New Tweak --- Its Fantastic


Over the good part of this past year I’ve been beta testing a new tweak, the name of which is "Total Contact." Its a hi-bred graphene contact enhancer that is different from all other contact enhancers that have come and gone for one reason or another. I’m not new to these contact enhancers, having had quite a bit of experience with a product developed by the late Brian Kyle and his "Quick Silver" contact enhancer. The "Total Contact" is different ... a LOT different.

"Total Contact" is graphene based and is not a vibration control. It eliminates micro-arching between two contacts. Micro-arching, much like Micro-vibration smears the sound in our stereo systems. Its the type of distortion that we don’t know is there .... until we eliminate it. There is no break-in as we know it. The sound is improved right off the bat, but what you hear is only a smidgen of what’s to come.

I tested three generations of "TC," each of which was an improvement over the previous incarnation. The final mix was cryogenitically treated and made for a more effective, much smoother application. It comes in a large hypodermic needle type plunger containing 1.5 ml of product and includes a instructional DVD and an application brush.

The application should be applied with a very thin coat to all of your electrical connections .... from your cartridge pins to your power cords. I did my entire system, including the ends of my fuses.

Upon initial application, you will notice an improvement in clarity, correctness of tonal balance and a more overall organic sound. But ... that is just scratching the surface of what this magic paste does. As it cures, the improvements become more apparent. Much more!

There are two real break-through events that happen almost to the day with "Total Contact," one at four weeks and another at eight weeks . At four weeks, you’ll get a real jump in clarity and overall improvement. That’s only a taste though of what’s to come at eight weeks. At eight weeks your system’s focus will make a jump in SQ that is so real - its surreal.

After 40 years in the hobby, and a total tweak nut, I have never heard anything that does what this graphene paste does. The see-through clarity at eight weeks becomes simply amazing. The "paste" eventually cures into a kind of polymer plastic and it seems that the sound improves with each listening session. So, its important that you leave your contacts alone for the duration. If you’re the type of person that continually switches wires in and out, you’ll have to re paste until enough time has elapsed to get "the cure."

The only problem I had was with the first batch and that had to do with shorting out a tube pin in the line stage. Use the "TC" very sparingly on tube pins, if at all. I only had problems with the line stage tube pins. The Amp, CD Player and Phono Stage has had no tube pin problems at all.

Tim Mrock, one of our fellow A’goners, is the developer of the product. Its taken Tim 15 years and several patents to get it right. Tim has "pasted" every electrical contact he can find in his audio system, all of the switches in his circuit breaker box, every contact in his car ... and has used it in commercial applications such as hospital circuit breakers, surgical lights ... and other places where efficiency and long life of electrical components are deemed important.

This product is highly recommended to anyone who truly wants to get the most out of his/her audio systems. There’s enough product in each tube to do at least two audio systems as it just takes a very thin coat on each application to be effective. The last tube was enough to do my system twice and then a friend’s system this past weekend.


PS: There were a couple of other A’goner beta testers of this product as well. Hopefully, they will chime in here with their experiences for comparison. I "pasted" both of Steve Fleschler’s systems a few days ago, perhaps he will comment on his results too. We forgot to paste Steve’s power cords though, so there’s a lot more to be had from Steve’s two fantastic systems.


You know that I have stated that I am a skeptic. I am waiting for at least the first “Batch” of purchasers / buyers to post Their first impression of Total Contact. Frank; posting your opinion / impression of treating Mribob’s system and your posting that he made the comment......... is hearsay. Why can’t Mribob post his own comment? If he’s not a member. You think that he would have the courtesy to register and post “positive comments” himself or do you paste his already great system and post his comments? Mow his lawn, do the laundry? I think that’s enough to get my point across.

 I want to see and read the comments of people that have ordered it , received it , treated their system with Total Contact and post Their impression, in their words. Was it easy to apply?  Is it messy or not? Do they think that they can store what’s leftover without it drying out to fast? Did it make an improvement to their system; whether it a guy with a decent system or a guy who been at this hobby for 40 years and has a megabuck system. How about letting the first 20 - 25 post themselves. This is what I am waiting for and I think at least a few others.

Frank; I do agree that you have the right to defend yourself. I think myself and others would like to see everyday audiophile’s post For themselves and give the “ back and forth “ a rest.

Thanks and My Best

^^^ Norbert ...
  • "Why can’t Mribob post his own comment?"

One of the last things he said to me before I left was that he wanted to wait two weeks before posting his results, allowing the paste to cure a bit.    

  • " I want to see and read the comments of people that have ordered it , received it , treated their system with Total Contact and post Their impression ..."

Read Steve Fleschler's and Tommylion's comments. They are in this thread. You can be assured that there will be many more positive comments coming. The product is THAT good.


I will answer my experience with TC for Norbert.  It is easy to apply to A/C pins, speaker wire/terminals and IC pins.  It is more difficult to apply to IEC pins which are located inside the equipment, especially if the equipment is not easily movable (same thing for A/C pins located in back of a Bryston BIT 20 Transformer box).  

It is slightly messy upon application to one's fingers and easily removed (I used dish soap and water-immediately gone versus alcohol which took more effort).   I am sooo happy that TC is not runny and is more like a paste that solidifies on the pins rather than on or in equipment.  It's the only enhancer I've used.   I was very reluctant to use anything until I tested it on ICs.  After seeing the application and hearing the result, I was smitten.

Tim mentioned that it lasts longer in a sealed or vacuum packed baggie, even longer in the freezer (six months or more was quoted).  

TC has made as great an improvement in sound and music enjoyment (the subtleties, dynamic contrasts and bass improvements) in both my "megabuck" system and my much lesser cost system.  I'm waiting for a new tube to apply it to my video systems both TVs and associated equipment (audio & video).  I have more fuses in my systems to treat than just the SR Blue fuses (those little Littlefuses in receivers, speakers and CD players).  Should be interesting to hear the improvements.

Hope that helps.


By the way; I am not singling Frank Out. This request for giving the “back and forth” a rest is meant for All.

Thanks and My Best to All

Synergistic Research HFTs... This is slightly off topic; however, after TC and the fuses, I decided to try HFTs despite already having 2 pairs of Hallographs in my big system. I built the room with a bad slap echo problem. Frank told me to try the HFTs, I bought Level 1 and 2 installed as recommended. I don’t know how it works so well but while music is playing, the slap echo is 90% nullified (one can clap during the music and faintly detect an echo). I was still wanting a better balanced sound (my wife wanted a more open sound for her rock music) so instead of purchasing the next several levels, I purchased a pair of HFT/HFT 2.0/HFT X speaker kits. These were more difficult to apply so that the sound was balanced due to the unusual driver configuration. However, upon settling on slight changes of 3" up or down, I achieved a balanced sound. P.S. I removed two forms of large damping panels and two rugs/material cover from the room which makes the room look better, just with little pimples on walls and speakers (very tiny sitting 12’ to 20’ from them).

My wife gave her full approval for listening to 60’s+ rock to heavy metal in the room. It has all the spaciousness of the recording venue plus the detail, dynamics and tonally rich full frequency range that the TC and fuses provide. WOW!

I highly recommend the SR HFTs to maximize the TC abilities. However, I also recommend at least one pair of Hallographs behind the speakers. I tried the setup with them removed and I got a very clear, super sharp imaged sound, lacking ambience and air. It was antiseptic sounding yet tonally correct with excellent dynamics. The Hallographs brought in the gorgeous tonal qualities and air/ambience.
I’ve worked as a technician in the Hollywood entertainment industry close to 40 years and we’ve never utilized “tweeks” when recording. Why do it on playback?

Why do tweeks cost so much?
^^^ We tweak to solve problems that are inherent in audio playback systems. Trying to eliminate micro vibrations is one of the main things that smear sound. There are tweaks to take care of that.

Remember, we are tweaking the playback end and not the recording end.

Why so expensive? Supply and demand in some cases. Trying to recover cost incurred during R&R maybe.

Nice that wives support their husbands strange pursuits. I bet they don’t tell their friends about their husband’s compulsive obsessive behaviour. I bet they don’t dare tell friends their husband spent the entire weekend replacing perfectly functional fuses and pasting a kind of dark coloured toothpaste on all their home electrical connections. Nor do they dare admit they actually can’t hear a difference (when pressed by their husband after two days pasting and swapping cables) as that would ruin all the entertainment value.
Tweaks are not all expensive. Obviously some are more expensive than others. I sell over 30 tweak products, only a handful of which are more than $50. My complete isolation system for components is less than $50. Hel-loo! And there are many other examples of inexpensive tweaks. In fact, some of the most iconic audiophile tweaks are not expensive. I.e., less than $100. File under Stocking Stuffers: Audio Prism Green pen, Mpingo disc, the Super Intelligent Chip, Shakti Stone, Silver Rainbow Foil, Vibrapods, Small DH Cones, Nordost Anti-static Spray for cables and CDs, aftermarket fuses, Auric Illuminator CD Treatment, Cardas Caps for RCA input/outputs, Deoxit Contact Cleaner, Daruma III roller bearings, Herbies Audio tube damper, etc.
Before this week, I knew my system sounded good, really good. It was that way because I invested time, money and effort into it. I am also grateful to those here who pointed me to some exceptional products.

To be frank (pun intended), when Frank finally revealed his “secret tweak” I wasn’t really excited. Painting all the the contacts in my system is not something I was looking to do. I like tweaks you can plug and forget. I don’t mind enduring a break-in period, but hands on stuff? Brushing a grey substance on closely spaced pins with my not terribly dexterous hands, being very careful not to accidentally create a short, is not real high on my list of fun audio activities.

I’ve come to trust Frank’s ears, though, so I took the plunge. A week, and 8 connections later, I am rather stunned. The sound I am hearing from my system is definitely what I have been working towards, and hoping for. I honestly did not think I would get here without spending thousands of dollars more. Over the years, I have carefully chosen the components in my system, with an eye to getting the best my limited resources would allow. I know that they are all very good, even exceptional, values for the money. I had no idea, though, that they were capable of this level of sound quality.

I am told that I am only at the beginning of this audio adventure. I don’t doubt it, but I am already one very happy camper.

My wife hears these things at least as well as, probably better than, me. She plays the violin, and has a great ear. Believe me, she is not the type to lie, just to gratify my ego.

Listening to Heifetz play Mendelssohn’s Violin Concerto (her favorite) with her last night was absolutely wonderful.
Ah, yes, the old last tweak syndrome. I know it well. You start off with some footers and wall treatments and maybe some Vibrapods. They next thing you know you're into the more advaced stuff. You know, fancy fuses and expensive interconnects and power cords. "Hey, this stuff is great. My system never sounded so good. I don't think there's anything I can do now to make it any better." 😛
You are correct about trust. I would add the power of suggestion and expectation and then you have it all in a nutshell.
Tommylion sez:

  • "Listening to Heifetz play Mendelssohn’s Violin Concerto (her favorite) with her last night was absolutely wonderful."

Tommy ...

Not only is your system sounding great these days, but you and your wife have excellent taste in music. :-)

Do you have anything by Erica Morini?  Her Tchaikovsky violin concerto is really, really good. Check her out:

Thanks, I wasn't familiar with her.

I heard Anne Sophie Mutter play the Tchaikovsky in Symphony Hall, with Ozawa and the BSO, back in the '80s. Great experience.

You are correct about trust. I would add the power of suggestion and expectation and then you have it all in a nutshell.

>>>Well, actually we can test to see if expectation bias or placebo effect or any other psychological effect is at play. We can eliminate them through careful and thorough testing. Having said that, if results of controlled blind tests are negative, you can not (rpt not) say the thing under test definitively doesn’t work. It ain’t easy McGee. But it’s just silly for skeptics to claim that controversial tweaks are figments of the imagination. 
Tommylion ...

This is the one to get. Its an excellent transfer from one of the Westminster tapes. Excellent sound and performance. The seller is a little steep on the price, but its one that will stay in your collection for sure.

Some people have a vested interest in tweaks being imaginary. If they’re real, then their carefully constructed world will come crashing down around them, and they won’t be in control any more 😉
Tommylion ...

As the reviews come trickling in, we can hear the bricks coming loose already. Something as good as TC will not be denied. Not in this hobby anyway.

Whoa! What the ding dong?? I just heard surround sound coming from my LG Smart HDTV. I was watching the All Star hockey game. Jumpin’ Jehoshaphat!!
^^^ Gotta watch those 3-D effects Geoff. Ya never know when a puck will come flying out of the HDTV and puck ya.

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What about the shelf life... are these liquid products
the same today as when they were new?  T
How do you know?  There are no expiration dates to
guide you, as with eye drops or pills.

What free or nearly free tweaks have you discovered lately?
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Uh, Lizzie, aren’t we forgetting something? It’s your signature piece, you know, the cylinders for toilet paper rolls.
I have the opposite theory of audio and tweaks from Elizabeth. She’s a tweak miser and a spendthrift on the system, has no problem dropping big bucks. 🦌I’m the opposite. I spend almost nothing on the system but a boatload on tweaks. My entire system cost $25 used, including Grado SR60 headphones and portable Sony Walkman CD player. But tweaks, including all the things in this room and other rooms, have cost as much as $10K. See the difference? At the same time I’m a big fan of free tweaks. Nothing wrong with them apples.
If you are nervous about your first treatment, and happen to have one (or 64😉) HTC MC-0.5, that is a good place to start. Because it is not directly in the signal or AC path, it’s less likely to cause problems if something goes wrong. Also, it nicely benefits from treatment pretty much right away.

Painting contacts with TC is really not as daunting as it might seem to some. It goes on nicely with the supplied brush. The big thing to watch out for is leaving a trail of TC between two pins/contacts that could cause a short. Spades on speaker cables are also a good first choice, because it’s easy to keep them separated during treatment.

I am one of your potential customers.  Have you considered making a smaller version of the TC and sell it for cheaper?  Since the current one is enough to treat multiple systems and the shelf life is about 6 months.  I believe most people here just need to treat 1 system and eager to try your product.  I believe if you make it more affordable and more people will try it.  They will order more if it is that good and/or they run out of the TC.  Again, this is your product and you can do whatever you want with it.  Just want to share my point of view here.  Last but not least, it would be nice if you can make a video on how to properly apply TC to cables and other audio components.  Thanks and looking forward to hear from you.

@a25105 Thank you for the questions, it has been suggested 2 or more folks pool up to purchase a kit.  The shelf life is very very conservative.
Video will be forth coming, along with a website.

@perfectpathtech   I think at this point that prospective TC customers are better off hearing from you rather than surrogates.  Some surrogates' statements sound too much like overselling and make potential customers wary.

I am not knocking oregonpapa etc.  They have conveyed their excitement about Total Contact as they should if it transforms their systems to the extent that they state.  

A video would be good as would a professional review if you can entice a pro reviewer to take the leap to tryout your product.  Hopefully your story, Tim, is of the successful American entrepreneur to went all in for "his baby" and was rewarded in the marketplace.

All the Best!
I am not a surrogate and I did purchase TC from Mr. Mrock.  I have stated that I use TC, found it to be worthy to remain in my audio systems forever (pending use in my video systems).   The benefit does grow with SR fuses/duplexes/HFTs in my systems.  But I found the improvement using TC prior to using HFTs and altering my room acoustics.  TC has been as good for me as upgrading from a 50 cent fuse to SR blue fuses.   My friends and most importantly, my wife agrees.

Thank you, all very good advice.
Website fourth coming soon, including video.
Working on the pro review. Also waiting for
more fresh market feedback.

Frank is one of kindest human beings I ever had the pleasure to meet.
I understand how his enthusiasm about TC appears over the top.
All I can say is if you try the product, do the whole system, after the
eighth week you will know precisely were he is coming from. I am in this thing for the long haul!

Thank You. Let the Market Rule!

 I think everyone on this forum can think and judge for themselves. No need for further over the top enthusiasm. We have read both sides more than a few times. Give it a rest. 


Place some real Ads instead of using this forum. 

This is forum is for those who order / purchase, apply and listen.
Then report their impressions and thoughts about Total Contact.

Tim; I am sure that All of us would like to see some New posters. Even You! New Posters and their opinions will make or break Total Contact. Let the Market Rule.

Best to you on this Journey.


Finally received TC a couple of days ago and started the process of application on my system, starting with the power cords, Interconnects and speaker cables.

I have come to the stage of my audio journey whereby I believe any further improvements to be made to the SQ of my system has to come at a cost of thousands of dollars. Total Contact has totally debunked that myth. 

Like someone else has mentioned earlier, there was much improvement in the clarity, transparency and musicality of the music. Listening to just the intro of my favourite Tin Pan Alley brought a big grin to my face.

I reckon I have enough TC leftover to apply on 3 or more similarly sized systems. Application was easy and can be removed without fuss using normal hand wash.

Thank You Frank for bringing this product to our attention and Thank You Tim for this great product.


I applied the TC to the interconnects and the speaker cables in my office system last night but I really  had no time to listen. That is as far as I dare go until we speak later. 

Have been working and listening for about an hour and here are some quick observations: 

1. lower noise floor
2. insruments resonate more fully.
3. Music sounds more organic and detailed.

So far so good, nothing negative only positive so far.



Thanks for walking me the process on the power chord treatment and usb connect treatment.

After this treatment together with earlier treatment, I find the improvements to be cumulative. All previous improvements are definitely more focused. Further the bass has tightened up significantly and is more tuneful.

The bottom line is, the music has better pace and is more engaging without any negatives.

I have spent more for less improvement in years past. I will let know when I dive into my main system and if I hear any improvements at the four week period.

@resolution1   My pleasure! The linear break in, will make 4 weeks
                        go pretty fast. Have fun and enjoy the music!


I just wanted to let you know that your enthusiasm got me interested in the product. The science links put me over the top.

I am enjoying the music.

Greatly appreciated.
^^^ Thank you, resolution. Your moral support is greatly appreciated.  :-)

As good as your improvement has been so far, the best is yet to come. Mark your calendar for the 4 and 8 week periods.

Treating the circuit breakers with Total Contact
was so simple.

An electrician removed the breaker box cover, which
is in my music room.  One by one, he removed each breaker and held them
towards me.  I brushed the tips of each breaker and then he pressed
them, one by one, back into the panel.  It took about 30 seconds
to treat each breaker, using a miniscule amount of
product, for the job.  Amazing, the dust and fine cobwebs
that I found there.

Both audio and video are now enhanced.  I have the secondary benefit
of being able to leave the cover off.  (I have read that this is beneficial, too.)
So, I guess you won’t be able to tell whether it’s the TC or removing the door from the panel, no? 😳
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I can tell you as my breaker cover has been off for 10 years so I know how it sounds by now. Need to have an electrician over so he can remove the breakers and I can treat the ends. Tom
I’m sure you forgot a long time ago. 😳 Too much water under the bridge. 🌉

You never put your toe in the same stream twice. - old audiophile saw
The box is in my sound room and as I have done many times for audio guests it is a quick A/B remove and replace the cover. I dont need to leave the room for another and move a dresser and then the panel cover and then return to the listening space. It is a few seconds at the most. The improvement is immediate to anyone alive. Tom