New Tweak --- Its Fantastic


Over the good part of this past year I’ve been beta testing a new tweak, the name of which is "Total Contact." Its a hi-bred graphene contact enhancer that is different from all other contact enhancers that have come and gone for one reason or another. I’m not new to these contact enhancers, having had quite a bit of experience with a product developed by the late Brian Kyle and his "Quick Silver" contact enhancer. The "Total Contact" is different ... a LOT different.

"Total Contact" is graphene based and is not a vibration control. It eliminates micro-arching between two contacts. Micro-arching, much like Micro-vibration smears the sound in our stereo systems. Its the type of distortion that we don’t know is there .... until we eliminate it. There is no break-in as we know it. The sound is improved right off the bat, but what you hear is only a smidgen of what’s to come.

I tested three generations of "TC," each of which was an improvement over the previous incarnation. The final mix was cryogenitically treated and made for a more effective, much smoother application. It comes in a large hypodermic needle type plunger containing 1.5 ml of product and includes a instructional DVD and an application brush.

The application should be applied with a very thin coat to all of your electrical connections .... from your cartridge pins to your power cords. I did my entire system, including the ends of my fuses.

Upon initial application, you will notice an improvement in clarity, correctness of tonal balance and a more overall organic sound. But ... that is just scratching the surface of what this magic paste does. As it cures, the improvements become more apparent. Much more!

There are two real break-through events that happen almost to the day with "Total Contact," one at four weeks and another at eight weeks . At four weeks, you’ll get a real jump in clarity and overall improvement. That’s only a taste though of what’s to come at eight weeks. At eight weeks your system’s focus will make a jump in SQ that is so real - its surreal.

After 40 years in the hobby, and a total tweak nut, I have never heard anything that does what this graphene paste does. The see-through clarity at eight weeks becomes simply amazing. The "paste" eventually cures into a kind of polymer plastic and it seems that the sound improves with each listening session. So, its important that you leave your contacts alone for the duration. If you’re the type of person that continually switches wires in and out, you’ll have to re paste until enough time has elapsed to get "the cure."

The only problem I had was with the first batch and that had to do with shorting out a tube pin in the line stage. Use the "TC" very sparingly on tube pins, if at all. I only had problems with the line stage tube pins. The Amp, CD Player and Phono Stage has had no tube pin problems at all.

Tim Mrock, one of our fellow A’goners, is the developer of the product. Its taken Tim 15 years and several patents to get it right. Tim has "pasted" every electrical contact he can find in his audio system, all of the switches in his circuit breaker box, every contact in his car ... and has used it in commercial applications such as hospital circuit breakers, surgical lights ... and other places where efficiency and long life of electrical components are deemed important.

This product is highly recommended to anyone who truly wants to get the most out of his/her audio systems. There’s enough product in each tube to do at least two audio systems as it just takes a very thin coat on each application to be effective. The last tube was enough to do my system twice and then a friend’s system this past weekend.


PS: There were a couple of other A’goner beta testers of this product as well. Hopefully, they will chime in here with their experiences for comparison. I "pasted" both of Steve Fleschler’s systems a few days ago, perhaps he will comment on his results too. We forgot to paste Steve’s power cords though, so there’s a lot more to be had from Steve’s two fantastic systems.


We share a love for cycling. I wonder if pasting my chain will cause me to ride like I was 32 again!
I don’t know Dave Magnan but made up pluggable AC line filters, which are fantastic, according to directions on his web site as long ago as 30 years ago. My, how time flies. And of course, he was one of the very first to compile a comprehensive list of tweaks.
Granny ring - there are many tweaks for bikes. One company sells a solution wax and graphite based that will give you an extra 5 watts. They also sell oversized der. pulleys good for 10 watts. You can spend thousands on wheel sets that will give you extra speed. It comes down to how much you want to spend for marginal gains. Or you can just train hard lose weight and do the best with what you have. In pack racing some of the gains are less important than tactics.

barbapapa ...

Nope, not kidding at all. Try it.

jay23 ...

Blue over the Black ... no contest.

geoff ...

Dave Magnan was one of the most brilliant men I have ever met. He held a PHD in electrical engineering and prior to his retirement, he worked for the Navy as a civilian at our local Navy base. He was the chief engineer who worked out the computer bugs on the firing mechanisms (the weapons) on the F-16s. He had a pair of stacked Quads and custom mono tube amps that he built himself. He was totally into transparency ... and it was truly something else. Not that great musically IMO, but his system was like an open window to the outdoors. He was quite the landscape artist too. He had his oils hung all around the house. Very talented man.

grannyring ...

If TC could reverse the aging cycle, I’d be drunk on it. *lol*

stoplitz ...

Today’s bicycles are amazing ... so much has advanced technologically since I was into it. I wish I had never sold my bike. Even though I wouldn’t be riding it, I’d hang it on the wall as a piece of art. Dang ... it was beautiful.

Is Phil Woods still making sealed bearing hubs? I had a pair that I used over the years on three different bikes and never repacked or had one problem. They rolled so smooth. You might look for a pair on the used market.

Whoops, I just answered my own question:

I was wondering what fuse Dan D’Agnostino uses in hs new $250,000 power amp? Sort of reminds me the time Marian Brown a well know jazz sax player came into my store and asked for a #3 alto sax reed. I asked do you want regular Rico’s or the RICO royals. He said regular Rico’s i’ll do the Royal part.
Frank and/or Tom,

Advice and instruction needed. I have been hesitant to do any fuse upgrading, so if I dive in, I would like to get a base line by treating the existing fuse in the player with TC then upgrading it only if it makes an appreciable jump in sound quality. Not having ever done anything like this before, do I just treat either side of the fuse without getting any on the central portion of the fuse?

By the way the main reason for not wanting to spend much on a fuse is because I have been saving to get a music server and dac to eventually replace my aging Resolution Opus CD player in the near future.

Thank you in advance,


rc ...

Just paste the shiny metal ends of the fuses. Please report back on the results. Thanks ...

  • "Sort of reminds me the time Marian Brown a well know jazz sax player came into my store and asked for a #3 alto sax reed. I asked do you want regular Rico’s or the RICO royals. He said regular Rico’s i’ll do the Royal part."

That gets the post of the week. Priceless ... 

@reseloution1 If you paint around the glass body as well, it will really enhance it. Be sure not to connect with the end caps !  If you like give me a call on fuses, and I will share my opinion with you. We have quite a few in our system 32 to be exact.

Thank you for getting back. That is what I thought but still wanted to be sure. I will also speak with Tim since he may have a different take. I will let you folks know how it turns out either way.

perfectpathtech, please change my name from the account name here to my name in credit card in the insurance. otherwise i cannot recieve the parcel

just got my total contact. the texture is similar to computer cpu thermal paste. i have pasted power cables socket ends, sperker cables. i have pasted very very thin layer. just a light tint of grey. is this correct?

It's been seven months after first applying TC.  If anyone is interested in my opinion, I say that the SR Blue Fuse installation is more important than TC.  Two fuses cost as much as one tube of TC, so choose where you can afford to spend your funds.  My CD player has 4 rail fuses alone or $600 worth of fuses and despite no fuses in my phono and pre-amps, I have a pair of mono-blocks, another CD player with a fuse, another amp with a fuse, a receiver for my video/audio system and a pair of fused speakers.  That's about $1650 plus tax for 11 fuses.  It gets expensive but unlikely for a fuse to blow, let alone multiple fuses in multiple equipment.
Fleschler, that kind of begs the question, where do you go from here? 🤡
  • Fleschler, that kind of begs the question, where do you go from here? 🤡

To music nirvana ...
Well, one man’s version of it, anyway. 😁 contended cows make the best milk. 🐄 🐄
Where the "$150 fuser" likely goes next is off to the latest bit of hyperbole fueled silliness launched by some "magic tweak" purveyor bent on discovering how much people will pay for something like a fuse. Note that fuses don't and can't improve the tone of anything because they're stuck within the parameters of being, simply, a fuse.
We will not know the limit of what someone might pay until the super ultimate  very groovy psychodelic fuse is released at $150 per color.
I think we’re close to the $500 fuse, which should arrive in a wooden box with a registration number...gets me thinking...hmm...hey mapman...wanna make some bucks? Let’s see...we need paint, something we claim is graphene (we don’t need to expose ourselves to risking the carcinogenic issues of "actual" graphene), little wooden boxes with velvet liners and metal labels with the registration number, and the easy part, get oregonpapa or somebody to supply a hyperbole stuffed rave about them at length right here so no need for an advertising plan. That saves some serious bucks right there. I can see it now..."The Mapman/Garcia Ultra Special Superfuse," or MAGUSS maybe...where are my beta testers? I'm looking to rent a Quantum Tesla Zapper as I write this...Let’s go!
Brief Update: Frank invited me back to his home for another listening session, as he has continued to paste everything in his home, like crazy. I was initially skeptical that I would notice further improvement, but I was wrong...his noise floor is continuing to get lower, with more optimal sonic density, and better resolution, allowing me to hear individual instruments and was a dramatic improvement, over an already good experience.
I know there are nay sayers, or folks who have not tried this...but from first hand experience, I think this is a great tweak. Some folks spend even more $$$ on high end power conditioners, and then add grounding boxes, and expensive grounding cables, isolation racks, and room treatments...there are many paths to increasing your enjoyment of your own rig, in your own home. But I like to optimize my costs/benefit ratio, and I feel the TC is a real value, and provides real benefit. I will be placing more order next week, to allow me to experience a better audio environment in my room.
I have a few SR Black fuses in my rig, and have not decided to upgrade to the Blue fuses at this time....
I started development of Mapman’s Funky Fuse several years back some readers might recall. Still working to get it just right in that it will not be cheap. Will graphene make it funkier? We’ll see....

You can read more about the historic unveiling of this still evolving masterwork right here:

Don't fret.  The SR Black fuses are great once broken in compared to ordinary fuses.  The SR Blue fuse is somewhat better but sounds great immediately upon installation.  
OK...I guess this means I'm on my own, so no Bentley for mapman...I started on the prototype by gluing some pics of graphite (car magazine McLaren seat pod closeups) on a Littelfuse. I've decided these should also be "music specific"...certain ones best suited to Mumblecore, others to provide utter silence and a low noise floor (and ceiling...nobody talks about the Noise Ceiling) when the components are turned off, others tuned for Benjamin Britton fans...those are 50 bucks more, and note that the break-in time is slightly longer than the 30 day free return policy as, hey man, I ain't no fool. Guaranteed to lower the noise floor by at least 3 meters, the noise ceiling by exactly 32 feet, and to be bi-directional in keeping with current social trends.
geoffkait:  I usually let this slide (so as not to be accused of being a “Grammar Nazi”), but as someone who is so fond of pointing out logical fallacies, I think you should look up what it means “to beg the question.”  I think you’ll find it does not mean what you think it means.  And while you see and hear this phrase being misused all the time, I’m only bringing it up with you because I know you can “take it”!
Actually I know exactly what the phrase begs the question means and how to use it in a sentence. My father was an English professor.

Now being a commercial product I don't think that Total Contact, commonly known as TC can continue to be called a 'tweak'. It is a commercially available product that may provide enhanced performance of your HiFi connections. Are Blue fuses a "tweak" or a commercial product? @USD$149.00, I don't regard it as a tweak.

I think the OP should change the Header.

I’m still thinking about the question. 🙄

Was Carlos Castenada right? There is a separate reality?

If "Total Contact" is a commercial product, it contravenes the policy of not allowing promotion of a commercial product in the AudioGon threads. Other manufacturers and suppliers are forced to abide by this policy, therefore I believe this should follow the same restrictions.

Well moderators?

I actually have worked on a new fuse concept and when I called Littell Fuse with just a part of it..and I said I needed silver conductor and silver end caps...the dilbert on the other end of the phone asked why. My simple response of many things ..was same material coherency from end to end, low shear velocity..and it would sound better as a result..his ass blew me off...thee end ..They have no idea. Tom
Actually I know exactly what the phrase begs the question means and how to use it in a sentence. My father was an English professor.

I'd call that a naked appeal to authority, whereas the way you actually used it in a sentence:

Fleschler, that kind of begs the question, where do you go from here? 🤡
pretty much demonstrates that you do not know how to use it in a sentence.

However, since we're dealing with GK, the great contrarian, I'm sure you'll figure out some way to argue that your usage is correct (perhaps by calling it ironic?)
I’m shocked. (When worlds collide. “Fuses have only one purpose.”)

But seriously, we’ve had all silver fuses for like forever. HiFi Tuning Supreme. 99% pure silver and 1% pure gold tip to tip. And they’re directional! We’ve also had silver fuse holders since Fabio was an audiophile. From Acme, the company that supplies Wiley Coyote with those cool rocket skates and other fun stuff.
rel, I’m right and you’re wrong. It wasn’t an appeal to anything. Fleschler said it had been seven months since first applying TC. The unanswered question, the one begging to be asked, is has he reached the end of the line with TC, since hasn’t done anything in seven months, or so I concluded from his statement. And apparently the answer is yes, he has. He reached Nirvana. Follow?
Geoff I only expressed a portion of the concept and I know about the others. Adding other materials to the brew increases interfering energy..and poor mechanical integrity makes them much more directional..Go back to your shuttered room and your pig screen viewing.  Tom
Still trying to push that shear crappola, eh? You are one confused cowpoke. 🤠 Go back to my shuttered room and my pig screen viewing? Wow, did you think that up all by yourself? You are one sick little puppy dog. 🐶
The benefits of removing a polarity of shear which reduces interference can be seen with FFT..and easily heard with ears. Tom
Uh, Tom, we already have all silver fuses. End to end. And the wire. We already have directionality. End of story. Go discover something new.
Come out of your bat cave..
Why are they directional when they can be much less directional. 
Tom - Stop obsessing. Go find something productive to do. If you want to invent something do it yourself. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. Besides, I wouldn’t be too surprised to see Littelfuse come out with an all silver fuse sometime soon. 😀

Your in a 800 sq. ft. bat cave wearing your bat headphones glued to your pig screen just like fly paper and all the world at your finger tips..butt your not a part of that world are you.
Were you involved in a serious motorcycle accident recently? Why would you discuss your ideas with a company that would obviously be interested in stealing them if they thought it would help sales? 
Sorry, Geoff, but son of an English professor or not, you're just flat-out wrong.

Any form of argument where the conclusion is assumed in one of the premises. Many people use the phrase “begging the question” incorrectly when they use it to mean, “prompts one to ask the question”. That is NOT the correct usage. Begging the question is a form of circular reasoning

For example:

Q:  Why do you hate him so much?

A:  Because I can't stand him!

Now THAT is "begging the question."
I didnt get a 10 th. of the way thru any disclosure. What I stated was the obvious the rest would have followed after a NDA .

Are you wearing your bat phones over top of your bat mask.You can’t go out like that..well U mite after sunset.
Sorry, Geoff, but son of an English professor or not, you're just flat-out wrong.

Any form of argument where the conclusion is assumed in one of the premises. Many people use the phrase “begging the question” incorrectly when they use it to mean, “prompts one to ask the question”. That is NOT the correct usage. Begging the question is a form of circular reasoning

For example:

Q: Why do you hate him so much?

A: Because I can't stand him!

Now THAT is "begging the question."

It’s a pretty stupid criticism. I see what you mean but so what? Talk about petty. It’s a classic case of not seeing the forest for the trees. Besides, you didn’t catch my obvious appeal to authority, “my father was an English professor.” So that makes us even.
Sorry, my interest, such as it was, is rapidly waning, Tom. But good luck with that.
Because of your recent dismissive statement my descriptive terms must have hit home in your bat cave.
No, not really. They just seem creepy, frankly. Did you suffer a head trauma?