Responses from gemoody
ICs with slim RCA Barrels? Some Schiit designs are hard to reconcile. I have two units in my rack that don’t even have an on/off switch on the front panel, instead they use a TINY toggle switch on the back. VERY difficult to deal with having to reach around back every time!... | |
Shipping costs- WTF Get you own UPS account, search for an online coupon,25% easy to find. Experiment with 1 vs 2 boxes. You will save a lot . Your retail store, typically a franchise, is ripping you off. | |
If Bi-Wiring is an option, should I choose Bi-wiring over single banana with free jumpers My issue with the jumpers shown in your picture is that it would be very easy to create a short circuit and damage your amp or speakers. To bi-wire or not to bi-wire is a bigger discussion. Simplest would be some high-quality jumpers, As stated ma... | |
Raven Audio Soniquil Cables: Misrepresented Build & Tarnishing Connectors? Thanks, please reply to this tread with what you hear. I have replied so that I will be notified. TIA | |
NSFW pop ups. C'mon Audiogon, get it together. Thank you @admin, that is all I could ask for. I didn’t take a screenshot before, but will if it happens again. Kind regards. ge | |
NSFW pop ups. C'mon Audiogon, get it together. @mschott , any adblocker recommendations? TIA | |
what is more popular silver or black face plates Vintage silver, new black, unless it’s Accuphase. | |
Does anyone listen to the radio anymore? Does streaming radio count? I live in the mountains of NC, and on weekend mornings I listed to KLOI, public radio from Lopez Island, WA. No ads, good selection, and almost never a song that makes me want to change the channel. Give it a try. ... | |
NSFW pop ups. C'mon Audiogon, get it together. You are correct, I mean ads in the margins, not a pop-up. Good catch. | |
SPEAKERS THAT SOUND ALIVE & DYNAMIC AT LOW LISTENING LEVELS @kjl1065. About 2-3 weeks ago I started a similar thread. I had similar issues and desires. You can read more by searching that thread and my user name. Long story short, I solved my own issue by purchasing a Shiit Loki Max EQ. Cool device, kin... | |
Nearfield Low-Level Listening : New Speakers or EQ? Thoughts? OP here, time to check back in. I received the Schiit Loki Max EQ, and wow. I have always enjoyed my new/current system, but during my frequent low volume listening sessions, a fullness and sound stage were missing. As mentioned before, I thought ... | |
Favorite Album Cover (picture or art on the cover) @kingpin5 can you say more about the “verve” record you posted. Curious. | |
Favorite Album Cover (picture or art on the cover) It’s a Beautiful Day | |
Warm sounding phono cartridge +1 on Grado for warm sound. | |
$300-$500 Cartridge for Thorens TD-1601 Turntable @markalarsen hey there, funny, it’s a legit question. This thread is from July 2023, so not only did I think about it, but I did it, I put the Nagaoka on there. I like it. At the time I’d spend a lot of money, and didn’t feel like I could spend m... |