New Tweak --- Its Fantastic


Over the good part of this past year I’ve been beta testing a new tweak, the name of which is "Total Contact." Its a hi-bred graphene contact enhancer that is different from all other contact enhancers that have come and gone for one reason or another. I’m not new to these contact enhancers, having had quite a bit of experience with a product developed by the late Brian Kyle and his "Quick Silver" contact enhancer. The "Total Contact" is different ... a LOT different.

"Total Contact" is graphene based and is not a vibration control. It eliminates micro-arching between two contacts. Micro-arching, much like Micro-vibration smears the sound in our stereo systems. Its the type of distortion that we don’t know is there .... until we eliminate it. There is no break-in as we know it. The sound is improved right off the bat, but what you hear is only a smidgen of what’s to come.

I tested three generations of "TC," each of which was an improvement over the previous incarnation. The final mix was cryogenitically treated and made for a more effective, much smoother application. It comes in a large hypodermic needle type plunger containing 1.5 ml of product and includes a instructional DVD and an application brush.

The application should be applied with a very thin coat to all of your electrical connections .... from your cartridge pins to your power cords. I did my entire system, including the ends of my fuses.

Upon initial application, you will notice an improvement in clarity, correctness of tonal balance and a more overall organic sound. But ... that is just scratching the surface of what this magic paste does. As it cures, the improvements become more apparent. Much more!

There are two real break-through events that happen almost to the day with "Total Contact," one at four weeks and another at eight weeks . At four weeks, you’ll get a real jump in clarity and overall improvement. That’s only a taste though of what’s to come at eight weeks. At eight weeks your system’s focus will make a jump in SQ that is so real - its surreal.

After 40 years in the hobby, and a total tweak nut, I have never heard anything that does what this graphene paste does. The see-through clarity at eight weeks becomes simply amazing. The "paste" eventually cures into a kind of polymer plastic and it seems that the sound improves with each listening session. So, its important that you leave your contacts alone for the duration. If you’re the type of person that continually switches wires in and out, you’ll have to re paste until enough time has elapsed to get "the cure."

The only problem I had was with the first batch and that had to do with shorting out a tube pin in the line stage. Use the "TC" very sparingly on tube pins, if at all. I only had problems with the line stage tube pins. The Amp, CD Player and Phono Stage has had no tube pin problems at all.

Tim Mrock, one of our fellow A’goners, is the developer of the product. Its taken Tim 15 years and several patents to get it right. Tim has "pasted" every electrical contact he can find in his audio system, all of the switches in his circuit breaker box, every contact in his car ... and has used it in commercial applications such as hospital circuit breakers, surgical lights ... and other places where efficiency and long life of electrical components are deemed important.

This product is highly recommended to anyone who truly wants to get the most out of his/her audio systems. There’s enough product in each tube to do at least two audio systems as it just takes a very thin coat on each application to be effective. The last tube was enough to do my system twice and then a friend’s system this past weekend.


PS: There were a couple of other A’goner beta testers of this product as well. Hopefully, they will chime in here with their experiences for comparison. I "pasted" both of Steve Fleschler’s systems a few days ago, perhaps he will comment on his results too. We forgot to paste Steve’s power cords though, so there’s a lot more to be had from Steve’s two fantastic systems.

Blind listening tests under controlled conditions may not be perfect, but they are infinitely superior to sighted ones if all you are concerned with is sound quality.

I remember vividly how after 'upgrading' my amplifier to one costing 4 times as much I thought I'd check the old one before putting it up for sale.

After switching back and forth a few times the really strange result left me baffled - they sounded remarkably alike! How could this be? Reviews had waxed lyrical about how wonderfully luxurious the new one sounded. Even now, years later I have trouble accepting what I heard. Buying without listening really would be the bane of the audiophile's life if there weren't others out there willing to do the same. 

Similar things often happen when comparing different (re)masterings of favourite albums. Once you have level matched them they often sound remarkably similar. Apart from Dylan's Street Legal, its difficult to think of a clear improvement when its comes to remastering.

It was also odd that when my amp superseded by a new model a few years later the replacement was deemed a clear improvement in the press.

All these 'improvements' year after year....
Perhaps its high time we all got into the tweaking business. Look here, I've got the perfect contact'll transform your system beyond belief. For a mere $50 per 330 ml bottle! I know it looks like a bottle of tap water but trust me....
Fleschler- thanks for your response and opinion. Since I'm very happy with TC, I feel no need to add the HFTs.


It would not be practical and profitable for Tim to sell such a small quantity and recoup the r&d that went into this product and then make a profit as Frank stated. Besides the product, the package includes the syringe, applicator brush, 6 well palette, gloves and instructions. Remember Tim is one person and not a large corporation. The price seems a bit steep but the results are worth it. I’ve spent a lot more on other tweaks over the years with minimal results.

As Frank also stated, try sharing the product with friends to reduce your cost. If anyone wishes to try a sample of mine, I would gladly come to their house and apply it myself. I live in Staten Island so anyone interested please send me a PM.

I've found that another benefit of using TC is that it tends to make the user a very generous person.  :-)

Thanks ronrags ...

^^^ *lol*

I know the feeling.  Its the mind, Ron ... The body says no, but the mind still thinks the body is that of a 20 year old. 

I actually miss my work. I loved what I did for a living, but I'll be hitting my 80th year this coming summer. So, other things will have to take the place of the working world for now.

One good thing that I'm very grateful for is the hearing is still intact. God, if that goes, then what? 

Someone asked George Burns: "Who wants to live to be a hundred anyway, George?"  George answered ... "A guy who's 99."  :-)

Hang in there ... 


I didn't think you were that old, maybe 78 :-). Honestly I would have guessed late 60s from your responses. I'm glad you can still hear these things at your age. I'm only 60 and have early stages of tinnitus so I doubt I be able to make out anything by the time I'm your age. 

Regards, Ron
Tim, Frank and Ron,

One of of the reasons I decided to do all this upgrading in the last couple of years was because hearing loss runs in the family. So I was wanting get better clarity from my hi-fi before I had any serious hearing loss. Therefore, I was and am serious about these upgrades and I have rejected a few tweaks/equipment along the way.

As stated before, this product has taken all the previous upgrades I have done to my system and clarified them further without any drawbacks. It simply helps equipment, wires etc... get out way and brings out soul of the music.

All along the way I have judged how my hi-fi plays music vs live music. The TC has helped my hi-fi get closer to this ideal. The bottom line is I am listening to more and more music and it sounds great to me. Thanks for getting this product out there


Jay ...

Tim Mrock has not "disappeared." He reads every post in this thread.

There are plenty of contacts in an audio system to paste with TC to justify the 1.5 ml size ... especially if you do your circuit breakers.

Unknown shelf life? If you were to read the thread in its entirety, you’d discover that I still have some connections pasted with the first beta TC a year later. I still have a little left in the syringe, and its still viable.

In addition, it wouldn’t be cost effective to offer a smaller amount. After all, the cost of startup has to be recouped. Its business, pure and simple.

If the entry price is too much risk for you, or anyone else, I’d suggest that you go in with a friend and do both systems. This way, you are getting the product for "half price," right?

Read the positive reviews coming into this thread now. Considering the reviews, why do you still have reservations about "if its as good as advertised?" It is as good as advertised ... and even better.

So now, is there anything else holding you back from buying a tube of TC to enhance your audio system? If so ... what is it? Do you have more questions? If so, I’d be happy to answer them to the best of my ability. If I can't answer them, Tim surely can.


• If Tim has not disappeared, then how has the ozzy issue not been resolved? You've tried to do damage control, while Tim has done nothing. This is like trying to sweep the dirt under the carpet. It takes a big man to step up and admit his mistake/s. In this case, his lack of response to emails, and not providing quality customer service.

• The shelf life... You are referring to a beta product. A new formula means potentially different results. You've already mentioned the different audio results, in your experience. According to fleschler, "Tim mentioned that it lasts longer in a sealed or vacuum packed baggie, even longer in the freezer (six months or more was quoted)." 6 months is not a long time, IMO.

• It "wouldn’t be cost effective to offer a smaller amount. After all, the cost of startup has to be recouped. Its business, pure and simple." Really? The startup costs and materials should be negligible, if properly handled. So that just means recouping R&D costs, to make a profit.

I didn't say that halving the quantity meant halving the cost. Did you take basic economics? Look at the theory of supply and demand. IF you increase demand, the price per ml can increase, and the quantity sold increased. This means greater profit. As Geoff likes to say, Hel-loo!

• As to positive reviews, I'm only familiar with ozzy's and your systems and preferences. I may not completely agree with both of your opinions, but I know enough to read between the lines. That leaves the product at 50% for me.

The cost may not be that much if it works, but if it doesn't, it's a lot for a product with no return policy. This is why I recommended making it more of a no brainer to try.


It would not be practical and profitable for Tim to sell such a small quantity and recoup the r&d that went into this product and then make a profit as Frank stated. Besides the product, the package includes the syringe, applicator brush, 6 well palette, gloves and instructions. Remember Tim is one person and not a large corporation. The price seems a bit steep but the results are worth it. I’ve spent a lot more on other tweaks over the years with minimal results.

Most of the included items should cost very little in bulk, or are unneeded for a sample.

People should have cheap gloves, or can buy some for little cost. The instructions can be placed online. I read about a DVD. Really!?!??!? Is this the 90s? This can be put on YouTube or website in HD. The well palette can easily be replaced by the customer with some small plastic container top. The applicator brush, it sounds like a Q-tip can be used. That just leaves the syringe or some container for the TC.

Like I already said, if it's as good as advertised, people will buy the full size, and that's where the major profit is.

Do you have more excuses?
Jay ...

1. What’s between Tim and Ozzy is exactly that ... between Tim and Ozzy. Perhaps you and Ozzy need to learn that sometimes "silence" IS the answer.

2. Shelf life: So far, the first tube is still viable after a year ... and it hasn’t been placed in the freezer.

3. Start up costs: Sounds as though you’ve been into Tim’s books, or at least are friends with his accountant.

4. Basic economics: Yes, I’m familiar with "basic economics," especially Austrian economics as espoused by the likes of Mises, Hayek and Friedman. You?

5. Positive reviews: You say that you are only familiar with Ozzy’s and my preferences and systems. I’d say that you need to get out more.

6. Does it work? Have you been reading the results as they come into this thread? Have you been reading my reviews?

Now that your questions have been answered, and hopefully all of your fears assuaged, is there anything else holding you back from enjoying the product today?

R&D costs are tax deductible. It’s silly for anyone selling high end audio tweaks to expect to recover R&D costs if those costs are very high. That would be analogous to Lockheed Martin backcharging the Government for R&D costs. Ditto the costs of obtaining a patent. Patents are good for hanging on the wall of your bathroom. If R&D costs are very high and/or R&D takes a long time or the product requires many versions whose fault is that? As an old philosopher once said, if you want to make a small fortune in high end audio start off with a large fortune. He also said, if you want your product to be successful you have to get used to the idea of the giving it away. 🤠

Jay ...

1. What’s between Tim and Ozzy is exactly that ... between Tim and Ozzy. Perhaps you and Ozzy need to learn that sometimes "silence" IS the answer.

2. Shelf life: So far, the first tube is still viable after a year ... and it hasn’t been placed in the freezer.

3. Start up costs: Sounds as though you’ve been into Tim’s books, or at least are friends with his accountant.

4. Basic economics: Yes, I’m familiar with "basic economics," especially Austrian economics as espoused by the likes of Mises, Hayek and Friedman. You?

5. Positive reviews: You say that you are only familiar with Ozzy’s and my preferences and systems. I’d say that you need to get out more.

6. Does it work? Have you been reading the results as they come into this thread? Have you been reading my reviews?

Now that your questions have been answered, and hopefully all of your fears assuaged, is there anything else holding you back from enjoying the product today?


1. So if you're at a restaurant, and you tell the waiter the food is cold, it's fine for him to walk away from you and stay silent? This is the same customer service Tim is providing. While ozzy may have posted it, Tim is the one that admitted to his lack of response. 

2. That is the production formula? If not, it doesn't apply.

3. I have enough business experience to know the costs. I have no idea how much Tim spent. Hopefully his business sense is greater than his current customer service.

4. I know you're older, but Austrian economics have been the butt end of jokes for over half a century.

5. I'm happily working, not retired, and not spending much of my time in the forums.

6. And people love Blose. The negative review and lack of return policy has been completely side stepped.
Jay ...

1.  Tim is not running a restaurant. Again, what is between Tim and Ozzy is between Tim and Ozzy.  

2.  Shelf life:  Its working for me. 

3.  First, Tim's customer service is first rate. Take the time to read the responses regarding Tim's service in this thread. The fact that Ozzy has his nose out of joint has no reflection on Tim's service. 

4.  Yeppers, I'm an old guy all right. You're correct, Austrian economics HAS been under attack for just about a hundred years in this country. Who's doing the attacking though? Marxists? Progressives? Those who believe in massive debt and fiat money?  Isn't a 21 trillion dollar debt and a trillion dollar budget shortage enough for you guys?

5.  Obviously clear, Jay ... if you would take the time to read the thread from the beginning, you'd find that a lot of your questions have already been answered. 

6. Return policy "side stepped?"  Again, read the thread from its inception. 

Now then, is there anything else standing in the way of your purchase? 

jay23, have you tried the product?  If no, why are you posting because there is really no need for you to post these negative posts.  These sort of posts are really quite disrupting to the thread and are really not reasonable.

One person has tried it and didn't like it enough and posted that it dulled his system.  If you do not want to try TC that is reasonable.  If you want it for free, well, that probably won't happen, which is reasonable. 

If you are thinking about purchasing it then like me and others it is probably best to simply read the posts about the performance of TC and hopefully glean enough information about TC, and peoples systems, to try it or not.

Post removed 
Ya gotta luv it when audio professionals attempt to explain irrational tweaks on camera.
Jay questioned if the TC works or not.

I used to be a dyed in the wool fan of planer speakers. I went through Acoustat 3’s, Acoustat 4’s and Martin Logan electrostatic speakers. I honestly believed that they were the end all in transparency. Well, they were enjoyable speakers, but the bass and extended highs were missing, plus, they just didn’t move enough air.

 Enter the Legacy Signature III’s. At 93db efficiency, my ARC REF-75-SE is just coasting no matter what I play. There’s three 10" woofers to take care of the bass and ribbon tweeters to take care of the highs. After applying several new tweaks over the past couple of years, the Legacy’s are every bit as transparent as any planer speaker I’ve owned.

1. Herbie’s tube dampeners on every tube in the system.

2. SR Blue fuses throughout the system.

3. SR HFT’s ... a ten pack and follow the directions.

4. Total Contact - simply amazing.

It may be a cumulative effect, but at the 8-week point after pasting with TC, the transparency, 3-D presentation, organic tonal balance and the dynamics at times are so close to real that I keep thinking its impossible. But, it is what it is ... and that’s pretty fantastic. The system is WAY beyond where I ever thought it could be.

So Jay ... For the third time: Have your questions been answered to your satisfaction, or is there still something standing in the way of your purchase? If you’re ready to start enjoying the product for yourself, here’s the link to order:

Have a great day ...


As human beings,we all tend to have an insatiable desire for the next best thing.. just around the corner..from our minds skewed perspective. If and when we do get there.. the feeling/desire wears off over a little bit of time and we’re right back we started from.. looking for the next best thing/fix. All things audio [and lots of other material goods also] fit this bill to a tee.
Manufacturers of audio equipment/accessories know this all to well,hence,the never ending tweak or newest greatest component upgrade.. to keep one on the merry-go-round.. trying to fulfill the void within oneself..and of course..other people’s wallets. In my waning years,I no longer place that much importance on the small things in life..time is way to short.

I threw my rose colored glasses in the garbage years ago. As always... ymmv.
In which an unwitting troll surveys the scene and promptly offers a whole lotta veiled and not so veiled innuendo and so forth. Which reminds me, we need to start a thread, How Small Can Something Be and Still have a Major Impact on the Sound?
I get your point of view here, I think. My sense is you have reached a point where you no longer believe a change would satisfy any meaningful improvement (other than short-term). I get that. I only ask to understand; why do you even use Audiogon as a resource? Not asking to be combative, but; I would suspect most who use this resource are intrigued by advancements and new technology.

Just asking,


What we have here is an excellent example of what I like to call The Last Tweak Syndrome, something we tend to see a lot of on threads like this. What is The Last Tweak Syndrome, you ask? Well, it’s when someone says something to the effect, WOW, I’ve been in this hobby for 40 years and my system never sounded this good. Or, I’ve tried a lot of great tweaks, but this one put me at a brand new level I never thought existed. Even my wife agrees this is the best sound we ever had. But when a new tweak pops up, let’s say a new fuse, for example, the gushing starts anew, Holy cow, I’m in awe, this can’t be happening, and I thought the last one was the end of the road! He has just experienced The Last Tweak Syndrome. 🤠
^^^ I haven’t heard any "expectation bias" regarding TC. I have, however, heard a ton of UNexpectation bias though ... all from those who haven’t seen the product, touched the product, heard the product or used the product. :-)

If I heard the same piece of music ten times, then had someone apply TC to my speaker cables, I’m positive I would hear the difference ....and I’m no fried chicken either.


Just to clarify, I was suggesting to have someone apply the tweak at some point in the 10 trials, and see if you can say at which time it was changed.  It could be on the 3rd time, or the 6th, or whatever.  But the piece must be played for the 10 (or whatever the plan is) times.  As I said I am not big on blind testing but it would be very easy to tell the difference between my old Ref 3 and my Ref 6.  If the difference is profound as it has been described, I would think it would be obvious and audible.

Hi Frank,

I applied TC to my remaining Power Cord as well as the USB cable running from my server to the DAC.

Proceeded to turn on Tidal and play "Tin Pan Alley" by Stevie Ray Vaughn. The moment the intro came on, there was a huge smile on my face :) How is this possible? Who cares, I just closed my eyes and let the music flowwwwww.

^^^ Now you're talking. Its all about the music.  Personally,. I can't seem to tear myself away from the system. I was up at 4:30 this morning listening to music. At some point, I'm going to have to get a full nights sleep. 

dbarger ...

If I were presented with the blind test you alluded to, I believe I could tell the difference between the system with and without the TC treatment. The difference at my place was night and day. 

...I was suggesting to have someone apply the tweak at some point in the 10 trials, and see if you can say at which time it was changed. It could be on the 3rd time, or the 6th, or whatever. But the piece must be played for the 10 (or whatever the plan is) times.
That’s not 10 trials; that's using 10 samples in one single trial. Big difference! You can’t get valid results from any test that relies on just one trial.

If you don’t trust your own ears, what are you doing in this hobby?! (rhetorical question)
Hello Mark...
For ’me’ it’s not about the equipment improvements made in this hobby any longer,which by the way,I have enjoyed tremendously for most of my life..but now rather.. how much more the music ’serves my way of life’...instead of ’me serving the gear’..if that makes any sense to you. I don’t enjoy getting all worked up over whether or not my kit sounds as good as it can as in times past,so in that sense,I have hit the proverbial brick wall..jumping off the carousel. I now happily enjoy being more in service to the music I love.. than the means to that end.

With that being said...I use Audiogon more as a resource for the entertainment value and used gear pricing...than for anything else... Horses for courses.

PS...I still love tube rolling. That is one tweak with great merit. 8) 

My wife would not listen to her music (rock) when we first met when I had Martin Logan Monolith IIIs and Quests.  No bass, no dynamics, poor listening area.  I was driving them with Audio Research Classic 60s and an AR SP14.  Maybe it wasn't sufficient power.  Enter the Focuses and Sig IIIs.  No problem for 18 years with more powerful tube amps and higher end tube gear for the last 15 years.

2017-I install my friend's latest cables, the SR blue fuse and TC without changing the room treatments.  My wife finds the Focuses sound to bright and aggressive.  Reason-the openess exposed the bad slap echo and other acoustic problems in my room.  2018-Solution-SR HFTs (2 sets), SR speaker kits (1 pair) and removable of all baffles, diffusers, other hard surfaces in the room.  Result-she likes listening to her music again.  

Enter the SR Atmosphere XL4.  Placed in front of the speakers, tremendous increase in dynamics, detail and tone intensity.  She really likes it when dialing in Amplify setting for heavy metal and hard rock.  For me, it sounds like horn speakers dynamically, panel speakers for detail and triode amplification for tone depth.  So far, so good.  These are repeatable results.  

As to the TC, fuse and cable changes, my wife noticed the difference immediately and I didn't tell what I did.  The other acoustical tweaks she could see.  I didn't tell her what the differences were, just asked her what do you hear, do you like it or not.  She is not an audiophile.  It didn't require 10 blind tests to get an answer.
I have, however, heard a ton of UNexpectation bias though ... all from those who haven’t seen the product, touched the product, heard the product or used the product.
yes, it is annoying, isn’t it

TC seems to be a good product, one poster found it not god enough, and several to many posters have found it really good

2017-I install my friend’s latest cables, the SR blue fuse and TC without changing the room treatments. My wife finds the Focuses sound to bright and aggressive. Reason-the openess exposed the bad slap echo and other acoustic problems in my room. 2018-Solution-SR HFTs (2 sets), SR speaker kits (1 pair) and removable of all baffles, diffusers, other hard surfaces in the room. Result-she likes listening to her music again.
there are alot of changes mentioned. did they all need to happen at the same time. do you think that you could have achieved the same results with less changes?  it is not really clear what TC has done in this case?

more resolution usually means more room excitement, although not always, and room changes or treatments can change the sound alot.
Let’s play spot the Freudian slip, shall we?

“TC seems to be a good product, one poster found it not god enough, and several to many posters have found it really good.”
No, the changes were made incrementally.  The full TC treatment was also added to my living room CD only audio system which only had the SR Blue Fuse and SR Black duplex, otherwise, no room treatment at all (great room acoustics).  My wife liked the sound before and after treatment there where she generally prefers listening to her rock CDs. The TC opened the soundstage, increased the resolution and deepened the bass.  After that change, I installed two Mapleshade 2" platforms replacing the 1" granite slabs under the bottom firing woofer of Signature IIIs.  This made the system increase in depth, bass definition and seamless highs.  So these were two complementary changes.  My wife says the system rocks.  She has a biology degree from Stonybrook U. and was the top IT business analyst at Reology for title/escrow programming until retiring  No dummy and can't be fooled easily.  If she doesn't approve of a change, she let's me know in no uncertain terms. 
Steve ...

During my first listening session after applying TC for the first time, I was playing an excellent recording of a female voice. My room mate, no audiophile himself, came out of his room and said ... "It sounds so clear that I really thought someone was singing in the living room." This from a guy who had  never even seen a high end system before moving in here.

Jay ...

1. Tim is not running a restaurant. Again, what is between Tim and Ozzy is between Tim and Ozzy.

2. Shelf life: Its working for me.

3. First, Tim’s customer service is first rate. Take the time to read the responses regarding Tim’s service in this thread. The fact that Ozzy has his nose out of joint has no reflection on Tim’s service.

4. Yeppers, I’m an old guy all right. You’re correct, Austrian economics HAS been under attack for just about a hundred years in this country. Who’s doing the attacking though? Marxists? Progressives? Those who believe in massive debt and fiat money? Isn’t a 21 trillion dollar debt and a trillion dollar budget shortage enough for you guys?

5. Obviously clear, Jay ... if you would take the time to read the thread from the beginning, you’d find that a lot of your questions have already been answered.

6. Return policy "side stepped?" Again, read the thread from its inception.

Now then, is there anything else standing in the way of your purchase?


So Jay ... For the third time: Have your questions been answered to your satisfaction, or is there still something standing in the way of your purchase?


1. This is no longer a situation of something between ozzy and Tim. The restaurant example was an analogy that applies to all businesses. Tim admitted to purposely not replying to a customer’s email. This should be a basic courtesy, and is a poor sign on his customer service. He has yet to own up to this, has he?

2. This is still you avoiding the question. How old is your production, read NOT BETAS, TC?

3. See 1.

4. That is a sign of different issues. It has no relevance on the economic principles, and whether huge money is in the pocket books of those applying them.

5. Even if I read through all 22 pages. Most of it is filled with hyperbole, and what Geoff has named the The Last Tweak Syndrome. There is little talk of preferences, goals, and systems. I might dig further when I have time, but a sample, or 1/2 unit would a no brainer. I think you would agree that no matter what anyone says, the true mettle of an audio product is trying it in one’s own system.

6. Again sidestepping the negative review. As to the return policy, if it is different from what Audiogon states, then I would appreciate if you just said so. What is the return policy?

I have laid out THREE questions very clearly. When you answer them, then you can continue your response of "Have your questions been answered to your satisfaction," when you should know they currently have not. Right now you are coming off as a a combination of the archetypes of the used car salesman and the white knight.

Steve ...

During my first listening session after applying TC for the first time, I was playing an excellent recording of a female voice. My room mate, no audiophile himself, came out of his room and said ... "It sounds so clear that I really thought someone was singing in the living room." This from a guy who had never even seen a high end system before moving in here.


You used this same example with the Synergistic fuse. I always find it humorous when people continue to use this example. "Of course it works! Even my non-audiophile wife/daughter/son/friend/roommate/neighbor/dog/cat/gerbil/pet fish/rabbit...can hear the difference." My favorite, "my son knows how it’s supposed sound, he’s in his high school band!" 😂
oregonpapa OP
Geoffkait ...

From hall monitor to spelling monitor?? :o)

>>>>>From the Halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli.

I treated the flat screen power chord (stock chord and no power conditioning) and the dnm interconnect to the dnm preamp with the TC on Sunday afternoon. I did not give it much thought, since I had not watched much television. However on Monday evening after about a five minutes of watching a basketball game, I was pleasantly surprised as to the amount of detail and clarity in the audio. It was definitely not on par with the hi-fi but still noticeable and easier to listen to.

I noticed only a slight improvement on the picture but it’s a nice bonus. 

This product keeps on giving positive results.

Definition of fantastic

1 a : based on fantasy (see 1fantasy 3) : not real
b : conceived or seemingly conceived by unrestrained fancy
"fantastic new space and nuclear weapons" —Jack Raymond
c : so extreme as to challenge belief : unbelievable
a fantastic industrial complex of steel, coal, machine tools, and other heavy industries —M. S. Handler
; broadly : exceedingly large or great spent fantastic sums on his library
2 : marked by extravagant fantasy or extreme individuality : eccentric fantastic works of art

Jay ...

1. What do you know about the situation betweem Ozzy and Tim? Are you aware of anything other than what was posted in this thread? If not, you’re really not qualified to speak on the situation. If you had both sides of the story, then you’d be able to make a fair assessment.

2. How old is my final beta product? Answer is several months. However, I still have some left of the first and second tube ... and they are still viable.

3. See one.

4. Different issues? What issues are you alluding to? Do you think inflation is a natural occurance?

5. It is what it is. And you’re correct, the true mettle is in trying the product in one’s own system. At what point are you going to do that?

6. Are you alluding to Ozzy’s review? Other than that, I’m not familiar with any negative reviews.

And, sorry ... but I’m not familiar with A’gon’s return policy. I’m not the principle here, but only an observer, tester and reporter. For the answer, if I were you, I’d contact A’gon directly, or send a PM to Tim Mrock.

7. Well, with the exception of the return policy, have your questions been answered to your satisfaction so far?

8. You’re right again ... I DID use my room mate example in the Blue fuse thread. I was thinking it was in the TC thread when I posted about it last time. Simple mistake ... thanks for pointing it out.

  • "Right now you are coming off as a a combination of the archetypes of the used car salesman and the white knight."

Have you ever sold for a living, Jay? Have you ever had a job that pays on a 100% commision basis? Just wondering ....


Frank wrote,

”Have you ever sold for a living, Jay? Have you ever had a job that pays on a 100% commision basis? Just wondering ....”

>>>>Have you ever been a prisoner of war in a Chinese camp?

Frank wrote,

”Have you ever sold for a living, Jay? Have you ever had a job that pays on a 100% commision basis? Just wondering ....”

>>>>Mandrake, were you ever a prisoner of war? 😬

^^^ And the purpose of those last two posts was what, exactly?

Geoff recognizes when a tangential comment is made that is completely off topic. You obviously do not recognize irony either. It is clear you just do not get it.

Maybe one day you'll realize that you do as much damage as you do good. If you don't know the answer, don't attempt to answer the question with some verbose rubbish. Let Tim come out from underneath his rock, since you say he reads every message.
This blatant promotional advertising thread is like the energizer bunny. It just keeps going and going and going. Over 1000 posts....on and on and on. 100% commission sales requires some heavy promotional work I guess. TC is to Audiogon as exercise machines/weight loss are to cable TV
Jay sez ...

  • "Geoff recognizes when a tangential comment is made that is completely off topic. You obviously do not recognize irony either. It is clear you just do not get it."

So, not only are you speaking for Ozzy, but now you’re an agent for Geoff too?

Off topic, Jay? I asked you if you had ever held a 100% commissioned job in response to your prejudiced diatribe regarding used car salesmen. That kind of prejudice is based upon ignorance and fear. Its true that the average American is conditioned to not like and not trust salespeople, but that is based upon what, other than prejudice?

shadrorne sez ...

  • "This blatant promotional advertising thread is like the energizer bunny. It just keeps going and going and going. Over 1000 posts....on and on and on. 100% commission sales requires some heavy promotional work I guess."

Its interesting that you continue returning to this thread, Shadrorne, while at the same time complaining that the thread "keeps going and going and going ...."

For what purpose do you continue posting in this thread? I’ve asked you continually what your intent is, and you have yet to answer it. You don’t believe in the product, have no intention of buying it, and yet, you continue to be disruptive in this thread. Why? Again ... what is your intent?

Yep, I have over 1000 posts, but geeze man, I’m just a piker compared with you and your 6627 posts. Kettle calling the pot black?


I've never seen or tried that contraption that Orville and Wilbur built, but I know for sure that it can't possibly work.
Bad example. The Wright Brothers’ first flight was less than 1000 feet.