New Tweak --- Its Fantastic


Over the good part of this past year I’ve been beta testing a new tweak, the name of which is "Total Contact." Its a hi-bred graphene contact enhancer that is different from all other contact enhancers that have come and gone for one reason or another. I’m not new to these contact enhancers, having had quite a bit of experience with a product developed by the late Brian Kyle and his "Quick Silver" contact enhancer. The "Total Contact" is different ... a LOT different.

"Total Contact" is graphene based and is not a vibration control. It eliminates micro-arching between two contacts. Micro-arching, much like Micro-vibration smears the sound in our stereo systems. Its the type of distortion that we don’t know is there .... until we eliminate it. There is no break-in as we know it. The sound is improved right off the bat, but what you hear is only a smidgen of what’s to come.

I tested three generations of "TC," each of which was an improvement over the previous incarnation. The final mix was cryogenitically treated and made for a more effective, much smoother application. It comes in a large hypodermic needle type plunger containing 1.5 ml of product and includes a instructional DVD and an application brush.

The application should be applied with a very thin coat to all of your electrical connections .... from your cartridge pins to your power cords. I did my entire system, including the ends of my fuses.

Upon initial application, you will notice an improvement in clarity, correctness of tonal balance and a more overall organic sound. But ... that is just scratching the surface of what this magic paste does. As it cures, the improvements become more apparent. Much more!

There are two real break-through events that happen almost to the day with "Total Contact," one at four weeks and another at eight weeks . At four weeks, you’ll get a real jump in clarity and overall improvement. That’s only a taste though of what’s to come at eight weeks. At eight weeks your system’s focus will make a jump in SQ that is so real - its surreal.

After 40 years in the hobby, and a total tweak nut, I have never heard anything that does what this graphene paste does. The see-through clarity at eight weeks becomes simply amazing. The "paste" eventually cures into a kind of polymer plastic and it seems that the sound improves with each listening session. So, its important that you leave your contacts alone for the duration. If you’re the type of person that continually switches wires in and out, you’ll have to re paste until enough time has elapsed to get "the cure."

The only problem I had was with the first batch and that had to do with shorting out a tube pin in the line stage. Use the "TC" very sparingly on tube pins, if at all. I only had problems with the line stage tube pins. The Amp, CD Player and Phono Stage has had no tube pin problems at all.

Tim Mrock, one of our fellow A’goners, is the developer of the product. Its taken Tim 15 years and several patents to get it right. Tim has "pasted" every electrical contact he can find in his audio system, all of the switches in his circuit breaker box, every contact in his car ... and has used it in commercial applications such as hospital circuit breakers, surgical lights ... and other places where efficiency and long life of electrical components are deemed important.

This product is highly recommended to anyone who truly wants to get the most out of his/her audio systems. There’s enough product in each tube to do at least two audio systems as it just takes a very thin coat on each application to be effective. The last tube was enough to do my system twice and then a friend’s system this past weekend.


PS: There were a couple of other A’goner beta testers of this product as well. Hopefully, they will chime in here with their experiences for comparison. I "pasted" both of Steve Fleschler’s systems a few days ago, perhaps he will comment on his results too. We forgot to paste Steve’s power cords though, so there’s a lot more to be had from Steve’s two fantastic systems.

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"If the posts “seem over the top”, then perhaps the product is that good."   Grannyring
Yes, TC IS that good.  We have believed that our high-quality, over-sized connections of gold and rhodium plating were top notch.  Materials science has now shown us that connections can be made even more conductive, so much so, that anyone who has connected up various components into a "system" will benefit from TC.  We put so much into separating functions out, e.g. transports, DACs, pre-amps, phono stages, mono blocks, power supplies, subs, speakers, and then we put a lot into bringing them all back together, but there is a sound degradation in that, as well.  TC is meant for the home system, where pieces are not often unmated, where connections can be made more seamless for a more integral soundscape, and this is the result I am hearing with TC.  

Every post tells a story

Whoa! That’s pithy. Where you been keepin yourself, maps? Did someone call for a troll convention? 👹

All, although up to now and may be every now and then, I will add a post. I am NOT a Troll or a newbee. I did not denigrate the product. I asked about it's apparent allowance regarding advertising on the Forum. As it stands I stand corrected as this has been allowed to continue. I have no further problem.

I do have a problem with the various comments which went very personal. None of my comments were personal, they were to the allowance and practice of posting product on the in a thread. I have discussed this with the Administrators and understand their oversight of the forum a lot better.

I have watched, read and have learnt about the American psyche from the thread "Do you think U.S. Tariffs on Aluminum and Steel will affect domestic audio manufacturing?"

The topic of the thread has ranged right around politics, both past and present, and why the US is where it is today. But I must say, the US is not alone in the degeneration of society (and politics) in general. But it did allow me to see into the lives and opinions of the various posters, so I can understand what is happening (in general terms) to peoples lives over there.

Additionally, to get some pretty nasty people off my back, Lord knows I have enough going on in my life, I am NOT against TC as a product or against Tim or Oreganpapa or any other supporter, or not.

Tim knows I have said I will buy the product when my new house is built and my new system is ready to be put together. Nearly all of you were pretty disgusted with my previous posts on this thread. however, no one said negative posts were not allowed.

But please, leave personal issues out of the posts. The threads and posts are about opinion on a subject, not directly of people. I have been and remain very timid about posting my knowledge again on this Forum.

In the above mentioned forum one post mentions the increase in mid life suicide or suicide at any age. It is a huge social problem brought on by the apparent view that there is no future in their own lives and they are so mentally beaten down, this is the final resort to stop the hurting.

I personally know that black hole, and I have saved my own daughter several times from it. She spent months on a psychiatric hospital and was finally diagnosed with BPD (for those that don't know it, look it up). She is married with 2 girls. She is 30 years old, so mental illness is not relegated to any age group. Hopelessness can effect anyone at any age.

I am not writing this for sympathy, but to state my position in all of this.


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amg56- Nice to see you back! Hope you are moving in a forward direction. Sending good vibes your way for your health and the health of your family....

The assumed conspiracy theory would be humorous except for the fact that it is often used as a means to discredit and vilify innocent parties. It seems Agon may not be the place for the open minded assessment of cutting edge innovation. Innovation that is not understood is assumed to be an overblown hoax. At least this one and fuses fall into this category. I understand this fear and how skeptics must join together and feed and nourish this particular reality filter. The crowd conspiracy shared above also applies to the skeptics of coarse as we are all human.

I guess it just comes down to different personalities and perception filters. I am good with just saying we all don’t see this thread and product the same.

BTW, as an avid DIYer I have indeed tried other contact cleaner and enhancer products. Problem is this product is really not a contact enhancer/cleaner.  It is much, much more.  Pasting over caps, trannys, wires that are already soldered etc.. really takes the impact to another level.  
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This thread has become a kindergarten brawl on steroids. It's amazing how the gamut of personalities and interactions change little as the decades march on. One kid brings something he thinks is interesting to class to show and tell and he gets bashed by those who disagree. His friends then rally back because they too believe it to have merit. Those sitting on the sidelines either do nothing or throw in an occasional jab. Y'all need to lighten up a bit. I've followed this thread from day one, initially with skepticism that this product had any merit at all. I'm still waiting after 6 months for ONE person to step up and say they've tried this and it sucks.  It won't be me.  I'm guilty of sitting on sidelines and doing nothing. I'm posting now primarily because of Elizabeth's post.  If it is a marketing "scheme" I'm really happy I got pulled into the vortex. I don't see this as a scheme at all quite honestly, just 2 groups of people escalating their views and no one backing down. As the rhetoric flies each side has become more defensive and aggressive.  One group "experienced" and the other not. Cut to the chase, please.  Two months ago I pasted my system.  The results are exactly as has been previously described-awesome.  In particular, Elizabeth, my cd's which I had largely abandoned years ago in favor of vinyl now sound nearly as good, and in some instances better than my vinyl rig.  I've had my Meridian 508 for many years now and the change is anything but subtle.  The improvement was so profound I have played more cds in the last 3 weeks than the last 5 years put together.  As others have noted earlier the digital improvement is much more than I've noted on the analogue side.  THIS also is being honest. I have no dog in this fight.  I will now return to wallflower mode.  Now, everyone try to play nicely.
We agree that all posts should be respectful. Wether folks use it and say it is bad, good, or great is all I wish for. If owners say it is nothing special, then fine they posted real life experiences. Wether here or the fuse threads I just tire of the posts saying hoax and scam without these folks even trying the product. I can’t get my small mind around how folks with no direct product experience can judge another’s experience. I for one just want more user experiences and really don’t care where the review of it falls. I have no reason to think or want all the reviews to be positive. It would be nice if non-owners would cease saying I am overblown, influenced by others, have a vested interest or some other reason for my review of the product.
Jetter-to answer why Wolf is a troll, he has personally attacked me in this forum, denigrating my name, my heritage and I think my religion.  He insults people and behaves boorishly.  Besides that, his last comment on the medical danger of graphene use is comically impossible unless one ingests it through eating it or breathing floating graphene.  Graphene in a binder is not going to kill you or make you sick.  As stated earlier, it is being used in water desalinisation as a filter.  Some experiments using graphene are being done for cancer therapy.  

The Mad Scientist graphene preparation is reportedly oily or slimy and does not cure after application.  I have not tried it.  It may improve sound but I don't like what I heard concerning it's application characteristics.  TC is based on decades old product which has been greatly improved through Tim Mrock's experimentation with several unspecified trade secrets he has added.

As to how important TC is in my audio systems, I place the Shakti Hallographs, Stillpoints and SR HFTs above it, with TC equal to the SR duplexes and fuses.  That's in my systems.  Taming my main music room's slap echo while eliminating unsightly acoustic treatments using the Hallographs and SR HFTs was of greatest importance.  Taming mechanical resonances in my equipment was next.  Altering the sound properties was third with TC and cable changes in that group, more like frequency and dynamic controls.  As I stated in another forum, the room is 50% of the sound.  Get that right and you can start to correct for electronic and vibration irregularities.  

"It seems Agon may not be the place for the open minded assessment of cutting edge innovation. Innovation that is not understood is assumed to be an overblown hoax. At least this one and fuses fall into this category. I understand this fear and how skeptics must join together and feed and nourish this particular reality filter."   Grannyring  

A well-stated, well-defined observation, Grannyring.  As much as we have tried to make TC understood, the cynics are hanging on to their egos, the biggest obstruction to new learning.  That this thread may appear as a product promotion is only because the OP beta-tested it and published his review in the same glowing terms as any reviewer of an audio product would.  It seems some folks can't handle that.

Orthomead--thanks for posting your findings.  I can only agree wholeheartedly--I also have found new sonic bliss from my older CD player.  
Skeptics are only people who ask for a product specification as you would if purchasing a new HiFi component. People who have tried and are happy with the product have based their purchasing decision on empirical trust. Both parties should be able to base their to use the product or not. simple decision that does not require any nasties.
Elizabeth, I have always enjoyed your narratives on the AC forums over the years. We who are using and enjoying TC seem weirdly protective on this forum because the attackers are much the same gang who have tried to torpedo the OP’s threads on SR fuses.

As an aside, I am sorry you are struggling with those old HiFi Tuning fuses in your new 20.7’s. Please replace them with SR Blues of the correct ratings, and you can ditch the attenuators for good--see the historically long SR Blue threads under "Misc Audio" for reference.
@thecarpathion Thank you for the kind words and encouragement. It is not a pleasant position to be in and I know my beautiful rock, my wife, is really hurting. She keeps me sane in a seemingly, unjust world.
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It is as simple as “follow the money” - this thread is not by mere enthusiasts.This thread is a highly orchestrated product promotion as anyone can see from the ridiculous claims. This thread is clearly about parting folks from their money. Statements like “TC is better than any equipment upgrade” are just so ridiculous that the whole thing is one awfully long joke. Sadly the joke is a material expense to those who get swept up in all the hoopla.
My follow-up to the 6/13/18 post:  "I’ve provided feedback about how much further TC has taken my reviewing system is past posts but I finally took the plunge and treated the insides of my Ayon Audio S-5 Network Player/DAC/Preamp. I painted the R-core transformer center sections, center section of fuses, signal and dc power hook up wires, tops of metal caps, and DAC chips".  I also treated the outside surface of the internal preamp tubes and power supply tubes and the 12 unused rca  noise stopper caps.  All mods using TC were done late on Saturday afternoon.  I have another high end digital component in for review (retail is about $10K more than my S-5) that I had planned to compare to my internally TC treated Ayon Audio S-5.  This past Sunday I  AB both components with my local audiophile friend present.  We started with the new component and played familiar music we know and then swapped in the S-5.  The S-5 being tube based was considerably warmer sounding and definitely more warmed sounding prior to internal TC treatment from recent memory.  I thought maybe I went too far with TC (my thoughts on Sunday ).  I let TC settle in for 3 days without changing anything in my system and listened yesterday to the same music with my friend.  The magic returned and then some.  I totally agree with Grannyring, the improvement TC provides far exceeds internal wire, capacitor and resistor changes or competing tweaks previously reviewed.  The internal TC treatment of my S-5 resulted in a big jump in resolution and transparent and made me forget the inclination to upgrade to a new digital front end that adds DSD.  Adding more TC to my reviewing system hasn't resulted in diminishing returns but to the contrary.  The musicality of my system has improved with each additional application of TC. 
To those that have treated their speaker crossovers, what all exactly did you paste? My speaker crossovers are easily (somewhat) accessible so I plan on doing this sometime soon.
Would it be too redundant if I mentioned solder joints? All solder joints in everything.
@shadorne <It is as simple as “follow the money” - this thread is not by mere enthusiasts. This thread is a highly orchestrated product promotion as anyone can see from the ridiculous claims. This thread is clearly about parting folks from their money. Statements like “TC is better than any equipment upgrade” are just so ridiculous that the whole thing is one awfully long joke. Sadly the joke is a material expense to those who get swept up in all the hoopla.> 

Could not be put better although I can't help wishing there was a better way to separate the debates here on Audiogon between the genuine enthusiasts and all the rest.

I am a mere enthusiast. Look at my posting and review history plus feedback. Easy to see I post on a myriad of different topics and am a long time member. Best way to try the product is to spend $75 with three other people and pass around the paste. Paste a few simple connections. Give it a couple of days and if you like what you hear then go for a full purchase and paste your entire system for even more fantastic results.

In crossovers paste all solder connections and bare point to point wire runs. Yes, cover all those cap and resistor leadouts. Inside speakers paste the leads exiting the voice coil to the tab connectors. Paste the tab connectors and any solder connections. Paste the solder connections at the speaker binding posts. Paste the entire post inside the speaker.

Pasting just one power cord or connection will give you a taste of the SQ improvement. On its own the improvement level is like cap or tube upgrade. However, when you take the time to apply throughout your system, as outlined in many posts, well then the improvement is on the order that makes the skeptics anxious. To get to this level requires a willingness to get inside gear, speakers, outlets etc...Simple to do but does take time.

I have been following along on this thread since just about the beginning, and have been in this hobby for about 50 years now.

 In the early days after just purchasing my audiophile membership I would save and spend every penny on the dream. Soon into my addiction the pinnacle of spending for me were a pair of Levinson ML-2's, ML-3, LNC-2 crossover, Magneplanar T-1D's, and soon after Tympani 4's all new except for the LNC-2.

When my career kind of got in the way along with it came a change in philosophy of my pursuit of audio bliss. I would attempt to acquire a system with 90%, or hopefully even a higher percentage of SOTA for 5% of the cash outlay. At least that was the goal.

Fast forwarding to this point I have not heard TC in my system or any where. My opinion is that it would be at the minimum a good addition to almost any music system, as well as other applications. I would like to buy some.

The OP in a recent post commented that TC is very inexpensive. That would seem to me to be from the viewpoint exclusively of perceived performance vs dollars spent.

In evaluating this product from my viewpoint I see a marketing approach with nearly zero cost outlay, and raw materials near an absolute minimum. $299 for this package falls sadly into the all too familiar category of far overpriced audio product.

In my one previous post on this thread I suggested a smaller quantity at a more affordable price, as a possible simple solution to reboot the marketing approach. Of course bringing the TC to the end consumer cost would be close to the exact same amount, but then in my mind all would be well.

There is a company that specializes in isolation accessories that I've purchased from I believe 12 times now. Products work as advertised and at prices that fit into my 90%-5% mindset. Maybe they're working with graphene right about now.

Regarding Mister Fleshler..."Jetter-to answer why Wolf is a troll, he has personally attacked me in this forum, denigrating my name, my heritage and I think my religion." I "think" my religion? I get that many around here are wound pretty tight, but accusing me of denigrating your religion or heritage is ridiculous, as I know of no religion you adhere to except the religion of "follower of expensive left field tweaks." You also have mentioned a few times that you consider yourself to be wealthy, which makes me think, who says that? More than any case my picking on your name was simply because you came out of nowhere to join the infomercial that is this thread and I thought your name was sort of funny...I now know you’re not funny in any way. Sorry to have rumpled your feathers, and please continue to personally attack me as a troll or whatever you feel you need to do as hey, perhaps it’s therapeutic for you as it often is for the intensely insecure among us.
On another note, I might take a break from this infomercial as my posts seem to allow the rabid and often unhinged TC hyperbole infused fanboys and sales force more opportunities to rant the promotional manifesto. I think TC will be ignored by the marketplace and will settle into oblivion with the vast wasteland of other unnecessary audio tweaks...and besides, I think Tim owes me 500 bucks.
I understand the cost concern. I really depends on how you view it. $300 for a tiny vile of paste seems extreme. I get that. However, that container goes a long, long way. You can paste several systems and still have some left. My experience with a digital front end is the SQ improvement is greater than any number of much more expensive cables, cords, tweaks, footers etc.... In this light the paste is really a killer bargain. I am speaking in terms of $’s to SQ improvement. I know of nothing in audio that adds up to a better value or $’s to SQ improvement.

The only real negative, which I have not seen mentioned, is the fact that you are covering up your gear with paste. Some may just not be comfortable with that notion for resale or warranty work. Perhaps other reasons. I get that.
Elizabeth sez:

  • "And no one here is a troll. we are just as honest genuine audiophiles as you are."

How can your negative responses toward a product that you haven’t tried, let alone even seen, be "honest" and/or "genuine?"

Based on the SQ benifits of this product, only realized by actual use, I stand by my statement that this product and other innovative spin-offs from it will be used extensively in manufacturing and elsewhere. I see it in power plants, medical facilities and all manner of electronics. The inventor is really into something here. I am certain other innovative products of “like” origin are coming! Exciting times for many and certainly for we audio enthusiasts.
^^^ grannyring ...

My feelings exactly. Tim is really on to something special here. I've been doing quite a bit of experimenting with TC over the past few months. I won't talk about it until I have Tim's OK to do so. I will say that the power savings (electrical bill) has gone down ... and I had to turn the temperature of my refrigerator up because things in the bottom drawer intended to keep vegetables crisp started freezing. 

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Pseudo skeptics just can’t seem to stay away. It’s like a moth to flame 🔥 . The funny thing is it isn’t really that controversial. It’s difficult to separate the grinders from the so called honest audiophiles. 😬 Next up, glupson to ask, what’s a grinder? 
“So if you think I walked away and you can disparage me,..You are wrong. I suggest you skip the attacks on me and what I said unless you want me to continue.. for say the next two years? on this thread making it clear that some folks are not so easily bamboozled . I am retired, and have all day every day to just be as annoying as you are. So it is your choice, O. And the same goes for the rest of your ’team’ of ’enthusiasts’..BTW oregonpapa, you can start by apologizing for insinuating I am not ’honest’ or ’genuine’ for starters.”


So you are threatening to be a troll?

I've been following the history of TC with some interest and after hanging back for a while purchased a set and applied it to my interconnects, super-tweeter connections, and select power cords. I've been leery to post my findings in large part put off by the toxic atmosphere this thread has generated.

Overall while I think TC in general has a positive impact it, at least to this user, in his system, is not a particularly impactful tweak. Think of it more as the difference between a good first pressing and a re-press then the equivalent of a major component upgrade.

The pressing comparison is well chosen because for me the impact of TC was to assist in making the system sound more organic, less hi-fi. So it tempers the common experience of frequency highlighting ("wow isn't that bass good", "love those cymbals") and instead helps you hear the holistic performance, putting more of the performers in the room together. I found exactly the same thing this morning comparing the Cooking Vinyl and original Tara pressings of Davy Spillanes "Atlantic Bridge" -- the former is all (very impressive) bass and bombast while the latter at first seems subdued but is in fact much better integrated.

To some extent this sort of impact is like that obtained from use of FoQ material - its not like a fuse change which is more black/white and direct in impact. Of course it doesn't help that for 24 hours after application the sound is awful, chesty and congested. This clears up quickly (and it's elapsed time not play time). I've personally not noticed big improvements with time but I do make all manner of changes in my system on an ongoing basis anyway.

I do find TC to be a pain to use however and I'm leery to try it on digital connections (of which I have a lot) given past experience with other tweaks really messing them up (the FoQ for example).

So overall for me its a B+ type product, worth having and for me and worth the $$ but by no means a must have. As it's tricky to use and hard to do A/B I'd only recommend it to those that are already happy with their systems, and also to those who are looking for a more yin oriented, holistic presentation than a yan/analytical.
Elizabeth sez ...

  • "... over enthusiastic claims being made by apparently hypnotized audiophiles on a thread designed to sell product."

Okay Elizabeth, I’ll adjust the question a bit: How do you know that what’s been presented here regarding TC is "over enthusiastic" and that the users are "hypnotized" when you haven’t personally used it yourself, let alone even seen it?

And by the way Elizabeth, my intention isn't to call you dishonest ... I don't even know you. Its just a simple question. 

FolkFreak, thanks for your review of TC. In noting the high quality of your components and accessories, including the Torus wall-mount power supply, I am glad you DO hear the contribution of TC as a more organic presentation. What I get a kick out of is that TC continues to reward over time. I will be at eight weeks this weekend, and I have been happier each time I listen.  
I'm still waiting for someone ... anyone .. to compare TC with what The Mad Scientist offers. I know there are several "Goners" who have tried the MS product ... at least they've said they were going to order it.  To date, no one has stepped up. Please, if you've tried the MS graphine product, let us know your results. I've been encouraging the comparison all along.

As far as the claims of TC being overpriced based upon the materials used, to date, those making the claims haven't presented any receipts or bills showing the cost of materials obtained by Tim Mrock in order to make the product, packaging it or shipping it out. Nothing about the labor costs either. Surly, if a product is claimed to be overpriced, then some proof should be forthcoming, no? 

And by the way, no one is attacking anyone in this thread without being personally attacked first.  Genuine criticism and questions are always welcome. 

Based on my listening evaluations, Total Contact is an absolute audio bargain.  
How about everyone just agree to cease with the personal attacks moving forward and let's see what happens and for how long?  
Well, mash my taters and call me Lumpy. There’s a new fascil-i-tater in town.
If Grannyring is correct that there is enough paste to do several systems why is this company not selling smaller sizes ? Half the quantity half the $300 . Or maybe a $75 bottle for one system . Makes no sense to have to buy enough product for 3 systems .

Thanks for your comments! I found pretty much the same as you when I treated a few obvious places. The next level came when I treated my computer server throughout the inside as well as my amps and power supplies internally. Finally I did my speakers internally. Not everyone is comfortable doing all this. I should clarify that my near intoxicating love affair with this product is based on using an entire vile and a portion of another just about everywhere it could be used.

BTW...still enjoying the artists you turned me onto.  Thanks! 

He does need to sell a smaller size.  I did go nuts with mine and parted areas most would not.  I needed the whole vile 😊

I'm finding that I would want more, not less. Like grannryring and I are discovering ... there's more to this product than meets the eye. I mean, who wouldn't want frozen onions in the vegetable crisper? :-)

I told my brother in Tennessee about the product and its many uses, so he proceeded to order two kits ... and he doesn't have an audio system. 

The obvious solution (no pun intended) is to arrange to share one syringe among two or three buyers. Hel-loo! If someone wants to go all the way he might need the whole thing. You know, circuit breaker box, all solder joints, all microchips, all wall outlet contacts everywhere, video system, whatever. You don’t really know a priori how far you are inclined to go.

I don’t go all the way.  - J. Edgar Hoover 

I don’t go all the way either.  - Shirley Temple
News Flash! 

New product coming soon. I, and a few others, have been beta testing a new product from our friend Tim Mrock.  Nice. VERY nice indeed.
