New Tweak --- Its Fantastic


Over the good part of this past year I’ve been beta testing a new tweak, the name of which is "Total Contact." Its a hi-bred graphene contact enhancer that is different from all other contact enhancers that have come and gone for one reason or another. I’m not new to these contact enhancers, having had quite a bit of experience with a product developed by the late Brian Kyle and his "Quick Silver" contact enhancer. The "Total Contact" is different ... a LOT different.

"Total Contact" is graphene based and is not a vibration control. It eliminates micro-arching between two contacts. Micro-arching, much like Micro-vibration smears the sound in our stereo systems. Its the type of distortion that we don’t know is there .... until we eliminate it. There is no break-in as we know it. The sound is improved right off the bat, but what you hear is only a smidgen of what’s to come.

I tested three generations of "TC," each of which was an improvement over the previous incarnation. The final mix was cryogenitically treated and made for a more effective, much smoother application. It comes in a large hypodermic needle type plunger containing 1.5 ml of product and includes a instructional DVD and an application brush.

The application should be applied with a very thin coat to all of your electrical connections .... from your cartridge pins to your power cords. I did my entire system, including the ends of my fuses.

Upon initial application, you will notice an improvement in clarity, correctness of tonal balance and a more overall organic sound. But ... that is just scratching the surface of what this magic paste does. As it cures, the improvements become more apparent. Much more!

There are two real break-through events that happen almost to the day with "Total Contact," one at four weeks and another at eight weeks . At four weeks, you’ll get a real jump in clarity and overall improvement. That’s only a taste though of what’s to come at eight weeks. At eight weeks your system’s focus will make a jump in SQ that is so real - its surreal.

After 40 years in the hobby, and a total tweak nut, I have never heard anything that does what this graphene paste does. The see-through clarity at eight weeks becomes simply amazing. The "paste" eventually cures into a kind of polymer plastic and it seems that the sound improves with each listening session. So, its important that you leave your contacts alone for the duration. If you’re the type of person that continually switches wires in and out, you’ll have to re paste until enough time has elapsed to get "the cure."

The only problem I had was with the first batch and that had to do with shorting out a tube pin in the line stage. Use the "TC" very sparingly on tube pins, if at all. I only had problems with the line stage tube pins. The Amp, CD Player and Phono Stage has had no tube pin problems at all.

Tim Mrock, one of our fellow A’goners, is the developer of the product. Its taken Tim 15 years and several patents to get it right. Tim has "pasted" every electrical contact he can find in his audio system, all of the switches in his circuit breaker box, every contact in his car ... and has used it in commercial applications such as hospital circuit breakers, surgical lights ... and other places where efficiency and long life of electrical components are deemed important.

This product is highly recommended to anyone who truly wants to get the most out of his/her audio systems. There’s enough product in each tube to do at least two audio systems as it just takes a very thin coat on each application to be effective. The last tube was enough to do my system twice and then a friend’s system this past weekend.


PS: There were a couple of other A’goner beta testers of this product as well. Hopefully, they will chime in here with their experiences for comparison. I "pasted" both of Steve Fleschler’s systems a few days ago, perhaps he will comment on his results too. We forgot to paste Steve’s power cords though, so there’s a lot more to be had from Steve’s two fantastic systems.

@geoffkait   If you don't respond, well... it was nice knowing' ya  😮
The question is, how can anyone know what a panel box door sounds like when the sound keeps changing over time? I never said that removing the panel door didn’t affect the sound or wasn’t a good idea. The sound is always changing. The sound is changing even if you’re doing nothing, which most people probably aren’t. You never put your toe in the same stream twice.
So the sound stream in a audio room can never be isolated because the particle motion in every solid and in the air contained cannot be stopped. Tom
Yikes! Double yikes! 😬 Somebody help me out. What in tarnation is he talking about?

I just treated only my CD player interconnects and it’s power cord in the main system. It seems that the immediate impact that the TC has is that it drops the noise floor. Associated with that, the base is tightened up and the mid and upper frequencies become better focused. I would say more organic.

The best part is that the character and frequency balance of both systems have not gotten hurt in any way. They just get better.

I just upgraded power chords, power conditioning and some interconnects within the last 2 years, not cheap, and I was satisfied with all those upgrades. I also have also elevated all my components and speakers on Stillpoint ss and minis. I was a bit sceptical however, that this product has been able to reveal more musical detail without any negative sides. 
I seems as if I upgraded a power chord or added Stillpoints in the system.

This product is as advertised so far. Even if it does not improve as previously mentioned, I am very happy with the results so far. I will keep you posted as I go.

OP, thank you for letting us know but there are alot of strange posts on this thread. look forward to reading posts about this product.

Does it really make a noticeable difference treating your metre box fuse connections or have I read that incorrectly?
^^^ yping ...

According to those who've treated their circuit breakers, the improvement is really substantial. Be sure the power is off, and if  you don't feel competent to do the job, hire an electrician. 

Should be easy, just treat the pins on the RCD you remove and replug, interesting. is it as simple as that?
Just as a comparison, this one is graphene based also, MSA Graphene Contact Enhancer, although I am sure that it is a little different but the cost is much less. this one does not look as permanent. any thoughts about both of them?

Please do hire an electrician and report back if the electrician approves of using this untested product in your fuse box.

House fires can be costly. Worse they can be fatal.
yes, that is something to consider and one would need to be careful, for sure.
If anyone is actually thinking of applying anything to a fuse in a fuse box, I would recommend you think twice.  However, if you do, you may be eligible to win a Darwin Award.

Sorry for the late response.
I tried it and had to remove it. 
To me, it dulled the high frequencies too much.

are you posting about total contact? isn’t it supposed to be tried for at least 4 weeks and preferably more than 8 weeks?

Total Contact dulls nothing.. I have the latest version the same as I understand Frank is now using and is the subject of this current thread.
Frank stated he had tested 2 previous versions that he pasted and easily removed before the application of this final version. I never heard the older versions.  The latest version I have sounds wonderful and is easy to work with. Tom
Its time for me to report my experience of having TC applied to my inter-connects and speaker cables, Frank himself was gracious enough to come over and assist with the project.
We used paper towels, to keep my coffee table clean, we got some graphene darkening on our fingers, which cleaned up easily.
I've had the system 'cure' for over a week, and have at least 30 hours of music playing through it.
My impression is similar to other positive posters: it clearly tightened up the bass, it is now less 'muddy' and clear. A bit more organic and full sound, what I call 'meat on bones' sonic density, and removed some digital grunge from the highs.
I think my system was already pretty resolving...for digital I am using Vivaldi  dac 2.02, connected to Network Bridge and solid state NAS drives, with TA cords, Veloce tubed battery powered pre, Hegel H-30 stereo amp, Venture speakers.
I wouldn't say the changes were as dramatic as some have posted, but everything matters, and with tweaks, some work, some don't. In this case, I feel it definitely helps improve my enjoyment of listening to music, which is primary goal. It's an easy process, and to help calm some of the hyperbole, you just need to try it yourself, and make your own evaluation.I'm glad I did, I now need to paste my power cords and power conditioner...something I didn't complete.I'll continue to enjoy the benefits of this simple tweak, and hope for a bit more refinement as I reach the more critical 80 hour period of burn in and stabilization.
Thanks, are a good man, a true friend, and I am grateful for your pursuit of allowing us to improve our home listening experience with simple tweaks like Blue fuses, and TC contact enhancer. I am also glad to learn more about jazz and music from you. Please keep it up, and remain true to yourself.

Two versions? I guess I must have missed this being addressed before?
3 versions to be exact, and Frank chose to reveal that, all done in the beta. Wanted to extract every last bit of performance before bringing it to market.
Mribob ...

Thanks for the kind words. I enjoyed the time spent with you and your music system. There's lots left to do in order for you to appreciate what TC can do.  Power cords, fuse ends, TV cable box, DVD player ... and any other connection you can find. And boy, was that scotch delicious!  :-)

Can you confirm that I missed the fact that there where 3 versions of TC revealed in this initial thread or anywhere previously, until now?

Thank you.

I'm willing to be incorrect.
Total Contact dulls nothing. None of the three versions I beta tested dulled anything at all. In fact, the highs were improved right along with everything else. The final version, the one that is for sale, is the smoothest and best sounding of the three. 

Just a simple question for the "scientists" and the "electricians" with PHD's in these various sciences: If one eliminates micro arcing in a circuit panel by "pasting" each switch's contact points with TC, therefore enhancing the contact points, how does that create a fire hazard? Inquiring minds want to know.

Electricity is electricity. After a year of trials with TC, so far none of my audio equipment has gone up in smoke. Just way more efficient in operation. 

Tim ... how many panels have you done to date? As a result, how many Nagasaki's and Hiroshima's have you created?

yping ...

You had a question regarding the comparison of what the Mad Scientist is offering in his graphene contact solution vs TC. I haven't tried the MS product, but there are plenty of reviews on the web.  Based upon the reviews I've read, MS is oil based and is really messy. There are a couple of good reviews, but mostly the improvement gained was marginal. That's not the case with TC. Because of its unique binder, it goes on in paste form, is not messy ... and offers amazing results. The old adage is still true ... "You get what you pay for." 

Slaw sez ...

  • "Can you confirm that I missed the fact that there where 3 versions of TC revealed in this initial thread or anywhere previously, until now?

  • Thank you.

  • I'm willing to be incorrect."

Slaw ... go back to page one and read the thread from the beginning. 

And since when have you been "willing to be incorrect?"

Hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful day!

I wanted to make a statement pertaining to the use of TC in electrical panels. I stated before I have 35 full panel treatments under my belt.

All were done with a Licensed & Bonded Master Electrician, My panel I did alone, but that is my legal right. My point is in no way do I advocate
anyone going into their panel without a Bonded Electrician.

I also would like to state The reckless posting of the panel fire.
It is obvious the poster has never been in a panel, the scenario
it utterly absurd. For starters, it is almost impossible to create a short
between circuits or the legs.

For the current customers that are going to have a electricians go into their panels, feel free to call me, I will walk you through the important contacts to do, which you will know what to look for while the job is being executed, or you can have your electrician contact me.

Have a great Weekend!    



Your question "since when have you been willing to be incorrect" is really invalid. OK, I missed it. You want to make a federal case out of it.

Again, you let your passion get ahead of whatever guides your posts here. (You really hold a grudge, don’t you?)

(for the record, I answered (now) to Frank’s question as to whether I could admit to being wrong)

I did not find it hard to do. I expect the same going forward.
Post removed 
I just applied TC and want to add my impression to these discussions. Before applying, I contacted Tim the other day concerning application to the various contacts. Tim was most informative and very genuine. We spoke at least 20 minutes and he answered all my questions so I felt quite confident prior to the application.

Application went very smoothly on all my components which took about 2 hours. This included 10 power cords, both on the male pins on the cables and in the components IEC sockets; 7 RCA/ SPDIF cables and the outer socket shell on the components; 4 fuses; speaker spades, SR XOT banana pins; 6 SR power warts and connections. I did not apply any to the electrical feeds to the receptacles which I may do later. I did not use the supplied gloves but it was easy to wash off with soap and water. I used approximately .5ml TC on all these contacts so there is enough for 2 additional systems.

Now to the sound. My dedicated sound room is 13x18x7 with a suspended acoustical ceiling, area rug and acoustic panels placed at specific locations. The speakers are approximately 4’ from the front wall and 3’ from side walls and 7’ apart. My listening position is 8’ from the speakers. The first thing I noticed was a larger soundstage which also extended forward. There is also more pop in the music. Voices and instruments were cleaner and clearer. Digital glare on poorer recordings was reduced. This is truly a great product and tweak to my system. I’ve tried various tweaks throughout the years and not all have made a difference or improvement. I’m looking forward to any further improvement over the next 8 week break in period.

BTW- I want to thank Frank for starting this post and responding to my personal questions.
slaw sez:

  • Again, you let your passion get ahead of whatever guides your posts here. (You really hold a grudge, don’t you?)

Grudge? Not me Junior ... I just call 'em as I see 'em.

Go back and re-read all of your negative posts in this thread from the beginning, slaw ... then tell us how trying your best to derail the new product has failed. Utterly failed.

Tell us how sorry you are, slaw. Then after that, apologize to Tim about your destructive behavior. That's what a REAL man would do, slaw.

For the life of me slaw, I cannot imagine why you continue to return to this thread, other than to continue to interject your negative BS ... especially in consideration of all of the very positive reviews starting to come in.


By the way ... for the positive thinkers ... Grover modified a Pioneer Elite DVD player for me a couple of weeks ago. New caps and a beefed up power supply. I've been using it as a CD player. This is one hell of a player. It was treated with TC upon bringing it home two weeks ago.  Had to get an adapter so it would accept the SR power cord.

Robert came over for a listening session last night and commented on how much more coherent everything was compared to when he listened last, three nights ago. I attributed it to the TC starting to set. I only pasted the power cord and the IC's. A fantastic product.


You totally mis-read me/people.

If you really thought the way you post, why on earth, would you continue to make (your case)? Is it that you feel "your case" has not been made? Then, if so, Is it that you still feel a need to have someone to blame for all of your negative comments/posts/roll-out, for this product? If so, Am I the (fall-guy) that you think may be your only outlet to let all of your past failures in your effort to advertise this product in a constructive, ongoing way that relieves you from your initial responsibilities?

You stated that I don’t want people/companies to succeed. How do you come to such a conclusion from my posts? When have I ever made statement that could support that sentiment? Of coarse, I do realize I’m asking the same person who made that crude accusation to respond to my question???

And...Frankly, Frank... I think the product does what others say it does. It is YOU that kept me from being a customer.

You mentioned last week that I was a skeptic, as if that was something that is a negative? Do you really think others are suppose to just (fall in line) if someone like you posts positive comments about an unheard product?

A skeptic..what’s wrong with that? You seem to have an inherent, built in adverse reaction to someone that (may) have any question to a new product? It seems to me that your reply, (no, your role) would be one that would readily accept skeptics and try to guide them through your extensive product knowledge in a even keeled way to bring those (skeptics) around to the correct way of thinking about the very product you are trying to endorse?

What the hell is wrong with you?

I’m still here, just like I promised.
Just want to add that Frank's CD player modified sounds 98% like my EAR Acute CD player ($6000).  It is difficult to tell one from the other in a high end system.  Slightly tighter bass in Pioneer, slightly warmer mids in the Acute    It proves that CD players don't have to be expensive, just well designed with good parts (and top quality ICs/power cables).  
I treated the Audience AR2p TO power conditioner and the Audience power cord AU24 SEi  going to an eichman powerstrip, that my main system plugs into. As mentioned in my last post, the CD player that I treatmented last night, also plugs into this powerstrip. That improvement by itself was quite noticible. Now, combined with this treatment, I can safely say that the improvements in clarity and dynamics are cumulative.

I went though this as I was upgrading power chords, interconnects, and adding the Stillpoints over a two year period. The main difference is that each TC application maximizes each of these already quality upgrades for so little money.

After just about five days, I can say that this stuff is a bargain, even if it does not get any better after “break in”.

I will continue to treat different links in the chain and report back.



You observations are dead on about Tim and the sound characteristics brought about by TC.

Thanks, Resolution1


I'm glad you are finding the same results even by applying TC a little at time. Tim had recommended I treat all connections at the same time so I could hear the total impact. I believe it was well worth the investment even if some say it's too expensive. If this product is too expensive, why do they spend so much on equipment and cables when there are so many great products for a fraction of the cost.


A skeptic..what’s wrong with that?
if you haven’t tried it then really you are a poor skeptic and a nay sayer, and if you are really vocal then you are an unreasonable skeptic and nay sayer. Flat earth comes to mind and measurable proof isn’t always easy.  In fact, I would say that there is no measurable proof but it definitely appears to be very audible.

Sorry in advance, just my thoughts.

I did “invest” a lot into all the upgrades and components over the years and found this to be a huge bargain for the gains we are getting thus far. I’m glad I took a chance on it.

Enjoy the music!


I think you need a description /or a definition of the word (skeptic)?

A (skeptic) by definition is one that has initial concerns.

So, how can a skeptic be a person who has any experience with any product that is under discussion?

GIVE ME A BREAK! I'm sorry you had such thoughts.
So, how can a skeptic be a person who has any experience with any product that is under discussion?
It would appear that you need proof, which is reasonable, but perhaps measurable proof isn’t available or easy to obtain and the measurable proof available is that it definitely appears to be very audible, by peoples ears.

If TC works, for people, then compared to mega dollar component/speaker upgrades, this tweak is quite reasonable.

I always trust my ears because my ears (and my brain) have to live with the resulting music reproduction, but it is nice that others have spent some money and time, and given there opinions on the musical result.

To @oregonpapa ,

I received a few audio devices this week that took my system to a new level.

What may be of concern to you, is that the over 1K I spent this week on tweaks, some of that may well gone towards your TC product....if it wasn't for YOU!

...and frankly, Frank, I'm glad you had no interest in this purchase,


I guess, without you knowing it, you made my case by (your own words). ''There WAS the gobblygook", but you know this..right?

Thank You!


I believe the phrase “cutting off your nose to spite your face” has some application here.
I guess, without you knowing it, you made my case by (your own words). ’’There WAS the gobblygook", but you know this..right?
nope, not at all and you are clearly wrong. TC appears to be gobblygook to you and interesting how you have interpreted the posts but your interpretation is dramatically incorrect and even rude. 

Why do you want everyone to support your unfounded opinion when you haven't even tired TC? This is really quite unreasonable, don't you think so?

Until I try it, I am happy to read other posters opinions and continue to ask, hopefully, reasonable questions.
slaw sez:

  • "I agree with you. So. what’s the problem?"

yping stated the problem very well with these two thoughts:

  • " interesting how you have interpreted the posts but your interpretation is dramatically incorrect and even rude."

  • "Why do you want everyone to support your unfounded opinion when you haven’t even tired TC? This is really quite unreasonable, don’t you think so?"

Slaw ... Its one thing to have an honest opinion and to have doubts, and another to constantly deride a product and anyone who promotes it by hurling personal attacks. Until you’ve tried the product for yourself, in your own system, you have no legs to stand on and no credibility to fall back on.

Why do you continue to come into this thread? Are you lacking in social graces? Missing a filter? Asperger's perchance?

And by the way, slaw ... it doesn’t bother me either way if you buy the product or not. The only one losing here is you. It is what it is ... a fantastic product that enhances the performance of audio/video systems beyond where they were before in a very special way. Something that you won’t discover or enjoy because you’ve allowed your nose to get so far out of joint.

Again, the only time I have ever gone on the offensive here is when I’ve been attacked, or whenever this fine product has been attacked with verbiage like "snake oil." "goop," "scam" ... ect. Other than that, I’m a very mellow guy.

In the future, if you don’t want to be called out for the negative naysayer that you are, try to be a little more civil in your discourse. Reread yping’s last post in its entirety for a hint on how to act while around adults.

35 electrical panels is impressive...

Actually it is often the opposite of a short that can be a problem.  A poor or incomplete contact can create high levels of heat so it is important that whatever you apply does not dry out or break down over time or expand and/or interfere with the connection.

Since this is done with 35 bonded electricians then you should have paperwork to support your claim - an electrician’s invoice and a description of work performed. No doubt you also have a city inspection certificate as electrical work on a breaker panel normally and legally requires a city inspection.

Since TC is so thoroughly and rigorously designed and tested can you provide links and share the above information on just a few of the 35 electrical panels treated with TC?