New Tweak --- Its Fantastic


Over the good part of this past year I’ve been beta testing a new tweak, the name of which is "Total Contact." Its a hi-bred graphene contact enhancer that is different from all other contact enhancers that have come and gone for one reason or another. I’m not new to these contact enhancers, having had quite a bit of experience with a product developed by the late Brian Kyle and his "Quick Silver" contact enhancer. The "Total Contact" is different ... a LOT different.

"Total Contact" is graphene based and is not a vibration control. It eliminates micro-arching between two contacts. Micro-arching, much like Micro-vibration smears the sound in our stereo systems. Its the type of distortion that we don’t know is there .... until we eliminate it. There is no break-in as we know it. The sound is improved right off the bat, but what you hear is only a smidgen of what’s to come.

I tested three generations of "TC," each of which was an improvement over the previous incarnation. The final mix was cryogenitically treated and made for a more effective, much smoother application. It comes in a large hypodermic needle type plunger containing 1.5 ml of product and includes a instructional DVD and an application brush.

The application should be applied with a very thin coat to all of your electrical connections .... from your cartridge pins to your power cords. I did my entire system, including the ends of my fuses.

Upon initial application, you will notice an improvement in clarity, correctness of tonal balance and a more overall organic sound. But ... that is just scratching the surface of what this magic paste does. As it cures, the improvements become more apparent. Much more!

There are two real break-through events that happen almost to the day with "Total Contact," one at four weeks and another at eight weeks . At four weeks, you’ll get a real jump in clarity and overall improvement. That’s only a taste though of what’s to come at eight weeks. At eight weeks your system’s focus will make a jump in SQ that is so real - its surreal.

After 40 years in the hobby, and a total tweak nut, I have never heard anything that does what this graphene paste does. The see-through clarity at eight weeks becomes simply amazing. The "paste" eventually cures into a kind of polymer plastic and it seems that the sound improves with each listening session. So, its important that you leave your contacts alone for the duration. If you’re the type of person that continually switches wires in and out, you’ll have to re paste until enough time has elapsed to get "the cure."

The only problem I had was with the first batch and that had to do with shorting out a tube pin in the line stage. Use the "TC" very sparingly on tube pins, if at all. I only had problems with the line stage tube pins. The Amp, CD Player and Phono Stage has had no tube pin problems at all.

Tim Mrock, one of our fellow A’goners, is the developer of the product. Its taken Tim 15 years and several patents to get it right. Tim has "pasted" every electrical contact he can find in his audio system, all of the switches in his circuit breaker box, every contact in his car ... and has used it in commercial applications such as hospital circuit breakers, surgical lights ... and other places where efficiency and long life of electrical components are deemed important.

This product is highly recommended to anyone who truly wants to get the most out of his/her audio systems. There’s enough product in each tube to do at least two audio systems as it just takes a very thin coat on each application to be effective. The last tube was enough to do my system twice and then a friend’s system this past weekend.


PS: There were a couple of other A’goner beta testers of this product as well. Hopefully, they will chime in here with their experiences for comparison. I "pasted" both of Steve Fleschler’s systems a few days ago, perhaps he will comment on his results too. We forgot to paste Steve’s power cords though, so there’s a lot more to be had from Steve’s two fantastic systems.

Your opinion on something you never tried...

It can be heard in one or two messages and stop here if you are not convinced.
But, as you have not heard the product discussed, the coming back ad nauseum for repeating the same thing again and again is very suspect in my opinion.
@clearthink Great. Now I can’t sleep because I’m worried that the moderators are mad at me and I’m going to get moderated after only 4 posts
Damn! Who opened the gate?? *lol*

AMG ...

I think you complain too much. You are not a victim here. No one is telling you to leave the thread. Whats happening here is, you seem to be uncomfortable with the tone of this thread for what ever reason. It was suggested that if you're too uncomfortable, then perhaps you'd find the thread down the street to be more suitable and more tuned to your liking. Big difference between insisting that you leave the thread, and handing you a choice, no? 

Its all good, so relax and enjoy the conversation at the bar. 

And speaking of the bar, my friend Robert came over for a listening session tonight. In tow, was a bottle Tequila that was to die for. He found it at an estate sale today and it had been sitting in someone's bar for over 30 years. Two bucks for a bottle of some of the very best Tequila I've ever had. 

The system was exemplary tonight. :-)


@oregonpapa Excellent! I am glad you and Robert enjoyed your system. I am thoroughly enjoying mine with a light touch of classical.

Oh, I don't frequent bars. I don't touch alcohol. It rots your brain and body. I'll stick with tea or water.

I may be opinionated, but I believe in fair play.

The following comes from this site's policy... exerpt "You agree never to post to or use Our Website or any Public Venue for any purpose that is illegal, fraudulent, infringes the rights of others, or includes advertising, promotional material, solicitation of business, chain letters, pyramid schemes, solicitation of wagering or gambling, spamming, or that is otherwise illegal or inappropriate."

I would advise everyone to read it before slagging off at me.

Yond Cassius over there has a lean and hungry look. 😳 He thinks too much.
I thought redneck discrimination had been cast to the annuls of history. it would seem that some of you have not caught up with the modern times.

I am sorry if what I say disturbs some of you, and creates ripples in a cosy pond. And I am vilified by casting a stone into the water. What next? Am I to be crucified? Hung drawn and quartered? Expelled to the naughty room?

I thought free speech and guns are what Americans valued and held dear to your hearts. At least we banned the guns.

>>>Good grief! Could you be any more of a drama queen?
When customers like a product and talk about it on a public forum that is called a thread.  This public sharing of experience is also a form of “word of mouth” marketing and impossible to separate.  Some of you are asking to separate what pragmatically can never be separated.  Word of mouth advertising will always and nessessarily be a consequence of sharing one experience with a product. 
When customers like a product and talk about it on a public forum that is called a thread. This public sharing of experience is also a form of “word of mouth” marketing and impossible to separate. Some of you are asking to separate what pragmatically can never be separated. Word of mouth advertising will always and nessessarily be a consequence of sharing one experience with a product.

I suspect this one’s a little different, however, what with the use of proxies to initiate the marketing campaign and the use of Audiogon as base of operations. Perhaps this represents a paradigm shift in the way audio forums operate, probably is. Exhibit A - most other audio forum web sites are, what’s the word, moribund? Super over modulated expialidotious.

I don’t see proxies here. Just excited audiophiles sharing. Making it more than that may be the issue at hand here.  

Just say'in, look at the same modus operandi for SR Red Fuse, SR Black Fuse, SR Blue Fuse, Total Contact.

Check who started each thread and how similar the wording for each is; "subliminal advertising"? or enthusiastic word of mouth for a company?

Just say'in

I don’t see proxies here. Just excited audiophiles sharing. Making it more than that may be the issue at hand here.

Really? Shirley you jest. Wake up and smell the ☕️ 
@clearthink- When did you change your name to perfectpathtech? Do you go around all the forums answering questions that are not addressed to you, and have zero to do with you, or do you just do it on this one? You infer I have a problem that causes me great concern. That I am fearful and uncertain. That is utter nonsense. Let me tell you how things work in my country- I live in a free market society. I, as a consumer in a free market society, have every right to ask questions about a product sold in said free market society. I also have the right to free speech, in this case in the form of the written word. You have butted in before when I asked this question, so I will ask you- why is that question such a problem for you? Why is it causing you such great concern that you feel you must go as far as to speak for another forum member?

@clearthink- When did you change your name to perfectpathtech? Do you go around all the forums answering questions that are not addressed to you, and have zero to do with you, or do you just do it on this one?...You are wrong. Let me tell you how things work in my country- I live in a free market society. I, as a consumer in a free market society, have every right to ask questions...I also have the right to free speech...You have butted in before when I asked this question, so I will ask you- why is that question such a problem for you? Why is it causing you such great concern that you feel you must go as far as to speak for another forum member?

I understand completely typical American response free speech is for you and not for others I am subject to your questioning, evaluation and permission before remarking here as I choose you are I believe what is called "a little full of yourself" so climb down off of your free speech horse and let others speak as they desire too and leave me alone.

No, nothing new here. Folks have always accused the excited OP and others on a given thread of being on the payroll and promoting a product when they post their experiences. Nothing more than an excited sales type personality posting their experience and belief. Nothing else but the personality of the OP coming through here. No back room plan here.  I was accused of the same thing here with TRL. Others have been accused of the same thing.  Nothing new. It is simply a person excited about a product and wanting others to also enjoy it. Yes, I am also a sales type personality.  Some just think, still, we are all lying. Well,  I can’t help that mind set or life view filter. 

The following comes from this site's policy... exerpt "You agree never to post to or use Our Website or any Public Venue for any purpose that... includes advertising, promotional material...I would advise everyone to read it before slagging off at me

I would advice you to contact the team of Moderators who manage, supervise and control this site if you have any objection to way the the forums are being moderated but it is not for you to selectively quote the sites' terms of service and then use it to complain, harass and intimidate others here who obviously are well within the rules in their behavior because the Moderators have accepted there contributions so enough with your threats of "I would advise everyone..."

@clearthink- I never said, nor inferred that you have no right to the same free speech that I am privileged to have on this forum. I merely state the fact that you on more than one occasion have taken it upon yourself to answer questions I have addressed to another forum member, and I am curious as to why you feel compelled to do so. I have never done this to you. The only interaction I have ever had with you is when you have done this to me, or directed a response to me. And you want ME to leave YOU alone? That makes no sense at all. But, I see this is causing you great concern, so I won't press the fact you will only answer questions addressed to others, and none addressed to you.
@amg56- Hello, hope you are well. Don’t waste your breath with this one. He pops in and throws around inflaming words like ’complain’, ’harass', ’intimidate’ and 'threat' when none of these are applicable. Utter nonsense. And I wholeheartedly agree with you. This thread sounds like one long running infomercial.

When I am offended by something, my first response is to simply avoid it, if possible. There are lots of threads/posts on this forum I find offensive in one way or another. Fortunately, I can avoid them with little to no effort.

The response that, unfortunately, seems to be becoming more prevalent is “That offends me, it must be eliminated!”

@clearthink- I never said, nor inferred that you have no right to the same free speech that I am privileged to have on this forum.'

Actually yes you did perhaps you are one of the contributors here who is hopped up on some intoxicants or have brain damage and can't recall what they have written or said!

Here is is again, Mr. First Amendment is only for Americans like me!

" Do you go around all the forums answering questions that are not addressed to you, and have zero to do with you, or do you just do it on this one?...That is utter nonsense. Let me tell you how things work in my country- I live in a free market society. I, as a consumer in a free market society, have every right to ask questions about a product sold in said free market society. I also have the right to free speech, in this case in the form of the written word. You have butted in before when I asked this question..."

I am not "butting in" I am participating and I am not sorry if that offends you're interpretation of how the First Amendment should work!

@thecarpathian It is a waste I have to admit. Opinions on such matters are bound to be polarising. Still, I was just being honest, as I saw it. Lucky I am not within rock throwing distance or I'd come out black and bruised. sticks and stones,,, and all that.

Oh, thanks for asking, but the Dr's haven't got a handle on the "C" yet. So not sure of the future, That's probably influenced my bravado. I'll pull my woolly head in and behave from now. :)

@tommylion Is that a bit like an ostrich putting it's head in the sand? If I think there is something that needs saying, I am not afraid to say it, despite the flak it causes me.
@clearthink- I was expecting a response a bit more logical and coherent. But, I understand. You really have nothing in the way of that. So, you strike back with cherrypicking and splicing together a few sentences to my responses and then resort to petty insults. I am sorry you are so flustered that you cannot think coherently. Perhaps a nice, quiet room and a warm glass of milk might help your frame of mind. And I am not offended in the least that you are responding to questions I asked another forum member. I am merely stating an incontrovertible fact. Oh, and if you would be so kind as to point out anywhere I have ever stated you have no right to free speech, that would be great......

It’s more like choosing your battles. If something really has little effect on you or others in the grand scheme of things, and you don’t have any authority to do anything about it anyway, what’s the point in getting worked up about it?

You're offended by this thread, I'm offended by others, but neither one of us are moderators.


No, nothing new here. Folks have always accused the excited OP and others on a given thread of being on the payroll and promoting a product when they post their experiences.

>>>>The reason they were accused of being on the payroll is because they were on the payroll. 💵 💵 The OP and all of the original Beta testers were given the product *free in exchange* for posting a few nice words on Audiogon. So don’t give me this baloney about the excited OP and enthusiastic audiophiles. Wake up and smell the coffee, dude!!
You are a recent member and are already arguing with other members. Grow up or leave this forum since you serve no benefit to other members. You, along with some others have recently turned away many long time members from this once civilized and informative forum. 
If someone's  product questions posted to the sales ad were deleted that would definitely  throw up a red flag for me. 

Also to whomever it may concern don't be afraid to stand up to bullies.   

@mapman I am beginning to think you salute the red flag. Are you a Red Diaper baby by any chance?

Thecarpatian questions were fully addressed early on in the thread.
His slick maneuvers posting on the ad, were nothing more then SABOTAGE.  Removing his dribble, and blocking him was my only civil defense.
@perfectpathtech- Hello, there. Actually, I don't believe a single question I just asked you was addressed anywhere on this thread. Nowhere did you explain what micro arcing is as it pertains to audio. Nowhere did you explain how you drew the conclusion that your product will never, ever degrade. Nowhere did you explain how your product differs from similar 'graphene' contact enhancers. Nowhere did you explain why you offer no money back guarantee. Please correct me if I am in error. Now, every single one of my questions was asked regarding claims you have made about your product. I'm not pulling questions out of a hat. I am curious by nature, I am curious about your product given every thesauric accolade in the english language has been attached to it. Again, these are claims you make about your product. I'm trying to SABOTAGE you by asking you about what you claim your product does??! Nonsense. These are not unreasonable questions. If you're going to make claims about your product, how is it sabotage (dribble, no less!) to ask for information backing up your claims? I'm not denigrating your product, I'm not claiming your product doesn't work. I can't possibly know that unless I've tried it for myself. I'm asking you very simple, very straightforward questions regarding claims you yourself have made about your product. And honestly, if you sell one tube or a billion, my bills are still the same.....

No bologna, just free range, grass feed beef is what I served up. They liked the product and posted their findings. If they did not like it, then no thread. Sure it’s word of mouth advertising, but they are not on the payroll. Beta testers are not employees, owners, stake holders etc... they are just consumers who liked the product. I see it far differently then you. My background is marketing and sales and these beta testers used various iterations of a product and gave feedback. That’s all. They are most certainly not on the payroll.

I would regularly give customers prototype samples for feedback as part of my product development process. These were food products sold to the food service industry. No, I did not charge for prototypes. Why would I charge them? They Simply used the product and give me feedback. Goodness, they did if for free and I was greatful for them. The OP tested for free just like my customers.
I’m laughing so hard my cheeks hurt.

Yep, as a beta tester, I got a free sample. But ... there was  no contract involved where I had to agree to give a positive review. In fact, if I had found TC to be degrading to the sound of my system, instead of being transformative as it was, I would have most likely never started this thread in the first place.

I noticed when changing ICs or AC cords that the TC is scraped off part of the blade or connector, and it has been stated that reapplication is necessary. I am wondering if the curing process has to start over or does it just continue on?
It was also stated that it is not a good idea to pre apply before insertion. I would think the TC would be able to cure on the pre applied connector while awaiting insertion. Any thoughts on this?

oregonpapa OP
I’m laughing so hard my cheeks hurt.

Yep, as a beta tester, I got a free sample.


Pop Quiz - Now see if you can figure out why you in particular were selected. And why the others who frequently post on Audiogon were selected to be Beta testers. Like your friend and humble scribe. Let’s see if you can figure it out. Answer at 11. 🤡
Answer: Because they are reputable, honest, respected and others would value their experience with TC. That simple.  I would also add they would tell others about how great it worked in their system. Again, good word of mouth customer testimonials! Why do you have such a hard time with this truth? They still are not on the payroll or anything like that. 
clearthink, I think by now you have noticed that your sense of importance is only your own.  Your post are meaningless.
Geoff sez:

  • Pop Quiz - Now see if you can figure out why you in particular were selected.

I would like to think it was because Tim Mrock trusted me, based upon other threads that I’ve participated in, to give an honest evaluation of his product. No more, no less. 

Pop quiz: Was there a reason why you were not chosen, Geoff?

Huh? Frank, you’re not following me. Granny isn’t either.

Pop Quiz - why did God give you two ears and one mouth?
"God gave you two ears and one mouth for a reason.-Judge Judy"

She must be an audiophile too.

 Geoff ... 

Sorry man. Sometimes you're a bit hard to follow. 

Who's Judge Judy?? 

Who's John Galt??

@perfectpathtech- I don’t see how resorting to name calling, especially bizarre name calling (what exactly is a Red Diaper baby?!) is going to in any way enhance the legitimacy of you or your product on this thread. Are you insinuating mapman is a communist infant bent on destroying our free market system?
My mentioning a red flag deleting apparently obvious and relevant questions about the product in the agon product ad where questions are part of the process seems to have triggered a red flag with ppt. His reponse kinda signals another red flag to me. Maybe he is right. You know what they say about red flags and they be a flyin here. Whats up with that? Do consumers not get to ask questions when the red flags are flying? How about red white and blue flags?

This is like the stoning of the sceptics (Oxford  Dictionary; skeptics: Funk and Wagnalls), by the religious zealots who believed the earth was flat. Even Nicolaus Copernicus was confined to his house.
All the obvious blindsiding and product support in this and previous Threads of similar ilk must have great influence over the Moderators. And to hide it in Member Reviews subject is a stroke of genius, or deliberate act to hide that underhanded actions the go against the spirit of the forum policy. It sets a great example to all those who wish to advertise here, in the guise of a member review. Go for it manufacturers! You now have carte blanch, and if any one complains, point them to the successive threads of this sort by the OP.
@mapman, @amg56- agreed. To say my questions were fully addressed in this thread is simply not true. To accuse me of sabotaging his ad by asking questions directly related to his claims and policy is silly. They are his claims and policy, not mine. And to say removing them and blocking me was his only civil defense is even sillier. He might have tried to actually answer my questions. I would think he would welcome the opportunity. Either way, it does not cast him in a very good light, and he certainly did himself no favors by casting childish aspersions.....Truth is, if there were a money back guarantee, I would be quite tempted to try it, just to see if it remotely lives up to the hype. And amg56, I'm sending positive thoughts your way for a healthy outcome.

Hey it is what it is. What else is there to say.

>>>>I’m sure you’ll think of something.