it's price. Ø Audio is about as bad of a name for a speaker company as one could come up with. The little Norwegian “Ø” might look stylish, but in practical terms, it can get lost in translation or in online searches. I do think it’s a shame when a good product misses out on attention simply because its name isn’t straightforward to type or pronounce. If they ever decided to rebrand, something simpler like Norway Fidelity or even a simpler stylized spelling of “Ø” could help people talk about them more easily and find them online. Of course some companies do find success with quirky, stylized names; it can be memorable in its own way. But for something as research-heavy as high-end audio, clarity definitely helps with word-of-mouth and discoverability. I hope they manage to carve out their niche. Sometimes, a devoted community finds a way to talk about a product no matter how it’s spelled. Either way I wish them the best and I hope the Icon 12 sound as good as they look. |
I believe the US distributor/dealer is HiFi Loft: |
Agree with @tonyptony. Enjoyed their room and the Boulder electronics really helped them sing! |
Steve Guttenberg did a review of these Norwegian speakers Frigg 02 |