One thing you can do to control the ads served up while you're browsing is to use an application like "Cookie" to identify and remove the cookies that sites leave whenever you visit. Cookies can be valuable when they're installed by sites that you use often and trust and you can mark those to prevent their removal. Cookie is Mac OS only but I'd guess there are similar apps for Windows. The first time you run it you'll be astonished by how many thousand tracking cookies are running on your computer.
14 responses Add your response
@mschott , any adblocker recommendations? TIA |
@tony1954 Why bother with dinner ...? |
all my ads are for tubes, athletic gear (running mostly but also lifting and diet) and other things I’ve googled lately. I think you mean ads in the margins, not popups which are a new window and more concerning. I hate it when I have to google something that I don’t know what it is--often something that I would never want. and then I get popups for that thing for a couple of weeks. Jerry |