New Tweak --- Its Fantastic


Over the good part of this past year I’ve been beta testing a new tweak, the name of which is "Total Contact." Its a hi-bred graphene contact enhancer that is different from all other contact enhancers that have come and gone for one reason or another. I’m not new to these contact enhancers, having had quite a bit of experience with a product developed by the late Brian Kyle and his "Quick Silver" contact enhancer. The "Total Contact" is different ... a LOT different.

"Total Contact" is graphene based and is not a vibration control. It eliminates micro-arching between two contacts. Micro-arching, much like Micro-vibration smears the sound in our stereo systems. Its the type of distortion that we don’t know is there .... until we eliminate it. There is no break-in as we know it. The sound is improved right off the bat, but what you hear is only a smidgen of what’s to come.

I tested three generations of "TC," each of which was an improvement over the previous incarnation. The final mix was cryogenitically treated and made for a more effective, much smoother application. It comes in a large hypodermic needle type plunger containing 1.5 ml of product and includes a instructional DVD and an application brush.

The application should be applied with a very thin coat to all of your electrical connections .... from your cartridge pins to your power cords. I did my entire system, including the ends of my fuses.

Upon initial application, you will notice an improvement in clarity, correctness of tonal balance and a more overall organic sound. But ... that is just scratching the surface of what this magic paste does. As it cures, the improvements become more apparent. Much more!

There are two real break-through events that happen almost to the day with "Total Contact," one at four weeks and another at eight weeks . At four weeks, you’ll get a real jump in clarity and overall improvement. That’s only a taste though of what’s to come at eight weeks. At eight weeks your system’s focus will make a jump in SQ that is so real - its surreal.

After 40 years in the hobby, and a total tweak nut, I have never heard anything that does what this graphene paste does. The see-through clarity at eight weeks becomes simply amazing. The "paste" eventually cures into a kind of polymer plastic and it seems that the sound improves with each listening session. So, its important that you leave your contacts alone for the duration. If you’re the type of person that continually switches wires in and out, you’ll have to re paste until enough time has elapsed to get "the cure."

The only problem I had was with the first batch and that had to do with shorting out a tube pin in the line stage. Use the "TC" very sparingly on tube pins, if at all. I only had problems with the line stage tube pins. The Amp, CD Player and Phono Stage has had no tube pin problems at all.

Tim Mrock, one of our fellow A’goners, is the developer of the product. Its taken Tim 15 years and several patents to get it right. Tim has "pasted" every electrical contact he can find in his audio system, all of the switches in his circuit breaker box, every contact in his car ... and has used it in commercial applications such as hospital circuit breakers, surgical lights ... and other places where efficiency and long life of electrical components are deemed important.

This product is highly recommended to anyone who truly wants to get the most out of his/her audio systems. There’s enough product in each tube to do at least two audio systems as it just takes a very thin coat on each application to be effective. The last tube was enough to do my system twice and then a friend’s system this past weekend.


PS: There were a couple of other A’goner beta testers of this product as well. Hopefully, they will chime in here with their experiences for comparison. I "pasted" both of Steve Fleschler’s systems a few days ago, perhaps he will comment on his results too. We forgot to paste Steve’s power cords though, so there’s a lot more to be had from Steve’s two fantastic systems.

It’s probably lack of experience that someone would argue that electrical “opens” are the problem, or a problem, since anyone who’s ever used these contact enhancers to any extent, such as your friend and humble scribe, knows they are very conductive and can create shorts when used too aggressively, you know, such as going down too far on tube pins. But not opens. Recall that one issue that Silver, Silver/Gold and graphene contact enhancers address is incomplete contact due to micro imperfection of metal surfaces. I’m not referring to contact cleaners such as Deoxit.

This all just illustrates that pseudo skeptics will think of ridiculous arguments in an attempt to stop the train of progress. 🚂 All aboard! Toot, toot!
Again, the only time I have ever gone on the offensive here is when I’ve been attacked, or whenever this fine product has been attacked with verbiage like "snake oil." "goop," "scam" ... ect. Other than that, I’m a very mellow guy ...
I'm the guy that first called it "goop" and I really didn't intend it in an negative way, so I'm sorry if anyone thought otherwise. I think the term "snake oil" gets bandied about here much too casually, usually to the discredit of whoever is making the claim. 


No need to discuss further. Either it is true or it isn’t true that licensed bonded electricians did the work on 35 electrical panels (and documented evidence will be forthcoming on at least a few to confirm). I am confident it is true.

Once proof is provided then we all know that it is safe to use as described and recommended. Without proof ....this is just an Internet forum and anyone can say anything...
@shadorne Whoa! What? If there’s no need to discuss further why are you discussing it further? I’m afraid this is just a simple case of experience trumping navel gazing. Case closed.

Proof? Wow, Tell you what, I have absolutely nothing to prove, especially to you. Questioning my creditably, hinting that I might be a liar.

Electricians? I have had 1 he  has been with me  close to the start of my journey his name is Christopher Roy, licensed Master in both New Hampshire, and Massachusetts. Want his license number then Put the time in to find it.

Second I did a panel service in Connecticut for a prominent reviewer.
Used Herrick Electric, company owners name is Jordan Herrick, ask for him, sure he will provide you with a license number, and info about Tim Mrock. His company is licensed in MA, RI, CT, NY, for anybody living in any of these states, and needs and great honest electric work done.

 Anything else?    
I guess I must have had one of the earlier Beta versions. I used it for about 3 months. All the improvements in the bass as others noted were there. I guess you just get used to the sound as the new normal.

But, when I removed the stuff the high frequencies returned and I then I realized that this stuff was dulling the sound, at least to me in my system.

I would be willing to again try the final version if a sample can be obtained. Yes, I tried the Mad Scientists product as well and did not like it either. Perhaps I used too much material, I don’t know.

In the past, products such as Quicksilver silver left a nasty dried up paste on the connectors which was not easy to remove.

I’m in the camp of keeping connectors clean for the best sound. Unless as noted a new sample can be obtained to prove me wrong.


You read completely wrong. I said I am confident that what you said is true about bonded electricians insalling your TC paste in 35 electrical panels. I am helping your cause.

I am sure you will provide links to documents confirming what you say. As you know, anything can be said in an Internet forum and your sales will be helped by concrete proof of the safety of your product. If your product works in electrical panels then it has a far bigger market than audiophiles. This is all a great and welcoming thing - isn’t it - or am I missing something?
If this were a reality TV show, it would be in the top 10, ratings wise.

They'd have to come up with a catchy title though. Something like:
The  Real Housewives of Audioland,
or Audio Warriors: Can You Hear It Now?

Ozzy ...

When Tim first contacted me with the proposal of becoming a beta tester, I was very reluctant based upon previous experiences with products like Quick Sliver. You’re right, they did dry, were difficult to remove and eventually degraded the sound. Total Contact is different ... in fact, apples and oranges.

If you remember, the first batch, which you had, had little black specks of graphene in it that could be seen by the naked eye. The second batch less so. The third and final formula that is for sale now, and what is presently used in my system and those of my friends, is a completely smooth blend that applies in a thin, even coating.

None of the versions, including the first one that you had, caused any dulling of highs in my system, but that could have been system related.

I would encourage you to try the final version of TC. Its an amazing product. I keep finding new contacts to paste and there is an improvement each time I do.

shadorne sez:

  • "No need to discuss further. Either it is true or it isn’t true that licensed bonded electricians did the work on 35 electrical panels (and documented evidence will be forthcoming on at least a few to confirm). I am confident it is true.

  • Once proof is provided then we all know that it is safe to use as described and recommended. Without proof ....this is just an Internet forum and anyone can say anything... "

So answer this, shadorne, ... once "proof" that qualified electricians did the panels for Tim, and all doubt of the "danger" of TC is removed, and you no longer have anymore doubts ... WILL YOU BE BUYING THE PRODUCT?

It's time to stop the arguments and try the product. I don't feel it's necessary at this point to apply TC to my electrical system. The improvement is incredible after just applying TC to my components. I'm hearing such detail even from background vocals and instruments. As I said previously, the music is projected further into the room and so much cleaner and clearer. My system has been elevated more so than any other product or component in the past 40+ years.

I would like to hear other opinions of this incredible product instead of all the negativity on these forums lately. 
ronrags ...

I'm finding new areas to "paste" all the time. I'm experimenting with something at the moment that shows real promise. Stay tuned ...

I will have to remember to keep an eye out now for used gear advertised as smeared with goo.  What impact will it have on the value I wonder?

I have a question in regard to “break in”. Does the “break in” period require current to be flowing through the connections in order for it to occur within the 4 an 8 week periods?

Tim and Frank,

I will be visiting with a friend that might like to try the TC. Knowing him well, the first question he will ask is of the break in pattern after the initial application. Would you describe it as a slight or steep improvement between the initial application and week 4, or does it stay level then jump at 4 weeks? 

Finally, should I treat the power connections in the system in order to provide the best sample demonstration?
So far the power chords have provided the most dramatic improvements in both of my systems.

Post removed 
@resolution1 Power cables are a good choice to show your friend.
Thank you for your enthusiasm! No current needed, Oxygen does the work. 4th week, I would say when it happens, it sucks you in, What is this? Seems to be the typical reaction. You will know for sure! No mistaking it! 

@mapman  pretty soon, I will be listing one. 

@candela007  You can not use or mix this product with solder! It is not a substitution for solder. I do not recommend pulling the covers off your equipment and looking for connections.

I have now evaluated the Total Contact on four different systems and it is worth the money to buy it, and it is worth the time and energy to apply it.

I give it my highest recommendation to buy.

It is not goop, not a thin messy liquid, not a thick flakey paste, but a gel with a consistency that is easy to apply and obtain good thin coverage.

It is easy to remove from metal with an alcohol pad and without using elbow grease to do so.

I have not found one type of electrical contact that did not positively respond to an application of Total Contact.

Interconnects, power cables, and speaker cables all have had a positive effect.

In addition I have treated the house Circuit Breaker Panel- approx. 75 connections. If you know how to turn off the power to your house you are smart enough to do this. Of course this would be considered an off label  use.

I have even treated my Pass Labs First Watt amp inner connections that are  press fit connections ( non soldered). Quite a nice sonic improvement  to an already great sounding amplifier. Another off label application.

So far the only location that I did not like the effect is on the contact ends of the Synergistic Research Blue fuses. Other fuses yes.

If anyone would like to call me and discuss my uses and observations please give me a call. 575-644-1462

David Pritchard
ronrrags ...

I have applied TC to my tube pins for a nice improvement.  Use caution though, Paste only 1/4 to 1/2 of the way up the tube pins to avoid a short across the bottom (glass) of the tube. Reinserting the tube in the socket should be enough pressure to push the TC up further onto the pin. 

I also have applied Total Contact to the tubes of the Art Audio PX-25 Amp.
PX-25 output tubes - 4pin
GZ-37 Rectifier tube( Equivalent to a 274B) - 4 pin
BH7A Driver tube - 9 pin
6922 Driver tube - 9 pin

The limited space at the base of the tube on the small 9 pins tube should cause one to be quite cautious when deciding to use Total Contact on this type of tube.
I would suggest on bigger tubes to apply no more than the distal 1/4 of the pin. On small 9 pin tubes perhaps just a small amount on the tip of the pin.

I would make treating tube pins a low priority. I would treat the circuit Breaker Box and the Wall Outlets before treating the tube pins.

David Pritchard
For those who think they can handle it can I suggest painting the teeny tiny conductors of any and all ribbon connectors inside electronics? Also, since Graphene is an excellent shield for RFI/EMI try painting any and all microchips inside electronics. Microchips are known producers of RFI/EMI. Just in case nobody mentioned it the pins of Stereo Cartridges, especially low output MC. 
It's good to see "distal" used in a sentence. 👍
I had forgotten what it meant. 🤔
I agree with Geoff and have performed some of these applications..
Screws and nuts and bolts can also be a benefit for treatment. They act as antenae for signal to re enter the pathway creating interfering energy. This treatment benefits all metal fasteners steel, aluminum and even brass. This treatment also benefits screws and fasteners and even metallic bezel plates and screens on loudspeaker frames...Same thing a reduction of energy re entering the point of signal wave launch..less interference mingled with the intended signal. Tom
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 I ordered TC a few days ago. Does Tim send an email confirmation/tracking number once the order is placed? I sent Tim an inquiry via PM several days ago and never received a response.
David,. the first item Frank applied TC to were my SR blue fuses.  What did you find objectionable?  I haven't removed the fuses in six weeks, waiting for the 8 week surprise.  Thanks, Stephen

When I ordered, Tim sent me an email confirmation/tracking number within a day. It took another day for the product to get to the post office. After that I was able to track the progress. Once I got it, I had some application questions. I called the phone number on the instructions and he was very responsive and helpful.

I just applied TC to 6 12AU7 and 4 KT77 tubes without any incident. Thanks for your advices.
Application to XLR and other strange connectors.

If anyone has XLR termination on their interconnects or serial terminationated unbiblicals, I suggest you get in touch with Tim for specific instructions. He was very helpful and specific about the process. This one of the reasons it has taken so long to complete my system. It is slow and tedious but well worth it.

I hope this helps that has these “issues”


I just completed my office system power chord connections. I was not expecting a whole lot since my office system is not as resolving as my main system but it made a significant step up in clarity, PRAT, dynamics, soundstage etc.... It sounds way better than it should. The power strip is a ten year old Office Depot $20.00 special! That’s my next upgrade.

I will let you know when I complete the main system. That should be interesting.

Thanks for for a great product! 

In my Marantz Sa11-2 SACD player there are 7 fuses, all have been upgraded to the  Synergistic Research Blue. The addition of Total Contact to both ends of each fuse gave a sense of increased soundstage but at the cost of the music having a sense of excitement. There was a feeling of loss of emotion. This returned as soon as I removed the Total Contact from the fuses.

Removal of the product was easy to do with a paper towel and alcohol.
so this was an educational and easy experiment to do. The ease of application  and removal makes it rewarding to try it on many types of connections.

David Pritchard
This was an extremely painful thread to read.  It was like listening to the Democrats and Republicans in Congress.  I have an open mind as I did when I purchased various fuses.  I really think upgraded fuses helped my high end system just like upgrading my power cords.  If you are a naysayer and an audiophile, I have to believe $300 is not going to break the bank.  If it will you are probably not an audiophile and tweaks in sound improvement shouldn't even be discussed.  I have wasted $300 on many things in life.  If I can improve my system for $300 then i will give it a try.  If it doesn't improve, I just move on to something else.  Currently, I have been testing various power tubes for my Raven Amp.  It is fun to hear the subtle differences amongst the different tubes.  

Based on what I read, I will apple the substance to all component fuses and speaker connectors and the male end of the power cables.  I assume I do not have to take them apart.  If I do then this is not for me.  I am hesitant about applying to the tubes in my amp.  It is already hard to take the tubes in and out and I don't want grease anywhere near my amp.  I am not sure where you would apply the solution to the actual wall socket which is already an upgrade.  In my theater room, I have an Laser Epson 10000 projector.  Are you saying that it will improve the picture quality of the projector if I apply to the power connector?   Based on what Frank said, I can brush the solution on and not have to wait until it dries or cures before plugging back in or connecting.  Am I missing anything?  

 I had a similar experience with my opus 21 CD player. Not with fuses but with the umbilical, power chord, and interconnect. They were the first treatments in my main system. The timing seemed off. I removed 2 of the five still points from under the transport and it got a little better. However, I stated listing to the same rotation this evening and I was shocked as to how much better it sounded after 72 hours from the initial application. It may be a break in issue?

One of the advantages of taking it one component at a time is that we can hear how it effects each component thus being able evaluate the break in. In my case it worked out well, since I don’t think I could have removed the product from those small sockets.

@soundlogic Tracking was uploaded  shortly after purchase, mailed same day here it is again #9405803699300586793518 you are suppose to receive tomorrow.

Customer service is #1 priority! You buy, we ship, immediately!
willgolf ...

Howdy, willgolf ..

  • In my theater room, I have an Laser Epson 10000 projector. Are you saying that it will improve the picture quality of the projector if I apply to the power connector? Based on what Frank said, I can brush the solution on and not have to wait until it dries or cures before plugging back in or connecting. Am I missing anything?

Paste the plug on your Epson projector. Any other electrical connection you can get to on the rest of your video system as well. I did most of my rear projection TV and the picture is definitely improved. I had to make some adjustments in color, brightness, etc., but it was worth the effort. I’m getting somewhat of a 3-D presentation now. Must be the added detail. The Superbowl looked mighty fine.

You don’t have to wait for anything to dry or cure to plug back in. You’ll have a different perspective once you start using TC. Its not a liquid. Its more like a very thin paste that ends up looking like you used a very soft pencil to paint the connector surfaces. Just a little dab will do ya. :-)


It certainly does improve video performance. The new Sony 43 TV with the new Oppo 203 (upgraded with a better power supply and audio sound board - Oppo ), really does have a better picture and sound. The picture detail is enhanced and the depth of field of the picture is improved. Colors are enhanced. Sound is fuller and more dynamic.

Home Theater systems will benefit from Total Contact.

Treating the cable input wire alone was a major improvement is picture quality.

David Pritchard

Dave, You only treated the 75 Ohm cable? You can now treat the AC plugs, I don't believe treating the HDMI cable is possible?
@Klh007 treating just the outer metal part which is the return or ground,
will yield good results.

I applied TC just to the outside of my USB connections, as Tim directed, and noticed an improvement. I use an Audioquest diamond coming from my Mac to my fav. It removed a lot of glare from the music.



It is day 6 and I am am working at my desk listening to the office system and I am experiencing something I did not expect in sound quality improvement since yesterday. The noise floor seems to have dropped further. This has allowed the musical detail from the low to high frequencies to play in a natural dynamic fashion, without any glare. It is even more organic an real.

Post removed 

I have sent several emails to you over the last week with NO reply.
