New Tweak --- Its Fantastic


Over the good part of this past year I’ve been beta testing a new tweak, the name of which is "Total Contact." Its a hi-bred graphene contact enhancer that is different from all other contact enhancers that have come and gone for one reason or another. I’m not new to these contact enhancers, having had quite a bit of experience with a product developed by the late Brian Kyle and his "Quick Silver" contact enhancer. The "Total Contact" is different ... a LOT different.

"Total Contact" is graphene based and is not a vibration control. It eliminates micro-arching between two contacts. Micro-arching, much like Micro-vibration smears the sound in our stereo systems. Its the type of distortion that we don’t know is there .... until we eliminate it. There is no break-in as we know it. The sound is improved right off the bat, but what you hear is only a smidgen of what’s to come.

I tested three generations of "TC," each of which was an improvement over the previous incarnation. The final mix was cryogenitically treated and made for a more effective, much smoother application. It comes in a large hypodermic needle type plunger containing 1.5 ml of product and includes a instructional DVD and an application brush.

The application should be applied with a very thin coat to all of your electrical connections .... from your cartridge pins to your power cords. I did my entire system, including the ends of my fuses.

Upon initial application, you will notice an improvement in clarity, correctness of tonal balance and a more overall organic sound. But ... that is just scratching the surface of what this magic paste does. As it cures, the improvements become more apparent. Much more!

There are two real break-through events that happen almost to the day with "Total Contact," one at four weeks and another at eight weeks . At four weeks, you’ll get a real jump in clarity and overall improvement. That’s only a taste though of what’s to come at eight weeks. At eight weeks your system’s focus will make a jump in SQ that is so real - its surreal.

After 40 years in the hobby, and a total tweak nut, I have never heard anything that does what this graphene paste does. The see-through clarity at eight weeks becomes simply amazing. The "paste" eventually cures into a kind of polymer plastic and it seems that the sound improves with each listening session. So, its important that you leave your contacts alone for the duration. If you’re the type of person that continually switches wires in and out, you’ll have to re paste until enough time has elapsed to get "the cure."

The only problem I had was with the first batch and that had to do with shorting out a tube pin in the line stage. Use the "TC" very sparingly on tube pins, if at all. I only had problems with the line stage tube pins. The Amp, CD Player and Phono Stage has had no tube pin problems at all.

Tim Mrock, one of our fellow A’goners, is the developer of the product. Its taken Tim 15 years and several patents to get it right. Tim has "pasted" every electrical contact he can find in his audio system, all of the switches in his circuit breaker box, every contact in his car ... and has used it in commercial applications such as hospital circuit breakers, surgical lights ... and other places where efficiency and long life of electrical components are deemed important.

This product is highly recommended to anyone who truly wants to get the most out of his/her audio systems. There’s enough product in each tube to do at least two audio systems as it just takes a very thin coat on each application to be effective. The last tube was enough to do my system twice and then a friend’s system this past weekend.


PS: There were a couple of other A’goner beta testers of this product as well. Hopefully, they will chime in here with their experiences for comparison. I "pasted" both of Steve Fleschler’s systems a few days ago, perhaps he will comment on his results too. We forgot to paste Steve’s power cords though, so there’s a lot more to be had from Steve’s two fantastic systems.

I had a local audiophile friend who is highly discerning when it comes to audio over on Sunday who hadn’t heard my system since applying TC. My friend has had many high end systems over the years and fine audio is his only hobby. He listened to my system and immediately shook his head and said, "You’ve made a lot changes since I was last here. What did you do to your system? You’ve always had a lower noise floor given your highly tweaked system consisting of top of the line Synergistic Research cables and tweaks but your system noise floor is much lower than I have ever heard. I’m hearing details in my favorite recordings that were obscured before and your system is better balanced and less forward sounding". With TC, my system has never sounded better. The soundstage is left to right and front to back is huge with greater image density. I’m at the 8th week mark on my cables and the 2nd week mark on my treated Cutler Hammer panel. I’m also happy to report that I’ve been able to remove some outside the signal path tweaks since treating my system with TC.  Looking forward to the new products coming on board.
I'm impressed with what TC has done for me. From all the things I've pasted I found tube pins and anything connected to the modem and router to have the biggest impact. I'm slowly changing out connectors on my power cables and when I do I'm applying TC to the wires and contacts to great effect.

I started about a month ago with the speaker and interconnect cables and each week after have applied to something different and would like to open up my dac and amp to fiddle but I'm getting low on supply so i may order more unless Tim's announcement next month steers me in another direction.

Look forward to what you gotta say next month Tim!!
@littlecx Thank you for your purchase! tracking number and package out today! Welcome aboard!

@mikeg Thank you! most of all trusting me on the major change and investment in your electrical system. Enjoy all the calls,photos, and texts, keep them coming!

@t_ramey Thank you Sir! I am elated with your praise and enjoyment of
the product. Don't stop pasting pending my announcement, I haven't, and I know what's coming! LOL     
hi all i discovered this thread by chance and am really interested in the magic this little tube doing and so i placed the order. i stay in cable page mostly and from there i got cerious technologies graphene matrix xlr which is really good. it is a bit tiring to read through 34 pages here but if anyone can tell how to apply to usb? i have ifi micro iusb3.0 and igalvanic. so i have quite few usb ports and cables to do.
This week I started crossing the 8 week mark for the last batch of connections I treated. Amazing, not a trace of “canned” sound here!
littlecx ...

Congratulations, you’re in for a real treat. You can use a small pointed item like a toothpick to apply the TC in tight areas. The brush supplied with the kit is quite small and it fits in tight spaces as well. Be sure to use a strong light to check if the connections are completely pasted. You don’t want any shiny parts left. :-)

T_Ramey & Tommylion ...

I installed a new modem and cables for my PC the other day. This morning I applied what I had left of TC to all of the connections, the router and modem. Can’t say if the Internet is faster, but the sound quality of my little PC audio system is much improved ... and it was already quite good. Speakers (Audioengine A2+ ) completely disappear now. All around quite enjoyable while the main system awaits the new transformer for the ARC line stage. Delivery of the new transformer is scheduled for tomorrow, then its off to the tech for installation.  

Music recommendations ...

Over time, I've been collecting a series of "Jazz For" CD's. They are compilations of jazz and vocal artists. Mostly ballads ... and exceptionally well recorded. Just the ticket for early morning listening with that cup of coffee (hopefully you are home roasting), or while enjoying that adult beverage in the evening with your honey. Here's some examples. Highly recommended:

There's more ... and the price is right.

Another update on using TC inside your speakers. Paste the driver tab connectors and internal speaker wire where they are soldered or connected with push-ons on the back of the drivers. Paste the wire leads going from the voice coil to the tabs. Paste the point to point wire leads and solder joints in the crossover.

The impact really takes a couple of days to experience based on my experience. Immediatley after treatment you may not hear improvements and perhaps even reduced musicality. However, after two days all I can say is wow! This is a must do if you are comfortable removing drivers etc.....

Don’t forget the solder connections to the speaker binding posts internally.
Post removed 
Yes, I've been thinking of opening up my ML CLXs transformer boxes to paste the connectors between the boards and the panels.

Definitely continue to be amazed at the sonic improvement of this product.

^^^   littlecx ...

Start with all of your fuse ends and holders. Then do the power cord connections and the IC connections, not forgetting the grounds on the female end where the IC's connect to the amp.. Then do the wall plug on your PC. Paste the wall receptacle's outer body and the connecting wires where they screw into the receptacle's body. Turn your power off for this one. You should notice quite an improvement from these changes. There's more .... but that can come later. Please post your results ...

regarding speaker cables, for spades, i should paste the whole spade or just the side touching the amp connection? for banana, my ones are hollow, shoukd i paste the inner side as well?
@littlecx    USPS CV057217163US

Package left yesterday as promised, thank you again!
littlecx ...

  • regarding speaker cables, for spades, i should paste the whole spade or just the side touching the amp connection? for banana, my ones are hollow, should i paste the inner side as well?

Paste the whole spade ... and also paste the entire connections at the speaker end. For bananas, paste the male end and insert. :-)

You’re welcome Allan ...

I finally got the main system up and running yesterday. I was listening to a few of those recordings this morning with my Guatemala home roast. They’re just the ticket while waiting for that first cup of coffee to kick in.


PS: Guys ... this Total Contact is WAY more than what meets the eye. The system is unbelievable. Stay tuned ...
Eight week Office system update. After inserting an eichmen power strip. The 4 week jump was great but the eight week jump was unexpected. The bass definition and depth was more than I could have imagined coming from my 3 inch single driver speakers. The balance of the frequency spectrum was equally clarified, with stunning midrange and treble. For such a modest system it is truly a joy to listen to for hours on end. TC has been truly worth every penny I paid and then some. It is easy to apply and delivers on the claims that have been written about in this thread.

By the way I went to a speaker setup seminar yesterday evening and was treated to an amazing speaker demonstration that had Graphene coated drivers. 🤔 

Happy listening.

Oregon Papa,
with ss tuners, apart from fuse, RCA inputs, power cord input, what else can we work on for significative results please ?
@resolution1 Thank you so much for your diligent and thorough posting
as to the results you have experienced. Hard to believe, but the product will continue to improve. Thanks again!

@barbapapa As long as your comfortable going inside the tuner, painting the top of caps, and pasting the transformer, should make for a large improvement, but remember PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK.
Any questions do not hesitate to call!

@barbapapa - I recently painted the connections inside on my wall outlets, connections to a grounding box and inside a power conditioner. The improvement was worthwhile and easily heard. CMA: Obviously if you decide to do this turn the power of at the box and it's you assuming all the risk  :-)

top of the cap actually is only a part of the aluminium can of the cap, still can make a difference? then should i remove the plastic sleeve of the cap and paint the whole cap?

for toroidal transformer, just paint the whole body?

For toroidal transformers mu metal would be a tad less expensive and more effective, no? What is it that you think would be achieved by painting the transformer?
I am interested in trying this product but am reluctant without some guarantee. Also wondering why such a cost difference between Mad Scientist product which does offer guarantee? Should I try their product first as a trial or is it possible to get a trial size of TS to put on speaker connections to see what it does.
I think there may be a market opening up for a very small paint roller and tray for use when applying the TC.  Sounds like an opportunity for machina dynamica.  
  • For toroidal transformers mu metal would be a tad less expensive and more effective, no? What is it that you think would be achieved by painting the transformer? 

1. No. I've tried both. TC blows away Mu Metal.
2. Better sound quality.

  • I am interested in trying this product but am reluctant without some guarantee. Also wondering why such a cost difference between Mad Scientist product which does offer guarantee? 

1.  Read through this entire thread, but especially those posts where members have stepped forward, taken the chance, bought the product, and then reported their results here. Nothing but raves. There's your guarantee.

2.  Is a Ferrari more expensive than a Camry?

  • I think there may be a market opening up for a very small paint roller and tray for use when applying the TC.

Nostradamus visits the thread. :-)


Frank, then maybe you should do both, no? You don’t think they operate by the same principle do you? I know, you don’t really care how they work. Besides I reckon you tried mu metal before your system was so revealing, correct?
Stoplitz, I was skeptical like you when this was introduced by Frank here.  I just passed my 8th week and all I can say is you won't regret it. Buy it if you can afford it.  Sorry if I sound like a sales guy (I don't know Tim in person, don't work for him and get no commission from him).  I can't say if it is better than than SR blue fuses since I have not try it but it is clearly better than the effect that you get from the SR black fuses.  The 6 black fuses in my amp are more expensive than buying TC but together they don't sound better than the effect you get from using TC.  Hope that helps.
The sound you are hearing now, though, is the combination of the Black fuses and the graphene product. If you had tried Black Fuses after you had applied the graphene product you would undoubtedly think WOW, these Black fuses sure are great! No?
  • Frank, then maybe you should do both, no? You don’t think they operate by the same principle do you? I know, you don’t really care how they work. Besides I reckon you tried mu metal before your system was so revealing, correct?

You’re right, Geoff ... I don’t care how they work ... only that they do. I did try the Mu Metal before the TC and the fuse upgrades. However, I tried the Mu Metal after all of these changes as well. I tried it around the transformers ... and not much, if anything at all. I DO know though, that you can overdo the Mu Metal. Too much and it dulls the sound.

I’ve gone through the entire SR fuse line; the Reds, the Blacks and now the Blues. As good as they are, the TC is the going-away champ. Nothing else like it that I know of.

I’m aware that some here think that I’ve really over hyped the TC product, but the feedback I’m getting from some who have taken the leap is that I have understated what TC does. And ... we are only beginning to scratch the surface with this product. I personally believe that Tim Mrock has developed a product that will transform the audio and video hobby. I’ve told him so as well.

If everything works out, there will be two A’gon members coming over this week to hear the system. One (Bob) has been here several times and will be a good gauge on the latest TC applications. The second member has never heard the system, so he will be hearing it for the first time with all of the applications (so far) done. Hopefully, they will give some feedback here. I’m looking forward to having them over. The system is really cooking.

Actually frank you cannot over-do mu metal. Now I’m suspecting we might be talking about different things. Maybe you didn’t use the right mu metal or maybe it wasn’t even mu metal at all. Who knows? The correct mu metal is the low frequency high permeability alloy. Besides there are many reasons why folks sometimes don’t get the results they were hoping for. Happens all the time. Probably not a good idea to generalize those results, though.
A rave review is not a guarantee. How many products make claims with many great reviews? Many vitamin and weight loss supplements make claims with money back guaranties assuming that the consumer won’t bother returning the product. For $35 I would take a risk but for $300 I’m still reluctant.Unless I saw a demo like I have with cables and other devices I won’t try it on blind faith. However I am intrigued .
Geoff ...

Be assured that the Mu Metal I used was the real McCoy. And contrary to what you've said, excess use did dull the sound. It was an improvement as far as lowering the noise floor to a certain degree, but  not even close to what TC does in this area. I remember distinctly that when applying the Mu Metal, one more additional little piece degraded the sound and we had to back off.  I was introduced to Mu Metal by David Magnan who used to experiment with my system with his many mods, filters and cables. It was David Magnan that provided the Mu Metal. 

stoplitz ...

Even life itself has no guarantees. Here's a proposal, try the product. If you find it non-effective in your system, be totally honest and come back here and post a negative review.

Nice pic of the cyclist ... is that you? I used to be an avid cyclist as well. What guarantee was given you about the brakes on your bicycle? I never received a guarantee from Campagnolo that my brakes would never fade, would work 100% of the time, that my seat post, chain ring or derailer would never break or malfunction.

Sometimes we just have to take things on faith.

Sorry, Frank, there must be some sort of misunderstanding. Mu metal is not applied in little pieces and it does not dull the sound. Dunno what you did, what Magnan used or did or why it dulled the sound. Hmmmm, is mentioning David Magnan an Appeal to Authority? In any case, I wouldn’t generalize your particular results to apply universally.

Mu metal is an absorber of magnetic field, one complete covering of the transformer absorbs about 75% of the induced field. A second covering increases the percentage to 95%. The mu metal does not have to touch the transformer. And the second layer should not touch the first layer.
All my bike parts come with a guarantee and if the brakes don’t work or if there is a catostrophic failure there is legal recourse. I really don’t want to spend $300 and my only recourse is posting a negative review. Let me be perfectly clear I am not questioning the integrity of the rave reviewers but I don’t know any of you. There is only one person whose recommendations I take whole heartedly and that is Michael Fremmer. Send him a tube for review if you want to see the product take off.
Yes the picture is me I have raced bikes for 42 years and was involved in the musical instrument business for 42 years.
@stoplitz The guarantee thing has been addressed several times.
Over a decade of development. The components I use are expensive,
the various processes involved expensive.

The size of this thread for only being started 6 months ago in the section of death is unprecedented.

I understand value as much as anyone, and I am proud to say there is nothing that provides sonic improvement vs cost like TC. Blind faith?
there is way too many credible folks here for that to even be applicable.

« @barbapapa As long as your comfortable going inside the tuner, painting the top of caps, and pasting the transformer, should make for a large improvement, but remember PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK. »
Any questions do not hesitate to call!

I did it . I began slowly and carefully but in the end I pasted almost everything . 
Of course I didn’t care to disconnect main and I had to jump back somehow when I have been shocked. Well, still helfy and full of energy. 😁
Hope results will help to calm down 🤪
Thanks, I’ll wait for Fremmer’s review. He is very thorough and takes the responsibility of his reviews seriously. If he gives it a thumbs up I will gladly pay the $300 for the product and for all your hard work creating it.
geoff ...

Magnan’s name was mentioned in an effort to give you some perspective and assurance that the experiments weren’t "fly-by-night."

I fully understand how to apply Mu Metal. Nothing was touching the transformers during our experiments. It worked as far as we used it ... but as you know, there are more than one transformer in an audio system. One piece too many and the sound was degraded. I heard it and Dave did too. I found the same thing to be true of Magnan’s special filters that I have hanging out of my power conditioner. One too many was one too many. :-)

stoplitz ...

A bit off topic, but I love bicycles. Can’t ride anymore due to health issues. My eldest daughter is a chip off the old block though. She’s a fantastic athlete. She and her husband rode a section of the Pyrenees that followed a section of the Tour de France last year. It was one of her bucket lists.

My last bike was custom made in Leeds by Bob Jackson. This was before the advent of carbon fiber in frame building. Mine was made from Reynolds 753 tubing. 21 pounds, ready to go with water bottle, pump and a spare tire and change. :-) It was a wonderful criterion bike and kind of beat me up on century’s and double century’s ... but man, talk about quick handling. It was like riding a Ferrari on downhill switchback roads. The Bob Jackson replaced a totaled out Schwinn Paramount that was destroyed one early morning when I got hit by a car. It was all "ground sky, ground sky" ...  a cracked helmet, a messed up leg and a broken shoulder. Ouch!

Barbapapa ...

Take the lid off of your tuner again and paste the entire underside of the lid. CD player too (if any).  :-)

Thanks for the perspective, Frank. There can be no porpoise 🐬 in this particular debate any more.
Post removed 
geoff ...

Do you know Dave Magnan? I tried to call him yesterday but his line has been disconnected. He was over prior to my heart surgery and I wanted him to come over so he could experience the results of the TC. 

Anyone else have info on Dave? It would be much appreciated. Thanks ...

Does everyone that has used and liked the TC prefer the Blue fuse over the Black fuse?