Nietzsche and Runaway Audio Consumption

Came across this today. A lot of posts bring up the issue of "how much is enough?" or "when is audio consumption justified" etc.

Does this Nietzsche aphorism apply to audio buying? You be the judge! 

Friedrich Nietzsche“Danger in riches. — Only he who has spirit ought to have possessions: otherwise possessions are a public danger. For the possessor who does not know how to make use of the free time which his possessions could purchase him will always continue to strive after possessions: this striving will constitute his entertainment, his strategy in his war against boredom. 

Thus in the end the moderate possessions that would suffice the man of spirit are transformed into actual riches – riches which are in fact the glittering product of spiritual dependence and poverty. They only appear quite different from what their wretched origin would lead one to expect because they are able to mask themselves with art and culture: for they are, of course, able to purchase masks. By this means they arouse envy in the poorer and the uncultivated – who at bottom are envying culture and fail to recognize the masks as masks – and gradually prepare a social revolution: for gilded vulgarity and histrionic self-inflation in a supposed ‘enjoyment of culture’ instil into the latter the idea ‘it is only a matter of money’ – whereas, while it is to some extent a matter of money, it is much more a matter of spirit.” 

Nietzsche, Friedrich. 1996. Human, All Too Human: A Book for Free Spirits. Cambridge University Press. (p. 283-4, an aphorism no. 310)

I'm pretty sure @mahgister will want to read this one! (Because they speak so artfully about avoiding the diversion that consumption poses to the quest for true aesthetic and acoustic excellence.)


I haven’t read all the way thru yet, to catch up on this entire thread ... but plan to when I get home late tonight from my Mom’s house, which is where we all spend the majority of Christmas Eve day together, celebrating.

Although I have something I’d like to share now.

I tend to be a systems thinker, and am intrigued by how "all" things work (and don’t work), as a system. I don’t claim to be half as bright as a lot of the folks who hang out in this group, just bright enough, really, that I can follow along with and enjoy most of it. Given all of that, I think @mahgister has said it quite well w/ the following quote:

"I think living system will teach us more about atoms than atoms would ever teach us by themselves alone about living system." @mahgister

I want to wish you ALL a joyous, and happy holiday ... whatever version that may be for you. Even those of you who’re completely solo. As the OP, @hilde45 has pointed out in his post:

Thus in the end the moderate possessions that would suffice the man of spirit are transformed into actual riches. Nietzsche

this reminds me that we can all experience bliss from our enjoyment of this hobby of ours, regardless of our budget. The choice is ours.

And to you, @mahgister I think that is a very astute comment you made ... and I thank you for your wisdom and insight.

May we all get a good listening session in tomorrow.

Peace, to all of you ...


We need enough understanding to move our heart in the right direction....

the aims is the only one truth: all is one...Or only love exist at the end and in the beginning and during all time for eternity...

Not knowing that is the only tragedy...who want for his children a world without hope nor love, a world where exist ONLY technology ?

Knowledge is science moving by the Heart/brain/body toward unity....Technology by itself alone is death by stiffening increased rigidity of our onw body in a hive collective mindset....

Knowledge is not science alone and only nor science is technology alone and only...

These three are a dynamical beating musical polarity like the polarity in mammals body between the nerve-sense and metabolic-limb systems and the mediating circulatory-respiratory system... Knowledge is the EMBODIED mediating system between embodied science and embodied technology...

Computer programming and A.I. is a powerful tool but the reduction of this complex polarity to a dead logic and to a dead "perfect" world...

Guess who want to sell you that?

In his " Faust" Goethe call the seller : Mephistophélès....

Before the invention of modern  comic book, the "Faust" was the favorite "comic" book across Germany... Our modern comic books by Marvel corporation are only a weakened version of this mother of all comic books...The father of all comic books being the Bible...



Isn’t it a question of how much understanding we need?

And to what aims?


"Guess how the first world war was programmed to be, and especially the Versailles treaty after it was programmed to create central bankers control and the second war inevitable modulo the Hitler puppet controlled by banks who are the ONLY reason why Hitler was able to seize power...

You know how Lenin was able to go from Swiss to Russia with enough money to finance his propaganda ? Do you think he sell the gold jewels of his mother or he make a fortune in business? 😊 Ask to the first Russian who receive him from debarking the train...Who was with him?"


Great stuff!

Sometimes you will have to join the dots yourself because no one else will.


"The more we study the universe the more complex and the more comprehensible it seems the less you can reduce it to a simple unit of understanding... it is then a never ending process to be explanable and an opening IRREDUCIBLE interelated trees of mysteries also AT THE SAME TIMES....The best philosopher who ever explained that was the Greatest romanian thinker in philosophy and the greatest romanian poet...Lucian Blaga...A genius of complete originality and a philosopher of science vastly Goethe is but for other reasons...

why what is more and more explanable without end stay anyway a mystery forever?"


Isn't it a question of how much understanding we need?

And to what aims?


A fantastic amount of ingenuity and effort seems to be deployed in the gaining of capital. So much so that  most of those who devote themselves to this end often end with terminally increasing cases of OCD that they can never shake off.

Klaus Schwab himself is an interesting case. Not only does he look and sound like a Bond villain with Rothschild connections, particulary for man of his age (83) seems unusually obsessed with 'solving' the world's problems.

Now if the silly bugger had devoted his time and energy towards better pursuits, such as the improvement of audio playback, he could have ended a superhero, instead of a supervillain.



It is not about science and technology to be replaced by "mysticism" at all...

If you understand that this way you are beside the point...

My posts are about the way science need to be A LIVED EXPERIENCE not learned dogmas and propositional sentences recipe...

Putting in my mouth the alleged fact that science and technology dont work is distorting completely what i spoke about...

I am not a nazi proponent of taking the science and putting science under the direction of old paganism.... Goethe would have never be a nazi....The non- goethean existientalist ex phenomenologist Heidegger was....

I am not either a cultist of technology disguised in science clothes in the transhumanist cult...

Anyway we cannot convince people to go from comic book to philosophy it seems...

Following his own path yes this is right, but ask yourself where it goes....

Slaves are free to keep their chain...

Crocodiles are free to keep their tastes...

Man are free to look for some light coming from Great men of the past....Marvel comics scientism propaganda is not Goethe reading...

Try someone in America then : Charles Sanders Peirce....

Merry Christmast...

Every human walk in his own shoe and the wise dont blink about that...

Alas! i am not always wise....😁😊😊😊

I am used to speak with students looking for truth... Ripe men working for life and  money are not my usual interlocutor...

I apologize for my rant here even if i am spot on the matter of the thread...

I dont want to hurt anyone feeling but i did in spite of my good will...

Merry Christmast....



@femoore12 - I for one am very happy that science and technology have replaced ’mysticism’, and I don’t need anybody to tell me what I need or don’t need in my life.




Post removed 

@femoore12 - I for one am very happy that science and technology have replaced 'mysticism', and I don't need anybody to tell me what I need or don't need in my life. It would be a boring world if we were all the same!  What works for one does not necessarily work for everybody else.

Happy Holidays!! 

Post removed 

By the way the experience of music and sound NEED to be understood by a phenomenological approach... Why?

Because sound and music are completely unexplanable without a lived experience of physical acoustic and psycho-acoustic at the same times in our room...

Sound must be seen like a dynamic surface and volume and the dynamical micro structure of the playing timbre must be perceived concretely...Music must be seen so to speak...

Physical acoustic and psycho-acoustic are 2 faces of the same experience united in one perception, divided by nominalist technology or attitude...

The sound and music and the internal qualities of a resonant body are perceived DIRECTLY through the waves-image transmitted by the air...

Without that goal and experience people are in the cult of engineering marketting buying spree or listen sound and music guided only by their conditioned taste and habit... Discovery cannot be produced by our taste only or by our habits...But by listenings experiments...

I think that my posts are all in the spirit of this thread and absolutely not off-topic save for those who cannot think anymore...

Feel free to criticize me BUT with arguments only....

Some very interesting opening remark, from a thesis related completely to the Goethe /Nietzsche relation ,about Nietzsche opinion about Goethe :

«Of these intellectual ancestors, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, a writer and
polymath who lived in the German town of Weimar, had a premier status. The
numerous quotations and references to Goethe, indicate that he was constantly on
Nietzscheʼs mind from his Gymnasium education in Schulpforta to his final
productive days in Turin.6 And what clearly distinguishes Goethe from other
prominent characters in Nietzscheʼs writings is that he received more favourable
coverage than any other: praise was rife and criticism scarce. Nietzscheʼs
intellectual transformation never required him to “shut doors” on Goethe, who even
seems to have been a major guidance for Nietzsche when he turned against his
earlier heroes of Schopenhauer and Wagner. As Adrian Del Caro puts it, ʻGoethe
was one of a few individuals whose image kept apace with Nietzscheʼs selfinflating image over the yearsʼ. Arguably, he was the only modern man in that

Thats say a lot more about Goethe than my posts... N. is one of the most intelligent man by all acounts that lived in the last centuries...Think about that...

«While Nietzsche constantly cited Goethe as someone who truly lived, Kant was someone who never did so, neither physically nor mentally. Goetheʼs vitality and passionate way of living and thinking was lacking in Kant: his thoughts were sterilised -and his thinking was merely a biography of his head.»

This is the reason why the great philosopher Ernst Cassirer, writing his philosophy of symbolic forms, coorected his Kantian perspective from the beginning of his life toward a complete Goethean phenomenological view on which is based his deep semiotics of forms...

The ultimate reason why Goethe is the greatest thinker of the last 3 centuries in Occidental civilization is simple : Goethe was UNTOUCHED by the pervasive NOMINALISM at the root of the TECHNOLOGICAL progress and power of European culture from the 13Th century till this day....But technology is NOT science...There must be a balance in the soul between ideas and living perceptive experience, Goethe is this corrective balance with his concrete phenomenology....

Nominalism was the personal foe to struggle against for the greatest american thinker, the founder of phenomenological semiotic, Charles Sanders Peirce... Because ultimately the technological power make possible by the nominalist revolution is also a chocking, a stifling and a smothering of real EXPERIENCED science...

The pure nominalist extreme thinking is illustrated nowadays by a cult of technology which is the more ANTIHUMAN movement which was ever designed on earth... Stalinism and Hitlerism were a walk in the park if the power is seized by these corporates fools...Think about Ray Kurzweil and Bill Gates folly among others....The destruction of the soul is the goal of transhumanism... The ultimate incarnation of the nominalism extreme trend...

A balance was need between Ockham and Plato, like in Aristotle time....Goethe was the new Aristotle ...

@sns , great observation on the micromanaging of kids and not having the proper setting to raise them in. Before tags and memes, my parents were the "free range" types who instilled trust in us. The only rules were to be back by dinner time, or before sunset.

Things were different back then which accounts for the results. That could be part of the combo that made us the "greatest generation". Having nature at our disposal allows us to connect and develop. Surrounded by concrete doesn't. 

Neither Tom nor Jerry

All the best,

@ rodman99999

Being a long time dog lover and companion I quite enjoyed and can concur with your post.🐕

In regards to people and spirit - my thoughts are turned to a particular couple (husband and wife) of friends who left a life long impression. Though they were very successful in their business enterprises and quite well to do they never once flaunted their success, who they were or what they had. We shared with them many wonderful and memorable times and their radiant, kind and generous spirit made them a pleasure to be with. When they were both taken in a tragic accident, the world lost two beautiful people who were the very definition of spirit. Our hearts were broken and these many years later, still hurt.......Jim

Great post sns thanks...

It is the reason why the book about Goethe method the greatest unrecognized natural scientist is so important..

When we live through this method of "seeing" and realize that we never has seen any animal in our life but only LABELLED with a name coming from habit a living object, we fall off our chair the older we are...

I was fortunate enough to read Wolfgang Schad first book (300 pages) 35 years ago and falling from my chair i did not broke my back... 😊

I just bought for 120 bucks few weeks ago the new edition completed after his long life work , 1300 pages +1500 illustrations...

A testimony to the vision and "rigorous "exact imagination" method designed by Goethe whose intelligence when assessed humble us all...Only Aristote and Archimedes compared... Think about a man with the genius of Shakespeare in his own language and his scientific vision and experience and discoveries in morphology and evolution on par with Darwin, and a view about colors that open research about light and physiology of colors experience out of the Newton box...

Nature is the only altar where God speak his words like in the first days of creation : all, minerals, vegetals, animals, and humans appear coming directly from the 7 first day... Only in cities million of years hide us from the explicit metamorphosed beginning of wild nature taking with it his implicit mysteries for us to "see" with the right gaze...

Children under 7 years old see without labels... They are the only masters...

Each animals in his personal  environment is a book whose chapters are parts of his morphology and main three systems: the polarity of nerve-sense and metabolic-limb systems and the mediating circulatory-respiratory system ...

"Seeing" this dynamical polarities playing at all scales of the relation between the animals and his environment is loosing the "scales" veiling our gaze...

Goethe wrote with the same method the most beautiful book ever written about plants..." the metamorphosis of plant"...

Discusasing one day with his best friend Schiller, himself a thinker of the highest order, he answer to Schiller gazing his drawing of the archetypical dynamic of the original plant and making to Goethe the remark that this drawing reprent no existing plant but only an "idea"; my dear friend i must say to you then that i am very happy to see ideas with my concrete eyes.... Think about that deep observation....

The word genius about Goethe is well deserved...

Why Goethe is not so much well known as scientist: Because it is not the amount or importance of his discoveries that reveal his genius or a unique idea like the darwinian paradigm but it is a deep method or inquiring without looking ONLY in the parts but perceiving by "exact imagination" the whole itself all around us... Stupendous ... This is the yoga of zoology and botany.... This explain the complete reverence from many geniuses for Goethe and the huge influence of Goethe on all people, the more intelligent they are the more deep... I cannot insist enough on that... Test by yourself... But reading Goethe is not like reading a philosopher by arguments and reason... It is a transformative artistic and scientific experience OVER any LOGIC and ANY words and way over language itself...

This great poet who describe in the Faust all the contemporary hubris, and scientist was also the more spiritual man in front of the sacred nature... His devotion all his life shatter all our distraction and sleepwalking...

The list of those who place Goethe at the center of their life is very long... Those who put Goethe aside paid the price... For example Goethe is the geatest phenomenologist in German language over Hegel and over Husserl...The "cul de sac" where the mathematician Husserl put himself with his phenomenology inclined to a formal never ending chain of abstractions is completely unknown in the concrete phenomenology of Goethe where the phenomena spoke by themselves WITHOUT any theory to replace them or hide them...Husserl himself so wise it is is a children who speak too much compared to Goethe...

The only known man who is goethean before Goethe is Leonardo Da Vinci whose method is almost the same...The two men are artist and scientist devoted to "exact imagination" contemplation and understanding and perceiving of living forms...They are exact twin separated by centuries...

Verify by yourself...

How bout imagination. Based on my observations, adults seem to organize and run every moment of their children's lives. I recall as child running free in Michigan prairies, much time to wonder about nature's secrets. Too many are far from nature to imagine and wonder, mysticism isn't even a known word. Without immersion in nature you can't begin to know our place in time and universe.

Perhaps we “audiophiles “ owe Mr. N a little consideration. He might’ve been an audiophile?

 So often, when my Audiofoo buddies come over for a listening session, the first thing they do is blah, blah blah…talk about equipment, cars, etc…

 They need to take a vow of silence like the kid in “Little Miss Sunshine “ and Shut The …. Up”! 
 That vow of silence can do wonders for a spiritual approach to music, not equipment. (Good equipment helps, don’t get me wrong…)

Post removed 

Apologies to all. M has gotten me to rethink the importance of mysticism in dealing with the vagaries of life. Just exhorting brevity and making a point as to how we are living an experiment with neither goal nor control. Merry Christmas to all.

Great thread and relevant to the season.


Neither Orange nor Julius.

@jpwarren58 Tsk tsk! (And I thought "trigger" was just a horse in Hollywood. Do you spike your hamsters' water with caffeine, too? ;-) )

Science by itself by the way will NEVER explain the universe...(try to study Goedel to understand why if you dont like mathematiucal logic try the sufi mystic Rumi)

Man is not only a brain....

If you want a one word explanation and no other lenghty post of mine...

This word is love...

But you can replace it by Christ name or AUM...

Is it enough succinct?

 Anyway i feel less alone today thanks to all for their questions or for their kind patience with a lonely fool....


Perhaps you must read my posts before commenting and asking clear questions..

For example you distorted completelky what i said...

I never said that Mandeville was a Nostradamus... I said that he was a scientist, a doctor by the way, who figured for himself how the human animals is workable... He did not ever wanted to predict the future...But some very great thinkers and less amicable folks AFTER him takes advantage of his understanding of the animal aspects of humans to control them... It appear only conspiracies for ignorant... It is history written in books to study...

Then try to understand clearly before posting...Reading my ideas about Mandeville like if he was Fu-Manchu chinese vilain in a James Bond movie is CHILDISH play...



And my post are badly written but it is impossible to explain more SUCCINTLY than the way i did what i intend to explain ... Take for example my last post above is it not a clear one with even a reference to an underestimated Romanian philosopher and to a doctorate thesis about Brownian motion ? i spoke here to explain why and how universe made sense... By the way the notion of fractal Brownian motion is there to illustrate under the deep apparent noise the LONG RANGE CORRELATION between events in time and some aspect of the cosmic memory... The link to this article refer to the mathematical doctorate thesis about fractal brownian motion...In a word behind or under noise there is some music or some meaningfull movements... Saying that the universe is pointless is popular in atheist fanatic circle... I dont mind about fanatics be them religious or atheist...They partake the same simplistic zeal...

And by the way all what i said is absolutely not simplistic... But i must simplify yes ...I cannot wrote a thesis in audio thread....


You do simplify things though your posts makes Faulkner a monument of succinctness. Yes, I know English is not your first language. Folks desire to explain things. When things move fast or become very complex simplistic (or convoluted) reactions start to take hold. We are in uncharted territory and to think the bankers or 400 year old intellectuals have a clue as to the future is pie in the sky. Maybe the chaos of the internet will check cynical manipulation.

Neither James nor Rick.


You do simplify things though your posts makes Faulkner a monument  of succinctness. Yes, I know English is not your first language. Folks desire to explain things. When things move fast or become very complex simplistic (or convoluted) reactions start to take hold. We are in uncharted territory and to think the bankers or 400 year old intellectuals have a clue as to the future is pie in the sky. Maybe the chaos of the internet will check cynical manipulation. 

Neither James nor Rick. 

Lonely philandering audiophile seeking adoration about sexual prowess on a HiFi website…. i am guessing you are taking the blue pill for senility @tubebuffer 

I am a girl from the northcountry kind of robot

The more that the universe seems comprehensible, the more it also seems pointless.

If you can’t acknowledge that this may be true, then is your mind really inquiring?



The more we study the universe the more complex and the more comprehensible it seems the less you can reduce it to a simple unit of understanding... it is then a never ending process to be explanable and an opening IRREDUCIBLE interelated trees of mysteries also AT THE SAME TIMES....The best philosopher who ever explained that was the Greatest romanian thinker in philosophy and the greatest romanian poet...Lucian Blaga...A genius of complete originality and a philosopher of science vastly Goethe is but for other reasons...

why what is more and more explanable without end stay anyway a mystery forever?

Because it is like a living system the more you comprehend it the less you can reduce it to be a simplistic isolated unit from the WHOLE to be undestood by itself alone...

One thing is sure The universe is not NOISE or Brownian motion but music...

By the way if you want to understand Brownian motion study Brown, Einstein, Wiener, Kolmogorov and ESPECIALLY Mandelbrot... All of them give a definition that EXPANDED with time and knowledge, then you will understand that seemingly pointless noise hide sometimes music of its own ...

Saying that the universe is pointless is only showing a lack of perceptual imagination...Then a lack of artistic creative intuition...Bad artist only create pointless object...By the way if technological idolatry make people completely stupid most of the times, true science awake spirit ALWAYS...

Knowledge is not science and will never be it only and science is not technology and will never be it only ....



You are right about that....One of the greatest thinkers of all times were artists...Goethe is the foremost example with Leonardo da Vinci... Any truly great scientist is also an artist and in most case often very spiritual men...(not religious fanatics )

There is more knowledge about humanity to be found in art than philosophy.

The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.

There is more knowledge about humanity to be found in art than philosophy.

The more that the universe seems comprehensible, the more it also seems pointless.

If you can't acknowledge that this may be true, then is your mind really inquiring?


@tubebuffer  Please do not generalize about philosophers, or put them down. All kinds of people become philosophers. We are doing our best to make sense of the world and act kindly toward other people. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. Take some peace into your heart, hold it there, and let it out by being nice to someone else.

Post removed 

You think by decree like the pope?

There is no such thing as runaway audio consumption.

Great remark !

Boltzman was a so great genius it is unbelievable and he kill himself because he was mocked by clowns...

But i think that the view of Karl Friston about the analysis of diisipative structure away from equilibrium and his free energy principle minimizing principle is a better way to explain these posts and to add to Boltzman thermodynamic cosmical principle...His mathematical simple treatment is very elegant and somewhat simple...He takes at the root the question what is a diferential equation and what is his relation to time...

Living structures are the mystery nowadays not so much atoms...

I think living system will teach us more about atoms than atoms would ever teach us by themselves alone about living system..


merry christmast djones


I just view it as energy conservation.

If you read my post recommendation about books, articles, and writers and why i recommend them i dont think that  my posts are not interesting ... It is my excuse..

But i cannot deny that the OP was right about my heavy too lenghty prose...

Thanks OP to take patience with me...

I really wish you the best for your family and you...

I am very thankful for your patience...

243 posts , in some parts of the world this prodigious blather would equate to a life of languid yet bittersweet  torpor…

I go almost every day in a Café Bistro . I Just drink a coffee.

It is almost always the same people that are there . I talk with some.

Then come back in my appartment.  Read , listen to music , take a nap.

One houre at a time.  Tomorow will be another day. I will see then .

Christmas …. the worst time of the year……

Have a ´´ not too bad ´´ holyday period 

I am not Tesla nor Einstein...I never felt alone in ALL my life...

I was surrounded each day by all the most brilliant students from all fields for 35 years...

Then it is a schock to be retired...

I concentrated on my audio system solutions and music...

But my audio system is now optimal...

i listen music walk read and thats all in winter... In summer i use my 2 bikes and i am very happy... Winter is hard for me...

Yes i am a free spirit i never had a boss and never lived in any other way than in my own house almost all of my life....

For the culture i studied english badly because i never spoke it where i live and latin and greek and after that philosophy poetry, linguistic, semiotic and all mystics of all religions and read about mathematics heavily all my life...I even study astrology, indian and occidental , but never mention it here because it is too easy for an idiot to post stupid remarks... Astrology is very important to understood history, ancient sciences, other cultures and psychology and even world events...

The best contemporary book is "cosmos and psyche" by Tarnas... A stupendous proven analysis of the last 250 hundred years by synchronsation of events and planets alignment someone once said not only idiots but billionairs consult astrologers guess why?

i take a volontary retirement few months before the crisis i was not in the obligation to do so guess why? i see all the crisis to arrive for december 2019 i advise one friend to stop play wall street for september 2001...Astrology is very easy to verify if you study it ... Only James Randi uncultured materialist  idiot speak about what they never study themselves...It is like in audio people argue about anything save the most important factors : acoustic, they really think like primitive peoplethat the sound come directly from the gear and not from the coupling of the gear/rroom/house/ears... it takes me only few months to figure out after my basic gear choices were made after some errors in my buying spree...

i could perfectly understand now why astrology is not total non sense... Guess why Carl Gustav Jung a master astrologer also worked on that with Wolfgang Pauli one of the greatest genius of modern quantum physic ?

Dont tell anyone here by the way or i will erase this post... 😊😁😊


Merry christmast my friend...


You seems yo have an extended culture and free spirit.


Einstein at some point was surrounded by a lot of people . He must have felt alone

when only 2 or 3 person in the world , were able to understand what he was talking about.


Only Christ or Buddah are at the top...

I am not at the bottom for sure but i am alone because of retirement and because of restrictions here caused by this world crisis...

I have many friends here then i am not alone ... I only feel alone in my room and when the screen is down in these crisis days...

More are way more alone than i ever was, but i am not the best stoic...

Merry Christmast to you....



´´  i thank all for your patience with my loneliness...´´ 

It is lonely at the top .

Most these philosopher guy born to class people that sit on ass and have ability to think creative. This maybe call birth right. I self made wealth strength and sofistication. I not responsible for good looks woman can’t resist and ear that made of gold and diamond cut ear hair.

I dont want to enter in the comical theater of conspirationists or those who negate all conspiracies.. I dont...

In this world there exist money control or Christ and Buddha nothing else... Is it not simple to understand?

For the pandemic crisis which doctors will you consult? Mine are not yours it seems...

Please dont take this pandemic controversies here...

Do you want to take this thread down?

Try to stick to arguments or good poetry like you are able to post it seems...

C’mon @mahgister I’ve read quite a bit here and on other threads alluding to conspiracy theories. Fess up! The history seems to be targeted to support the theories. Just read what has been written.

Just saying.

My theory is that people are best served consulting with their doctor regarding medical issues like viruses and pandemics, not philosophers, politicians ,’news” people or what some random guy on the internet says.

You are right djones, but this human faculty exist because the pattern we used to look for are the rightful one most of the times if not we will all be dead already...All species develop pattern recognition... Bees are rarely wrong in their pattern recognition and scientists and awaken spirit are like bees...

it is one thing to say something true : pattern recognition of Christ on a toastted bread is a deception , or the way the hammer always find a nail is by way of a designed patterning , and it is another matter to use this fact to argue against the existence of complex trrends patterns in history...

By the way a part of the Goethe "exact imagination " method is based on a disciplined method to develop pattern recognition... Goethe natural studies prove him right...


C’mon @mahgister I’ve read quite a bit here and on other threads alluding to conspiracy theories. Fess up! The history seems to be targeted to support the theories. Just read what has been written.

Just saying.

My theory is that people are best served consulting with their doctor regarding medical issues like viruses and pandemics, not philosophers, politicians ,’news” people or what some random guy on the internet says.


My posts was about history not about conspiracies FIRST AND FOREMOST...

And if you mistake genious thinker like Mandeville to be anecdote with no importance in philosophy history and economic and psychology and politics history no more importance than an anecdote in Sherlock Holmes novels, i had bad news for you...

Comic books are not the best way to learn to think and Sherlock Holmes so good it is dont replace studies..

And if you think that " if science has taught us anything, sometimes it really is just mindless, purposeless random events." you are late about science progress for at least a century...

Comic book and detective novel has nothing to do with science....



Anyway if you are a mathematician and i am wrong about you , i had a question for you?

Why is absolute randomness cannot be proven mathematically to exist and what is the relation between prime numbers distributions biases recently observed in prime number theory and the failure and LIMITATIONS of statistical method to study the primes distributions? Why these limit about statiscal method in prime number theory?

If you are not a mathematician reading Sherlock Holmes and who dont give a damn about history but a child or an older newspaper reading guy, my only question is how old are you?

There’s a theory that Prof. Moriarty wasn’t real, but a product of Holmes’ cocaine addled mind. A highly intelligent individual with an inquiring mind connected the dots of seemingly random events and concluded that it was all part of a masterful plan. However, if science has taught us anything, sometimes it really is just mindless, purposeless random events.


There's a theory that Prof. Moriarty wasn't real, but a product of Holmes' cocaine addled mind.  A highly intelligent individual with an inquiring mind connected the dots of seemingly random events and concluded that it was all part of a masterful plan.  However, if science has taught us anything, sometimes it really is just mindless, purposeless random events.

Thanks for you kind words...

And i am not perhaps so much intelligent if i am completely mistaken about you...Anyway intelligence is way exagerated compared to the heart power...

 I lack humor sometimes which is not a sign of intelligence at all... My wife say the same by the way then you must be right... 😊

I will try to be more open and "optimistic" you are right...

Thanks djones51

You take this a little to serious you're not at fault for anything. I'll most likely still argue on some ideas. You're a lot more intelligent than I but in my opinion you might try looking at things with a more optimistic attitude even as hard as that can be at the present time.

Then all is my fault and i am impatient and i owe you excuse and apology...


if you ask sincere question i will be happy to try to answer if i am able to...

It is way better to try to be friends that to stay foes...

Merry christmast...

I don't think I've contradicted you on everything audio. I agree that speaker and room integration or as you say acoustic embedded is one of the most important things to get good sound. 

Again the same thing....

you contradicted me for years about any subject... How do i supposed to take your question?

You just prove me right again with your last DISTORTED post against me...Not against the matter of my post which are over your head anyway it seems...

You never apologize guess why?

Are you a bot?

let me alone....